Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

511 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"

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By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV

"Did you practice?" Hector asked me as we arrived.

"I did... sort of..." I replied.

"Good 'cause we're having our battle training tonight." He said.

"To-Tonight...?" I asked in a panic tone.

"Yes. It looks like you are going into far places without letting us know. How can we protect you if you're kept doing that? So we planned to train you with all of us one by one. You have to prove us that you can be independent." –Hector.


Hector' POV


"Alex...?" –Kenneth.

"Yes, I heard that Alex is getting better and better." –Mrs. Lori. "And Ronnie told me that she's smart."

"But she's not ready!" –Kenneth.

"I bit she is. Alex even survived from her first experience in the Mystic World. You think that I don't know?" –Mrs. Lori replied. "Hector, I'll put Alex to your group. In that way your group will be more advanced. I know you're also a great leader."

Mr. Ronnie opened the door and entered Mrs. Lori's office.

"Watch over her, Hector. She's also weak." –Mr. Ronnie.

"I will sir." I answered.


I don't know why Mrs. Lori wants Alex to join us on this mission.

I even do not show up myself to report any improvements of her to Mrs. Lori.

How can she even say about Alex like that?


Alexandra's POV

After a meeting with Hector and the others, I felt so uncomfortable about thinking the training later.

Jimmy will help me out later on the training since Hector is more powerful.


I felt so exhausted already.

What am I doing here? I'm so useless. I'm too weak, too weak, and too weak...

I can't beat them.

I can't beat him.

I even can't beat myself.

"I'm so useless!" I yelled.


Faith's POV

I saw Alex face palming while seating all alone in the corner.

"Is Alex alright?" I asked the others.

"She'll be fine." –Steven.

"She has no other choice. She has to face it. Ha ha..." –Cindy


Alexandra's POV

"Alex!" –Cindy.

I turned around so I could see her.

She waved at me and patting a space behind her.

She wants me to seat beside her.

I stood up and with beside her.

It's getting dark and John fired the fire woods.

We all gathered, circling the fire.


Keith's POV

It is dark and we don't know where we are right now.

"How can we move forward if the paths are hard to be seen?" Zane asked.

"It's totally dark, slow down." –Jamaicah.

"Are you sure about where we're going?" Zane asked again.

"Are we in the right direction?" –Jamaicah.

"Where are we?" –Zane.

"Are you sure about this, Keith?" –Jamaicah.

I stopped from walking.

"Wow, then lead the way you two..." I said in annoyance.

I'm so annoyed.

I have been thinking a lot of things and now they'll add themselves in it?

I've been having a difficult time walking into the darkness and then they will pay some more problems into my head with their murmurs in return?

Jamaicah and Hector shut their mouth in silence.

I'm not angry, I'm just annoyed. They knew that, they knew me.

I continued to walk because I know they can't do it- leading the way. They followed me while their arms embraced my arms tightly: Jamaicah embraced my right arm and Zane embraced my left arm.

They've been like that since the night is awake.

Yes, I know it too.

They are scared. Scared of darkness... Scared of monsters...

But don't let anyone know, they keep it as a secret.


Alexandra's POV

"Do you know why you're here?" –Hector.

He look upon me and asked as our training had begun.

"No..." I said and also shocked my head.

"Well, you'll know it soon. This time, the only mindset you can use is 'do not let fear overcame you'. Beasts and monsters may be powerful but not much powerful than you are. They exist to challenge us, to strengthen us and to make us learn when and how to use our magic in right ways." Hector lifts his head. "So this time, you should start to be strong and resourceful. Especially today..." He then smiles, a different smile.

I nodded.

Goose bumps appeared on my skin. I feel that I'm not comfortable with his appearance anymore.

"Be on guard, Alex. When it comes to trainings like this, Hector often get carried away. He won't recognize you anymore if he does." –Jimmy.

"What...!? Why?" I replied in whisper to Jimmy.

"He is powerful but he also can't handle himself." –Jimmy. "When you're an enchanter, you need to be trained in using spells and magic for all of your life. Because ...." He then looked at me seriously. "Imagine that you are an enchanter... When you're using magic, you're using the spirit within yourself too. There are two spirits in our body: one from the Father of all the Deities and one spirit is literally our spirit- our own soul. The ability to use magic is not from us but rather from the spirit that is within us given form the Father of all the Deities. That spirit is white and clean but when you're using it without enough training, you're spirit abuses that spirit in which it results to 'you can't control yourself anymore' if you're using magic." He looked to where Hector is. "Eleven years ago in the planet Earth, he just stopped because of the trauma."

"Why? What happened?"

"I heard that his parents died and he blamed himself for all of the cause." –Jimmy.

"H-hector's parents...?"

Jimmy nodded.

Before I can ask for more information, Hector attacked us with several rocks. He controlled the rocks and tried to hit us.

Jimmy immediately made a wind barrier to block the rocks that were going to hit us.

"Good Jimmy..." –Hector.

"Alex! Watch out!" –Jimmy.

I immediately turned around and saw several rocks flew directly towards me.

I could not move. I don't know what to do.


Faith's POV

Alex was shocked and could not move until the rocks hit her place.

We all were shocked of what we saw.

Cindy immediately covered her mouth in unexpected show.

John finally paid an attention to them.

"What happened?" We all turned to Steven who asked. Does he really have to kill the thrill? "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He said with an innocent look.


Alexandra's POV

I stood up after the rocks landed to the ground.

That was close.

That was really close.

Thank goodness Jimmy made a wind barrier to protect me.

"Alex, use all of what you've learned from our trainings in the training room. You're good at it, trust me." –Hector.

"Like what? I don't know anything." I replied.

I really don't know anything about battling and using weapons.

All I know is to panic in this situation in which if I am that lucky, I win. And if not, I lose.

Hector did not reply but rather attacked me with another batch of sharp rocks.

Jimmy protected me again with his wind barrier.

Hector then attacked both Jimmy and I with sharp rocks. But Jimmy's wind barrier wins again from the attack.

Hector pointed his wand towards our direction.

Then shockingly the plants from the ground that were beside us grew and became plant monsters.

Lively and terrifyingly it attacked us.

I swung my sword in desire to cut the plant monsters head with jaws and sharp teeth that were trying to eat me.

The big vines caught Jimmy and me. It is slowly trying to squash us until we will die.

Jimmy touched the vines that wrapped his body and chanted something. Then suddenly the vines around him unwraps him.

I cut the vines around my body with my sword.

Hector rained us with several of stones.

Jimmy run towards me and made a barrier to protect both of us from that stones.

The vines caught my legs again but I cut it again.

After the rain of stones, I ran and cut the plant monsters as I passed having a desire to finish them all.

The vines tricked me and caught my sword.

I ran and tried to take back my sword. But the vines caught me.

Jimmy came and chanted to release me.

I searched my sword. I saw it but it is swallowed by the big flower.

Hector grew more monster plants.

Oh no!


Steven's POV

"Okay, That's enough... Everyone, get into the cave." I called. I called Faith, Keith, and John to enter the small cave I created for us to sleep in.

I have been calling them for hours but they didn't even bother to hear me.

Hector commanded me to create a small cave so that we can have a place to sleep in. He also told me that we should sleep right away and don't have to bother them while they are on their training.

The surrounding is dark, yes I know. But if you're asking me about how Hector, Jimmy, and Alex see everything in the dark, it is because they used a position to see everything behind the dark surroundings.

Quit amazing, right?

We couldn't quite see them right now because of the darkness. But we can still see them even just a little because of the bonfire we made recently.

John pulled back and went into the cave. He yawned while walking.

I pulled Keith and Faith. I drag them straight into the cave.

After that, I chanted a spell to make a barrier from the entrance of the cave so that we can sleep in a quite surrounding.

I don't mean to disturb them but Hector told me to get them to sleep and I set the cave.


Alexandra's POV

"The object for the both of you is to steal my wand that I'm using." We heard Hector's announcement.

The Plant Monsters with heads and teeth tried to catch me with its vines and leaves.

Since I don't have my sword on my hands, I keep on avoiding the Plant Monsters from catching me.

Jimmy did the same with an addition to kill them with his magic.

'I need to get my sword back.' I said on my head.

I looked at the flower that swallowed my sword and think of ways on how to get my sword back. It is also a Carnivorous Flower but it doesn't have teeth like the other Plant Monsters are. It only swallows insect or animal, trapping them inside until it is gone. According to the book that Miss Sally gave me, that plant is called Voracious Liquesce Plant. It uses its acid to burn what it swallowed.

I avoided the vine that almost caught me.

Things get tougher and tougher.

Jimmy pointed his wand to the Plant Monster and his target exploded.

How can I get my sword? I hate it when Jimmy did all the attacks.

"Where's you're sword?" –Jimmy.

"It's been swallowed by the plant." I said while pointing to the plant.

"Why didn't you say so?" –Jimmy.

Jimmy pointed his wand to the Voracious Liquesce Plant and

My sword flew and then landed to the ground but it is far from us.

"Thanks." I said but he is now far from me because of the Plants Monsters that are trying to catch us.

Keep on avoiding the Plant Monsters while finding a way to pass them and get my sword.





Wet with sweat and I'm catching my breath.

Avoid and avoid but I'm trying to get closer to my sword.

I jumped and run until I almost reach the sword.

I tripped because of my cloak.

The vines from a non-sharp teeth plant caught me after.

I tried to escape the vines from squeezing me but it is too tight.

I cried in pain.

I saw the sword near from where I am so I tried to reach for it.

I tried to ignore the pain while reaching the sword...

I almost caught the sword...

But the vines pulled me higher.

I saw Hector and he controlled the vine so I could not reach the sword.


Keith's POV

The surrounding is extremely dark that even the light of the moon can't give us light anymore now that we entered the forest.

I closed my eyes.

"Come out now..." I said.

I felt Jamaicah tightened her grip on me arms.

"Master..." Kathy called.

I opened my eyes and smiled.

"W-who's that?" ["W-what's that?"] Jamaicah and Zane asked in shocked.

"Hello..." Kathy greeted them.


Alexandra's POV

I screamed in pain.

"Alex!" I heard Jimmy.

Then all of a sudden, the vines dropped me to the ground.

I think Jimmy helped me by his magic.

I tried to lift my body but my strength is gone.

I lift my head and saw Hector pointed his wand towards me. And behind him are the rocks, several of rocks floating in the air.

Jimmy is still busy with the Plant Monsters.


Hector's POV

I'm floating into the air with the rocks.

I pointed my wand at Alexandra but I hold myself from attacking her.

She just stared at me in a 'don't know what to do' looks.

I know her know what I'm going to do next. I'm going to rain some rocks straight to her.

But not at this time... I still want to see what will her respond.

After a few minutes, she's searching something. She scanned the ground until she found what she's searching for- her sword.

She tried to get up and reached for her sword.

"Tsk! You can't use that anyway to defend yourself." I said.

But she won't listen. She still continues to reach for her sword until she finally caught it.


Alexandra's POV

He's right.

How will I defend myself?


Hector's POV

She stopped.

"Are you going to call for Jimmy's help all the time?" I said. "If you're the only one left, battling against the enemies, what will you do? Jimmy or even one of us can't always be at your side all the time to protect you." I said then looked to where Jimmy is. Jimmy is busy defending and attacking the plants monsters that I created. "Look at Jimmy now. He is so poor doing all the hard work." I said. Alex turned her head to Jimmy's.

I guess this is the start to make her wake up.

Sorry Alex but I have to doubt you with words for you to wake up. You are strong and brave but you are covering it with thick darkness upon yourself. Why? What's keeping you to act like a weak person?


Alexandra's POV

I turn back my head from Jimmy. I looked to the ground in disappointment of myself.

Hector is right.

It feels so hurt inside me thinking that I can't help Jimmy on this training. He is the one been helping me but I can't help him in return. And now, he is filled with wounds and injuries because of me.

"You can't help him? Or you won't help him..." Hector said. I lifted my head, looking straight at him. "The two words are too different, Alex." He added. "You should be ashamed of yourself because Jimmy did all the hard work." He said.

He's right about that. I felt so ashamed since the day of our first training.


Hector's POV

I saw Alex's expression turned into sadness.

This is good.

"Your parents told us that you don't really have friends from your home town." I said. "Is it difficult to make friends there? Or you are just too poor to make friends with them." I said then smirked. "Of course that's because they are great at figuring stuff out, strong, magnificent, gorgeous... They have impeccable manners. They have the courage of their convictions. They have a great sense of humor and you are nothing compared to them..."

She then started to pay more attention to me.



Alexandra's POV

Why did he have to come up with that topic?

"Their creative potential seems limitless. They always know how to find that silver lining. They seem to really know who they are. Any team would be lucky to have them on it." –Hector. What he said reminds me of someone. "They have refreshing perspectives. They got all the right moves. They are brave..." He's wrong! "... They can inspire others and light the room up..."

"They are smarter than you, impressive, cool, and awesome friends, not boring to be with." She said.

"They are great to be with and you are not." –Hector.

"You're weak, dumb, loser..." She said. "I don't know why she chose you as her best friend. You're not even a special type person to be treated so importantly." She added. "Hanging out with the others is always a blast unlike hanging out with you."

"Is that because they are mean? Or it is because they're much better than you." –Hector.

"No one will ever make friends with you, loser!" She said. "Not even a single one. So why are you forcing yourself, dumb? You're much better if you'll die." She laughed evilly after.

"They are almost perfect." –Hector.

'That's not true! Make it stop!' are the only words screaming in my head.

"You're useless! You're nothing!" She said. "But thanks anyway for making our job a lot easier."

I fisted my hands angrily.

I cannot help myself. My emotions are mixed with both anger and miserable.

I lowered my head because my tears are beginning to fall.

"Aren't you ashamed of being so useless?" Hector added.


Jimmy's POV

"Aaahhhhh...!" A scream...

I turned my head.

I saw Alex holding her sword that is ready to kill while running towards Hector.

Hector immediately released his rocks and it all went straight to hit Alex.


I pointed my wand towards Alex to protect her. But I don't know if the barrier will protect her on time.


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