So HigH!! :; SKI MASK THE SLU...

By XXXstokeleyyyy

24.2K 762 375

Just keep reading it will make sense🤦🏾‍♀️✌🏽 More

6.18.18 were sadly almost there😥😔
15. 😔💔


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By XXXstokeleyyyy

"what the fuck?!" me and stokeley say in unison once we realized who was behind the door. It was Geneva. "i- i know i'm probably the last person yall would want to see right now, but-

"what the fuck you mean? Do you know what your putting me and my family through?" I say going closer to her wanting to strangle her to death. Stoke grabbed held me back.*stoke lets out a deep breath "Geneva why are you here?" Stoke says calmly with his hand over his face looking down. 

"I came here to give a explanation. I'm sorry if what your brother did caused you and your family trouble but, I can't help if me speaking up caused you pain.  .. I know how hard it is-"

"Do you bitch? Do you? cause I don't think you do.- "  I start to scream at her about to cry. "Jay calm down." stoke says trying to interrupt me so i wouldn't say what i was about to say next.           

"NO, stoke let me talk cause i been holding this shit in and i'm bout ready to kill myself over this shit! My brother is in jail because he so called 'abused' you.

*she says with Quotation marks' 

My brother, the one that would put others before himself all the time. The one that bought a promise ring for your bitch ass that cost almost more then a house itself. The one that sacrificed his whole childhood to be a father figure to me. Yeah, shit Kinda don't add up."

Geneva stood there still not knowing what to say. "J-  Jay. .. . I'm s- sorry. I- I-" 

"bitch get the fuck out my face with that bullshit. Dumb ass hoe, I swear GO! or I swear fo' god i will kill you!" I say not knowing i had all that anger built up inside me, It kinda felt good to get it all out.

Geneva stands there numb. No face expression, No words to say. Nothing. Then a evil smirk comes across her face. As if some type of demon took over her body. "don't be rude sweet heart" she says quickly and roughly grabbing my wrist. "Just know that Jah's sentence is in my hands. He could be going away for... . i dunno LIFE. So don't piss me off." She says tighting her grip on my wrist. Stokeley grabs her wrist and forces it off. "first off, his name it's not Jah to you it's Jahseh. I knew you were lying. .. . Lying ass bitch!" Stoke says clenching his fist I grab his hand that was clenched and shake my head implying it was not worth it. 

"I never said i was lying. I might seem like a snake right now, but the truth will come out. Your brother and your best friend is NOT who he makes out to be." She says walking to the car that drove her here. She drives off.

I run up stairs disappointed in myself,  Jah,  in the whole fucking situation. "Jay! Jayla..!" Stoke says running after me. I got in the room fast enough and closed and locked the door. I cried, and cried , and cried wanting to just stab myself in the chest. Is Geneva really telling the truth about Jah? MY BROTHER, a small part of me wanted to say no and still have hope. But a even bigger part of me believed Geneva. She was like my big sister. Her and Jah had been going strong for a long time.  

Me and Geneva were sitting on Jah's bed. While Stoke and him played the game. They were screaming and arguing. "bro shut up," i yelled. Stoke turned around "bro, do you wanna fight?" he asked getting up. Back then i was pussy. " Nah, you got that dude." I say He reaches over and lightly slaps me and sit back down and start to play the game. "he likes you.." Geneva whispers to me. " no he dosen't" i say lauging at what she said. She was the only one I ever told about my crush on Stokeley. I felt Like I could trust her. "would i ever lie to you?" she ask. Ever since then i believed every word she said.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i wanna say thanks to 

@XXXBREZZYGAL  for all the support.

LUv yall!

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