Reunion (l.s)

By TPWLarry

7.4M 237K 1.4M

It's the year 2020 and Louis gets an unexpected call informing him that one direction were reuniting in no le... More

The phone call
Catching up
Packed bags
The meal pt1
The meal pt2
Pool troubles
Shopping trip
Back in the studio
Fighting back
Dressing rooms
Sweet creature
Carpool karaoke
Old memories
The late late show
Spill your guts
Lip syncing
Broken contract
Given up
Chatty man
Lazy day
New rules
Legal actions
Busy day
Party bus
Water fight
Just hold on
Plan B
The rebound
Another problem.
If i could fly
Shit show
Blue and green
Our story/ Part one
Our story/Part two
Our story/Part three
Reunion is finished
Update/new book

Disaster interview

122K 4.2K 21.3K
By TPWLarry

I'm losing readers each chapter but whatever cause we just hit 10k reads, but like seriously, is it getting too boring or repetitive or something? Let me know🖤


"Lovely to have you back boys, this time thankfully as a five and not a four, hello Zayn" Jonathan greeted the lads as they took a seat on the large sofa, Harry and Louis putting on faux smiles for the cameras and the audience.

"Yeh, feels good to be back" Zayn replied with a smile.

"Why did you return to the band then? Because a lot of the fans doubted you would want to" Jonathan asked curiously.

"Well, firstly I missed the lads, secondly I think I just prefer the band career to the solo one, it's nice to have some company around you while on tour and recording so yeh, thought it was the right decision when I heard about the reunion" Zayn explained with a shrug, the lads smiling at their mention.

"But there was a lot of controversy surrounding this topic with you and the media about a year ago, am I right to say it was mainly feuded between you and Louis?" He pushed, the lads were waiting for this question to come up, glad they had already talked about it themselves.

"Well, I mean, partly I guess. Although not everything that was told in the media was true. Me and Louis are getting on fine as you can tell, and anything that did happen in the past has now been resolved. For the controversy? Most of the shit I said- wait, can I swear on here?" Zayn stopped, looking slightly worried that he slipped up.

"Yeh that's fine, carry on" Jonathan chuckled, gesturing for him to continue.

"Okay good, as I was saying, most of the shit I said back then was for publicity as it was during the time I was bringing out my solo material, management thought I would get more attention from it I think, no hard feelings though" He continued with a breathy laugh.

"Well that's great then. I've heard your world tour has completely sold out already, did you expect that kind of reaction after so long of being away?" Jonathan quizzed, not asking anyone in particular, it was open for anybody to answer.

"Honestly we didn't know what to expect" Harry began. "Obviously after being away for the amount of time we were it was hard to tell wether our fan base would be as large as it was before the hiatus, but we were hopeful that they still supported us even after we made them wait so long" He finished, looking towards the lads who were nodding in agreement.

"I think having our solo careers also helped the fandom grow in a way, because each of us individually gained fans that didn't even listen to one direction, a lot of people may have only just discovered our own music and our styles and now might even check us out as a band" Louis added on, Jonathan humming along.

"And I suppose you'll be showing some of that solo material on tour then?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeh yeh, definitely. I don't think it would feel right to do a whole performance without some sort of recognition of our solo careers" Louis continued with a smirk, the lads agreeing with him.

"Okay well now that we've gotten the basic questions out of the way we can get to the good stuff" Jonathan said with a smug look, pulling out cards from his desk.

"Oh god, here we go" Harry said with a cough, sitting up straighter and fixing his blazer, causing the audience to laugh at his reaction.

"Don't worry, these are just some questions from the fans-

"Don't worry? You realise they ask the weirdest shit right?" Niall said sarcastically, gaining another round of laughter.

"We'll start of easy then. Okay this question is from Harrybabe on Twitter" Jonathan said, causing Harry to blush in embarrassment.

"She asked, what is your favourite tattoo you've ever gotten and what does it mean?, and this can be answered by any of you" Jonathan asked, sitting back for the answer.

"Oof, I'm not sure, I've got too many to chose from" Niall suddenly said, causing the lads to snicker at him.

"You can just say the one of James Corden on your bum" Louis stated, everyone laughing at the memory.

"Thank fuck that wasn't permanent" Niall replied.

After a moment, once the laughter had died down, the lads returned their focus to the question.

"Um, im not sure really, I love a lot of them. But I'd probably say the Hi tattoo, just because I've had it so long and it holds meaning to me" Harry replied smugly, knowing that only him and the lads knew the significance of this particular tattoo.

Louis seemed to catch on and smirked, this topic is something they could get away with talking about related to their relationship, as management didn't know the true meaning of the dark ink embedded in their skin.

"Yeh I quite like my oops tattoo, it's not anything special though" Louis said, silently teasing Harry who turned to him with a look of mock hurt. A second later they were laughing to themselves, the rest of the audience and Jonathan having no idea why.

"Something funny?" Jonathan asked the two lads.

"Um, haha, no, nothing- Louis said in between laughs.

"Yeh, don't- don't worry about it, we're fine now" Harry continued whilst the lads beside them just smirked and bit their lips in order to contain their grins.

Once Louis had calmed down out of the corner oh his eye he could see Simon on side of the stage, face pulled into a glare and holding up their contract in a motion that looked like he was about to rip it. Louis' smile instantly dropped off his face, a victorious look taking over Simons.

Louis sat up straight and forced himself to take a more professional role, Harry was still smirking and every few minutes he looked at Louis from the side, who in return gestures for him to knock it off. It was for their own sake.

"Okay moving on then, this next question was from potatodirectioner-

"What is with these names?" Liam exclaimed, the audience laughing.

"Don't ask me, they're your fans, anyway she asked what your most embarrassing moments have been on stage?" He asked, the lads thinking longly.

"Well, we've had quite a few falls, Harrys probably being the worst-

"Heyyy" Harry cut Zayn off, who smirked in return.

"Sorry mate, but yeh I don't know, usually just falling over and having things thrown at us I guess" he continued with a shrug.

"Oh yeh! Remember when Harry had a dildo thrown at his face?" Liam suddenly exclaimed, the audience roaring with laughter as Harry face palmed and laughed, face going red.

"Don't fucking remind me" He huffed out, groaning at the memory.

"Don't pretend you didn't like it" Louis said, laughing at the memory, but soon his smile fell once again as he realised what he had said. Shit, Simon.

Louis snapped his head in the mans direction and looked on in Horror as Simon began tearing the contract up long and slow, the pieces of white paper falling to the ground before he walked away, shaking his head.

I didn't even do anything that bad! Louis screamed mentally, it was just a fucking slip up. Any of the other lads could have said this and their bloody contract wouldn't have been ripped to shreds.

Harry seemed to notice Louis' discomfort and pale face and followed his gaze to see Simon storming out of the studio doors. What the fuck happened? Was it the comment? Louis barely said anything!

Shit shit shit, these were the only words spinning around Louis head as his palms began to sweat. Had he just fucked up their careers? Or worse, had he just gotten trapped in Simons grasp for further two, maybe even five years?

Louis was pulled out of his thoughts when he was nudged in the side by Niall, who was looking at him in confusion. Louis returned him with a look as if to say he'd tell him later, for now, he was in the middle of a fucking interview.

"This question doesn't need to be answered, it's your choice, but seeming as this has been circulating social media for the past few weeks we thought it's about time it was asked" Jonathan began, the lads now nervous for what was about to come.

"This question is from weknowlarry and this person asks if Larry stylinson is or ever was real? I'm assuming this is the relationship between Louis and Harry?" Jonathan asked, gesturing to the two lads.

Now this was getting plain messy. On one hand they didn't want to fuck up their contracts even further than they already had just a few minutes ago, but on the other hand, what did they have to lose? Their careers were already fucked ,with Simon at least, and they had already pretty much kissed in front of their whole fan base so why shouldn't they?

Louis looked to Harry and saw he was having the same mental debate as him, but soon their eyes locked and Louis could see the hesitation and confusion in them emerald green orbs, silently asking if they should really do this or not.

The thing is, it would be so easy to just admit the rumours right then and there, but that would also mean they're coming out to the world on a bloody talk show, it just didn't seem right. It should be done properly, not in front of a stage crew and audience with cameras rolling and bright lights blinding their eyes.

So instead, Louis took control and decided to answer this question with what he knew best. Sarcasm.

"Oh yeh, definitely. Me and Hazza here are in love, isn't that right Harold?" Louis said with a smirk, flinging his arm around the mans shoulders and pulling him in close, their heads resting together.

At first, Harry was confused, but he seemed to catch onto what the smaller man was doing and played along, being over dramatic.

"Of course, did you know that apparently we got married in 2013, crazy right?" Harry said with a laugh, kissing Louis on the cheek for emphasis.

"I'm sensing sarcasm here" Jonathan stated, looking confused.

"You'll never know Jonathan, you'll never know" Louis said, sarcasm dripping in his tone as he smiled and winked at the man, letting go of Harry who sat up once again and fixed his hair.

"Okay that was too confusing so I'm gonna pretend that never happened, anyway ladies and gentlemen, stick around because after the break I think we've got a little game that was left unfinished, we'll be right back" Jonathan said, shrugging it off and letting the lads go for their five minute break.

They knew what was to come after the break now, the only game ever left unfinished last time was never have I ever, it was cut short because of a certain comedian called Michael.

They were dreading it.

"Right, What the fuck happened out there?" Zayn said, stopping all the lads in their tracks once they were backstage.

"A lot of shit happened out there Zayn, care to elaborate?" Louis said with a sigh.

"I don't know, just, everything. That's why I'm asking you dipshit" He replied sarcastically.

"We can't get into details now because we don't have enough time but basically I think our contract is fucked with Simon as he ripped it up right in front of my fucking eyes before storming out" Louis rushed out, the stress eating him up gradually.

"What the fuck? He ripped our contract up? What does that even mean?" Niall asked in shock.

"I'm not sure, we're getting our lawyers onto it when we get a chance to ring them and we will talk about this properly when we're back home but for now we need to get back to this damn interview" Harry said, the lads turning away to walk back on set but he caught Louis' arm before he could walk away.

Louis turned to the man and saw the confusion in his eyes, his grasp tightening on his arm.

"What is it?" Louis asked softly.

"We could have came out you know? Why didn't you admit it?" Harry asked, hurt laced into his tone as he thought Louis was still embarrassed to be out with him.

Louis saw this hurt and his features softened, looking sympathetically towards the lad.

"I want it to be done properly you know? No audience and not on television, it should mean something when we finally get to come out, I mean, it should after years of practically being trapped in a contract" Louis explained, moving his hand in soothing circular movements on Harrys back.

Harrys lips broke out into a wide smile and he nodded in understanding, glad his assumptions weren't true.

"Your right, I'm sorry" Harry said in an almost whisper.

"Don't be love, but come on, we need to prepare ourselves for this fucking game again, it was mad last time" Louis said with a chuckle, leaning his forehead against Harrys.

They shared a small peck before walking back onto the set to join the rest of the lads who were now holding the familiar red and green boards that looked like pink pong bats.

They took their seats and waited for the camera cue, the signal finally coming and Jonathan introducing them once again for the new viewers.

"Okay now it's time for a game of never have I ever, thankfully we don't have an annoying comedian here this time to ruin it, sorry to say this but there's no getting out of the questions this time boys" Jonathan said sarcastically, the lads looking worried but sporting smiles none the less.

"Okay these questions are again from fans on Twitter. The first one is, never have I ever been caught by a band mate shagging someone" He said with a smug look and turning his board to the red side, indicating he hasn't.

"Straight to it then?" Louis said with his eyebrows raised, clearly Jonathan wasn't going to ease them into it this time.

"Of course, you're used to this by now don't look so surprised, come on then" he said, gesturing to their boards that were still unturned.

Harry and Louis turned their boards to the green side with smirks on their faces whilst the rest of the lads stayed put on red. Great, Louis thought, not subtle at all.

"I'm beginning to think your sarcasm to the Larry question earlier on may have been fake" Jonathan said with raised eyebrows at the two lads, gaining a laugh from the audience as the two boys turned beet red.

"Moving on then, never have I ever been in a relationship with someone 10 years older than me" Jonathan then asked, Harry throwing his board down in a huff.

"Okay What is this game?" Harry said with a slight smile, the room filling with laughter.

"Well we all know the answer to this one then, you happen to know a certain someone called Caroline by any chance?" Jonathan asked smugly, Harry ignoring the comment.

Liam reluctantly turned his board to the green side, being that he was previously with Cheryl. However he wasn't as embarrassed of it as Harry was, as it was a serious relationship which he was a lot older at the time for, unlike Harry.

"Nobody else? No? Okay never have I ever had a crush on a band members parent" Jonathan asked.

Harry kept his board turned to red whilst the other lads turned theirs to green, with the exception of Louis as he knew they were teasing Harry, and it would be weird if he had a crush on his (ex) boyfriends mum.

"Yeh Anne's fit" Niall said, causing everyone except form Harry to laugh who just shook his head with a sigh.

"Is this bully Harry day or something?" He asked, causing the laughs to grow louder.

"Sorry mate, have to agree with Niall on this one" Zayn said smugly, patting the curly haired man on the shoulder.

"Alright last one, never have I ever cheated on my partner" Jonathan finally asked, causing the lads to tense, especially Louis.

Louis looked down at his board, undecided of what to do. He didn't want to lie, in case it somehow upsetted Harry, however he would look like a shit person if he answered this truthfully. He knew the media would latch onto this and draw up some shocking stories about him, he would be frowned upon and seen as untrusting.

Harry noticed louis' down and regretful expression and decided not to be selfish. He discreetly squeezed Louis hand that was trapped between their bodies and when Louis looked up he gave him a reassuring nod, as if to say he could do what's best for himself.

Louis sighed and slowly turned his board to the red side, feeling even shittier about the situation he had put Harry through than ever before, now realising how much of a big deal it is to cheat on the one you supposedly love.

Soon enough the lads had all turned their boards to red and the game was coming to an end. Thankfully.

"Alright that's all we have for tonight, I hope you enjoyed the show and please make a round of applause for one direction everybody!" Jonathan exclaimed, the lads standing up and waving to the audience and the cameras before making their way backstage once again.

As soon as they were out of view, Louis burst into tears, sobbing into Harrys chest because of the amount of regret and sadness that washed over him. The entire interview was a mess and the stress of it all came crashing down on him. The realisation of what he had done hit him like a truck out there, he felt like the worlds worst boyfriend and the guilt was eating him alive, tearing at his brain and dousing his thoughts with poison.

He couldn't believe he had done that to Harry, he had never thought about the impact it must have had on him until that question was asked and he vowed never to make anyone feel that pain again. Not harry, not anyone.

"Shh, it's okay, it's over now" Harry shushed into his ear, rubbing his back soothingly as the lads watched on sympathetically from afar.

"I'm-I'm so so fucking s-Sorry. I'm a t-terrible person" Louis chocked out, gripping onto Harry as if his life depended on it.

"It's alright, that's in the past lou. Don't beat yourself up over it" Harry said calmly, when in reality his heart was breaking for the boy.

"I-I get it if you h-hate me. I understand if y-you don't want to be with me. I c-can't believe I d-did that to you" Louis stuttered out, his throat raw from the crying.

"I could never hate you. No matter what. I love you and I always will"


Author notes:

Sooo, Harry said he loved Louis!!!

I hope that I didn't rush that, was it too soon? Should it have been said in a better situation? Idfk🤷🏽‍♀️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner, I was going to post last night but o was writing at like 2am and I couldn't focus because I was so tired, I hope you understand.

Is this getting too repetitive? Let me know. If so, don't worry because the tour chapters are coming soon and I've got a lot planned for it:)

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Love you all xxx

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