Against Nature's Laws

By SkyeJanes

86 18 11

When Lorraine Tate comes back after the summer, ready to start her junior year at the Mystic Falls High Schoo... More

New guys and old crushes
Animal attack
The Night of the Comet
Dark Premonitions
Go Timberwolves!

Harbinger of Evil

8 2 0
By SkyeJanes

When we walked outside I could feel the excitement in the air. The better part of Mystic Falls had gathered in the town square celebrating a big flaming rock above us. It was a beautiful night. Lights lit up the trees in the square, soft music played on someone's portable speakers, kids ran around with sparklers and the sweet scent of fresh popcorn filled my nose. In that moment I couldn't help but to feel genuinely happy and content.

We strolled towards the centre of the square, between families sitting on picnic blankets, where Caroline, Matt and Tyler already waited. Caroline waved at us when she spotted us, a big grin on her face, and quickly made her way towards us.

     „I got you candles," she said and handed them to us. I thanked her and linked arms with her as we walked over to the guys. My heart fluttered when I caught Matt's gaze, even though I tried my best to suppress it. It quickly calmed down though, seeing the way Matt still looked at Elena. His face lit up and his smile was disarming. Not even Elena was totally immune to that charm. He stepped forward when we got closer, his attention solely on his ex-girlfriend as he lighted her candle. Bonnie, who probably caught me staring, pushed me onwards to the bench Tyler was sitting on.

     „Ladies..." Tyler greeted us. I watched him absentmindedly as he lighted my candle. I thanked him as he moved on to Caroline's candle, while I helped Bonnie with hers.

I could hear Caroline start a conversation with Tyler, but I quickly detached myself from it and looked up to where the comet was shining brightly in the night sky. It was quite bigger than I imagined, a large ball of fire and ice, soaring through sky and eclipsing the stars around it through its brightness. I suddenly felt very small and insignificant as I watched the celestial bodies shining down on us. The universe was so much bigger, that the whole planet we're living on, represented not evening a grain of dust in it and my problems felt meaningless in comparison.

     „Bonnie says it's a harbinger of evil," I heard Caroline joking.

     „A what?" I asked, turning to my friends. Bonnie looked rather annoyed, and knowing Caroline could be rather inconsiderate, I guessed the blonde probably mocked the statement earlier on.

     „According to Bonnie's grandma, the comet is a sign of impending doom! Whoo-oooh" Caroline answered in an over-the-top mysterious voice before laughing loudly. Bonnie gave her the stink-eye, clearly not amused by her impression.

I stepped closer to Bonnie. „What else did she tell you?" I asked quietly so that Caroline, who started talking about another subject already, didn't hear us.

     „Nothing, just forget it, okay?", Bonnie answered curtly.

     „Come on, Bonnie," I pleaded. I was genuinely interested in the whole story. While Caroline might think that Sheila Bennet was just a crazy old woman, I knew she was anything but.

Bonnie's expression softened when she saw my face and nodded slightly.

     „She said that the last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage it created a bed of paranormal activity," she whispered.

     „You mean, like hauntings and stuff?" I whispered back, glancing at the comet above us.

Bonnie nodded. „Grams believes that with the passing of the comet, the activity in the town will rise again and bring chaos and death upon Mystic Falls."

I looked back down at Bonnie, trying to see any sign that she was only joking, but there was no gleam in her eyes, no corner of her lips that was twitching. She was dead serious.


A couple hours later Bonnie's words still haven't left my mind. We had gathered inside the grill again, enjoying the rest of the evening, but I listened only halfway to the conversations around me. I don't know why, but Bonnie's words somehow resonated in me, and I had this horrible gut feeling that Sheila was right. The feeling didn't get better when I saw Jeremy come towards us, looking rather agitated.

I could feel Tyler tense up beside me, I knew he didn't like Jeremy very much. Much less even, since the freshman started following Vicki around like a lost puppy.

     „Hey, has anyone seen Vicki?" he asked, looking mostly at Matt and Elena.

     „You're her stalker. You tell us," Tyler answered, the contempt clearly written in his face.

     „I can't find her!" Jeremy's tone conveyed urgency, he was genuinely worried about Vicki.

     „She probably found somebody else to party with," Taylor said smirking, unable to hide his glee. „Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced."

Elena turned to look at Tyler, frowning. „What's with the pill pusher?"

     „Ask him," Tyler said nodding to Elena's little brother.

     „You wanna do this right now?" Jeremy protested, not even trying to defend himself from the accusations.

I noticed the shock and the disappointment in Elena's eyes when she turned to her little brother.

     „Are you dealing?"

A trace of guilt came over Jeremy's face for a second as he looked over to his sister, but was soon replaced by anger when Tyler spoke up again.

     „She's never gonna go for you."

     „She already did. Over and over and over again." Jeremy answered defiantly, staring Tyler dead in the eyes and surprising the whole group with his admission.

     „Yeah, right," Tyler sneered.

To my other side Caroline made a weird noise.

     „You slept with Vicki Donovan... I mean, Vicki Donovan slept with you?" The disbelief in her voice could be heard loud and clear.

     „There's no way!" Tyler called out, slightly losing his composure.

     „And I didn't even have to force her into it," Jeremy spat, leaving Tyler speechless for once.

I began to squirm on my seat. There was way too much tension in the air and I started to feel slightly suffocated by it.

     „What the hell is he talking about, Ty?" Matt asked, his voice tense and his gaze probing as he glanced at his best friend.

     „Nothing, man, just ignore him, he's a punk," Tyler answered barely looking at Matt before focusing on Jeremy again.

I wasn't exactly sure what Jeremy talked about but when I saw the glare in Tylers eyes, I knew this was going to have consequences...

     „You know what, how about all of you shut up and help me find my sister?" Matt said exasperated and over the whole argument.

     „We'll check the back," I quickly said while jumping out of my chair and grabbing Bonnie. Anything to get out of that weird situation.

     „I'll come with you," Caroline said and we walked towards the other end of the bar.

We were looking around for a while already when Caroline spoke up.

     „She's not here, you guys, we've have been everywhere so far, the kitchen, the pantry, the freaking cleaning supply closet... Knowing her she's probably home getting high!"

I hated to admit it but she probably was right. Vicki Donovan did not have the best reputation around here. I looked to Bonnie who sighed in defeat as well.

     „We should probably head back, they might even have found her already," Bonnie said, grabbing her purse from the counter she had left it.

     „Thank you!" Caroline sighed a little over dramatically. „I still can't believe it, can you? Vicki Donovan and Jeremy Gilbert? It just sounds so wrong, it's probably not even legal..."

I rolled my eyes, of course Caroline had to be dramatic over it. But then it got me thinking. Vicki was 18 already, and Jeremy was only 14. Technically it was statutory rape. I exchanged glances with Bonnie, knowing she probably was thinking the same thing.

     „Well, better you don't tell you Mom about it then," I murmured.

When we got back to our table, we saw Vicki stumble through the Grill and sit down on a bench. She was clearly high, and it seemed her stitches had reopened.

     „Vicki!" Bonnie exclaimed and rushed towards her, while Caroline just shook her head in annoyance.

     „Of course! Haven't I told you so? She runs off somewhere popping pills, and we're left looking for her and ruining our evening," she grumbled.

     „I'm going to look for Matt and the others, let them know she's alright," I murmured. The blonde nodded and joined Bonnie.

I stepped out of the Grill and almost collided with Jeremy and Elena. When I told them Vicki was safe inside, Jeremy stormed past me.

     „I'm going to head home then, I'm just grabbing my things and say bye to Bonnie and Caroline."

I nodded. „See you on Monday."

I watched her disappear and walked towards the square in hopes to find Matt and Tyler. It took me awhile but I found them eventually.

     „Lorraine!" Matt called when he saw me approaching. „Any news?"

     „Yes, she's inside the Grill. She's fine," I answered and saw relief wash over Matt's face. „She looks high though," I added a little quieter. „You better go check on her."

Matt nodded and squeezed my arm in thanks before he headed off, I just managed to catch Tyler before he followed his friend.

     „Hey, I'm tired and going home, can you say bye to the others from me?"

     „Sure," Tyler answered with a nod.

I was already halfway on the way home when my phone rang. Bonnie, of course.

     „Hey, Bonnie!" I answered the call.

     „Why didn't you say you were tired? I would have brought you home." Her voice sounded slightly disappointed.

     „It's ok, Bonnie. It just was a long day and I didn't want to bother you and keep you from enjoying the rest of the night," I explained. „On top of that, it's a beautiful night and I missed the walks!"

I looked up at the comet as I said that. It was still flying brightly over our heads.

     „I'm already halfway home anyway," I joked and heard Bonnie sigh.

     „Ok, but please be careful and text me when you get home. If somethings happens to you, your dad will kill me!"

     „Will do, Bon. Good Night," I promised before hanging up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking. It wasn't long after that I heard something rustling in the dark. I stopped in my tracks, listening. I was still too far into town for a wild animal to cross my path, especially tonight when there was still so much noise and many people outside celebrating the comet.

There it was again, it sounded like it came from behind me. My heart rate quickened and I slowly pulled my phone out of my pocket and turning on the flashlight. I turned the light towards the bushes and let out a small scream when a raven came flying out. I quickly ducked out of the way, almost dropping my phone. Come on, Lorraine! It was just a damn bird. Don't let the paranoia get you too.

I sighed and turned around only to scream again. A familiar dark and tall figure had appeared before me.

     „Damon!" I hissed, once my heart had somewhat recovered. „Stop appearing out of nowhere and giving people heart attacks!"

I was getting quite upset, I was exhausted and tired of his cryptical behaviour for the day.

     „I'm sorry", he says with a smile. „I'll have to keep in mind that you're easily scared."

Oh, he did not...

     „I'm not-", I started taking a step closer, making myself even taller in my heels.

     „So screaming at birds is a normal occurrence for you?"

He didn't even try to hide the sly smile that was forming on his lips which made me even more angry. His eyes were gleaming, he clearly enjoyed riling me up.

I took a deep breath to calm down, not wanting to give into his little games, and put up my best fake smile.

     „It has been a long day and I am tired. So while I would love to debate the technicalities between being scared and being surprised, it will have to wait for another day. Have a good night Damon."

With that said, I dropped my smile and proceeded to walk past him at a quite decent pace. I only wanted to get home and fall into my bed at this point.

     „Lorraine! Wait!" Damon called behind. I ignored him, but he easily caught up with me and got in my way.

     „What?" I asked, crossing my arms and bracing myself for more teasing. To my surprise he actually looked quite apologetic.

     „I'm sorry for being an idiot. I actually came to apologise for all the weird behaviour today. We aren't getting a lot of visitors up at the boarding house, so when we do I tend to get a little curious about it." He actually seemed genuine, much to my surprise, no smirk or gleam in his eyes.

     „A little?" I scoffed, raising my eyebrows. It was now my turn teasing him.

He licked his lips and chuckled. „Well, a lot actually. My therapist says my need to know results from abandonment issues I got dating back from my parents death," Damon said rolling his eyes and laughing a little. I on the other hand lost the smile that was building.

Now that he mentioned it, I remembered Stefan telling us the first day, that his parents died. For some reason I did not make the connection that they were also Damon's parents.

     „I'm sorry," I whispered. All the anger and the annoyance were gone. It was hard enough for me to lose my mother. I couldn't imagine what would happen if my father died too.

     „Oh no, don't be. It happened years ago. I barely remember it," Damon said with an encouraging smile. „Anyway, I hope you can overlook our first few meetings and maybe start again. Without all the weirdness."

     „Sure," I said smiling. „Thank you for the apology."

Damon looked relieved. I just nodded to him. „Now if you'll excuse me, I've really got to go home."

I tried to move past him but a hand on my elbow stopped me.

     „Do you live far from here?" He asked, a concerned look on his face.

I shook my head. „No, not really, just a couple streets away, right by the forest."

I smiled through the whole explanation, so he'd know that it wasn't far away and that he needn't worry. But of course the word forest made him raise his eyebrows.

     „Do you want me to walk you home? It isn't really safe with a wild animal out there attacking innocent girls."

Something about the way he said that gave me the impression that he knew something about the attacks that the rest didn't. I scrutinised his face, looking for any indication of that, but he looked at me with innocent eyes. He seemed to notice my hesitation because he doubled down.

     „Come on, it's the least I can do, to make it up to you!"

I finally gave in and nodded. Part of it was because I knew that my dad would have my skin if he found out I walked home alone, and with Damon accompanying me I wasn't technically breaking the rules. The other part was because I was curious if Damon really knew something and if I could get it out of him.

We fell in to a quite comfortable pace as we walked to my house. Beside me Damon began to hum to himself which made me chuckle.

     „You hum?" I asked, a little disbelief in my voice.

He looked down at me, his head cocking to the side. „Yes, sometimes. Surprised?"

     „It's just, I never pegged you as the humming type. More like the brooding bad boy," I admitted, which made Damon laugh.

     „Ah, bad boy, yes. But, I tend to leave the brooding to my dear brother. I'm more the devilish good-looking cocky bad boy type."

     „Yeah, figured that much," I snorted. „The cocky part," I added when I saw his grin.

A comfortable silence ensued. One I would normally be content with keeping, but not tonight. There were informations I was trying to get.

     „A friend of mine said that the comet is supposed to bring bad luck," I said, looking up at the shining rock. „Well, actually it's supposed to wreck havoc on this town, if you believe these kinds of stories."

I glanced in his direction, trying to gauge his reaction to my statement. He was looking at the comet, a pensive look on his face.

     „And you believe these stories?" He asked looking back down at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders. „I'm not one to rule anything out. But there have been kind a few attacks recently."

Damon didn't reply. „What do you reckon it is?"

He did not give any clear answers to that either. Instead he just shrugged his shoulder before he began joking again. I gave up at that point, knowing full well I wasn't getting something more out of him tonight.

     „I came to pick up a package, by the way," I said deciding to end his torture. Damon first turned to me quizzically before a smile spread on his face when he realised I finally answered his question.

     „A package," he muttered shaking his head, still smiling. „What kind of package?"

I raised an eyebrow at him as his curiosity threatened to take over again. He seemed to understand because he turned towards the road again.

     „Right, sorry."

I couldn't help but laugh. I was fun to see how he actually tried.

     „I don't actually know. My father asked me to pick it up. It's probably something council related," I said.

     „Council?", he asked, a crease appearing between his eyebrows.

     „Yeah, the Founder's Council. You haven't been here very long, but you'll soon see that Mystic Falls is a busy little town. Lots of events equals lots of planning. And that's what they mostly do. That and allocating funds," I explained.

     „Whose on it?" He asked, clearly interested.

    „The usual suspects really. The founding families of course: The Lockwoods, the Forbes', the Gilberts, the Tates, the Fells-"

     „The Salvatores", Damon interjected.

    „The Salvatores," I acquiesced with a smile before continuing, „and a few others like Pastor Young, Mr. Walters, our M.E., and..."

I hesitated for a bit, trying to remember who else was involved, but couldn't come up with any more names.

     „Others," I finished with a shrug. „They probably have a list of the members somewhere around. The council members act as representatives of sorts, so if you have any matters of concern you can talk to one of them about it and they'll bring it up at the next meeting."

     „Good to know", Damon said with a smirk I didn't know what to think of.

We were getting close to my street. I'd thought I'd be relieved, but weirdly enough I was quite enjoying Damon's company. He seemed to have noticed too, as his pace became slightly slower.

     „So anyway, what brings you to Mystic Falls? I'm sure there must be some more interesting places to live than this boring town," I asked, trying to find out a little more about him.

     „Oh, I've been all around, but I was born here and like they say: there's no place like home."

He wore his cocky grin again, the one who made my heart skip a beat but also screamed DANGER! There was something off about it though. It didn't reach his eyes, but I could see something brewing behind them.

     „You don't like it here?" he asked after a moment of silence.

     „I do! I do..." I quickly answered with a small smile. „It's just that-"

I hesitated, stopping in my tracks trying to find a way to explain what I felt. Damon stopped too, looking at me with his head tilted to the side, waiting for me to continue.

     „Did you ever got the feeling that your walking in one place, without moving forward, just stuck in place? And you're beginning to suffocate, slowly dying from the same old routines around you that keep grinding you down?"

I looked in Damon's eyes and I could discover some sort of recognition.

     „That's what I feel. I just can't wait for graduation, so that I can get out of here, get a change of scenery and a breath of fresh air. Go traveling, see the world, you know? "

I blushed, realising that I overshared. I never voiced it before, the feeling of being stuck in one place. No one knew. Not my father, not Bonnie, not Caroline, not Elena. Yet here I was opening up to Damon Salvatore of all people, someone I barely knew, and someone I still haven't decided if he is friend or foe.

     „Well aren't you one for surprises, Lorraine Tate?" Damon said with a chuckle. „I never pegged you as the traveling type."

I rolled my eyes at him, echoing my words from earlier, but couldn't hold back a grin.

     „Then pray, Mr. Cocky Bad Boy, as what would you have me pegged?" I asked my hands on my hips.

     „I think you forgot the ‚devilish good looking' part there", he said with a toothy grin.

I pretended to think about it for a second, furrowing my brows, before answering. „No, I'm sure I didn't."

Damon snorted, rolling his eyes.

     „We'll see about that later," he said, winking, to which I just raised my eyebrows. „And well, to answer your question, I pegged you more as the dutiful daughter, on to become the dutiful small town housewife."

I tried to remain serious and think about a witty comeback. I really tried. But I ended up in a laughing fit, that had me almost rolling on the ground. Even though Damon seemed kind of amused at first, I could tell that he started getting a little annoyed as the minutes passed by.

     „A-A dutiful housewife?" I sputtered between laughs, wiping tears from my eyes. „Oh Damon, you clearly don't know me!"

I tried to calm down and we resumed walking, though I still giggled now and then at the thought of me becoming a perfect housewife.

Before long we had reached my house. I walked up the few steps to the porch until I was standing at the front door, Damon following closely behind.

     „Well, this was surprisingly fun," I said with a smile, watching him grasp for his heart with a feigned pained expression.


I just shook my head, amused by his acting. „Goodnight, Damon. And thank you for the walk home."

With that I unlocked the door and entered my home.

     „What? No invitation for a coffee?"

I turned to see Damon leaning against the doorframe, a cheeky grin on his face. I couldn't stop a grin from appearing on my face too. He really was cocky. Normally this type of behaviour annoyed me, but strangely it didn't in this case. It amused me even, so instead of rolling my eyes and shut the door in his face, which I would have done normally, I leaned against the opposite doorframe and crossed my arms.

     „Damon," I said, drawling out his name, longer than necessary, „we both know what an invitation for coffee really implies. So no, you're not getting any coffee tonight."

I put air quotation marks around the word coffee, which made him laugh.

     „Besides, my dad said I wasn't allowed to invite in any strange men," I said with a shrug.

     „Well wouldn't that be the perfect opportunity to show you're not the dutiful daughter I pegged you as?" He asked, a gleam in his eyes, as he probably thought he had me there, considering how obfuscated I was at his earlier assessment.

     „Well... I could invite you in", I said slowly, moving back inside and putting my hand on the inner door handle. Damon's smile, almost imperceptible widened, as he must have thought he won. „But that would just be too easy for you, and not enough fun for me."

I watched in delight as Damon's smile fell. He quickly caught himself though, rolling his eyes and putting on a smirk again. He was about to retort something when my ringing phone interrupted our banter.

     „Oh, that must be Bonnie, wondering why I haven't called her yet to let her know I arrived home safely," I said with a smile before answering the call. For a split second it looked like a dark shadow passed over Damon's expression, but as soon as I though I saw it, it was gone. I quickly dismissed it, attributing it to my own tired state.

     „Hi Bonnie, I was just about to call you!" I said.

     „Lorraine, I was so worried why didn't you call sooner?" I heard the shrill voice of my friend through the speakers. I winced slightly at her disappointed tone.

     „I just got home, Bonnie, I'm literally still in my doorway," I told her to soothe her, grinning at Damon who still stood in front of me.

     „Why did you take so long?" Came the suspicious reply of my friend. „Did something happen?"

I laughed at how Bonnie exactly knew what my normal pace was. „No, everything's fine, don't worry."

     „Okay," Bonnie answered warily, and I just knew the subject wasn't over yet. „Well, something weird happened earlier, can we talk? You're not too tired are you?"

     „No, I'm not," I answered frowning. Bonnie seemed genuinely anxious, something that I wasn't used to from her at all. „Let me just settle in. I'll call you back in a mo'."

I waited for Bonnie to agree before I hung up.

     „Sorry," I said turning back to Damon. His face was more serious now, but still friendly.

     „Not a problem. Is your friend okay?"

     „I hope so, I'll call her back in a minute. Thanks again for the walk home."

     „No problem," Damon said nodding , straightening himself. „I'll see you around Lorraine Tate."

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