Drarry Instagram // Eighth Ye...

By Drac-hoe-no

776K 17.2K 19.8K

Harry sent an Instagram friend request to Draco Malfoy the night before they had to return for Hogwarts Eight... More



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By Drac-hoe-no

HarryPotter would like to VideoChat!

Draco grinned to himself, messing his hair up slightly before accepting. It was Saturday evening, he was in sweatpants and an old t shirt in the dorm he shared with Blaise, and he was about to prepare to get ready for their triple beach date.

"Hey babe," Harry winked in such a ridiculous way it made Draco laugh, "What're you bringing tonight?"

It was then Draco realised Harry was shirtless and if he was being honest with himself, it made his voice shake a little.

"U-Um, well clothes, snacks, swimming stuff because apparently we're going skinny dipping?"

Harry groaned, "Are we really doing that?"

"Hey you put it in the group chat!" The blonde remarked.

"Under Blaise's insistence!" He replied defensively. "Where is Blaise? Isn't he with you?" He frowned.

Draco shook his head, "I think he's off with Pansy somewhere."

"Is that draco?" A voice in the background asked, the boy raised an eyebrow then Hermione's face came into view. "Oh hi, Draco! Pansy's with Blaise so I've come round here to help sort the boys out."

Harry rolled his eyes, well it looked like that, his face was half out of the shot. "Yes, Mione. Can I have my boyfriend back now?"

"You need to bring sunscreen Draco, you've got pale skin so you'll probably burn-" She was saying.

"It's November, Granger!" Draco exclaimed, "It's, like, winter? I don't need sunscreen."

"Well why the bloody hell are we going to the beach in winter?" She asked.

"Because we're young, dumb and impulsive so leave it alone." Harry said, taking the phone back from her. Hermione huffed and Harry grinned lop sidedly at her.

"Hey, no taking the piss with my girlfriend." Ron's voice said somewhere.

"No playing the girlfriend card with my best friend, mate."

"Harry?" Draco called to get his attention, but it was too late. Harry and Ron were in the middle of some stupid argument that wasn't even that important since he could hear them laughing. Hermione's head popped up and said 'sorry' with a grimace before she hung up.

Just then, Blaise wondered in with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Where have you been?" Draco asked.

"With my girlfriend." He replied smugly, "Y'know, you're best friend. She's quite the kisser, really knows how to-"

The blonde put his hands over his ears childishly, "La la la! Although I am very proud and in awe of her skills, I do not need to hear that about Pansy."

"You're no fun." Blaise pouted, "What're you doing?"

"Getting ready," Draco answered, grabbing a pair of jeans and one of Harry's hoodies before disappearing into the bathroom.

The group met up outside of Hogwarts, each lugging a bag of supplies and headed off.

"Hey, I read about this cool thing that Muggles do where they burn sweets on fire." Ron was saying excitedly.

"You mean toasting marshmallows?" Hermione laughed.

"What the fuck at marshmallows?" Blaise asked, bluntly.

"Oh my god!" Harry gasped, "It's like a fucking cloud in your mouth."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, "That... is a very actuate description."

HarryPotter has posted a pic!

Liked by DracoMalfoyy, RonW and 79 others.

HarryPotter: Had to stop for a snack break to show Slytherins the beauty of marshmallows.

RonW: Slytherins and me!!

PansiePark: I don't get what all the fuss is about. I prefer Haribo's.

HarryPotter: Same but only because they have my name in them @PansiePark

DracoMalfoyy: You monster @PansiePark

DracoMalfoyy has posted a pic!

Liked by HarryPotter, BlaizeZabi and 42 others.

DracoMalfoyy: Beach, please.

BlaizeZabi: Your hair.. is candy floss soft.

HarryPotter: Oh my god I love youuuu!

HarryPotter: How did I get so fucking lucky?!

DracoMalfoyy: love u too!!! <3 @HarryPotter

PansiePark: Your skin is flawless, darling

DracoMalfoyy: jealous?? X @PansiePark

PansiePark: 🤦‍♀️ xoxo

BlaizeZabi has posted a pic!

Liked by PansiePark, HarryPotter and 37 others.

BlaizeZabi: I would fuck me.

PansiePark: Same ^

BlaizeZabi: 😘 @PansiePark

HarryPotter: Curly fry.

HarryPotter: We can be twins.

DracoMalfoyy: Wow. That's quite a view you're blocking.

BlaizeZabi: I am the fucking view @DracoMalfoyy

HermioneJean has posted a pic!

Liked by PansiePark, RonW and 29 others.

HermioneJean: Sun, sea, and shorts <3

RonW: 😍😍😍😍😍


HarryPotter: Loooook at my bestie gooooooo!

HermioneJean: I love you all @RonW @PansiePark @HarryPotter

PansiePark has posted a pic!

Liked by DracoMalfoyy, HermioneJean and 45 others.

PansiePark: I was TRYING to take a selfie...

DracoMalfoyy: But this ended up being a better pic, because I took it :)

BlaizeZabi: My top.

HermioneJean: My hair skills.

PansiePark: You've all just admitted to being my servants @DracoMalfoyy @BlaizeZabi @HermioneJean

DracoMalfoyy: Oh Pansy darling, I've never been under the impression that i WASNT your servant xxx

BlaizeZabi: And I'm okay with it coz you pwettyyyyy!

So I'm gonna do this in 2 parts because it's nearly 1AM.

Look at my YouTube recommendations:

WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU??? Aha ... ha, don't look at me.

Anddddd i bought a copy of Be More Chill:

But I can't read it in front of my dad because it has rude words on the cover and he doesn't approve!

And yes that is a Harry Potter mug.

Thanks for reading!


P.S. I've also started a Treebros fanfic! So if you like Dear Evan Hansen, check it out :)

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