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By supaslimey

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in which jahseh goes to summer camp and spreads positivity More

1: i can take you to topanga
2: bunk'd
3: y'all some faggots
4: jealous mikey
6: uh oh, thots!
7: surviving jordan carter
8: ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ

5: it's lit!

1.2K 92 196
By supaslimey

before y'all get mad about the michael/jahseh shit...i never promised slumptacion, and it's only chapter 5, anything can happen💗 but i'm not promising anything, and there's going to be a lot of unexpected ships/friendships in this. there will be the regular ships but there will also be some...others... y'all have only met like 10% of the cast lmao.

and not everybody in this book is going to be a rapper. most of the girls in this book are singers or youtubers so don't get shook


stokeley's bonfire was rescheduled to the next night, because it ended up raining later last night, and you obviously can't light fire in rain, no matter how many times gazzy's dynasty ass kept trying to convince everyone else that you could because fire absorbs water or something.

"no but for real, y'all really should have had the bonfire last night. just because it rained don't mean nothing, because fire overpowers water so it would have made the rain dry up." gazzy argued his case to stokeley, who wasn't even paying attention to him and was having a whole other conversation with jarad on the other side of his log, probably not even hearing what gazzy was saying. meanwhile omar nodded and engaged with him like everything he said made perfect sense to him.

"wow gazzy, you are so smart." omar lied, smiling and nodding uncomfortably before joining stokeley and jarad's conversation.

gazzy batted his eyelashes and continued to boast. "thank you, i learned my smartness from harvard. i graduated magnet cum louder. i didn't know magnets could fuck, never less cum, but here we are."

gazzy continued to go on and on about his "accomplishments" even though exactly 0 people were listening to him.

stokeley was well liked at camp as i could see, because damn near everyone came out for his party. you saw niggas from my cabin, like jordan and symere making smores with camila and lauren on the other side of the fire. you saw danielle and gazzy racing each other from the sign that divided the cabin area and the fire area to the fire, and gazzy accusing her of cheating because she started running earlier than he did. you saw dimitri running around chasing people with firey sticks only to nearly trip into the fire and end up burning alive, you saw alexandria, maria and billie playing cards, and you saw jahmier braiding isaiah's hair while the latter ate up the marshmallows from the smores kit that was left outside, and zion later cussing him out for wasting marshmallows.

and we had supervision of course - but it barely mattered, because tyler and rakim were too occupied with flirting with each other like the fags they are, and they didn't even notice that dimitri almost fucking died because they were too preoccupied with "discussing grown folk business",  and travis horse looking ass had all but disappeared to go get some top from kylie's swollen ass lips, and frank's emotional ass was somewhere crying in one of the employee rooms or some shit.

the counselors didn't really do their jobs as i could tell so far, which i honestly didn't care about, i would rather they left us alone instead of breathing down our necks and treating us like five year olds, but sometimes it was just laughable. one day this place was going to get shut down.

"aye, y'all niggas deserve to be fired," i called out to a now alert tyler and rakim, who were, up until that point, sitting on a log together and talking and not paying attention to anything that we were up to.

"oh shit, did one of y'all lil niggas die?" rakim's hand clasped over his mouth, his eyes widening as he got up from his log to see what was happening.

"i mean no but dimitri almost fell into the-"

"key word, almost," tyler interjected, clearly trying to hold in his laughter as he eyed dimitri, who had a couple of burn scars on his legs and black spots on his shorts. "and even if he did it wouldn't be that big of a deal, did y'all lil niglets never learn how to stop drop and roll? he'll be alright." 

"man y'all ain't shit," dimitri mumbled before turning around and scooping up another stick from the ground and proceeding to terrorize people with it, clearly not learning his lesson from the first time.

"pussies," tyler shook his head in disgust before turning his attention back to rakim, i couldn't help but laugh a little. i wished i could achieve that level of not giving a single fuck.

"yooo these niggas rutheless," i tried to start a conversation with stokeley, sitting next to him as i grabbed a twig and a couple of marshmallows. "what's it like to have tyler as your counselor? because..."

stokeley let out a couple of chuckles and shook his head before taking a couple of marshmallows himself and proceeding to roast them. "tyler is more childish than half of the niggas in my cabin. he helped me and omar hide metri's edge control yesterday."

 "oh no, not edge control," i snorted out a laugh, remembering how kimetrius had his edges laid the first time i ever saw him. i didn't even know niggas could have edges until i saw him.

 "his twig built ass sat up and searched for that shit all damn night, nobody could sleep because he was tearing the cabin apart to look for it. whole time tyler had taken it and put it in the office. he still don't know we the ones that took it, let alone tyler helping us hide it. he thinks isaiah stole it because he's 'jealous that his curls aren't as voluptuous as his' or some shit"

i wheezed so hard i almost choked on my marshmallows, causing me to swat stokeley in the shoulder for being so funny that he almost made me choke. "y'all some bullies man, when metri sue y'all for stealing his shit ion wanna hear you crying."

"so...what be going on in your cabin? i know gazzy's remedial ass has to provide some kind of entertainment," stokeley changed the subject before taking a bite of his nearly burnt marshmallow.

honestly, my cabin seemed kind of boring in comparison as to what goes on in stokeley's. you could tell that between the 6 of them and tyler's reckless ass, there was a lot of shenanigans that went on that i lowkey wish i was a part of. meanwhile, all we get is diego spitting on people and jordan wanting to have his own episode of to catch a predator with rakim.

i shrugged and answered his question "lowkey you make my cabin seem boring as hell, the most we get is jordan warning us not to talk to 'HiS mAnS' and then symere threatens to curse his family. your cabin seems lit"

"it kinda is. except for jarad lame ass-"

"must be nice to not be lame," jarad cut him off, sighing deeply as he jutted his bottom lip out and pouted.

"you see what i mean? anyways," stokeley continued, "you should hang out with us one day, you would fit right in. we be talking about you all the time."

i raised an eyebrow at him. they do?

as if he read my mind, jarad added to the conversation. "yeah, everyone talks about you jahseh. that's how i knew who you were before you introduced yourself. everybody talks about you being the one who almost beat taymor up."

i shrugged. i really didn't think it was that serious for everybody to talk about. i mean, we didn't even actually fight. all i did was trip him and we got in each other's faces before stokeley diffused the situation, but what i learned from school is that if anything mildly exciting happens, then niggas are going to talk about it until they find something else to talk about.

but i mean, i really wasn't complaining, at least it was positive attention that i was getting and i wasn't the one getting clowned like taymor probably was right now.

just as i was about to say something about how it wasn't really a big deal, i felt someone's chin digging into my shoulder and my heart jumped a little, causing me to flinch a little bit until i realized that it was michael.

"hey mikey," i cooed as the freckled boy sat on the opposite side of me on the log. i noticed stokeley scrunch his nose up and make a face for a split second when he saw michael joining us, but i ignored it.

"hi sehseh," he responded, scooting closer to me and resting his head on my shoulder, which had to be his favorite thing to do, because whenever we were together (which was all the time) his head would always end up on my shoulder and my fingers would always find their way to his hair.

"hey, who's this?" jarad asked, his eyes meeting with michael's, the latter turning away as soon as they made eye contact.

"i'm michael," he introduced himself, his voice was so soft i doubt jarad even heard him.

jarad smiled at him and reached over to give him a hug - which lowkey made me twitch with jealousy, but i put that to the side. "hey michael, i'm jarad. must be nice to meet you."

michael smiled at him, and i shot jarad a cold stare before turning my attention back to mikey. "i thought you said you didn't wanna come?" i asked, putting my arm around his shoulders. 

before the party started, michael insisted he didn't want to come, even though i basically begged him to join us, but i guess he changed his mind, because here he was, 30 or so minutes late as he joined the function.

he shook his head. "i wanted to come but i felt like nobody would want me here so i stayed home...but i got bored because i was all alone so i decided to come anyway," his voice was soft and a little downtrodden.

i wondered why he felt so unwelcome. we've been together a lot and i haven't noticed anyone bullying him or anything. 

"aw, why?" i asked, stroking his hair to comfort him.

"i don't know...i just can tell when i'm not wanted. i don't think nobody really likes me here besides you," he let out a deep sigh, slumping his shoulders and lowering his eyes.

"look mikey, it hasn't even been a week of us being here. i know it might seem like nobody likes you or wants to hang out with you, but you have to give it time to make good friends. you need to get out and talk to people, and look on the bright side, at least you already made a friend," i tried to comfort him.

he nodded, seeming to take my words in. "thanks, jah. i hope you're right."

"i know i'm right. you just have to think more positively and uh...lighten the fuck up," i teased him, giving him a playful laugh before reaching over to tickle his stomach.

he tried to shield his stomach from me, wrapping his arms around his stomach in his best efforts to stop me from tickling him. it was to no avail, because i effortlessly removed his arms and continued to tickle him so hard he fell backwards off of the log because he couldn't control his laughter.

i didn't even stop after he fell, i just climbed on top of him and continued to tickle him as he tried his best to push me off of him, once again failing because i was considerably stronger than him.

"stop! stop! i'm gonna pee!" he begged, using all of his strength to get my hands off of him. i gave in and stopped tickling him, no matter how fun it was to torture him and see his adorable smile in the process, i didn't know if he was serious about having to piss, but i sure as hell wasn't about to find out.

i sat there on top of him for a few seconds, letting him collect himself before eventually getting off of him and letting him go so he could use the bathroom, i expected him to start walking towards the cabins, but he just turned towards me and gave a sly smirk. "oh jah, you really thought i had to piss? i'm disappointed in you," his tone was snarky and almost condescending as he turned around and began to run away from me giggling, and i just chased behind him, the two of us running throughout the spread of land as we jumped over logs and whole ass people 

as i tried to catch him. as soon as i caught him, i was about to tickle the shit outta him.

maybe this place ain't so bad after all, because tonight i was having the most fun that i've had in months. i was chasing my best friend around camp, eating marshmallows and smores, telling funny ass stories, and just having a good time and meeting new people in general. i was actually doing what niggas come to camp to do in the first place, which is to mAkE fRieNdS and bUiLd chArAcTer.

"aye, y'all wanna tell some ghost stories?" symere's voice boomed, and my face immediately lit up.

"of course we do," i shouted out, before sitting down onto a log, catching my breath after my unsuccessful attempt to chase michael.

"y'all better sleep with a lantern on tonight, because my stories are not for the weak minded," he warned, as people began to crowd around the fire, sitting on various logs as they got ready for symere's ghost story.


zion is zion kuwonu from prettymuch btw, not glizzy beaver built ass

i feel bad bc this is sooooo boring so far but it's about to get crazy soon.. y'all should know by now that wild shit be happening in my books so

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