One Direction Imagines

By xImagines1Dx

1.4M 7.9K 808

Hi, my name is Ivy Stone and I write One Direction Imagines. Please comment and tell me what you think of the... More

Harry Imagine #1
Niall Imagine #1
Louis Imagine #1
Liam Imagine #1
Zayn Imagine #1
A Imagine for Devika
Harry Imagine #2
Niall Imagine #2
Louis Imagine #2
Liam Imagine #2
Zayn Imagine #2
Harry Imagine #3
**Niall Imagine #3
Louis Imagine #3
Liam Imagine #3
Zayn Imagine #3
Harry Imagine #4
Niall Imagine #4
Louis Imagine #4
Zayn Imagine #4
Harry Imagine #5
Niall Imagine #5
Louis Imagine #5
Niall Imagine for 'Anonymous'
**Liam Imagine #5
Zayn Imagine #5
Louis Imagine for Paris
Niall Imagine for Kirsty
**Harry Imagine #6
Niall Imagine #6
Louis Imagine #6
Liam Imagine #6
Niall Imagine for 'Daisy'
Niall Imagine for 'Hannah'
Harry Imagine for 'Christine'
Niall Imagine for 'Ally'
Harry Imagine for 'Missy'
Zayn Imagine #6
Liam Imagine for 'Luz'
Zayn Imagine for 'Dulce'
Harry Imagine #7
Harry Imagine #1- Dirty
Harry Imagine #1 - Dirty
Louis Imagine for 'Aleena'
Harry Imagine for 'Anubis'
Liam Imagine for 'Marjorey'
Harry Imagine for 'Brooke'
Harry Imagine for 'Lily'
Niall Imagine for 'Rebekah' - Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Taylor'
**Harry Imagine for 'Megan'
Louis Imagine for 'Megan'
Zayn Imagine for 'Amber' -Dirty
Niall Imagine for 'Allison' - Dirty
Louis Imagine for 'Nicole'- Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Gestine'
Harry Imagine for 'Briana'
Zayn Imagine for 'Charese' - Dirty
Harry Imagine for 'Bojana'
Niall Imagine for 'Alannah'
Louis Imagine for 'Ffion'
Niall Imagine for 'Lauren'
Niall Imagine for 'Megan' - Dirty
Niall Imagine for 'Sydni'
Harry Imagine for 'Samantha'
**Harry Imagine - Same love
Louis Imagine for 'Ira' - Dirty
Niall Imagine #7
Niall Imagine for 'Harlea'
** Harry Imagine- Sad
All boys Imagine for 'Mackenzie'
Harry Imagine for 'Katie'
Louis Imagine for 'Nina'

Liam Imagine #4

19.7K 99 3
By xImagines1Dx

Liam Imagine

You and Liam are at the park walking hand in hand admiring the beautiful scenery; Liam finds the perfect spot to lay the blanket down, which is in front of this huge lake. You and Liam both sit down, and start to eat the lunch you brought, you are taking the food out of the basket, when Liam sees the underwear you are wearing when lean forward. "Whoa babe! Are you wearing batman underwear?" Liam says tugging at your underwear, "Yes... I am, I thought it would be a nice present for you when we get home" you say laughing and giving him a kiss, "Perfect" Liam says giving you another kiss. You are bringing out the sandwiches, chips, fruit, and brownies for dessert, Liam grabs a bag of chips and starts to eat them while you're talking, "so when do-" you stop when Liam tosses a chips at you and laughs at your reaction. You throw a chip back at him and you two start a war. You are throwing food back and forth at each other and you decide to crunch one and pour it on Liam's head, then Liam stops and takes the ham off his sandwich and throws it at you, you are laughing hysterically, when a park policeman walks up. "Excuse me but you are not allowed to feed the animals" the policeman says when Liam gets up and helps you up and says "I'm so sorry, we will clean it up I promise! She just started a food fight that's all" Liam says grabbing you by your waist and spinning you around, the policeman walks off and Liam lowers you to the ground and lays on top of you, he kisses you when you stop him and say "babe, I don't think we should be doing this here", "Oh yea we probably shouldn't" Liam says getting up and off you, to both of your surprise there is a group of kids standing beside you staring at you both. You both blush and you get up, pack your things, and walk off quickly; both of you are walking very fast when you remember you forgot to clean up the food so you start to run back to the car, you hop in and drive off. "Wow that was just... wow" Liam says walking through the front door and setting down the blanket and basket, "Yes it was but... it was fun", you walk up to Liam and put your arms around his neck and stand a little away from him. Liam grabs your hips and pulls you closer so your bodies are touching, "So do you like my underwear?" you whisper into his ear, he grabs the back of your inner thighs and lifts you up he carries you to his bedroom and lays you on the bed, he is kissing you and he slowly starts to unbutton your shirt, "Oh before you do that I would like to let you know I was hiding this from you until now, so I really hope you will like it" you say and you remove Liam's shirt so you won't have to later, he gets to the bottom button and undoes it and he slides your shirt off when he sees your bra. He lays his head on your chest and starts to laugh, "Oh my god this is perfect where did you get it?" Liam asks admiring your bra "I got it costumed ordered from Victoria's secret" you say giving Liam a kiss, "This is perfect, a bra with Batman on one side and Toy Story on the other" Liam says while holding your breast. You kiss Liam very passionately and as he rolls over so you are on the top, he sits up and you are on his lap, and he unhooks your bra, and you are running your hands through his hair.

I will be uploading more today and I would like to thank you all again for reading! If you would like a imagine message me, Please comment and tell me what you think! Thanks again! -- Ivy

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