Give Me Something To Hold On...

By Nopalita_01

39 5 0

Artemisia Dimor is constantly reminded that she has it all, from her mother to her therapist, to her lavish p... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

23 3 0
By Nopalita_01

Oh my DIOS Lin has FINALLY written the first chapter of the story whoop!! Honestly, I really really really really REALLY hope this story is successful and that I continue it and that you guys end up loving it cuz I do sure have some stuff in store for you guys *rubs hands* anyways, I would put a whole copyright thing here but I think ya'll know it ain't cool to steal someone else's ideas cuz I SWEAR TO GOD IF I FIND YOU I WILL HAVE NO MERCY ON YOUR LAZY, NON-MAKING-YOUR-OWN-IDEAS- ASS.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy my very first chapter of this strong Latina lead role book! This book will be written in spanglish with no translations so if you need help don't hesitate to comment for my help or search it up on Google :). Enjoy and paleeeeeez tell me and comment what you think! Enjoy!

Warning: there will be strongish language, substance abuse reference, and difficult scenes/events in this book so PREPARE YO SELVES.

(BTW, Dolores is Artemisia's older sister)

Familia - always first, my mom would say, and in many ways she's right. To my father, that's what it always was, us: my madre, my sister Dolores, and me, Artemisia. My father always pushed to give us the best, and I was always thankful. But of course any immigrant's dreams can grow ambitious like any other American citizen. My padre knew business very well, and that technical mind of his got us to where we are now: a two story mansion in Colorado. My life was turned upside down. We went from living off of foodstamps to having more than enough. I went from working my sister's hand-me-downs and jelly sandals to designer clothes and my very precious pearl jewelry collection. I never thought that I'd become so comfortable with my new life, but luxurious living can change someone so much. The only part of me that hasn't changed is my best friend Sandra, since elementary school. She still lives in the ghetto, but neither of us care of our drastically different lifestyles to still get along like peas in a pod. My family adores her too, so much that she gets to stay at my house every week and have a mini vacation.
Anyways, my dad's once small company grew into a huge success, and that's when everything changed; for good and for bad.


    I smooth out my navy blue uniform skirt, pulling it down to lengthen it. I always had a problem with my academy's uniform. It was made for flat, square, skinny girls. I was "blessed" with a big top and bottom, according to my mom, but to me it's more of a love-hate relationship. Hate for this exact reason, last years uniform skirt somehow shrunk in the dryer and now I'm stuck tugging at it more than usual because I don't have a backup uniform yet.

    "MISI BAJA QUE YA VAS TARDE!" I squirm at the word "late" and put the last touch on my makeup before dashing down the stairs. I huff at the last step and fix my hair up as I take a seat in our white glass rectangular dining table. In front of me sits a medium sized plate of fruits, and to the side lays a small bowl of yogurt coated in a top layer of granola. I don't wait for papá and I gobble everything down, seeing that I have ten minutes to leave before I have to drive to school. My mamá observes me with curious eyes and a questioning expression before returning to her kindle, probably resuming her positivity book (or something like that) that she keeps insisting me to read.

    "Y papá?"

    "Left early for a work meeting. You know how hectic it gets Monday morning for him." I nod and resume to my yogurt.

    "Do you want Clifford to drive you your first day of school or do you want to drive yourself?" I ponder over it, trying to decrease the amount of food stuffed in my mouth as I swallow.

    "Let him sleep in, I'll drive myself."

    "Very well then." She resumes to her reading. I examine her features as she looks down, her head bowed and hair spilled over her face. She has the same expression as Dolores when she's concentrated, brows furrowed and playing with her bottom lip with her hand. I never really looked like her, really I only got her hazel eyes. Dolores looks almost like a replica of my mamá with her black wavy hair, petite figure, and light skin; really the only difference between them is Dolores' brown eyes. I look more like my dad: brown hair, browner skin, wideish nose, and big eyebrows. I dont know where I got my curvy figure, but I have a good feeling that it was my abuela Carmen that shared her genes with me. That woman had overwhelming hips for days. Going a weird direction but moving on.
I finish my breakfast and push my chair out, Augustine, our butler, quickly picking up my dishes from the table and into the kitchen. I give him a little smile as a thank you.

    "Mam, can I borrow one of your plumpifing lip gloss's?"

    She sips from her coffee cup as she shakes her head. "Nope, last time you borrowed one you lost it. Buxom isn't cheap sweetie." I sigh and whisper 'fine' under my breath as I storm off. I look behind my back once I reach our wide corridor and head toward my parent's massive room. She won't notice one missing. I slowly turn the knob and tip toe to her makeup area. I look through her collection and grab a peach suddle color. As I look up I hear gagging noises coming from the bathroom. I freeze and go into complete silence as the gagging continues. It sounds like... puking? I slowly walk towards the barely creaked door of the bathroom and the noise intensifies. I reach the door and push it very gently, afraid of who it might be, and peek an eye through the crack, spotting the familiar short brown hair that belongs to my dad. My blood runs cold. In a business meeting my ass. He lifts his head up a bit and large, under bags are clearly visible. He has his arm resting on the toilet seat as he heaves, groaning. His shoulder blades spike up and begins to heave again. I close the door shut quietly and lean against the door, feeling my pulse increase along with my anger. I look down at my apple watch and I force myself to forget my dad's hungover. Dammit I'm late to school.

    I quickly run towards the mud room and put on my white pumas, slip my Chanel coat on and throw my favorite maroon Vans backpack on my shoulder.

    "Adios!" I yell to my mamá as I open the garage door that leads to my Jeep. Everything happens so fast that I realize I haven't been breathing since I left the house. I grip the steering wheel and begin to count. As I reach fifty I find my pulse starting to slow.
Normally I would have given my mom a kiss, and she blesses me before I left, but right now the last thing I want to see is her and my papá. I knew my papá wouldn't go more than a week without drinking, why did I expect more? It all started when his company began its booming success, and it hasn't stopped since. Why would it stop now?

    As I pull up in the parking lot I turn towards my parking spot and brake when I see a jet black mustang parked there. WHO THE HELL HAD THE AUDACITY TO TAKE MY SPOT??? I grip the steering wheel and move on. If I don't park NOW I'll be late and I can't afford to give a bad impression my first day of senior year to the faculty. I park on one of the leftover parking spots from when we were all assigned our spots, a solid five minute walk away from the part of school I have to be at. I turn off the engine and rip the door open, dragging my backback with me in a flash. I speed walk towards the school, my shoes uncomfortable with their stiffness from being new. As I barely reach the area where my parking spot is, I see someone get out of the black mustang, looking down at what seems a phone. I narrow my eyes at them, ready to snap their little neck. As I speed my walk towards them to pour out my wrath, that someone turn out to be a very tall guy with jet black hair. I slow my walk a bit and bite my tongue when he turns his head to the side, a nice and defined jawline into view. Damn you hormonal Artemisia, stop being thirsty. Wait a second, I don't recognize him.

    He begins to walk towards the school and I decide to only observe him for now, and find out who he is before I let my wrath out on him. I mean, I gotta be wise before I poke the bear right?
The whole time we walk towards the school he doesn't notice me, thankfully. Also thankfully, he turns to the right, giving me my chance to pick up my pace and head towards my first class towards the left. As we part ways I look over my shoulder and narrow my eyes at him, imagining taking his little head between my fingers and squeezing. If only I knew you I would have ripped your hair out for taking MY spot.


    During lunch and before, me and my friends have established what classes we share this year. Me and Emily share Calculus, AP Spanish and AP Psychology. With Ava I share only dance, with Adam I share dance, AP Psychology, Calculus, and art, and with the rest of the group, Clara, Ana, Lukka, Levi and Skylar I share all my classes with. Lukka is my Silverdale High best friend; he was my first and longest friend here, and is always the giggles of my day.
    Here's the group presented properly. Adam is the quiet one from the group, but he's also my "that's what she said" jokes person to laugh with. Clara is a Hispanic scholarship student, which means the school pays for her whole education. She's also the smallest of us all, standing at only 5'0 (so adorable). Ana is like me, wealthy Latina in a white dominant academy, but a spoiled brat for sure (meant in a sweet friendly way). Emily is your stereotypical white girl: blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, freckled face, and sure does love her organic coffee from our local coffee shop. She's also a gorgeous cheerleader AND a Mathlete, how cool is it to have both beauty and brains? Ava is another white girl in our group, but with dirty blonde hair and honey eyes, and an amazing dancer may I add. She also has the longest hair out of all of us. Lukka is Irish white, with breathtaking, vibrant green eyes and probably the tallest guy in our grade. No seriously, that guy is like 6'4. Levi is a foreign exchange student from the UK, with an adorable accent and the cutest dimples ever. He's an amazing artist and a ladies man *rolls eyes*. I mean, what girl doesn't love that UK accent. Skylar is the only African American girl in our grade, and she's always quick to prove these ungrateful, privileged white kids wrong when it comes to racist or culturally wrong comments. As minorities, we get along great, and we can always spend hours talking about issues that mean so much to us. She's also an amazing pianist, but as a part time job she models, which in my opinion I think an agency would pick her up quick for her naturally breathtaking beauty.        

    So here we are, a somewhat diverse group of kids, all very different yet similar in so many ways; all just glad to be together again.
   "So did you get a new car and didn't tell us?? Since when are you into mustangs?" Ava pulls me from my train of thoughts, quickly igniting the fire in me from before.

    "It was stolen by this pendejo that I haven't seen here ever before!"

    "Who the hell is this pendejo messing with my Misi?" Lukka says and slaps the table, his white accent very heavy on the word pendejo. He was clearly joking around, but I did wish that table was the pendejo's face.

    "What do you mean you've never seen him ever before?"

    "I'm saying that he's probably this new douche that doesn't know what an assigned parking spot is."

    "Who is he? Is he here? Is he hot?" I roll my eyes at Emily. I forgot to mention Emily is our thirsty girl friend, always ready to give it a go to all the new hot guys in this school. I mean, if I had her face and body I would shamelessly do the same; can't blame the girl. Dispite rolling my eyes, I move my eyes through the crowd of people, looking for that jet black luscious hair. Yes, I am aware I called his hair luscious.

    My eyes suddenly fall on the tall boy with jet black hair, walking towards what seems his friend group. Wait a minute, he already has friends here? I observe him the whole time he walks towards the table, arriving and giving all the guys a bro hug or handshake, all surprisingly seeming glad to see him. I overhear someone shout "Evans!", which to me sounds like a lastname, but it could be his first name. Weird. He takes a seat next to a blondie, picking up quick on the chat with his friends.

    "What? Which one is it?" Says Emily. By now, the whole group has picked up that the guy I'm referring to is in that table somewhere, and I know they won't stop bugging me until I tell them who it is exactly.

    "The boy with jet black hair wearing the gray t-shirt, right next to that blondie." I narrow my eyes.

    "Let's pay him a visit then," says Lukka, standing up and cracking his neck. I hiss at him to come and sit his ass back down but he flaps his hand at me, dismissively. I stand up and walk towards him, afraid of what trouble he'll cause on the first day of school. Before I can reach for his arm and pull, he taps the guy, or Evans, on the shoulder and I freeze.

    "I think my friend and you have some unfinished business," he says, in a snappy manner. Evans stands up slowly, his full figure expanding to its full length, jawdroppingly taller than Lukka. I swear he didn't seem this tall back in the parking lot.

    As Evans guy stands up, I see Lukka falter a bit. Oh God, what did you get yourself into, Lukka. Evans turns his head slowly and when he sees Lukka, his challenging eyes quickly shift to shock and surprise. Lukka's body also shifts along with Evans guy's facial expressions, his lips parting a bit. I questioningly raise my eyebrow at whatever has unfolded before me and stand still, completely conffuzled.


    Okay now I think I have accidentally taken shrooms because Lukka Simmons seems to know this now obviously attractive pendejo.

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