
By hisalmslal

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{The sequel to mute} Annie leblanc is nothing like how she used to be, not after he left her she changed, she... More

Epilouge 1
Epilouge 2


2.4K 68 24
By hisalmslal

Annies pov
"Okay m'am im going to put you on hold" another lady says for yet the 5th time, i look at my notepad to see one lead 'andy franklyn-miller' i sigh writing down other things consisting of things about asher and i and some things about will. I hope by the end of this im able to not only find my daughter but will. I hold the phone between my shoulder and ear when there is a knock at the door, i walk over To answer it "hello miss leblanc" a males voice said "yes is this mr miller?" I question opening the door to see jack with two coffees in hand, i step aside letting him in and closing the door "no this is his assistant he isn't available would you like to leave a message?" He asks i groan "is there any possible way i could see him in person?" I ask "urm possibly let me check his schedule real quick" he says unsure i take a seat back at the kitchen counter accepting the coffee jack was offering "he has one appointment available in two days from now how does that sound?" He asks, i grab my notepad "yes yes that's perfect" I exclaim a little too excited, what i've been on hold for like a hour can you blame me "okay its scheduled for Thursday at 2pm in our offices in west hollywood, miss leblanc thank you" he says cheerfully before the call ends.

I put my phone down "whats all this?" Jack asks "im trying to find her" i say confidently sipping my drink "are you sure annie? don't you think it will confuse her" he asks concerned "I don't want to take her from her parents i just want to see her, maybe if im lucky be apart of her life at the end of the day she's my baby" i shrug he gives me a small smile "well your not doing this alone, Thursday im there with you, we're gonna find her together" he announces gripping my hand tightly "thank you jack" i reply.
We were now sat on the sofa papers,empty beer bottles and all sorts surrounding us "theres this girl leah born November 5th" jack says showing me a picture of a little girl with her family "cant be she has blue eyes" i shrug sipping my beer as I wrote down and crossed out her name. There is a repeated bang at the door so jack gets up to get it as I continued looking "im going to kill her" someone snapped i turned to see nadia, johnny's girlfriend not long followed by him, he mouths a quick sorry before nadia starts "your a fucking whore!" She snapped i push everything aside standing up slipping off my glasses "woah woah chill" i say crossing my arms "chill? Are you fucking serious you slept with my boyfriend you slut" she screams in my face i roll my eyes "chill out" i say unbothered.

She catches me by surprise as she slaps me across the face "you little bitch" i shout before swinging a punch "you know what i did sleep with your boyfriend and it was amazing. I'd let it happen all over again" i say smugly before pinning her to the floor "you've messed with the wrong bitch on the wrong day" i hiss before slapping her repeatedly im soon pulled off her and held closely in Johnny's arms "annie relax deep breaths" he mumbles into my ear but i was raging, tears spilled from my cheeks but I wasn't sad i was angry at johnny he didn't tell me he had a girlfriend when it happened he could've avoided this whole situation if he just told me.

I pushed my self out of his arms "this is your fault" i snap "you didn't even tell me you were seeing her till the next morning johnny! Did you even consider my feelings?! I thought you'd changed but no your still the same selfish bastard you was in high school, she doesn't deserve this look at you. You didn't even check to see if she is okay" i shout in his face my knuckles turning white "i-" he started but i slapped him across the face "thats for the both of us now leave" i say in disappointment he frowns before slouching away "im sorry i never meant to hurt either of you" he says before leaving. I kneel down to see if she was okay "im really sorry nadia i never knew y'all were together at the time" I apologise, jack had gave her a cloth to wipe the cut on her face "its fine, its his fault we're so done" she says softly i nod slowly "what the fuck happened here?" Asher says in shock.
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