One Direction Imagines

By xImagines1Dx

1.4M 7.9K 808

Hi, my name is Ivy Stone and I write One Direction Imagines. Please comment and tell me what you think of the... More

Harry Imagine #1
Niall Imagine #1
Louis Imagine #1
Liam Imagine #1
Zayn Imagine #1
A Imagine for Devika
Harry Imagine #2
Niall Imagine #2
Louis Imagine #2
Liam Imagine #2
Zayn Imagine #2
Harry Imagine #3
**Niall Imagine #3
Louis Imagine #3
Liam Imagine #3
Zayn Imagine #3
Harry Imagine #4
Niall Imagine #4
Louis Imagine #4
Liam Imagine #4
Harry Imagine #5
Niall Imagine #5
Louis Imagine #5
Niall Imagine for 'Anonymous'
**Liam Imagine #5
Zayn Imagine #5
Louis Imagine for Paris
Niall Imagine for Kirsty
**Harry Imagine #6
Niall Imagine #6
Louis Imagine #6
Liam Imagine #6
Niall Imagine for 'Daisy'
Niall Imagine for 'Hannah'
Harry Imagine for 'Christine'
Niall Imagine for 'Ally'
Harry Imagine for 'Missy'
Zayn Imagine #6
Liam Imagine for 'Luz'
Zayn Imagine for 'Dulce'
Harry Imagine #7
Harry Imagine #1- Dirty
Harry Imagine #1 - Dirty
Louis Imagine for 'Aleena'
Harry Imagine for 'Anubis'
Liam Imagine for 'Marjorey'
Harry Imagine for 'Brooke'
Harry Imagine for 'Lily'
Niall Imagine for 'Rebekah' - Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Taylor'
**Harry Imagine for 'Megan'
Louis Imagine for 'Megan'
Zayn Imagine for 'Amber' -Dirty
Niall Imagine for 'Allison' - Dirty
Louis Imagine for 'Nicole'- Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Gestine'
Harry Imagine for 'Briana'
Zayn Imagine for 'Charese' - Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Bojana'
Niall Imagine for 'Alannah'
Louis Imagine for 'Ffion'
Niall Imagine for 'Lauren'
Niall Imagine for 'Megan' - Dirty
Niall Imagine for 'Sydni'
Harry Imagine for 'Samantha'
**Harry Imagine - Same love
Louis Imagine for 'Ira' - Dirty
Niall Imagine #7
Niall Imagine for 'Harlea'
** Harry Imagine- Sad
All boys Imagine for 'Mackenzie'
Harry Imagine for 'Katie'
Louis Imagine for 'Nina'

Zayn Imagine #4

19.6K 98 9
By xImagines1Dx

Zayn Imagine

You and your best friend were just trying to get into the One Direction concert but the tickets you bought were a fake, so you thought you would go to a bar. You had been at the bar for about 4 and a half hours now, the concert had ended and you and your friend hadn't drank anything because you both knew you had to drive home so you were just talking and hanging out, there was only including the both of you about 4 people in the bar. Everybody was quiet and minding their own business when the doors flew open and One Direction came running through the doors with security flowing them. "Dude that was sick!" Niall was screaming and you looked out of a window when you saw fans running after a bus, the boys went and sat at the bar, then they noticed both of you, "Hi, I'm Zayn" he says shaking your hand and the rest of the boys do the same. Zayn looks at your wrist and sees you have a one direction bracelet on, "Were you at the concert?" he asks while sipping a beer, the rest of the boys are messing around and Harry is talking to your friend, "No we bought fake tickets" you say trying not to sound too excited and trying to not fan-girl in front of them, "Oh that sucks I'm sorry" he says putting his arm around you, "Oh its ok, so why are you guys here?" you ask ordering a drink finally. "Well we just felt like a drink and we had to make our bus be a decoy so we could even come" Zayn says laughing and you do so as well, "So what's your name beautiful?"Zayn asks making you blush, "My name is (Y/N)" you say, Zayn holds out his hand and says "(Y/N) can I have this dance?" you nod and get up from the stool and take his hand. You and Zayn plus the rest of the boys and your friend are all dancing and having a great time, after about 3 songs a slower song comes on, and Zayn pulls you close, he puts his hands on your waist and starts to sway back and forth, you have your hands around his neck and you can feel his hands pulling you closer so your bodies are touching and his arms are wrapped around you. "(Y/N), you know I have had so much tonight, you are a really great girl" Zayn says pulling his head up so you can talk, "I have had fun too" you say when his eyes meet yours and you look down, "Your Beautiful, look at me" Zayn says gently moving your head with his hand so he can look you in the eyes. He is just staring at you for a moment, then he pulls a piece of back behind your ear and is slowly getting closer to kiss you, finally he kisses you, his lips are so soft and he is very gentle but passionate at the same time, you are kissing him back when you both hear the song change and he slowly pulls back. You are speechless but you open your eyes and see him just admiring you, "You want to go somewhere a little quieter?" Zayn says and you nod so he takes you down a hallway leading to the bathroom, he opens the door to the boys bathroom and he leads you in. "Ok I wasn't telling you to come in here for sex or anything, I was just wanting to talk to you or kiss you some more, I not a whore or anything" Zayn says trying to make you laugh, he comes closer and kisses. You both walk backward until you hit the wall, Zayn is still kissing you very passionately and gently making sure not to hurt you, Zayn starts to run his hands up and down your body slowly and carefully making sure that you are ok with anywhere he touches you. After a while Zayn pulls back slowly when he hears Paul scream for the boys to go, "So (Y/N), I have had so much fun tonight, and I think you are amazing, that's what I look for in girlfriend, what do ya say?" he says not really sure how to ask you, "yes I would love to be your girlfriend" you say trying not to answer too excitedly, Paul screams again "ZAYN! Where the hell are you!". Zayn laughs and takes your hand while you walk out of the bathroom, "Calm down Paul I'm right here" Zayn says walking so they could see him holding you hand, all the boys give suspicious looks and then wink at you and give Zayn a thumbs up. You blush a little and then Zayn says "So Paul, these girls have had a few drinks and can we drop them home?". "Yes, of course where do ya live?" Paul asks and your friend tells him, the boys come over to you both and start to ask questions. "Did you fuck her?" Louis asks, which you can tell he has had a few drinks but he wasn't completely drunk yet, "Louis!" Zayn snaps just as Louis says that "This is my new girlfriend (Y/N)" Zayn says , "Oh sorry, I had a little to drink tonight, and wow that was fast" Louis says winking at you and he throws his arm over Harry for him to help him walk and Niall does so with Liam. Zayn takes you hand and picks you up and carries you on the bus.

Hey everybody thanks again for reading my imagines, it means so much to me! Message me I you would like one and please comment! Thanks! -- Ivy

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