How to be a Badass?

By IAmDene

607 17 9

Rule Six, never turn down a dare! ❝C'mon I'd love to see her cry, it’s worth a shot.❞ Decarlo gazed into my e... More

Rule 1: Don't let your mum catch you ever!

Rule 2: You don't choose your family, fantasizing doesn't help.

153 6 0
By IAmDene

Rule 2: You don't choose your family, fantasizing doesn't help.


Usually people would stay up late packing their stuff when they move. I tried that, and here I am playing need for speed. Leaving my piles of boxes with my belongings laying around my room. It’s nice that we actually got the house I spent my childhood back.

The only disappointment was my room that used to be sea blue with sea-creatures ended up being pain. Sadly the people that lived here painted all the walls bleach and boring. If I can’t pack my stuff, I surely wouldn’t mange repainting that’s too much work.

I seat upside right after all my blood began to flow to my brain. I took off my glasses. That’s right I wear glasses, caused by my addition of playing videogames in the dark.

I glanced at my alarm clock:

04:03 AM

I sighed taking off my sweater as it got hot. That’s the thing with Florida’s weather changes one minute, its cold the next it’s blazing hot. I walked towards my closet. Whereby I did manage to pack some of my clothes, okay my mum helped me.

I stripped my shirt off, leaving my bra on. I decided to go downstairs and get some ice cream. After I did immediately I ran back up too my room. Remembering that Reece lives with us now.  He was enrolled in military school since he was in the ninth grade. Now his back to finish his senior year.

The sounds of the ocean slashing onto shore being back memories of my childhood. It feels like home. I opened my window wider. That’s when I realized my neighbour’s window was as well wide opening. I mean aren’t they afraid of someone breaking in. There’s a lot of criminals and curious people. Like me, just the window being opening makes me want to jump in and explore.

For some reason that reminded me of my neighbours that lived here or possible still lived here. If I’m correct they were a Spanish family with four sons and one with a twin that passed away three years ago. I remembered attending his funeral Kyle Coleman he was a nice person and I forgot his twin brother’s name. His name is like one of those names which doesn’t stick to mind.

Reece was best friends with their eldest son Ian, then their friendship just ended, in the worst possible ways which resulted Reece going to military school. Ian, I don’t know what happened to him.

Then lastly Ramón the cutest baby I have since. Well his five now, I don’t know if his brothers have corrupted his adorableness and innocent mind.

I got a shirt on before I climbed onto the tree that was occupied in the little space between my room and the neighbours’. I finally got on to the roof. Despite the fact I wore a pink shirt and boxers didn’t really bother me. I mean it’s four in the morning nobody is going to see me right?

I feeling of memories running though my as the wind flowing into my hair. As the sun slowly peeked, showing the early stage of the twilight skies, though it was pretty dark, luckily the street light were kind of bright , how beautiful those view was.

The beautiful sounds of the waves that splashing onto shore, the melodic sweet songs of the eye catching blue birds in the plum trees, the lovely smell of fresh sea water was what I love the most about the beach, the that may be the only reason I missed Florida. The beach is basically my backyard.

I adored the feeling of every second that’s until I was disturbed.

 “Dean you fucking child” yelled man at the top of his voice Hispanic accent so intense and a little bit of fear. Every word came out crystal clear into my ears to brain-cells functioning very utterly brutal

I was just in the middle of peace and relaxation. Thanks to the Colemans’ for waking up early this morning. Did I miss my morning alarm?


I know, it’s none of my business with the Colemans issues. If you’re like me and you are just lying in bed whilst it’s still dark judging pretty much becomes your only entertainment. I always used to give my own mentally opinion before as a secret silent family therapist undercover. Sick but hones truth is I had very realistic and valuable solutions to their problems. I swear I might be the first teenage therapist.

“What the fuck did I do now it’s not like you even give a damn what I do nowadays” yelled who I suppose was Dean with a slight Spanish accent sleepy and husky, but a little bit high indicating his youth. It was possible for of any living soul to have heard the pain in his voice. I kind of almost felt for him, almost.

Who I have heart-felt sorrow for was Ramón, little innocent playful mind being exposed to curse words and violent. That’s basically how criminals start out, from broken families. I bet their father is one those super strict parents which is unnecessarily cruel to his children. I mean I lived sixteen and half years with none strict parents and I turned out… Never mind.

“Decarlo don’t you dare talk to me like that!” Mr Coleman said.

Decarlo, that’s his full name, I remember now. It’s like it’s all coming to me. People called him Dean for short but I think Decarlo is an adorable name.

I remember him and Kyle being so diametrical, they may have been identical twins. Like most twins usually grow up liking the same things and always dressing similar, but they were two different people with the same face.

The only difference between them, Kyle had green eyes with a hint of blue, while Dean had pure green eyes. You get those people whose eyes are just so damn unique it makes you jealous. Sometimes it seemed his eyes where cable of shooting lazars. 

I remembered this one time I went over to the Colemans residence. It was like entering a haunted house with a lifeless sprit, like you could already feel the intense unwanted feeling.

  “Honey, don’t be so hard on him” Mrs Coleman yelled as well, making this yet another family’s issue subtracting Ian, only the Lord knows where the boy is.

 In my mind I could  mentally in bringing it to my own term picture how the scenario with Mrs Coleman standing between Mr Coleman and Dean, trying to cool the tension amongst both men or should I say a man and teenager. 

I sat at on edge of the roof, dangling my legs. Right opposite the Colemans’ house. I was assuming the room with there never closed window and curtains forever wide open was probably Decarlo’s. Known as typical teenager boys’ room, as it was slightly messy but clean in a way for a boy’s room.

“Mum stay out of this, I can’t wait until I leave for college soon, I can’t stand staying here while you stuck his ass” Decarlo bellowed this time there was anger and rage in his voice.

That’s basically why people where sacred for the boy he had anger problems!

I head his footsteps running up the staircase as his father followed.

“Out of all the boys I have Kyle had to die he had a bright future ahead of him. I much rather wish he stayed alive and you died he never deserved to die, he had a bright future ahead of him.” Mr Coleman bellowed.

I don’t know about you, but that’s just cold. You were on a roll Mr Coleman, I had respect for you but you just crossed the line, too much.

He’s running pace up the staircase thickened “Is that why you always try to beat me to death” after that I heard door slammed hard as if he kicked in shut. It started me.

A small amount birds scatted away into the early sun rise. Amazing sounds came from the ravens in the tall, long oak tree, the beautiful sounds of the birds chirping. The sun rays raising slowing making the sky a mixture of orange and red.

A swift breeze passed by me blowing my hair in my face. Reason I hate my long hair but I will never cut, though reached my lower back. That’s three years gone to waste, it was back in the days when Rapunzel was my favourite story, once again my mother’s doings.

I helpless tried pushing my hair out of my face, it got irritating. You could basically say I was fighting back and forth with my hair.

“Damn you got long hair!” I heard a voice.

“Who’s that!?” I shrieked has I tried to break the knots covering my eyes. I groaned, as I finally managed to tame out of my face.

My heartbeat increased, and I breathless breathed fast and hasty, who knew one could get into a fight with their hair, which was more of a morning workout. It’s like getting into a fight with a huge hair ball. Don’t judge me nobody awakened with prefect hair.

I glanced up looking directly of the mysterious voice, it was Decarlo, sitting on the edge of the roof. Wearing brown khaki shorts and only brown khaki shorts. What he is trying to prove? He’s curly dripped of water a bit, indicating he just possibly just had a shower.

“Aren’t you going to ask me? Why- don’t-you-cut-your-hair?” He repeated.

Is he okay. I glanced behind me making sure he was referring to me, I glanced back at him and gazed at my long hair.

“Because don’t want too” I replied.

“That’s not an accurate answer” His slight Spanish accent was heard.

“What are you, my mum?” I exclaimed.

“Why you gotta be so rude, don’t you know I’m human too” A smirk sparkled on his lips.

Is this real life, Decarlo Coleman quoting music? And actually smiling, after hearing him swear and his anger problems his certainly not somebody I would mess it.

I rolled my eyes “You asking me to cut my hair is liking asking you not to overdo it with the gel in your hair” I smirked.

A devious grin appeared on his lips, showing his dimples.

“Life is about equality, with the opposite gender, right?” He asked.

My eyebrows rose “y-e-s” I answered slowly and confused.

“Can you take off your shirt, it’s intimidating?” He smirked.

He’s cockier then he seemed with the naked eye. I honestly thought he wouldn’t be the type that joked around, right after a huge fight with his father.

I giggled as I grinned flashing him my middle-finger.

“Can I call you Rapunzel, because it only makes sense?” He said.

“No” I exclaimed.

“This has to be the first, you actually talking to me while not looking nervous.”

“Really, Decarlo?”

“Aw, I forgot how so cute you were when you say my full name” He smirked.

“When did you get so full of yourself?” I asked curious folding my arms.

“When did you stop begin scared of me?”

“I was never scared to you!” I protested.

“There’s your answer for both questions.” He smirked as the sun rays reached his gorgeous eyes, I’m jealous.

He was shirtless and had a tattoo across his cheat while the rest of his body was buried, I knew! On his left hand he hand a fingerless glove.

 “Like my tattoo, Kitten” He took me out of my thoughts.

“Your nick names are overrated and annoying” I demanded.

“Then what should I call you?” He asked.

“You could call me Raquel” I stated.

“But I like kittens, its simple shorter, kind of rhymes, and less syllables”

“Kitten has two syllables so does Raquel.” 

Is this like some wired dream? Decarlo and I were actually talking like friends, after four years of not talking. He seemed to be more confident than he was at age thirteen.

“I like kittens why is it so offensive-”

“Dean” my eyes landed on a boy who was standing near the window in Decarlo’s room. He was so cute who looked similar to Decarlo with similar looking eyes.  Why are they blessed with such unique eyes, and I have plain common brown eyes.

“Is that your bother, his so cute” I uttered, memorized in his cuteness. 

“Mummy and daddy sleeping, and me hungry” he said, with his adorable eye-catching big green eyes.

“Yeah, I gotta go get him for school and stuff... so see ya around” Decarlo said.

He quickly jumped on the tree between our rooms. I still don’t understand how I wasn’t able to have heard him climbed the tree.

I, myself decided I should get into my room

It was ten minutes to six. I laid in my bed enjoying my last minutes in my bed. I covered my body, automatically my body curled into an egg form.

Seconds later my bedroom door busted open.

“Raquel get up!!!” Reece deep voice echoed through my room. 

I moaned, hoping he would leave me alone.

“Get out” I uttered.

Reece began to jump on my bed like a five year having the vocal cords of a nineteen year old who developed a five o’clock shadow.

You don’t choose your family that’s one thing for sure.

He then ripped off my blankets,

“Reece leave me I have my six minutes left” I moaned.

“Get up Raquel, and that’s sir, Reece to you”

I glanced up at him realized he was wearing his military uniform, I don’t know for what reasons. If he really believes that nonsense of guys look sexier in a uniform. So he went to military school and thinks he can run my life, in a brutal military lifestyle

“Reece we not in the military, you can’t control my life” I wined.

“What are you, on your period?” He folded his arms cross his cheat gazing down at me. I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

 “Reece we not in the military can’t control my life”He trailed off mimicking me in a high pitched voice. He laughed hysterically at his bad sense of humour. He’s lucky his blessed with a pretty face, because funny isn’t an option for him. He walked out closing my door shut.

I glanced at my clock. Great he wasted my ten minutes, just great.

I stood up quicker than necessarily, it momentary blinded me. I headed into my closet. Getting skinny jeans. I grabbed my favourite all stars of the duty shoe rack. I quickly dressed up tagging a simple fall out boy band tee. I brushed my long curly black hair.

I grabbed my bag with my new planner. As I was about to head out, I remembered getting a NYC snapback. I hate tying my hair and a snapback keeps it in place. With no stress involved into the equation.   

I passed the bathroom and saw Tori busy applying eyeliner. Who has time for makeup in High School all the boys are douchebags anyways, especially the self-proclaimed bad boys. Clearly they’re even close to bad. I mean what bad boys have clear prefect skin including the fact that some tan. You’re not bad you’re just a stupid rich pretty boy.

I run down stairs and saw my mum preparing dinner, as I entered the kitchen, before my shoe could be marked on the clear white titles Reece stopped me. I glanced at him weirdly. He’s eyes looked me from my shoes to my head.

“Good, I like that I can’t tell you’re a female” He remarked.

I rolled my eyes at him. A slight smile curved on the side of my lips. Swiftly sat on a stool opposite my mum who was busy preparing some pancakes on the stove.

Sounds of hearing Tori groaned was probably clear signs of Reece as he said

“You can’t be showing cleavage where there’s a bunch of horny boys” He exclaimed.

Tori groaned again “You need ‘a get a life and stop controlling mine for damn sake’s your just a year old”

Here we go, the usually morning fights with Tori and Reece, it’s not surprising, really. They always on each other’s cases. I guess you could say that’s how the show love. It’s expressed in many ways, some see those way as the wrong ways, which I personally think is stupid. You can’t be told how to love, there’s no specifying way it can be show, but certain to be felt the same way.

It’s kind of like Dean and his father.

“Tori don’ say such words in my presence” My mum bellowed.

I rolled my eyes, as a smile curved on the side of my lips. There’s one thing in life, you don’t choose your family. If I could, my husband would be Channing Tatum we would have two boys named Decarlo, and Augustus and a baby girl named Rachel, that’s the prefect family I could in my life. But I’d miss Reece and Tori’s fights, constantly.

“Mum sooner or later they’re going to get into war” I chuckled.

She giggled “Tori is stubborn gets it from your grandmother oh that woman can be a pain in the butt…”  My mum mists clenched, as she stopped steering the gravy. “…Reece on the other hand is like your father, over-protective” She added as I saw a peek of a little smile lingered on her lips.

It kind of made happy on the inside to see her smile like that. She hardly ever smiled, ever since my dad past away in the military last summer she was always crippled. So that’s when she decided we moved back to Florida to be closer to my dad.

She placed two pancakes on my plate, she then dribbled scrip in a form of a smiley face.

“Mum really. Smiley-face?” 

To her I’m still a little defences kid, who needed to be kept her eye on at all times.

I plugged in one earplug, in case of my mum calling me. She gets offended when I listened to music and couldn’t hear a word she said to me. I began ripping some pieces so I could devour it.

Approximately six minutes later Reece and Tori walked in the kitchen with Tori in skinny jeans and a crop-top and a shirt beneath it. I guess Reece won this war. My eyebrows raised in amused.

Tori sat opposite me as her arms automatically folded with attitude, yup my friend you’re correct she’s those labelled as pretend attitude cheerleader, or if you were thinking of something else your were wrong.

“Mum why do you have to punish us all, Tori needs her makeup to cover up the monster on her face. My eyes it burns!” I chuckled as Reece did as well, and sat next to me.

There were an amusing smirk on my mum’s lips. I could tell she wanted to laugh, but was hiding it for Tori’s sake.

“See mum!”  She jerked her fingers towards me.

“Honey you look fine” My mum patted her back truing to cheer her

“Wasn’t my fault I missed out my beauty sleep, the Colemans up at five am busy arguing about lord knows what. It’s always Dean and Mr Coleman” Tori blabbered out.

“I know, that language, not to mention their little son. One of these days, I’m going to draw their hearts towards Jesus”

“Um. Good Luck with that!” I said.

Reece finished his breakfast and stood up “I have to be there early for a special surprise in assembly” A smirk appeared on his lips.

“Lemme guess you’re going to search for drugs, because your uniform just gives it away.” I had a similar smirk.

He glanced at me with what he thought is an intimidating glare, he then walked out. Seconds later the sounds of a car’s drifting out of the street was heard. I shook my head as I drank some orange juice, could only be Reece. 


I deciede to stop being a brat face and update... so here you go rainbows flowers, roses, pretty shiney stuff... 


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