The Lonely God (Rosekook)

By Dreamofshadows

25.7K 1.9K 1.3K

Jeon Jeongguk is an arrogant magician who bows down to no one, not even the Gods of Olympus that reside on th... More

Author's Note
Eureka (How TLG got its name)


793 82 47
By Dreamofshadows

Late into the night, Jeongguk tossed and turned, unable to sleep. The events of the day kept his mind buzzing with nagging thoughts and feelings he couldn't quite comprehend.

What the Tartarus was happening? He didn't remember ever feeling so confused and unsure before.

The old Jeongguk was a charismatic magician who could charm the socks off of anyone he pleased,  sometimes without even using a single spell.

And then there were his powerful abilities, powerful enough to attract the attention of the Gods themselves and to have Hecate pluck him from amongst the dirt to have him master his talent in a safe environment where he wasn't hunted nor provoked.

Irse, at first a mere shadow he had freed from one of his frequent trips into the shadow realm, remained as a loyal companion that appeared in his head at his summons, saving him from scrapes numerous times by her own brand of magic.

Jeon Jeongguk never wanted to associate with the mere peasants, remembering his treatment in the hands of the harsh stable masters as a child and the beatings and neglected conditions they used to live in.

But then again, he didn't like associating with others of his kinds either: the elderly close-minded druids and scholars, the ignorant spirituals—they were far too in awe of the Gods, sucking up to them and never taking risks to go beyond the limitations, unlike himself.

He was afraid of no one, not even of mighty Zeus, the King of the Gods himself.

Jeon Jeongguk was untouchable, never associating with anybody, never leaning on anybody, never consulting with anybody. He was his own master, friend, guide and family.

A proud, arrogant brat, Athena had called him once after yet another appearance at the divine court. Once a Jeon, always a Jeon. Your hubris will be your fall.

He merely stuck his tongue out at her as he was escorted out of the Hall.

Yet now...

Now, Jeongguk found himself frightened by the thoughts seething and swirling like a murder of screeching crows in his head, leaving him breathless and heart hammering against his chest, fighting to escape.

A girl with fiery orange hair that blazed like a burning sunset, clear eyes, and a kind smile was the cause of the storm.


"Irse, we have to leave. Now."

"What happened?"

"Nothing nothing just...can you make sure she doesn't wake up?"

"Jeongguk slow down. Breathe." Irse told him, "why are we sneaking away in the middle of the night?"

"The longer we stay, the more I'm gonna be confused," Jeongguk whispered frantically as he started dumping clothes on the bed sheets and tying it up. He was fully clothed and put on as many layers on top. He had contemplated on leaving a note but decided against it.

A clean break—she needed to learn that the world wasn't—couldn't—be the golden version she thought it was. She was a sheltered girl, far too naive to have trusted him. She said she had a criminal for a brother, but that was probably a lie—which bastard had such a pure soul for a sibling?

No, she needed to learn that the world was too cruel and too ugly for somebody like her.

He was going to teach her a lesson. A hard lesson, but she definitely needed it: every man (and woman) for themselves. Don't trust anybody.

He was almost enraged that she could be still smiling and kind, not even the least bit bitter with her lot.

How dare she? How dare she?

He finished tying up the sack of clothes and tiptoed out of the room.

He froze when he spotted her drowsing figure at the kitchen table, sleeping on the books spread around her with the kitchen lights on. Another all-nighter?

Jeongguk bit his lip and carefully inched past, giving her a wide berth as though he might catch something infectious from her.

Well there goes his plan for sneaking some food.

He froze when she shivered in her sleep.

"Hobi..." she mumbled, "no...please..."

He cast about him, his eyes falling on the blanket folded neatly and sitting on the couch's armrest.

Before he could change his mind, he lowered his sack, took the blanket and gently covered Rosé with it, making sure it was tucked properly so it wouldn't fall off her shoulders. Her shivering lessened as she snuggled up inside the blanket.

Jeongguk bit his lip again. She really didn't look comfortable sleeping like that. Should he...?

He cursed himself for being so soft as he gently scooped her up, blanket and all, and took her to the couch, laying her down carefully. She was quite light, delicate to the touch—he was almost wary of holding her for fear she'd break like porcelain. He fluffed the cushion under her head and tucked her up again. He paused for a moment as he stood crouched next to her, taking in her features. She slept like a log, not even stirring while she was in his arms.

Much better. This was much better.

She looked pretty whilst sleeping, he had never noticed before. The way the light slanted across her cheeks, her pouting lips, her nose—

"Excuse me for interrupting the drooling party," Irse drawled, "but are we still sneaking out?"

Jeongguk muttered another curse and swung his sack behind his back, switching the lights off on his way out.

"Irse, did you think of a back-up plan?" he muttered as he walked up to the apartment door.

"Always." Irse returned as she materialised in her shadow form and swirled around him like smoke, her long hair floating behind her as though she were underwater.

"That's what Snape says," Jeongguk chuckled under his breath before gritting his teeth.

This wouldn't do! Remembering the things he did with her, right now? Get out!

"Okay, I need you to unlock the outside door and lock it back up after me."

"No goodbye note for your lady friend?" Irse inquired as she waved a hand and the door opened silently, without even a creak. "I have a feeling that Jennie girl will be furious with you."

Jeongguk glanced back one last time at the cosy dark interior he had been calling home for the past few days and shook his head.

This would be for the best.

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