My Brothers Best Friend

Von bangstan_12

74.6K 2.4K 176

Jin FF I go to Bighit High School. My name is Kim Y/N. My best friend is HueningKai. I am the twin of the one... Mehr

Can't get away
Home alone
Movie 'Date'
Pass out
Dance Practice
Ice skating scandle
Shut in
He's onto us
My ride
Car ride
Sneaking out
The truth
The Truth PT.2
Kiss and Make up
Get together
Ice cream shop
Movies and Clothes
Ice Skates
Friend or Foe
Game plan
Game day
Figured It Out
Us Now


2.4K 79 1
Von bangstan_12

(Y/N P/O/V)

   Me and Kai separated because I went to Victoria Secret and he went into the one next to it. I went in but I still had this weird feeling following me. It was kinda scaring me but decided I had enough for today so I didn't want to cause anything.

   After trying on a couple things I walked out but couldn't find Kai. I looked in a bunch of different places but he was nowhere to be found. I even tried to call him but he never answered. I eventually decided to walk home since I wasn't gonna get a ride. I was almost home when it started raining. I heard a "Hey!" From behind me and as soon as I recognized the voice I picked up the pace. "We just wanna talk!" I heard again. I began to run away. Not the proudest moment but most effective.

   My hair got pulled and I stopped all movement. "So you got us in trouble huh!" I hear Solar say. "Let me go! I didn't do shit!" I said trying to free my hair from her grasp. She tightened her grip and said "Get her!" The second the words left her lips she left go and the others started to punch, kick, and do anything in there power to hurt me. "I didn't do anything! Jin saw the bruise and called it to everyone's attention! I swear!" I said trying to get away. They started tearing my clothes apart. They hit me harder than they usually did.

   "Hey! Let her go! Now!" We heard. They gasped and ran away. Jin ran up to me and took his jacket off. He wrapped it around me saying, "Are you ok? What happened?" I looked up at him and I saw something I didn't before. I've known him for years yet I've never felt this for him before. His now wet hair, sticking to his forehead his serious yet concerned eyes. What is this? "Y/N? Y/N! Are you ok?" He said shaking me out of my thoughts.

   "I-I'm fine but please don't tell Joon." I said. "I won't but you can't go home. I just dropped him off and if he sees you like this he'll kill you then them." He said helping me walk. "Then where do I go?" I asked "Just stay at my house for the night. Tomorrow is a Saturday anyway. Tell Namjoon that your with that boy." He said getting slightly annoyed at the mention of Kai. "Are you sure it's a good idea?" You said questioning wether to go or not. He nodded and brought you to his car. This would be you first time anywhere with a BTS member without Namjoon dragging you, not to mention at a members house.

   On the way there he had laid his hand on your knee. You didn't remove it but just continue to stare out the window. "How did you find me?" You asked breaking the comfortable silence in the car. "I was driving back from your house to mine and saw someone being beat up. I didn't know it was you until they left and I got a good look. I'm sorry for what ever happened." He said. "Why do you apologize, it's them who owe me an apology." You scoffed. "Hey, it's fine. Your safe now and that's all that matters." He said slightly rubbing my knee lightly.

(Time skip)

   We had finally made it to his house and wow. I hadn't expected it to be this good looking.

"Come on." He said parking the car. We walked in with his hand on my waist supporting me since I couldn't walk properly. He laid me down on the couch and took off his shirt running up the stairs to change it from his wet one to a clean, dry one.

    When he came down I had slowly gotten up to walk around. He grabbed my waist and helped me around explaining what each room is. Eventually we made it upstairs. "And this is my room." He said opening the door.

He had his own bathroom, office and a couch on the side. "This is also where you'll be staying." He continued. "W-What?!" I asked surprised "N-No you have another room-" "Nonsense, your sleeping here next to me. No questions, just change" he said cutting you off. "Into what? I didn't bring any clothes." You said looking at your body with his jacket still wrapped on your body. "Clothes are in the closet dumb dumb. It's over there." He said pointing to a little door. Once you opened it you saw an over sized plain shirt with shorts in the middle of a huge walk in closet. I put it on and looked in the mirror.

(A/N: sorry for all the pictures I'm bad at explaining😬)

   I walk out and ask "who's stuff is this," "Oh that's my shirt and some shorts I found somewhere in my closet." I nod and look at the bed. "I said no questions." He says as I look at him with 'unsure' written on my face. I walk to the restroom and find a new toothbrush, and wash up.

   I make my way to the room and see Jin asleep on one side of the bed. I walk to the other and carefully lift the blanket and lay down. I just let thoughts run in and out of my head. What is this feeling? Please don't tell me I have feelings for Jin! I can't like him! He's my brother's best friend! Anyone else just not- I suddenly felt arms grabbing my waist gently but enough to make me stiffen up. I heard him mumble something but couldn't make it out.

(Time skip)

I woke up to an empty bed but noise down stairs. I look around and remember I'm in Jin's bed. I get up with my legs still slightly limping. I walk down the hall and hear laughing. WAIT THAT'S JOON'S LAUGH! I creep closer to the stairs and peek my head out just a bit. I pull my head back as soon as I saw all the BTS members, including my brother, in the living room.

I run to the room and look around. I saw my phone charging at the bed side table. "Thank god Jin got it." I say getting my phone. I call Kai, praying for him to answer.


KAI! Where were you yesterday!

Sana (from twice) invited me somewhere. I forgot to text you.

Ugh! Do you understand what you caused!
1. I got beaten up!
2. Jin saved me, then I ended up at his house!
3. Now my brother is here and I'm hiding in Jin's room!

Y/N, I'm so sorry how can I save you?

I don't know but I'll try to figure something out and text you.


You hang up the phone and look around. You look in Jin's office type room and see little cards with his phone number. I dial his number and wait for an answer.

Hello? *Laughter in background*

What are you doing?!

Just wait I'll be up in a little.

Hurry up! I don't want Namjoon to see me!

Ok ok.

And just like that he hung up. "God! Why did I let this happen?" I said falling onto the bed.


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