Back to the Cul-De-Sac (KevEd...

By KuraiSan

188 0 1

(Before you read please check all the tags, also be sure to read through my author's note for more insight! T... More

Author's Note
Ch.1 Back To The Cul-De-Sac (The Scam)
Ch.2 Bus Ride to Our Paradise

Ch.3 Roommates

35 0 0
By KuraiSan

One by one, but not very orderly, the students got off the bus. 

Everyone tried to hide their excitement of the hotel. Some kids never left Peach Creek, so to them this was amazing and beautiful, but they knew some kids traveled a lot and stayed at nice hotels or resorts. No one wanted to embarrass themselves, then came the kids who did go out more often but didn't want to seem stuck up.

However no one held back talking about all the fun they would have at the theme park. A giant park with amazing rides, even the lines were amazing with the music playing and the different things to see and do.

"I just can't wait."
"What should we go on first?"

The chitter chatter started to die down when Mr.Evans began to speak again.

"Alright kiddos, your going to get a key and told your room number then you can grab your luggage from the bottom of the bus, do not forget your room number and do not forget your key card," while he still had everyone's attention he added "also, you know the rules of boys and girls staying in their own room."

Some people groaned, but a lot the students knew that if they wanted to they could probably sneak into the opposite genders room.

Double D thought to himself about why this even mattered sometimes. Not all boys and girls were out for each other, also some the people who are in the same room are dating, like the new girl who came about a month back started dating one the girl's basketball players, they have a room and who knows what they could be doing. 

Double D blushed at his thought, it was innocent but didn't sound that way when he thought back to it. He understood why opposite genders were separated; that it most likely had to do with just pregnancy etc. but either way it didn't bother him personally, he still got to see his buddies and he planned to, for the most part.

"Kevin, Edd, you two come get your key card, you're room 255."

Double D headed over to Mr.Evans, grabbing the key card, saying thank you, then hurrying over to the bus to get his suitcase. 

"Hey, Double D!" Over came running Eddy.

"You look tired, busy, here let me get your bag for you."

"Why, that's so kind of you Eddy, but I can get it myself."

"No, no, come on Double D, let me do something nice for you."

Double D wasn't one to turn down acts of kindness, he felt it was a bit odd that Eddy would do something like this for him, but he decided that he probably was feeling like he'll miss Double D since he has a different room than him and just wanted to do something nice. 

Double D smiled, "Alright Eddy."

"Sweet, just let me go get Ed all situated first, then I'll bring your bag to you, room 255, right?"


With a smile and a wave Eddy was off. 

"Hey, Dork, let's get going." Kevin said with his duffel bag over his shoulder.

"W-why yes, let's." Double D said with a tremble, they had a nice conversation the last part of the ride but, he was still scared of what Kevin was capable of.

The two boys walked into the hotel, the floors inside were a nice marble. The receptionists were dressed in suits and looked very professional. The inside of the elevator was very nice and clean, which Double D greatly appreciated. Of course, what mattered most was the rooms.

Kevin and Double D walked through the halls of the second floor,                                                       "255, 255..." Double D mumbled.

"Here we are." 

Double D took out the key card from his back pocket. 

Kevin watched, "Nerd, when are you going to dress normal?"

"I beg your pardon?" 

"Like, just, it's dorky, even too dorky for you."

Double D scoffed from feeling offended. Sure, he didn't dress fashionably but he liked... well he couldn't really say he liked his clothing, he just wore what he wore. He did dress with ties to school, also wore pants that were just that, pants, not jeans like everyone else but pants that were mostly purple or some other color, but never very dark. He didn't think he needed to dress up, he'd leave that to when he started to work and needed to look even more professional.

Double D then started to look at Kevin. Kevin always wore some sort of short sleeved shirt and skinny jeans, if he ever had something long sleeved he'd roll the sleeves up lazily. Some how that made the girls crazy.

"Gonna let us in?"

Double D blinked, realizing he was lost in thought. He opened up the door to their room. Once inside, Double D went straight to the bathroom to make sure it was spotless. He was amazed. Yes, it was clean, but not only that. He noticed the shower and bath were separate. The shower was glass, which Double D didn't really like because the mirror was right in front of it and he didn't want to watch himself shower. The bathtub had jets in it, which made Double D fantasize about having a nice book to read as he relaxed his muscles which would be massaged by the jets. The toilet was in its own little compartment room, which Double D has seen before when he once stayed at a hotel with his father during a business trip that he was allowed to go to.

"Edd, come here!"

Double D almost fell from hearing Kevin say his name, he walked out the bathroom.

"What seems to be the proble- oh dear."

The room was nice, a black counter with silver linings with a coffee maker and a small fridge underneath, right by it a small vault. There was a table by the window that over looked the parking lot, not a great view but still. At the table was a phone and a book that had a list of food and bars that were local to the hotel, also a swivel chair sat at the table, it looked very comfortable. To the opposite side was a single modern styled chair. 

The middle of the room, the bed, one big bed.

"I... uh.."

"Sleep on the chair, Nerd, cuz I ain't sleeping right beside you."

"Oh hush Kevin," Double D said rolling his eyes, he would usually be scared of Kevin but he felt rather annoyed instead "most hotels have two twin sized beds put together, we most likely can separate it."

The two boys went to opposite sides of the bed and pulled, just like Double D said, they were twin beds.

"Smart thinking, Dork." Kevin said.

"Why, thank you, Kevin." Double D said, a slight hint of sarcasm to his voice.

After the two settled finally got the twin beds apart, Kevin began to speak.

"So Double Dork, where's your bag?"

"Eddy took it for me, he should be coming around any moment."

Kevin just gave a nod, then laid on the twin bed closest to the bathroom. He took out his phone and started texting someone.

"Kevin, it's unsanitary to leave shoes on while your on the bed, someone worked hard to make it all nice and clean for you."

"Yeah and they'll do the same after we leave."

Double D was fine with Kevin being a bully to him, but he didn't like him bullying others or making them harder on anyone else.

Double D sighed, he was still scared of Kevin but for once he was going to stand up to him.

"This won't be weird, Kevin." Double D said, approaching the red head.

"What do you mean, Dweeb?"

"Unless you make it weird."

With that, Double D grabbed Kevin's foot, trying to pry off his shoes.

"The hell is wrong with you, Dork, off of me!"

Kevin struggled, trying to keep his feet away from Double D.

"Someone worked so hard, Kevin, just at least keep your shoes off the white sheets!"

"Fine, you freak!" Kevin grunted and took his shoes off, then a devious smile appeared on his face.

"Wh-what are you th-thinking, Kevin?"

With all his courage now gone, Double D was terrified again of his tormentor.

Kevin ripped his socks off from his feet and threw them on Double D's face.

"Ah!" Double D screamed, falling over onto the bed.

"So unsanitary!"

The torment begins!

Kevin was laughing, Double D was panicking.

A knock could be heard at the door.

"I'll go see who it is." Double D said, sounding empty.

When he opened the door no one was there, just his luggage.

"Ah, Eddy must have brought over my belongings, how sweet!"

He rolled his suit case in the room and even though he was just rolling it he felt that it was lighter than before, peculiar. 

Double D was deciding whether to put his belongings away in the drawers or to keep it in his suitcase. He was always about being neat and tidy, but he also didn't want to somehow forget any of his belongings in the drawer when they left. He maybe smart and organised but he was still human, no one is perfect and he knew he wasn't always so sure of everything, though he'd never admit it.

He finally decided to leave it in his suitcase, perhaps he could ponder on these thoughts more after a nice bath? But it was still a bit early, but there was nothing to do. He was scared of Kevin, but the silence in the room was scarier. Perhaps he could visit Ed and Eddy? He was sure Kevin wouldn't mind, he supposed he should leave the key card with Kevin, since he could just let Double D in. He really wished they each had their own card. 

Double D was about to tell Kevin he was going to go out for a bit but then he remembered what Eddy said before. Girls, alcohol. What if Kevin actually did have some of that on him? Would Double D get in trouble too? No, he couldn't risk that. He also didn't want to walk in on something if any girls did come over.

"K-Kevin..." Double D said, trying to gather his thoughts so he didn't sound like a parent lecturing their child, he decided that perhaps he needed to talk more at ease, youthful.

He continued, "I'm going to step out for a bit, but could you pl-" he thought of his next words, "could you like not really bring people over here, either?"

Kevin blinked a bit towards the taller male. Part of him in disbelief that the tall Edd said "like" but also that he said not to bring anyone over.


Double D wasn't prepared for this question.

"Well it's uhm just... it's okay too, but well, you see, when it comes to the female gen-"

"I get it, never was going to anyway, Dweeb, just go."

Kevin put on his headphones and relaxed on the bed, most likely going to take a nap.

Double D just sighed and shrugged, heading out the room.

When Double D finally got out he took a deep breath, it felt like he had not breathed since he entered the room, especially after the smelly sock attack. He chuckled a bit to himself, thinking about that, it was kind of funny, though highly unsanitary. 

He realized that he never got his friends room number, he began to text Eddy.

ME: Hello Eddy, it has seemed that I have not obtained your room number, I was thinking that I could pay you and Ed a visit.


Now all he could do was wait, so he decided to take the elevator down to the lobby.

In the elevator, Double D waited for the small trip down to the lobby, he was only up one floor from it, luckily, he only had to hear elevator music for a second. However, the door didn't automatically shut, instead someone else got on the elevator as well. 

"Hey Double D!"

"Oh w-why greetings, Nazz, I did not know you were on the second floor as well!"

"I'm on the fourth, just visiting a friend." Nazz smiled.

Double D thought about how everyone had a crush on Nazz, yet if he thought again, everyone had a crush on everyone as kids did. This or that person is cute, this or that person got a new hairstyle, this or that person has candy. Kids could like anyone for any reason at all, but he guessed that was just being part of a kid. Double D still felt nervous around Nazz, he no longer had a crush on her but she seemed so cool and laid back still that it did make him nervous a bit. He was actually glad he didn't feel the same as when he had a crush. He wasn't sure what a crush would feel like now that he was older, but he did remember the last crush he had back in middle school. Oddly enough, he had one on May, not only was she a Kanker sister but she was also well.. dimwitted. But that didn't matter to Double D like he thought, not at all. However, even though he did like May she never really got around to him. He always kind of knew why, it was a sisterly pack, each the Kanker sisters liked a particular Ed, Marie was the one who set her eyes on Double D but then May also did, so what did this mean? Though the Kanker sisters loved the Ed's, they truly loved each other more. So they maybe still obsessed over the boys, but the pursuit they had for their love wasn't the same as when they were younger. 

"I was going to visit Ed and Eddy but seems Eddy has yet to text me back about which room they are in." Double D sighed, he just wanted to see his best friends.

The elevator dinged on the 1st floor, opening the doors to the lobby.

"Well, good luck, Double D!" Nazz said, waving to Double D as she stepped off first.

"Thank you, Nazz." But Double D wasn't sure if she even heard.

At the lobby, Double D began to look around. 

There is probably a pool, but I do not wish to get my hat wet.

His hat, the infamous hat of Double D, that only the Ed's and Sarah have seen under. What lays beneath it? Why? Is it related to the dodge-ball incident before he had moved into the cul-de-sac? What could it be! He knew kids still wondered, but the truth was.....

Well he wouldn't say what the truth is about what was under his hat.

Yes, was.

After years of, the mystery under his hat, with time and science it was gone. The evidence, yes, the mystery, no. But Double D liked seeming mysterious, he felt it made him interesting. The boy had a warped sense of pride. Just because he was polite and smart didn't mean he was perfect or all put together. Underneath that hat was black hair that was a bit messy and short, the sides covered his ears and went down just to the nape of his neck.

Double D saw a cafe right by the lobby, he thought how nice it would be to have some sort of tea with his bath. 

Double D walked over, passing a gift shop where some girls from his trip were chatting.

"Ooo, I love this one."

"What about this one?"

"This one has petals in it!"

Double D couldn't help but overhear the "ooo's" and "ah's" and had to see what the commotion was about.

Inside the gift shop was an assortment of swimsuits, flip flops, sweaters, t-shirts, basically everything gift shops had but this one also had bath bombs. He didn't quite understand the fascination with them, they made the water pretty is all he could understand. 

He didn't notice that he was staring at the two girls, who then started to look at each other and feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Is... there something you want?"

Double D wasn't sure what to say, he blushed realizing what he was doing.

"I, er, I uh..." He stammered

"Bet he's pervin." One of the girls said, looking at him judgmentally.

"Oh, no, I was just uh, wondering what is the fascination with those so called 'bath bombs'"

The two girls faces turned into smiles as they began to discuss bath bombs to Double D. Speaking about that it was more than just making the water pretty and smelling good but also could help calm one. They went on and on and Double D was starting to be sold on what the girls had said about bath bombs.

"I suppose a tranquil one would be nice."

"Oh, you gotta get the mint one of you want to feel rejuvenated!" 

Double D looked at the light green bath bomb. It smelled wonderful. It was awfully glittery and although Double D didn't mind this at all he didn't want to feel judged, by Kevin but, he decided he didn't care and was going to purchase it anyway.

He thanked the girls for their help, 

"Anytime!" One of them said, the other waved to him as they still continued their browsing of bath bomb selections.

Double D bought his bath bomb and felt a vibration come from his back pocket.

Eddy: hey sockhead where ya at?

ME: Currently leaving the gift shop.

Eddy: rooms a mess right now Eds trying to figure out what movie to watch now that he saw the dvd player in here

ME: Understandable, hope you two enjoy the film.

Double D let out a heavy sigh, he really wanted to hang with his friends for a bit. He checked the time on his phone, it was almost 4 P.M. Too early to have dinner and to bathe, so what could he do? 

Double D headed back to the elevators, deciding he would maybe check out the cafe later, right now he was going to head back to the room.

Double D was in front of his room, he knocked on the door politely and waited. No one. He knocked again, a bit louder. No one came. He knocked louder. No answers.

He is still listening to music isn't he? I suppose it is blaring and that he is perfectly fine with going deaf.

Double D sat outside his door and waited. He had his phone, at least, to waist the time. 

After twenty minutes and knocking every five minutes, Double D couldn't take it anymore. He had to get Kevin's attention. The only way Double D could think of getting the red head's attention at that moment was to text him. Double D didn't have Kevin's number, but he did have one of the football player's whom he helped with math before. 

ME: Hello, Dustin, it's Edward, I was wondering if you had Kevin's number and if you could tell him I'm outside our room?

Dustin: OH HEY DUDE! yah i could tel kevin just wait a min, 

Dustin: done, it says he read it so yah.

ME: Thank you very much.

Double D used to hate how others wrote in texts, but he started to ease into it and realized his formlessness was actually quite weird. Though he knew this, it wasn't that he just strive to be proper but he did have a superiority complex when it came to seeming smart and professional, again, he wouldn't admit it.

The door opened up, Kevin had one headphone in place.

"You had to ask Dustin for help, you could've knocked."

Double D felt part of him break. Many don't see Double D break down, but can, oh he definitely can break down.

"Oh, my, dear, dear, dear, dear, Kevin, you are very right, I should have knocked." He said with smile.

"Yeah, you should've."

"I did, I been out here twenty minutes and I kept knocking!"

"Not loud enough."

Double D was taken aback. He was annoyed, but didn't want to completely snap.

Happy thoughts Double D, you're in an oasis.

"I thought you were the smart one." Kevin said, a small smile creeping onto his lips.

Double D walked up towards Kevin, his tall figure finally becoming a bit menacing as he looked at Kevin, emotionless.

Kevin gulped, Double D began to speak.

"I. Did. Knock."

He then made his way to his bed, the right one closest to the window, and face planted into his pillow.

"Jeez." Kevin said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Double D couldn't wait until he could take his nice and calm bath, but right now he would unwind via games on his phone.

Kevin laid back down and put his headphones back in.

He has no idea how annoying he can be, does he?
I did knock! Many times!

I badly need that bath time, very much so.

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