Run To You - Barry Allen/The...

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

58.3K 1.1K 145

Book (2) Sequel to my Flash x OC fan-fiction, Be You're Hero. Barry finally popped the question to Ella. They... More

Six Months
Constructing A Team Flash
What's Changed?
Defining The Problem
The Truth
Take A Chance
Last Chance
Stone Cold
You Belong To Me
Coming Home
Killer Frost
Back To Our Normal
Never Stopped
Permanent Valentine
One Will Fall
With You
Learning The Truth
Never Lose Hope
Mrs. Kent
I Need To Know. . .
Trust and Fear
Responsibility and Sacrifice
Love's Strength
Every Hour Every Minute
I Have To Know
Make It Right
Hope For New Beginings
"Not Fine. . ."
Our Last Night
You Lose
End of The Line
Authors Note! Please Read!!!
Going On With Life
Finally United

Back Into The Speed Force

976 20 0
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Ella's POV.

Ella ran after Barry. She ran into Joe and Iris on the way down to the speed lab and told them to follow her. When they got down to the lab Cisco, Julian, H.R., Cait and Cisco were talking.

"That's where the future you trapped him." Julian said.


"Trapped him where?" Ella asked walking down the steps.

"The Speed Force." Barry answered.

"That's why Savitar appears for only a few moments at a time, because the Speed Force just sucks him back in. Makes since."

Cait placed her hands on her hips "But we threw the Philosopher Stone into the Speed Force."

"We gave him the exact thing he needs to escape." Cisco nodded.

"Except he said he still needed one thing."
Everyone looked at Barry waiting for him to give the answer. "I don't think he came come out because he doesn't have the whole stone."

Ella and Iris smiled at each other in relief. He would never get it. They were a step ahead now. A thunderous sound filled the lab.

They all turned to see Jesse who had just run in. "Guys, Wally went after Savitar!"


"He started hallucinating. He thought he was talking to his mom."

Julian shook his head in alarm. "No that's-that's not her that's Savitar!"

"Where'd he go?" Barry asked in worry.

"I-I don't know. Okay, he-he was freaking out and he said that he needed to stop Savitar from getting out! And he sped off." Jesse explained, talking with her hands.

They all looked at Barry in alarm.

"The stone!" Cisco exclaimed.

They opened the box. It was gone.


Barry ran to where Cisco had located a massive power surge. Cisco pulled up the security footage and the team watched. On the screen they saw a portal had opened, most likely to the Speed Force and Wally was being sucked inside. Iris and Jesse gasped in fear. Ella quickly went to her best friend's side and wrapped her arm around her.

Barry appeared on the screen next and as soon as he did the portal began to grab onto Wally pulling him further in. Wally tried to run out, struggling to get away, but the portal kept sucking him in more and more. So his suit began to evaporate and burn.

He screamed in agony and fear. "Help me, Barry!"

Joe covered his mouth as tears filled his eyes. Iris covered her mouth as well. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Ella held onto her tightly. Barry just stood there watching, unable to do anything. Finally Wally was gone and the portal closed. Iris turned to her dad and cried into his chest.

The team watched as Barry grabbed Wally's charred suit off the pavement. Now another portal opened and the speedster, Savitar, crawled out. For the first time the team saw their foe. Barry stood definitely against him. Savitar continued to craw across the pavement like a desperate animal and looked up to the sky.

"I'm free!"

Iris was now sobbing in Ella's arms. Her brother was gone. Where? They didn't know.

Savitar stood. "Ground. Air. I can feel again. I can breath again. I've beaten you, finally!"

"Where's Wally? What just happened to him?"

Savitar circled Barry. "Like the Greek myth of Atlas who could not put down the sky until someone took his place, Wally has taken my place in the Speed Force. You know me. I love a good myth."

"He took your place? What do you-"

"When you created Flashpoint you unwittingly provided me with the means for my return. You gave me the idea to turn Wally into Kid Flash. To make him fast enough to replace me in your prison. His youth and ego were my allies. So taken with his fame and speed he never saw he was running right into my trap."

"How do I get him out?" Barry asked.

"Wally's gone."

"How do I get him out!" He repeated strongly.

"Suffering in an endless void for all eternity, another victim Barry Allen failed to save!"
The evil speedster hissed. His eyes glowed even more viscously than normal

That was it for Barry. He and Savitar ran at each other. Lightning flashing behind them both. With a crack of thunder they both flew back onto the pavement. The team watched the monitor as Savitar raced out of the picture and Barry followed. Both disappeared into the night.

Jesse sat down in a chair crying, while Cait went over to comfort her. Joe sat down as well, barely able to make it to the chair. The West's has been torn apart again.

A few minutes later Barry ran into the lab gasping and wincing in pain. He had been stabbed in the shoulder by Savitar and the metal dagger was still inside. Cait immediately went to work. She couldn't give him anything for the pain because he'd just burn through it so he stayed awake for her to pull the claw out. Finally he passed out from the pain.

Ella stayed at Barry's side for hours after Cait had stitched him up. Iris and Joe were in the main lab comforting each other. Eventually Ella saw Barry's eyes fluttered open.

She leaned forward holding his hand. "Hey."

He looked around, trying to get his bearings. "Hey. How long was I out?"

"Just a couple hours."

"Where is everyone?"

"Joe and Iris are in the main lab. Cait, Cisco and H.R. are down stairs and Jesse and Julian are somewhere around here." She answered solemnly.

He nodded and looked down at her left hand that was in his.

"Does it still hurt?" She asked.

"Yeah. A bit." He answered, still staring down at their joined hands.

Swallowing, he spoke quietly. "I'm sorry."

She furrowed her eyebrows, asking him what he was apologizing for.

"Today, when you mentioned. . .us. How you'd never-I didn't want to think about it. I haven't wanted to."

"What are you talking about?" She asked, now very confused.

His eyes were full of unshed tears."I thought the longer I put us off. . .the bigger the chance that-that their could be something to look forward to. Just to have that to wait for. . .it felt reachable. Possible." He whispered.
Shaking his head, a single tear rolled down his cheek. "I was afraid. Afraid of accepting the fact that. . .waiting may not be possible for us."

Ella bit her lip, holding back her own tears. She didn't want to have this conversation right now. Not when Wally had just disappeared and the West's were in the other room grieving. Not to mention the fact that Savitar had just escaped and that there was probably no chance now of she and Barry being together.

Standing she let go of his hand. "I'm gonna go call the team."

She heard him sigh as she exited. When everyone came in Cait checked him out.

"Your vitals are stable. Are you in much pain?" Cait asked sympathetically.

Barry opened his mouth to answer, but stopped as soon as his eyes landed on Joe. The detective was holding his son's suit or what was left of it. His eyes stared into nothingness as Iris hugged his side.

"I uh might be able to do something with this." Cisco said holding up Savitars dagger.

Barry, again, didn't answer. He only looked at the yellow suit in the father's hands.

"Joe. . .I'm so sorry." He whispered.

Ella held Barry's arm, standing on the left side of his bed.

Joe shook his head. "Not your fault."

Ella looked down. Wally had disappeared trying to prevent Savitar's escape only so she would be safe. It hadn't been worth it. She hadn't been worth that kind of sacrifice.

"Where is he? I mean. . .is he in pain? Is he-" Joe choked on his words.

Not able to hear anymore Jesse left the room crying. Iris immediately went after her.

"One will suffer a fate worse than death." Cisco breathed.

H. R went after Iris and Jesse, leaving Joe, Cisco, Julian, Ella and Barry in the med lab.

"What are we gonna do? We have to bring him back. We have to save him. I can't lose Wally, Barry." Joe's voice shook as he walked away, suit in hand.

"Dad. . ." Iris breathed as she watched him leave.

She looked down at Barry. Her eyes were filled with sorrow.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

She nodded. "I know you are and it's not your fault. Wally made his-" Tears rolled down her cheeks. She opened her mouth to say more, but couldn't. After glancing briefly at Ella she walked off after her father.

"I'm gonna work on this." Cisco excused himself followed by Julian.
"Yeah. I'll see you soon."

Cait stood beside Ella. Her eyes were filled with tears. Shaking her head, she looked at them both. "I'm sorry. I should have never-. . .I was afraid."

Barry stared ahead with tears falling down his cheeks. "I know. Believe me I know. Fear makes us do a lot of things we shouldn't. . . My fear's the reason for all of this."

Barry's POV.

After Barry was healed he made a decision to travel into the Speed Force and save Wally. He couldn't let anyone else pay for his sins. Especially not Wally. The West's has suffered enough without their son and brother being taken away from them.

Cisco and Cait designed a way to tether him to the real world and a way to measure his vitals.

Before even getting started he took iris into the hall privately. "I'm gonna bring Wally back. I promise you."

"Okay." She whispered.

He nodded. "I understand if this. . .what's happened. . .causes a rift between us. I know this is all my fault. He's your brother and I shouldn't have been so tough on him."

"It's not going to cause a rift, Barry." She sighed. "You're my best friend and brother. I just lost Wally. I can't lose you too."

"Well, he won't be lost for long. I'm brining him back. No matter what."

Tearing up, his foster sister hugged him tightly.
Parting, she crossed her arms. "Now. . ., what is going on between you and Ella?"

He sighed. "Nothing really. I just. . .I told her something."

"What did you tell her?"

"Basically that the reason I haven't proposed to her in this time-line again is because I've been too afraid. She left though before I could say more."


He nodded.

"Afraid of what?"

"I thought by putting it off that it would make it a definite for us in the future. That somehow if we could look forward a future together that it meant her death wouldn't happen, or maybe that if I did propose or we got married then it would hurt more to lose her. . .I've been in denial this whole time. Living a lie. Now we're here and her death seems even closer and more possible than ever before."

Iris looked down as Barry wiped away stray tears.

"So what now?" She asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that I love her and I can't live without her."

"Do you want to marry her?"

"Of course. That's all I want."

Iris gave a nod. "Then do it."

He eyed her in confusion.

"Look, Bare. You love her. You said it yourself. She's the love of your life. I can't say that this isn't going to happen, but what I can tell you is. . .don't waist the time you have with her. Trust me. You don't want to look back one day and wish you could have experienced just a little time with them as man and wife. To have them as yours even for a day. To have them know just how much you love them. . .Don't do that to yourself."

Barry knew she was talking Eddie. Maybe she was right. Maybe putting off being together would only cause regrets in the end.


The team came together to see Barry off. They placed a mechanism in his symbol to tether him to reality, as planned.

Before going in, Joe hugged Barry. "Find my boy."

Barry nodded. "I'm gonna do whatever it takes."

Next was Iris. He hugged his sister tightly.

"Thank you."

He smiled at her. "I'll bring him back. You'll get your brother back."

She stepped away, leaving Ella in front of him.

He stared at her for a moment when he saw the encouraging, yet fearful smile on her lips.

"It's gonna be okay."

She gave a nod without responding at first.
She stepped forward. "I know. I know, I just. . .come back to me, okay?"

Barry smiled at her softly. He loved her so much. He didn't want to leave her ever again, but he was going to. He was sure she knew his plan, yet she wasn't trying to stop him, but she was worried.

He placed his hand on the back of her neck and looked her dead in the eye. "I love you. Okay? No matter what happens don't forget that."

She nodded with tears in her eyes.

He leaned down and kissed her. Barry relished the feeling of her lips on his and didn't take it for granted. He would never again take any of their time together for granted. If they would even have more time after this.

Ella was the first to break the short kiss, her lips inches away from his.
"I love you, Barry."

He kissed her lips. "I love you too."

With that he stepped away and walked over to Cisco, his friend, put his hand on his shoulder and vibed him into the Speed Force. When he let go, he was alone in the cloud of lightning.

Suddenly, everything changed. He was in his lab at night. It was storming outside. Immediately he was reminded of the night it all began. The night he got his speed.

Barry walked down the stairs to the main floor of the CCPD and heard a noise. Thinking it was Wally he followed it into the office room. At the window there stood a man with his back turned.


The man turned towards Barry and revealed his face. Barry was immediately taken back.

"Hey, Bare." It was Eddie or what looked like Eddie. "Why are you here? Why did you come back to this place?"

"I'm here to save Wally West."

"Ever the hero, huh Barry?"

"Where is he? Where is Wally West?" Barry asked firmly while walking closer.

"He's not exactly here per-say. He's in the prison you created. Well, your future self, that is." The Speed Force answered.

"How do I get him out? How do I get him out?" He demanded.

"I think you'll find that we aren't going to be as accommodating as we were the last time you visited us.

"What-what the heck does that mean?"

"It means things have changed." The Speed Force began to explain. "We gave you your speed back because you said you'd come to terms with your mother's death, but you lied to us."

Barry started to argue, but was interrupted. "I-"

"You went back in time and saved her and in doing so you created Flashpoint."

"Zoom had just killed my father." He excused. "We know and we understand, which is why we aloud you to do that, but choices have consequences. And I'm afraid we can't let you make anymore choices like that."

Barry was outraged. "Wally is just a kid!"

"He's a Flash. He made his choice. Now he had to live with it. Just like you do."

Barry shook his head. He was getting Wally back with or without the Speed Force's permission.

"I'm not leaving 'till Wally's free." The Speed Force through Eddie looked at him with pity. "Then be prepared to spend eternity in here."

The Speed Force through Eddie walked over to the plaque dedicated to the young detective. "Eddie Thawn's life was almost so different." It began. "Iris was about to be his wife. Joe his father-in-law."

Barry looked over to Joe's desk and saw he and Iris sitting there looking at him. But things didn't turn out that way, did they Barry?"

A loud gunshot rang out. He looked to the floor to see blood dripping onto it. The Speed Force image of Eddie had a gunshot wound in exactly the same place where the real Eddie had been shot. "Instead of that life being his legacy. . .this is." The Speed Force turned around and took Eddies picture off the wall.

It set it down and turned back to Barry. "So the only reason you came back was for Wally?"

Barry winced at the blood stain on Eddie's shirt. No. It wasn't Eddie. It was an illusion.

"Yes." He answered.

"There's no other reason?"


The Speed Force nodded. "Alright then, Bare. If you want Wally all you need to do is go through those doors."

They pointed at the elevator. "But you're going to have to outrun that thing first."

A familiar screech sounded. A Time Wraith.

Barry ran around the building trying to get away and finally made it to the elevator. As he went down, the inside began to change. The elevator was no longer pristine wood with gold trimmings. Now it was plain metal. The doors opened. It was STAR Labs.

Walking into the hall he heard the sound of a baby crying. As he drew nearer to the main lab he heard the soft voice of a woman singing Hush Little Baby. Walking in, he saw who the woman was.


She was wearing a light teal dress and holding a baby in a pink blanket. She looked so happy and untouched by everything. Everything he had caused. Barry stopped when he got up to her. She didn't react to his presence at all.

"That baby. . .is she-"

"Beautiful. Just like her mother."

Barry turned around in shock to see Ronnie standing in the doorway gazing at Caitlin. "Ronnie."

"Hello, Barry. We need to talk."
He began. "This troubles you. Another life that could have been, but never was." Ronnie went over and kissed the baby's head.

Barry stared at the illusion. The family that should have been.

"Caitlin and Ronnie should have had that. A family. A future."

The illusion of Cait walked into her med-lab silently, while the illusion of Ronnie watched her go, before turning a round.

"The future doesn't always turn out as we want."

"I see what you're doing. First Eddie. Now Ronnie? Showing all the people who sacrificed themselves for the greater good?"

"No, Barry. Their sacrifices were for you. As was Wally's when he attempted to stop Savitar." The Speed Force corrected.

"Savitar tricked, Wally and now he's trapped. Wally doesn't belong in the Speed Force. You have to let me take his place."

The Speed Force didn't answer.

Sighing, he nodded in defeat. "That's why I'm here."

"That's the other reason, Barry."

He nodded in admittance. "I want to sacrifice myself for Wally."

The Speed Force shook their head. "We cant allow that."

"Why not?"

"Because where Wally's gone is a hell all his own."

"Savitar said one will suffer a fate far worse than death." Barry recalled.

"And it's not for you. Leave, Barry. While you still can." As Ronnie started walking away Barry called out a resounding.

"No." He put on his mask. "Whatever Hell Wally's trapped in I'm gonna set him free and I'm not leaving here until I do."

Ronnie shrugged. "Very well, but you were warned."

A Wraith's screech sounded and the next thing he knew, Barry was flying across the desk with Zoloman standing over him. He was a Wraith. Barry raced to the elevator, but was pulled out by Black Flash. He held him on the ground.

"We warned you." The illusion of Ronnie walked into the hall.

"Why are you doing this?" Barry gasped for air.

"You speak of sacrifice, yet you still let other bear the burdens that should be on your shoulders." Ronnie crouched down beside him.

Barry yelled in pain as Zoloman began to choke him. "Okay! You're right. You're right. I never should have asked Wally to save Ella! It should have been me! Please. Let me save him." He begged.

"There's only one way to free Wally West from his eternal torment. You must free yourself first."

Barry couldn't understand the Speed Force's meaning. Zoloman growled loudly putting pressure on Barry's neck. Pain began to consume his body. He could feel himself becoming a Wraith. He fought it with every cell in his body, but it just kept coming. He only had one option. It meant maybe never seeing his world again. His friends. Ella.

He reached down to his chest "I'm sorry, Ella."
He took it off with all his strength.
"I love you."

With that he plunged it into Zoloman's chest. The Wraith let go of Barry, screeching in pain as he was electrocuted. Suddenly darkness consumed him.

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