By HelynLaura

26.6K 977 227

You're an employee at the restaurant Ally owns with her wife Ivy. Ally struggles in day to day life due to a... More

PART ONE: The Restaurant
PART TWO: The Women
PART THREE: Ally's House
PART FOUR: Ally's House [Cont.]
PART FIVE: She's Cheating On You Too?
PART SIX: I Have A Plan
PART EIGHT: This Ends Tonight [cont.]

PART SEVEN: This Ends Tonight

2.4K 98 11
By HelynLaura

(y/n) - your name

Ally sits at one of the restaurant tables, tapping her pen viciously against the granite surface, watching her wife Ivy say goodbye to their son and his nanny, Winter.

You two are finished and me and (y/n) can start our life with Oz, just the three of us.

She keeps checking her watch, she's been doing it frequently for the past half an hour waiting for you to come in to start your shift, hoping you'd show up early.

The clink of glasses being re-stocked at the bar causes Ally to jump and her heart to thud in her chest.

"Fuck," she whispers under her breath, tapping her chest trying to calm down.

She is always easily spooked, but recently she's been extra jumpy, feeling as though she's being watched.
This time she knew it wasn't her phobias making her paranoid as you had said the same thing to her.

As soon as she had realised you were probably being watched too, she'd stepped up her plans to get rid of Winter and Ivy - plus the two others she'd seen them hanging out with.

"Hey boss."

She snaps out of her thoughts as she looks up at you, getting waves of relief and love in equal parts.

"Hi there, beautiful.
I'm so glad you're here."

You notice the upset and panic in your girlfriend's eyes, you know what it will be about.
So instead of making her talk about it, you draw her head into your stomach as you stand over her, stroking her soft hair.

"Erm, Ally?"

Her eyes snap open as the two of you jerk apart, you'd completely forgotten you were in work and nobody knew about your situation.

You turn to see one of your co-workers stood behind you, looking as awkward as ever.

He clears his throat, "sorry.
The deliveries have come in the back, could I have a hand?"

You move quickly towards him.

"Yeah of course Aaron, let's go."

As you walk off, you whip your head round to pull an 'I think we've been caught out' face at Ally.
To which she responds with a laugh, whilst simultaneously flinging a hand out to the side and shrugging her shoulders.


"It reeks of sex in here-"
Winter laughs as she walks through the hallway of Ivy and Ally's house.
"-Ally and the waitress really go at it huh?"

Ivy laughs too, "yeah I guess. More than she ever did with me."

They make their way into the living room, sitting down on the sofa.

"So tonight, we're meeting at the restaurant right?"

"Yeah, Ally and (y/n) are on the same shift of course...So I guess they'll be out of there by half 10."

"Cool, well I'll tell Kai and Bex.
I'll go back to the house after I've dropped Oz off here from school, okay?"

Winter runs a hand through her girlfriend's short, blonde hair.
She can tell something is off.

"You're still okay with this right? I mean, it was your idea.
But if you're having second thoughts -"

Ivy turns to her, "No, I'm not having second thoughts.
I want us to have Oz to ourselves.
That will never happen once Ally finds out about us, she'd take him from me and ride off into the fucking sunset with that tramp we hired."

She becomes angry, "I fucking hired that little bitch.
I knew Ally had a crush on her the second she walked through that office door for her interview."

Winter gets a pang in her stomach, "why are you so mad?
Are you still in love with her?"

Ivy softens seeing tears burning behind Winter's eyes, she brings a hand up to her cheek.

"No babe, of course not.
I told you, we were over ages ago. And I'll prove that to you, tonight.
We won't have to worry about them much longer."

She leans into Winter's lips, the two sharing soft kisses at first which soon turn into passionate ones as they start to undress eachother.


"It's me!"
Winter shuts the front door of her house, stopping a moment to listen for a sign that somebody is home.

Kai emerges out of his bedroom, half asleep.

"Did you just get up? It's like 5pm."

He stretches, ruffling his blue hair.
"Shut the fuck up, Winter.
Where have you been? Fucking your yuppie girlfriend?"

"Fuck off Kai, you dick."

He laughs, giving his sister a friendly punch in the arm.

"So tonight, it's still on right?"

"Yeah, Ivy said to meet at the restaurant at half 10."

"Yes m'am!"
He shouts, pursing his lips and doing an over-enthusiastic salute.

Winter rolls her eyes and walks off down the hallway to find Bex.


"Goodnight Aaron, thank you."

"Night Ally-"

Your co-worker pokes his head around the booth where you're sat, pretending to be finishing off a job so that you can stay behind.

"-night (y/n)."

He gives you both a slightly amused smile before Ally locks the door behind him, failing to stiffle a giggle.

"Well, I guess our cover is well and truly blown."

You stand up, leaning over the seats to give her a kiss as she leans in towards you.
Her hand starts to grip the back of your head, you know what she wants, but she had said you had something important to do tonight.
Reluctantly, you pull away from her.

"C'mon let's get back okay."

She groans as you get up, prompting her to unlock the door so you can both leave.

You sit outside Ally's house in her car, watching Ivy on the phone through the window.

"I feel like we're undercover or something," you whisper.

Ally turns to you, laughing.
"Why are you whispering? I don't think she can hear us."

You give her a playful jab in the arm.

"I'll wait in here, till I see her leave.
I know the drill."

Ally gives you a quick kiss before getting out of the car and making her way into the house.

Around 10 minutes later you see Ivy come out the front door and drive off.
You quickly undo your seat belt and take the keys out the ignition before running towards the house, whipping back round a moment to lock the car.

Ally's already stood at the door waiting, she takes your face in her hands and kisses you as if you've not seen eachother for days.
You back her into the house, fumbling behind you for the door handle.
The two of you continue kissing despite Ally walking backwards into the living room wall.
She only breaks away a moment to guide you both safely to the sofa, where you collapse on top of her.
She uses her other hand to grip your hip, begging you to grind back against her.


You move away from her slightly, struggling against her hand as it tries to pull you back down.

"You told me we had something important to do. Not that sex with you isn't ...Important."

You both laugh, she bites her lip before letting out a sigh as she sits up.
She thursts her hips up slightly to get her mobile out the pocket of her jeans.
You watch as she dials a number, holding the phone to her ear.

What the fuck is going on?

"Hi, are you ready?
Great, meet us at my house in 10 minutes okay?"

Ally seems more self-assured than you've ever seen her before - even more than that time she'd sucessfully bossed you about in the bedroom before dissolving into hysterics, but there was no laughter this time.

She turns to you, noticing your confused and slightly cautious expression.

"Don't worry, I'm going to look after you and Oz.
I won't let anyone hurt you ever again or break the three of us up.
This ends tonight."

You jump against her embrace as a knock on the door breaks the silence and fills you with trepidation.


End of part 7!
One more part to go on this and my Wilhemina story (which hit 1K reads today, yay! I can't believe that in under a month...)
I'm so glad people seem to be enjoying reading these and I'm really grateful for the comments and votes etc too, thank you ♡.

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