The Star-Crossed Lovers: The...

By zivacious

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Natalie looked inside the car. "No!" she whispered as she shook her head. "No! No! NO! This can't happen!" Na... More

Chaper 1 - A New Friend
Chapter 2 - Prom Date
Chapter 3 - Bumping Again
Chapter 5 - In Love
Chapter 6 - The First Date
Chapter 7 - Secret's Out
Chapter 8 - As Long As You Love Me
Chapter 9 - The Note
Chapter 10 - Lion's Den
Chapter 11 - Inked & Scarred
Chapter 12 - Unexpected Surprises
Chapter 13 - To Ask Or Not To Ask
Chapter 14 - Mistakes
Chapter 15 - The Star-Crossed Lovers
Chapter 16 - At Last In Peace

Chapter 4 - "Natalie, I have to tell you something."

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By zivacious

"Where is Louis?" Natalie asked as she looked down at her watch. 

"I don't know." Niall shrugged and took a bite from his sandwich.

Louis offered Natalie and Niall to pick them up from school that day. Occasionally he did this so they can just basically hang out.

"If he's gonna offer something, he should at least do it on time!" Natalie grumbled. 

"I think he said he was gonna drop Eleanor somewhere first before he picked us up." Niall said. 

"Oh God."  

"What's the big deal anyways?" 

"It's a Friday. I can just go home and relax and start studying." 

"Are you serious?" Niall stopped and looked at her. 


"Wow. You are weird." 

"Thanks." Natalie looked at the parking lot to see if Louis was at least there. Then suddenly something hit her shoulder really hard. "OW!" 

"Oh sorry Natalie." a tall blonde girl apologized... without a concerned tone. It was Vanessa, Natalie's bully since middle school. 

"Please Vanessa! You did that on purpose!" Natalie yelled. 

"Look at the loser getting pissed!"  

"Shut up Vanessa." Niall said. 

"Whatever." Vanessa walked over to her huge group of friends. All they did all day at school was obsess over Zayn. They were known as his biggest fans. They had every merchandise of his and attended all his concerts. Vanessa always tried to make Natalie's life miserable as possible. She always read the teen magazines and kept informing her that Zayn wouldn't like her at all. As if Natalie cared. But that's where she was wrong. Zayn would never like Vanessa. But it didn't bother Natalie at all. She just ignored her. 

"The bitch needs to get a life." Natalie looked over at her in disgust. 

"Why don't you tell her?" Niall asked. 


"That you're friends with Zayn." 

"Very funny Niall. I'm not telling anyone and I don't want her to kiss up to me just because I know him. And besides, when will she believe me?" 

"Yeah I guess you're right. But I would love to see her reaction when she does believe you!" 

"That would be something to see!" Natalie giggled. 

"Here he his!" Niall said pointing at Louis driving into the school ground. 

"Finally! Thank the Lord!" Natalie quickly got up.

Natalie and Niall started walking to Louis' car but then suddenly Natalie's cell started ringing. She took her cell out and saw the picture of Zayn she took last Saturday. "OH MY GOD IT'S ZAYN!" 

A bunch of girls beside her stared at Natalie. 

"Uh not the one you're thinking of." Natalie nervously smiled and dug her nails in her palm.  

"Dude! Pick it up!" Louis urged. 

Natalie put the phone up to her ear and said "Hey." 

"Hey Natalie. It's me." Zayn said. 

"Yeah hey." 

"I'm not disturbing you right?" 

"Oh no. I was just leaving school." 

"Oh ok. Well listen. Are you free tomorrow night?" 


"Awesome. Well me and my friends are going bowling that night. I wanted to invite you too." 

"Aw that's sweet of you." 

"Well we need to hang out at some point. You can also bring your friends." 

"Yeah sure. Thanks so much." 

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow." 


"Bye Natalie." 

Natalie disconnected her phone call and gave Niall and Louis a big smile. 

"What? What happened?" Niall asked impatiently. 

Natalie took the back seat and said "I'm going bowling tomorrow with Zayn and his friends." 

"That's great Nat!" Louis said. 


"And what?" Niall asked still facing Natalie from the passenger seat. 

"He said I can bring friends too. So, are you guys interested?" Natalie knew how much the boys wanted to see him. 

"YES! YES!" Louis turned around.  

"Louis! Eyes on the road!" Natalie screamed. 

"Finally we get to meet him!" Niall said. 

"We can take Eleanor too." Natalie said as she looked at Louis in the mirror. 

"Well yeah. I'm not leaving her behind with this opportunity." 

"Cool then. I guess all our Saturday nights are booked then." Natalie leaned back on her seat. 

"Oh yes." Niall said as he turned on the radio. 


"How was school today?" Mr. Dovette asked over dinner. 

"It was good. We dissected some organs today." 

"Sounds fun."  


"Can we please not talk about disections over dinner?" Mrs. Dovette cringed. 

"Sorry Mom." 

"So heading to the library tomorrow morning?" Mrs. Dovette asked. 


"Maybe you'll meet Zayn again." 

Natalie started coughing. She put her glass of water down. "What?!" 

"Oh my God! Are you ok?" Mrs. Dovette got up. 

"Uh yeah." Natalie sat up straight. She remembered she had told her mother about Zayn. 

"Well I was just saying-" 

"Yeah yeah uh no I don't think I'll see him tomorrow. He's not like me. It's not his routine to come to the library every weekend." 

"Oh ok." 

"Who's Zayn?" Mr. Dovette asked. 

"He's a friend of Natalie's. They met at the library last week." Mrs. Dovette smiled. 

"That's nice. Smart boy huh?" 

"Yeah." Natalie smiled. "Oh by the way Mom. I'm going bowling tomorrow night with the guys and Eleanor." 

"Sounds fun." Mrs. Dovette smiled. 


After everybody ate their dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Dovette went to the family room to watch Friday night flicks on TV. Natalie went upstairs to her room to start reviewing what she had learned in school that day.

As Natalie took her seat at her desk, she took her textbooks out from her backpack. She moved her library books aside to make more space on the desk. Her glance fell on the Dr. Seuss book. She smiled and walked up to her closet. Natalie decided to pick out an outfit for tomorrow night. It had to be something nice. She needed to give Zayn a pleasing impression of herself. Natalie didn't really care about how she looked but this was different. 


The next morning, Natalie left the library and walked to her car. She sat inside and decided not to go home just yet. Today she was a little too excited for tonight's plans. Her books at home could have a little break. Natalie decided to go pay Louis and Eleanor a visit.

Natalie arrived at a big white building. Louis and Eleanor decided to move into a condo together recently.

Natalie knocked at their door and waited.

A beautiful brunette answered the door. It was Louis' girlfriend, Eleanor Calder. "Hey Natalie! What a surprise!"

Eleanor was dating Louis for over two years now. They were just the cutest couple ever! While people her age were obsessed with celebrity couples, she was obsessed with "Elouner". A couple name Natalie gave them both. Louis and Eleanor met at Starbuck's, which is also the place they were obsessed with. There isn't one date that they went on which didn't include a trip to Starbuck's. It was a must! Eleanor was very slim and beautiful. She was a part-time model and a very intelligent student at her university. Eleanor was the beauty with brains. She had long brunette hair with a light complexion. She was wearing a white sleeveless blouse with a pair of skinny jeans. She ended the outfit with a pair of black gladiator sandals. Eleanor and Natalie had become really close with each other. She was the only girlfriend Natalie had. They had clicked on instantly when they met the first time. 

"Hey El!" 

"Whatcha doing here?" 

"Oh just wanted to drop by." 

"Ah well that's ok. Louis isn't home at the moment." 

"Oh ok." Natalie went to the sofa and sat down. "So are you excited for tonight?" 

"Yes! Oh my God I still can't believe it! When Louis told me the story, I couldn't believe my ears!" 

"Well you must have an awesome outfit picked out for tonight." Natalie loved Eleanor's style. She had the perfect clothes to go with her perfect body. 

"Well I have to!" Eleanor giggled. "What about you?" 

"Eh kinda. My closet isn't that good." 

"Oh c'mon Nat. You have nice clothes too."  

"Yeah sure." 

"Anyways. So is he hot in person? Like I have to hold my breath every time he comes on screen." 

"Ha-ha-ha! He is quite attractive actually." 

"Do you have a crush on him? Like seriously, you need to start falling in love babe!" 

"Uh no... And besides I can't fall in love with him! We're friends and he's-" 

"Famous?" Eleanor finished her sentence.  


"So? That doesn't put a stop to anything." 

"El! My mom would freak! And seriously. Me and Zayn? Yeah, we'll be the joke of the century!" 

"Hun, you can't put your self down like that. You are so beautiful. So what you're a nerd? Look at me!" 

"I don't know." Natalie looked at the floor. 

"What about him?" 


"Does he like you?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well he asked for your number. He could've treated you like an ordinary fan." 

"Psh! What are you talking about? You need to stop watching chick flicks." 

"Fine whatever. Just pointing it out to you."

Natalie thought about it. Eleanor's right. Why did he add her as a contact? They only met once and he wanted to see her again. He also was being nice by giving her a lift. He actually took time out from his busy schedule. No. Natalie was thinking too deep now. Just friends. He just wanted to be friends. But why her? Natalie Dovette the ordinary freaky smart girl.


Natalie was struggling with her hair. She didn't know what to do with it. She put it in a high ponytail and then she decided to let it open.

"URGH!" Natalie growled.

Someone knocked on her bedroom door.

"Come in." 

Mrs. Dovette walked in. "Hey what's going on?" 

"My hair! I don't know what to do with it!" 

"Well you're quite dressed up right now.

After deciding for hours, Natalie decided to wear a light purple shirt with a gray blazer on top. A pair of black skinny jeans and gray suede boots. She had a nice long purple necklace around her neck and two silver hoops in her ears.

"Uh yeah. I-uh decided to wear more of my-uh nicer looking clothes." Natalie completed her sentence with difficulty. 

"Oh smart. So your hair? What's going on?" 

"I don't know what to do with it!" 

"Here" Mrs. Dovette walked up to Natalie and left her hair open. "Leave it like this." 

"Really? Do I look ok?" 

"Sweety yes! Are you trying to impress somebody? You look fine!" 

"He-he-he nope!" Natalie nervously laughed. "So I'll be back before 10." 

"Um actually, you can stay out as long as you want." 

"What? Why?" 

"Well your dad and I are very proud of you these days. You have been studying so much! You deserve a break, a proper Saturday night." 

"Aw thanks Mom." Natalie gave her mother a tight hug. 

"Just don't do anything stupid." 

"I won't."

Natalie went downstairs and waited for Louis to come. They were all going to go in one car.

"Louis picking you up?" Mr. Dovette asked as he surfed through the channels on TV. 


Mr. Dovette turned to Natalie. "Wow! You look beautiful honey." 

"Aw thanks Dad." 

"They're here." Mrs. Dovette said as she looked through the front window. 

"Ok! Bye!" 

"Bye Natalie."

Natalie speed walked to the car and opened the back door and sat in.  

"Hey Nat." Louis said. 

"Hey guys! Ready for an awesome night?" 

"Hell yeah!" Niall exclaimed. 

"Cool let's go." Louis started. 

"Well somebody looks hot tonight." Eleanor said.  

"Is it too much?" Natalie asked worriedly. 

"No it's perfect." she smiled. 

"You guys have cleaned up nicely." Natalie said. She noticed all of them looked really nice.  

"I have a feeling we're all gonna look stupid there." Louis laughed. 

"At least we'll look stupid together!" Eleanor laughed.  

"Uh I don't think I want to look stupid." Natalie said. 

"You nervous?" Niall asked. 


"Why? You've already met him twice." Louis said. 

"Yeah but that happened unexpectedly." Natalie explained. 

"So? Look if anybody should be nervous, it should be us. Not you." Eleanor said. 

"You're right." Natalie sighed and leaned back.

After a few quiet moments, Natalie burst. "STOP THE CAR!" 

"What happened?!" Louis suddenly stopped the car. 

"I can't! I can't go!" Natalie yelled. 

"Why?!" Niall asked. 

"What if I make a joke of myself in front of everybody! Or in front of Zayn! No I can't! Louis take me back home." Natalie hyperventilated.  

"Nat! Calm down! You'll be fine!" Eleanor said turning around. 

"No I won't! I've already bumped into him really hard and Lord knows what I did to his arm by now! Who knows? Maybe today I'll drop a bowling ball on him!" Natalie yelled. 

"You're not some hippo Nat! You haven't done anything to him. If he thought you were some clumsy destructive chick, he wouldn't have invited you to a bowling alley in the first place." Niall said. 

"You're right. Ha! Let's go then." Natalie laughed nervously. 

"You sure?" Louis asked. 

"Yup. Go." Natalie nodded. 

"Ok." Louis started again. 


The gang finally reached the place without Natalie freaking out again.

"Phew! We made it!" Niall quickly got out of the car. 

"Yay." Natalie muttered. 

"Oh brighten up kid." Louis nudged her.  

"Hmmm." Natalie then widened her eyes. 

"What happened?" Eleanor asked. 

"I think I'm gonna puke." Natalie said as she covered her mouth with her hand. 

"Nat! Dude seriously? Louis complained. 

"Oh Louis shut up! Natalie listen to me. You, are not gonna puke." Eleanor reassured her. 


"No." Eleanor looked straight into her eyes. 

Natalie nodded and started walking. 

"So where do we meet them?" Niall asked. 

"Zayn texted me the info." Natalie took her cell out and opened the text. "It's in one of the party rooms. Room D." 

"Aw cool! I heard those rooms are sick! You get your own customized dishes of food and man are they delicious!" Niall exclaimed. 

"How do you know how the food tastes?" Eleanor asked. 

"He doesn't need to. He's Niall!" Louis said. 

"Ha-ha-ha! So true!" Eleanor giggled and turned to see where Natalie was.

Natalie was sitting on the bench tapping her foot really fast. She was holding onto her stomach and slightly rocking back and forth.

"Hey Nat. Are you ok?" Eleanor crouched down to meet her eyes with Natalie's nervous brown beauties. 

"Um I'm not feeling too well. I think I should go back." Natalie said quietly. 

"Hun, c'mon! You'll be fine. I promise." Eleanor said as she gave her hand a firm squeeze. 

"Yeah, I know but-" 

"OH MY GOD! Look how cute that guy is!" Eleanor squealed. 

"Seriously? When I'm feeling all nervous you're looking at some guy? And you're with Louis!" Natalie said seriously. 

"Yeah I know but look!" Eleanor was pointing at a boy who was standing a few meters away. He had brunette curly hair. It looked like he was looking for somebody. He had a white t-shirt on with a pair of black baggy pants. Natalie thought he looked cute. She also noticed his huge muscles.  

"He is cute." Natalie whispered.  

"I know right?" Eleanor asked.

The boy then looked at Natalie. He gave her a big smile which made a big dimple appear on his face. Natalie gave a big smile back. She looked up to see the sign which party room he was in. It read "Room D".

"Oh my God! I think he's one of Zayn's friends!" Natalie exclaimed. 

"What?" Eleanor asked. 

"Look!" Natalie pointed at the sign. "Room D!" 

"Well he's got some good looking friends." 


"What? It's true!" 

"Hey what are you girls doing?" Louis walked towards them. 

"Oh nothing." Natalie stood up. 

"You guys wanna go in now?" Niall asked. 

"Sure!" Eleanor chirped.

The gang started walking towards the hot looking boy. Natalie avoided his stare. But when she looked at him again for a second, he rushed inside the room. Few seconds later, Zayn popped out of the room. Natalie's face lit up instantly. Her nervousness disappeared in an instant. Zayn waved and returned a big smile. He looked too good tonight. He was wearing a white shirt with an unbuttoned faded red plaid shirt on top and faded jeans. His hair was in a quiff like usual.

"OMG!" Eleanor squealed. 

"Holy shit!" Niall whispered. 

"Hey guys!" Zayn greeted them. 

"Hey!" Natalie said and leaned in for a hug but Zayn stopped her by giving her a kiss on the cheek. Natalie was stunned. Why would he do that? After she stepped away, she guessed it was something what British people did when they met each other.  

"C'mon in!" Zayn led them into a huge room. It had three lanes with neon lights flashing. The place actually looked comfy. There were a few sofas and chairs with tables. The place was dim but it was fine. Perfect for a relaxing Saturday night. 

"Guys, there are my friends. This is Harry" Zayn pointed to the curly haired boy. He gave a little wave. "This is Liam and his girlfriend Danielle." Liam was an adorable looking guy. He also gave a little wave and said hi. Danielle was drop-dead gorgeous. She was so slim and her hair was really curly. They looked really cute together. 

"These are my closest friends." Natalie said. "This is Louis and his girlfriend Eleanor. And this is Niall."

They all talked for a while to get to know each other. And of course Louis, Eleanor and Niall talked to Zayn and were really excited.

Zayn walked up to Natalie and asked "Hey were you guys lost?" 

"What do you mean?"  

"You guys kinda took long. I was getting worried." 

Natalie thought he was too sweet. He really cared for her and her friends. He wasn't some famous jerk. "Oh yeah. We kinda got held up at the gas station." Natalie felt horrible lying to the poor boy. 

"Oh ok. So are you ready for some fun?" 

"Definitely!" Natalie giggled. 

"Yo love birds! Whatcha doing there in the corner?" Harry yelled out. 

"Harry! Nothing!" Zayn laughed. 

Love birds?! What?! Natalie widened her eyes. She saw Louis, Eleanor, Niall, Liam, Danielle and Harry staring at them. 

"Sorry. You gotta excuse Harry sometimes."  

"Uh that's fine." Natalie said and kind of stepped back. 

"So what do you guys wanna do? Split into two teams?" Danielle asked. 

"That sounds good." Eleanor agreed. 

"Alright! Dovette's team versus Malik's" Louis exclaimed. 

It seemed Louis, Eleanor and Niall weren't nervous or shy anymore. Natalie thought she looked stupid acting all shy and quiet. She needed to join in on the fun. "Yeah! Sound good Malik?" 

"Ha-ha-ha! It sounds perfect!" Zayn laughed. 

"Cool! Let's start!" Niall cheered.

All of them changed into their bowling shoes and got ready.

"Ok. Heads, Natalie's team starts. Tails, Zayn's team." Liam said as he got a coin out. He flipped the coin and it landed on heads. "Natalie, you're up!"

Natalie walked up to the lane and grabbed a blue bowling ball. She held the ball and breathed in and let the ball slip out. The ball stayed in the middle and scored a strike. 

"YES! NAT I LOVE YOU!" Louis jumped up. 

Natalie walked back and said "Try beating that Malik." 

"Oh you're on!" He went up and grabbed a black ball. He stood in front of the lane and let the ball go. It hit only a few pins. 

"Zayn!" Liam groaned. 

"Ha!" Natalie laughed. 

"I was warming up." Zayn defended himself. 

"Whatever. Just get all of them now." Harry said as he combed his fingers through his perfect curls. 

Zayn got ready again and bowled once more. This time, he left two pins standing. 

"Aw c'mon! Dude you suck!" Harry slapped his forehead. 

Natalie giggled. "Aw somebody need help?" 

Zayn shook his head and smiled.

Everybody went and after two hours of bowling, the scores were tied. 

"Ok Nat. Let's beat them." Niall patted her shoulder. 

"Kill them!" Louis whispered. 

"Seriously Lou?" Natalie looked at him. 

"What? I get competitive." 

Natalie walked up to get a ball but Zayn walked up with one. "I don't think you'll get this one." 

"Oh. What makes you say that?" Natalie asked surprisingly. 

"Well your luck should rub off by now." 

"Oh. You think it's luck? Please. I love bowling! It's called practice. You're just being a poor sport." Natalie teased him. 


"Uh huh!"  


"Cool. Now I'll take that." Natalie took the purple ball from him and got herself ready. She took a deep breath and released the ball in a swift motion. The ball slid across the lane and knocked all the pins down.

"YES!!!" Louis, Niall and Eleanor jumped. 

Liam, Harry and Danielle groaned. 

"Yes! I told you! In your face Malik!" Natalie jumped and went all in his face. She noticed she was too close to him. She was able to feel him breathe on her. His eyes never looked so beautiful. Natalie was almost hypnotized. Under those lights, he looked even more perfect. If only she could grab him and kiss him passionately. 

The still environment was broken with Liam clearing his throat. "All right! Congrats Natalie and guys. That was a great game." 

"Uh yeah." Natalie stepped back embarrassed.  

"Yeah congrats." Zayn smiled. He looked a bit embarrassed too. 

"Well we're gonna leave now." Louis said. 

"Aw why?" Natalie asked. 

"I have a photo shoot tomorrow morning." Eleanor said. 

"Oh ok."  

"Can you drop me too?" Niall asked. 

"Yeah." Louis nodded. "Natalie?" 


"I'll drop her." Zayn jumped in. 


"Cool. Well goodnight guys. Thanks for inviting us Zayn." Louis said shaking Zayn's hand and waved to all the others. 

"Bye!" Eleanor and Niall chimed. 

"Bye!" everyone replied. 

"I think we should be heading home too. Danielle has her dance lesson tomorrow at six." Liam said. 

"Aw man. Well see you later mate." Zayn said. 

"Goodnight! Harry?"  


"It was really nice meeting you Natalie." Danielle said and gave her a hug. 

"Yeah same here!"

After those three left, the room was too quiet.

"Wow. The party ended fast." Natalie said as she sat down. 

"Yeah. I was thinking we were gonna stay up all night." Zayn followed her. 

"Oh well. Listen thanks though. My friends were really looking forward to meeting you." 

"No problem. They seemed pretty cool." 

"They are! Same with your friends." 

"Ha, thanks. I was grateful to find such great people. I had practically nobody here. You can't have all your buddies in Hollywood. Well at least I don't want to." 

"Aw you haven't changed a bit. I mean you're still so down-to-earth." 


"I love my friends a lot too. I've known Louis and Niall since we were kids. And when Eleanor came, we instantly clicked on." 

"That's great." 


A few awkward quiet moments passed and then Natalie noticed some tattoos on Zayn's arm. "Does it hurt?" 

"What hurts?" 

"Getting those." she looked down at his inked arm. 

"Oh that. Hmm not so much. My first one was the worst one of course." he explained. 


"Would you get one?" 

"NO! I can stand going through the pain!" 

"It's not that painful." 

"Zayn, you have like a lot! You're used to it." 

"Ha, fine. Hey Natalie, I have to tell you something."  

"What's up?" 

"That day at the library, was one of the greatest days of my life." 

"Oh really? Why?" she sat up straight and become serious. 

"I met someone really special. A great friend." he looked into Natalie's eyes. 

"Aw you're so sweet." she blushed. 

"But there's more." 

"And what's that?" 

"Natalie, I fell in love with you." 

Natalie's smile dropped. What did she just hear? "You what?" 

"That day when I said what I looked for in a girl, you had everything. You're also gorgeous Natalie." 

"Wow. Um thanks." Natalie said as she moved her hair out of her face. "But your parents would totally be against it. They wouldn't like me at all." 

"My parents aren't dating you." 

"Well I can't live like that Zayn. I'm sorry." 

"But I love you Natalie." 

Those five words made Natalie's heart skip a beat. Millions of girls would die to hear this from him. But the strict rules she had to live by came between her and Zayn. And the way Zayn looked tonight, didn't really help her situation.  

"Uh I'd like to go home now." she stood up. 

"Yeah sure." Zayn got up embarrassed and disappointed. 


The entire car ride, both of them didn't dare to say a word. Natalie felt horrible. He was always so sweet and now the unexpected had to happen. Natalie wasn't the right girl for him. She was just too awkward and her parents were completely something else. But Zayn loved her for that.

"Here you are." he stopped the car. 

"Thanks again for everything." 

"Natalie I'm sorry. I should've understood your situation. I was being too selfish." 

"Zayn don't say that. It's not your fault at all. When someone falls in love, they can't control themselves. It's basically a done deal." 

"Yeah but-" 

"No." she looked straight into his eyes. Why did they have to be so attractive? She couldn't stop staring. His eyelashes even made it worse. He was just too beautiful to stop looking at. She had drowned herself in them. Tonight there was a full moon. The moonlight glistened in the car and reflected it on their faces. Natalie started leaning towards him and he did the same. Next thing she felt were his soft lips on hers. She ran her fingers through his hair. He grabbed her face. For so long she wanted this but never really realized it. She didn't stop, neither did he. Her first kiss was perfect. Under the full moon with the world's most perfect guy.

Natalie stopped to catch her breath. "Oh my God. What did I just do?" 

"You mean, what did we just do." 

"I don't believe this. You and me? This night is just getting weirder and weirder." she leaned back and grabbed her forehead. 

"Well for all I know, we just made some memories tonight." he smiled with a raised eyebrow. 

"Ha-ha-ha! What?" she laughed. 

"It's true!" 

"Ok jokes aside. What's gonna happen to us?" Natalie got serious again. 

"You told me you wanted a guy who likes to have fun in life." 


"Well I love to have fun. So I have an idea." 

"And that's?" 

"Dating behind our parents back." 

"Um right." Natalie gulped. She was going to have to do what? "You know what? Whatever! Yes I'll do it! Because I'm madly in love with you!" She grabbed him and kissed him again. 

"Having too much fun?" he teased.  

"Shut up!" she hit him on his chest. "Oh shoot!" 


"What about you? Paparazzi!" 

"Oh yeah. Those guys." he frowned his eyebrows and finally said "We'll have to go out like at late night and stuff." 

"Oooo! Sounds exciting!" 

"Hey, you gotta live while we're young." 

"True." she giggled. "I guess I should go now. Thanks again for an incredible night!" 

"Goodnight kiss?" 

"You already got enough." she winked. 

"Please?" he pouted. 

"Next time. I promise." she teased. 

"Fine." he looked upset. 

"But I can give you this." Natalie leaned in and gave him a peck on his cheek. "Better?" 

"Eh." he shrugged.

Natalie shook her head and opened the door and walked out. She turned back and waved. Zayn did the same and once again started the car. She slowly opened the door to her house and noticed all the lights were closed except the kitchen's. Her parents must've already went to bed. Natalie tiptoed up to her room and closed the door behind her. She fell on her bed and smiled. Tonight had been the best night of her life! She was Zayn Malik's girlfriend. Something that five million girls on this planet wanted to be.

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