The TwiceBorn

By WyldPatienz

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Disclaimer,Please Read: This is a story that may contain possible triggers for people who are struggling with... More

Welcome To Gandoura
False Gods And Too Many Cats To Count
Pinchem's New Horse
She Is Like The Moon, A Part Of Her Hidden
Sacrifice Is The Passion Of Souls
The Ruler of Twice
To Desire What Is Denied
Chafing My Heart Against The Want Of You
When Things Go Wrong...Smile
What A Shame That We All Become Such Fragile Broken Things
I Came To Myself In A Dark Wood--Dante Alighieri
And So I Beg For Sleep
Nothing Compares To The Love Of Grandma
Ignorance Is The Night Of The Mind
Keeper Of My Heart
She's Saving Me
A Winning Hand
Those Five Words
Out Of The Shadows
Darkness Is The Heart Of This World
Fear And Grief Intermingled
What Lies Beyond This Bitter End
A Tired and Hungry Spirit
Beauty Comes From What Makes Us Weep
What's In A Name
Conversation Is A Lost Art
Tricking The Trickster
The Corners Of The Soul
The Strange Yet Strong Weakness of Faith
Freedom Lies Within
Pura Vida
Misunderstandings Of The Heart
The Essence of Fear and Time Discarded
Faith And The ShadowLands
Nothing But Smoke And Mirrors
The AMAZING Coin Doubler
The Existence of Nothing
To Know Of Secret Things
The Familiar Territory Of The Inane
They Shall Take Shape Beneath Moonlight
Slavery 201: Care And Feeding
A Contrast Between Dark And Light
To See A World in A Grain Of Sand
This Darkness Some Call A Gift
Strange Days
To Have Grace Amongst The Graceless
To Announce Your Place In The Family Of Things
This Is How You Pray
Staring Into The Sun
Those Wayward Angels Who Embrace Faith
To Forget The World Before The Lesson
To Place Your Lips On The Soul Of This World
Magnificent Mistakes
The Inconceivable Mystery Of The Moon
The Gray
On The Dark Edge Of The Land
Ghosts Passing Through
To Yearn For What Has Been Lost
Advocatus Diaboli
Riding Out The Storm
The Inviolate Voice Of A Dark Heart
Angels Made Of Shadows
Working Past The Mystery
The Soft Invitation Of Madness
Every Touch of Flesh, Every Shard of Heart
A Winged Cupid, Painted Blind
That Silence Between Moments
And Ye Shall Know Wonders
The Power Of Confusion
Where The Demons Live
Handfuls Of Dust And Splinters Of Bones
To Know What You'd Die For
This Breath We Share, Beyond Sanity
The Binding Of The Yoke
Uneasy Messiahs
Sins Undone
A Song Of Darkness
Crossing The Great Beyond Of Fear
Time To Pay For Who We've Been
Within All The Trappings Of Darkness
This Feels Like Always
The Death Of Days
Weightless And Slow
Savor The Sorrow
You're The Love I've Always Known
You Are The Words I Can Not Say
The Definition Of Vexatious
This Horror Unheeded
The Master Of Ceremonies
This Wild And Wondrous World
The Power Of Names
Madness Among The Shadows
Resolute Captive
The Restless Call Of Destiny
Heinous Fuckery Afoot
Strange Aeons
Let My Words Become Fire
What Is Done Can Not Be Undone
Ashes And Roses And Time That Burns
Watching The Shadows Beneath The Moon
Some Things Are Never Made Right
The Heart Of A Coward
To Deny Or Embrace
The Shadow Of A Secret
Sod's Law
All Hours Are Midnight Now
The Goblin Fight Club
The Bitter Taste of Mercy
This Congregation of Strangers
There Are No Honest Prayers Here
A Less Precious Existence
When The Devil Goes Walking
Evil, Explained
Calling Down The Demons
Beneath A Thousand Stars
Promises To Keep
To Make Things Burn
No One's Fallen Angel
The Substance Within Silence
Love, Awakened
This Language of War And Song
The Edge Of Darkness
The Blood Is Sweetest After The Hunt
Un-Tethered Insanity
The Shaming Of The Sun
In Your Love, My Salvation Lies
All The World Is All I Am
On Wild Nights, Who Can Call You Home?
Within The Iron Of Her Soul
Slowing Down For The Silence
And I Buy All My Days
What's Written Here...
We Are But Dust And Shadow
Dark Soliloquy
This Time of Weariness and Withering
Rolling The Bones
Warring Hearts
Blessings Against The Thunder
Breath and Bone
Silent Legacy
Sons of Thunder And Daughters Of Eve
A Promise In Blood
Shadow Dance
These Un-perfect Ashes
To Follow Your Voice Into Darkness
To Sing A Song of Bravery
Count Your Blessings Against The Thunder
Within The Spinning Of Worlds
The Wind And The Wing Of Madness
She Overshadows The Moon
Death From Above!
Shadow Of A God
No Room for Angels
Not All Is What It Seems
The Fundamental Mystery Of It All
A Life Of Restlessness
A Gathering of Ghosts
On The Edge Of The Great Perhaps
Irritation Is Another Way To Express Love
The Gathering Darkness
The Stars Are Brilliant At This Time Of Night
Who Am I?
The Devil's Second Stride
The Beauty In Being Broken
Sorrow, Deep, Shall Find You
Everything You Once Were
Caught Within The Nightmare Of Being
How Tiresome A Sober Wit
To Reach The End Of The World
A Magical Elixir
We Were Darkness But You Were Hope
The Constellation Of Her Shall Lead Me Home
Shelter As We Go
A Bright Light In A Dim World
Kissing The Damned
Empty Mouths Full of Prayer
Awake My Soul
Alone Among The Ruins
Just Say You Love Me
To Be A Prism of Sadness, Divided
And Then They Shall Kneel
Wait Til The Midnight Hour
Standing At The Crossroads
All I Love...For All My Days...
Boldness Be My Friend
Under Infidel Skies
Between The Moon And You
Sing To Me A Softer Song
Every Devil in Its Den
World On Fire
That Was Then
Forgetting What We Never Knew
Spirit, Defined
Coming Full Circle

So Late, So Soon

927 66 6
By WyldPatienz

“Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.” --Vonnegut

Darius stepped around a boy no older than twelve winters lying in a pool of  vomit and waved an impatient hand at the barkeep.  He struggled to twist his expression into some type of congeniality as he watched Lauren slowly approach. 

“Got all the time in the world, aintcha?”  Darius snapped. 

It was a personal affront to him to see someone just gliding along, unconcerned about the momentous sadness surrounding the end of the world he’d come to know.  Lauren shrugged and ran one slim hand through his shaggy mop of hair.

“Yes.  I have all the time this world has left to offer,” He replied softly, as his mournful eyes settled on Darius’ outrage then moved over to take in Alora and Islinn.

“Haven’t you and your brother caused enough trouble?  Now you bring her here?”  Lauren shook his head, the very picture of sorrow.

With supreme effort, Darius managed to ignore the comment.  He’d never liked Lauren.  Always asking questions and spouting some type of naysayer bullshit when it came to good and evil and all the variables in between. 

When Darius strolled through town in better times, Lauren’s eyes would rest on him as heavy as a woolen blanket in summer heat and even though Darius had his suspicions that Lauren was as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, he hadn’t been able to catch him in anything.  And that had only infuriated him more.

“You should know by now Lauren, that your opinion is as important to me as a fart in a thunderstorm,” Darius replied smoothly. “Now, shut the fuck up and get a room cleaned out. One with a locking door.” 

Lauren gave an exaggerated nod and the placid expression on his face remained unchanged.  His eyes swept over the crowd and settled on a swarthy man leaning against the wall, apparently enthralled with the carnival playing out in front of him.

“Gunnar!  I need a room cleaned! One that can be locked!”

Gunnar nodded placidly and pulled his sword. He rested a thumb against the blade to test its sharpness and his dark brows knitted up with concentration.  After a moment, he nodded to himself and started up the stairs.  Darius watched the slow, laborious ascent and ground his teeth.  Hate flashed through him, heated and sour.

That’s right.  All of you just take your mother-fucking time with everything because it’s nothing to you, nothing but time until things are fixed.  Or not fixed. Whichever way that fucking wind blows, it doesn’t matter to any of you one bit.

Darius wiped a hand across his dry lips and quickly stepped back as Alora placed her hands on the bar and studied Lauren.

“Darius will be settling the bill with you,” She said.  “Have food brought up.  She doesn’t eat much but whatever is brought up, make sure it’s hot, understand?  There will be someone arriving to pay for my services, send them up when they get here.”

Alora turned and grinned at Darius.  He wasn’t fooled.  It was a mere pulling back of her lips, he’d done it himself many a time.  His dislike of her grew.

“You surely do rule with an iron hand, Darius.” She commented dryly. “I’m sure a room in this fine establishment will more than meet my expectations.”

Darius grunted noncommittally and turned to watch Gunnar coming down the stairs with one body over his shoulder and dragging another behind, one huge hand hooked around the wrist as though he were dragging along an errant child.

“Second room s’cleared.  One of the bar sluts needs to mop up the blood and change the sheets.”

Lauren nodded and jerked a thumb towards a side door.

“Throw them out there with the rest,” He said. He glanced at Alora, his sad eyes unreadable.  “All I have is bread and mutton but I can sear it in the fire.  I’ll send your coin up when it arrives.”

Darius drummed his fingers impatiently on the heavy scarred wood of the bar as he watched Lauren grab the arm of a passing barmaid and send her up the stairs.  He avoided looking at The Twiceborn.  His restless eyes moved over the drunken revelers.

Garbage. Nothing but garbage.  Once this was all said and done, maybe he could find a way to burn Lauren out.  He used up a lot of favors lately but there still had to be a marker he could call in from somewhere.  Burn the bastard out then rebuild because the tavern turned good coin, Lochedge couldn’t be completely without a tavern, he would need…

“I’ll find out, you know.” The Twiceborn’s silken whisper skittered across his senses like a spider.  He jumped and bit back a scream.

“Find out what?”  He choked.  He felt suddenly light-headed as he turned to face her and had to grab on to the bar for support.

“Why the Hynti are here and why you need me for a Sin-Eater,” Alora smoothly replied.  “Why your whole town stinks of fear and why everything is out of control.  I think I know…”

She left the statement unfinished and simply smiled.  And in that smile he saw all the stories he’d been told as a child coming home to rest. There was something dark and ancient that breathed and pulsed below her surface and studied him through her eyes. 

“The coin I paid you does not make you our champion,” He stammered.  He forced himself to look away from her eyes.  “What’s done is done, regardless of your pressing need to know of what does not concern you.”

The Twiceborn gave a sharp laugh.  One hand casually reached out and pulled the blond girl closer to her.

“I’ve never fancied myself as anyone’s champion.  Want my opinion?”


She continued on, ignoring him.

“I think…you somehow rolled the dice with Abigor and he favored you but nothing is free now, is it?” 

Darius felt a little green around the edges.  The heavy warm air of the tavern, the smell of all the spilled ale and unwashed closed in around him. He could taste vomit in the back of his throat.  He swallowed thickly and glared at The Twiceborn.

“So now…the time has come to pay for whatever it is you received and you’re looking for a way out.  And I’ll tell you right now that I’m not it.”

“Yet you came.  We have a deal.”  Darius replied as he wiped a shaky hand across his sweating forehead. 

The Twiceborn laughed again.  The sound reminded him of broken glass.

“Yes, we have a deal.”  She agreed, “And I’ll honor it as much as I honor anything else.  You’ll pay far more than just those coins before we’re done.”

Darius was saved from responding as the barmaid descended,carrying a mop and a bucket of rust-colored water.

“It’s as clean as it gets.”  She pronounced.

Lauren nodded and reached below the bar.  He pulled out an iron key and casually tossed it to Darius.  Darius caught it in spite of his quaking hand and held it out to The Twiceborn.

“When can I expect the Hynti to cease?” 

He harbored the wild hope that if the Hynti staggered away he could restore some type of order.  He needed it.  He was too tired and worn to worry about the deeper consequences of everything.  He just needed to be in control of something again, no matter how tenuous that control might be.

The Twiceborn took the key from his shaking hand.

“It’s the first thing I’ll attend to but…”

“But what?”  His anger and fear had settled a bit but he could still feel it humming along merrily beneath the cover of his skin.  Still, he managed to sound somewhat courteous.  And he mustered up enough courage to raise his head and look in her eyes as he asked.

Her eyes. 

The sounds of the tavern faded away.

 In her eyes he saw the flat shine of nothingness.  The empty black that lay between the stars, deep and infinite.  Yet there was a flash of something there, if he’d of blinked he’d of missed it.  An all-knowing intelligence, a flash of silver on dark waters.

“But…mark my words, Darius,’ She continued softly.  “If anything happens to Islinn while I’m gone…Lochedge will cease to exist.  Do we understand each other on this?”

Darius opened his mouth to reply but was unable to make a sound.  All he could do was nod.

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