My Musical Life [An Aikatsu F...

By mangacookies

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Naoto Suzukawa, a shy type of person, got a new neighbor, also a new next-door balcony friend who is a girl A... More

It's A Brand New Day
Love Myself
Perfect Two/I'm Yours

Wherever You Will Go

413 15 113
By mangacookies

Hey there readers!
It's been so long since...I don't even know...😅😅

School's still in my way..that's why I can't update quickly (like I would if school doesn't in my way :v)

So here's another chapter with The Calling's song, hope you enjoy


Ichigo's POV

"Ichigo, it's time to rise and shine", I heard mom called

"5 minutes more, please~", I begged

"But you're going to be late, you just have 20 minutes more before the class starts", my mom stroke my hair

"It's still 20 minutes more...", I got my sense and woke up quickly, panicked, "20 minutes!? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"I did, sweetheart, but you kept on asking for 5 minutes more", she said

"Aaa...okay! Well..thanks for waking me up, mom", I laughed awkwardly, "Better get going"

"Sure, honey"

With that I ran to my bathroom and did my morning routine, I need at least 10 minutes to finish everything

Time skip~

I ran down through the stairs and went to the kitchen

"Hey, Ichigo, took you long huh?", my dad said as he sat by the table with coffee

I giggled, "Where's Raichi?"

"Already go to school"

"He didn't wait for me?"

"His friend came to go to the school with him"

"He has a friend?"

"Yep, a girl", my dad smiled at me

"Woah, that's unexpected"

"Ichigo, isn't it better if you're going now? You're going to be late", mom asked

"Oh right! Gotta go! See ya!", I grabbed a slice of bread and ran out

Also didn't forget to take my skateboard with me, it'll be faster than just running with your legs

Time skip (again)~


I let my breath out once I stopped in front of the school gate, "Just in time", I got my board and went in

I went straight to my locker to grab a few things for the class and to kept my board, I won't bring it in class, will I? Or I might get some attention from the others, I giggled at my own thought

"You're skateboarding?", someone's voice suddenly can be heard beside me

I looked at the person beside me, "Oh, hi, Oota! Well..yeah, but I'm not really good at it, just for fun"

"Oh, well, wanna go to the park after school? There're a group of people that play skateboard, they're cool tbh"


"Cool, see ya later"

I nodded and then went to the class immediately

Time skip (again and again)~
Lunch time

I was particularly at the cafeteria studying math for the test this Saturday

"Ugh! I give up!", I said and took a big sip of my smoothie

"You should use the other formula for this problem"

I looked behind to see the voice's owner, "Hey, Nao, which formula do you mean?"

"The first one that the teacher gave", he's still standing behind me, close enough to see through my paper

"I don't get it, I just got this formula in my head", I said, "Tbh, I'm suck at this subject"

"I see..if only you want, I'll be going to the library after school to prepare for the test, p-perhaps y-you wanna..j-join me?", he asked shyly, absolutely embarrassed

"Of course!", I exclaimed, "But I had already made plan for later"

"I-it's okay, sorry for asking you out of the blue", he said and was about to leave when I called

"No, Nao, I really need your help, I'll make sure to go to the library before the dawn came"

He looked at me and nodded, thus he left


"Aoi, Ran!"

"Still struggling with your math?", Aoi asked as she sat and placed her food on the table

"Like what you see"

"I would rather let it be than having my head ache because of it", Ran said as she sat as well

"That's really kind of you", I giggled, "Btw, wanna catch up later? At the park"

"Sorry, I'll be going to take a course later", Aoi said

"I'll have additional class", Ran added

"Oh,'s okay", I started to dig in my food

"Why do you suddenly want to go there?"

"Skateboarding", I replied

"You play skateboard?", Aoi asked

"Nah, just having some fun, there are a group of people that are showing their skill, and I want to see it"

"Don't you have to catch up with your math?", Aoi asked again

"I'll be going to library after that"

And soon we dig in our own meals before we had our last class

Soon, the class ended..

"Aah! Finally!"

"What a tiring day", Aoi smiled

"I should go now, see ya", Ran waved at us and ran

"Be careful"


I turned around to see Oota running toward us

"Ready to go?"

"Wait, you guys are going out together? A date?", Aoi exclaimed that successfully got some students' attention

"Wha-no! We're not", I declined

"Yeah, just going to watch a street show", Oota added

"But just the two of you? If it's not a date then what?"

"Who is going on a date?", King suddenly came with the rest

"N-no, no", I reassured them, "You guys perhaps want to join us to see the skateboarding things"

"Oh! You mean the one you mentioned earlier? Oh well, I need to get going now I think, taking course", Aoi said

"You said that"

"See ya later", Aoi waved, "And don't forget to tell me the whole thing!"

"I'm not going on a date!", I shouted and she just ran away still smirking, "Geez"

"Shall we?", Oota suddenly asked

"Sure, you guys wanna come?", I looked at King and the others

"N-nah! We're good", King patted Naoto, "Right, pals?"

"I'm going to the library", thus Nao left

"Woah, he's upset", Hiro added

"Is he okay?", I asked, he was okay when lunch time

"Don't worry, Ichigo, he'll be good by later", Shurato made sure

"Well, okay then, see ya", I said and they waved a good bye for me and the both of us went to the park

All the way to the park, we're just remained silent, nothing much to say cause we didn't use to hang around like this, plus I could say that we barely talk to each other

But this silence started to annoy me a little

"Wanna get some ice-cream?", Oota suddenly spoke up

"Totally yes!", I exclaimed, excitement suddenly controlled me once I heard 'ice-cream'

He chuckled, "You must love ice-cream that much"

"Who would reject an ice-cream?", I questioned in excitement for sure

"Well, we'll get you an ice-cream then", Oota smiled and went to the ice-cream truck nearby

"1 chocolate and..", Oota turned toward me, "Strawberry!", I exclaimed, "Please?", Oota added

A few minutes later

We had our ice-cream and walked back to the center of the park, where the street show was held

"Chocolate is his favorite", I mumbled

"Who?", Oota questioned me, curiosity was written all over his face

"Nao", I answered, "He really loves chocolate"

"Nao? You mean Naoto Suzukawa? The cold prince?"

"You know that nickname too?"

"Of course! I mean..who wouldn't? Almost all of the girls in my class are attracted to him", Oota said and licked his ice-cream, "But he's just so cold with girls that made him got that nickname"

"He's not that cold actually", I mumbled, "He's just a little bit shy"

I felt Oota's gaze on me, "You do know him real well, don't you?"

I looked up to him and chuckled, "N-not really, it's just happened that we're neighbor and I knew little about him from his friends", I said, "He's still acting shy around me tho, but I'll try my best to be his friend!"

Oota's gaze was still on me and then he laughed a bit then looked straight in front on the street, "You're unique"


"Nothing", he smiled, "Better be quick or we might lose the first performance", and he started to run

"H-hey! Wait up!", I started to follow his trace

At the library

Naoto's POV

I was wondering around the shelves that were full of books, searching for some books that I need

I grabbed a few books as I sighed

"What's up with that frowning?"

I looked up at the voice that was coming from the other part of the shelf, I pulled out a book and saw a girl through the hole

I looked at her for a few seconds while she's just giving me her smile

"Nothing", I said and went to the table to start my studying thing

I sat down and started to open the book when I felt someone's presence beside me

"Your face cleary shows that there's something that has been bothering you for awhile", a pink-haired girl with ponytail said

"N-no", okay..this girl freaked me out

She placed her head on the table while still looking at me

"Are you feeling uncomfortable with my presence here?"

Absolutely! But I can't just say that, I mean..I'm totally freezing right now! I can't say a word

"Ah! You're the cold prince, that's why you seemed familiar to me", she got her head up, "I'm Seira by the way, Seira Otoshiro"

"H-hi", I took a glance on her then went back to my book

"Kind to tell me your name?"

"You must have known..", I mumbled

"For God's sake, you're really cold", she sighed, "At least have a proper introduction if you don't mind"

I looked back at her, "Naoto Suzukawa", I said slowly

"Nice to meet you", she smiled

And there's silent between us

"What are you studying?", she spoke up


"Most boring subject", she grumbled

"Not really", I said, "It's interesting"

"Which part of it that is interesting? It's just a bunch of numbers that I still don't know what's the profit on learning those things!"

"Counting money?"

She gave me a are-you-serious looked, I assumed, "I know that! I mean, things like trigonometry, sine, cosine, tangent, and all other stuffs, it just didn't make any sense", she laid herself at the table

"Architecture? Need lots of calculation to build a building"

"What if we don't want to be an architect?"

"We still need to learn it, at least we should know the basic"

She just looked at me, "You're not that bad like what the others said"


"You're talkactive, not a mute person", she laughed

"Just at some point", I mumbled

She sighed, "Since I'm here and you're here, and there're bunch of math books, plus I'm an idiot in this subject, would you kindly perhaps teach me?"

I looked at her for a few seconds and nodded, "But I won't go easy on you"

"Okay! So, where should I start?"

16:57; Ichigo's POV

"So, how's it?", Oota asked

"Amazing! I would like to come here to watch again, also I never knew there's a stage there, it's magnificent", I exclaimed

Right now, we're walking back from the park

"So, where's your house? I'll get you there"

"It's okay, I'm going to school actually", I said


"I'm meeting Nao at the library, you know, math problems"

"But isn't it too late? The library might be closing by now"

"What?", I took my phone out and checked the time, "Oh my strawberry! I have to go now! See ya!", I started to run that soon I turned back again, "Oh, and thank you for today!", and ran again

"Sure!", I could hear him said

I got on my skateboard and rushed to the school, I hope Nao hasn't left

17:06; At the school

I ran up through the stairs to the library, half way I met him with someone

"Nao! I'm really sorry!", I apologized, "I got caught up by the performance! I'm so sorry!"

I could see his shocked face, surprised by my sudden presence, "D-don't worry, i-it's not a big deal"

"But I promised you"

"It's me that asked you out of the blue"

"But I agreed to you back then"

"N-no! I didn't know that you had already had plan so I just asked you"

And there the awkward atmosphere came by

"You are...Ichigo Hoshimiya? The new student", the person that stood beside him suddenly said

"Yes, I am, and you are.."

"Seira Otoshiro", she had her hand out and I shook her hand, "It's nice to meet you"

"Likewise", I smiled

"So..are you guys suppose to meet up?"

"Yeah", I replied

"That explained the frowning face you had when I met you", Seira turned toward Nao that immediately made him blush

"What did I miss?"

"Ah! Actually he-", Nao suddenly blocked her mouth, "Nothing, just let it be"

"Okay..", I suspiciously looked at him

"By the way", he got his posture back, "I h-have to"

"But what about the studying?", I asked

He turned toward us, "The library is closed, we still have tomorrow", he then turned around again and was about to walk away when he said.., "Or you can come by my house if you want", and he left

I could see his ears were really red from back, what a shy yet cute guy

"That little dude", Seira suddenly said, "He's not cold, he's shy!"

"Right!", I agreed

Stop by his house won't bite I think

19:04; Ichigo's house

"Thanks for the food", I said and started to left the dining room

"You don't want some more? Usually you have two bowls of rice", my mom asked

I shooked my head, "Not today, I'm going to a friend's house"

"Whose house? Where? What's her name? Or maybe a him?", my dad asked

"My friend, it's nearby, and it's him"

"Wait!? Who? And where exactly?"

"Oh, dad! It's Suzukawa, our neighbor, beside our house!", I said

"Suzukawa family, alright! But why are you going there?", now it's my mom that spoke up

"Math problems, you know I'm suck at that", I sighed, "It turns out that I got a math genius neighbor which is their son"

"I wanna meet him too", Raichi suddenly said

"Let's go together"

"Gimme a minute", and he finished his meals as soon as possible

I laughed, "I'm getting my stuffs first"

A few minutes later

"Don't come back late, I know that our house is just next to each other but don't forget the time", my dad reminded us

"Ay! Ay!", we both replied and went out to our next-door friend

Honestly, I haven't told him that I'm coming, hope he's not busy right now

I rang the door bell and waited till someone opened the door

"Oh, hello, must be Ichigo and Raichi, right? Come in", a lady, that's in her 40s I assumed, greeted us and let us in

"Good evening, auntie", I greeted, she must be Nao's mother, "I'm here for Naoto, is he here?"

"Yeah, he's in his room"

"Mom, who's that?", a girl's voice can be heard, "Oh! You're from next-door! Hi!"

"Hello", I smiled

"I'm Tiara, Nao's sister"

"I'm Ichigo and this is Raichi", I pointed out my brother, "Nice to meet you"

"Likewise", she smiled, "So, what's bring you here?"

"Actually, I supposed to meet up with Nao at the library, but I kinda..missed it", I explained, "He said that I can come here to study and here I am"

"In other words, he invites you here", Tiara-san said and I nodded

"It's so uncommon", auntie suddenly said

"I'm sorry?"

"He's so shy even he had never invite anyone else, except for his band friends, especially girl", auntie smiled

"Is he really that shy?"

"You bet!", his sister laughed, "He's shaking everytime he's talking to someone else"

"That's totally like him", I giggled, remembering the first time we met

"Tiara, just bring her and Raichi to Nao's room", auntie demanded

"Follow me", Tiara-san lead us to upstairs

Soon enough we're in front of Nao's door room


"What?", I could hear Nao's voice from the other side of the room

"You have a guest"

"This late? Who?"

"Come and find out yourself!", Tiara-san shouted

"I'm busy!"

"Just get your *ss out of here!"


'Those siblings', I thought, sweat dropping

Then, the door knob twisted around and revealed a guy with his hair wet and towel around his neck

Oh! And keep calm, he is fully dressed

"Who is it, Aneki?", Nao asked as he looked up and I waved at him

But then he banged the door all of sudden

"W-what?", I sweatdropped

Naoto's POV

For the sake of my soul! Why is she here? With her little brother?!

Wait! Wait! Wait!

I suddenly remembered for inviting her to come over

But, why didn't she tell me first? She surprised me! And end up slamming the door in front of her

"She might think that I'm rude..", I mumbled

"Sorry", I heard my sister apologized then knocked on the door again, "Hey, Nao! I'm so gonna kill you for being rude!"

"I-it's okay", I heard her said, "It's my fault for coming here without telling him first, he might be really busy right now"'s not that

"Hey, Nao, sorry for bothering you, I'm going back now", she said, "Raichi, say something"

"Naoto-onii, see you later"

Wait, no!

I opened the door and looked at them, embarrassed, "Sorry for my rudeness, I-I was..just.."

"It's okay", she smiled, "Sorry for disturbing you anyway"

"N-no, you're not! Just..get in", I stepped aside for them to get in

"But, don't you say that you're..."

"I'm free till midnight!", I exclaimed but then closed my mouth, what did I just say?!

"I-I mean...I'm not busy", I'm 100% sure that I'm as red as a strawberry

I heard she laughed, "Okay..", she got in with Raichi

"I'll go get you guys drinks, be right back", with that Aneki left

I closed the door when I saw she's examining my room, "You have a nice room, it's very cozy"

"Thank you"

"I've never been in a boy's room before, never know that it'll be this neat!", she giggled

"It's a total difference from mine", I heard Raichi said

"Ah, yeah! Yours is a total mess", she said and Raichi pouted

Without knowing, I was chuckling, "I'm sure it's comfortable"

"Of course"

"So, where should we start?"

"Just sit there and I'll get my books", I said, "And Raichi, you can watch TV or read comics to kill your  boredom while I teach your sister"

"Sure!", and Raichi grabbed a comic and sat on my bed

"Here", I put the books on the table, "Let's start from this one"

Ichigo's POV

It's been an hour since I came and he started to teach me, his sister then came by to give us drink but then left right away

"So, for this problem, you just have to use this formula", Nao explained

To be very honest, I can't really focus on the books, don't blame me for being attracted to Nao's face instead of the books

He had his glasses on while his towel still on his neck and his wet hair that is started to dry

Who knows that he's really good-looking and hot at the same time?!

"So, do you get it now?", he suddenly looked at me

"Wha-umm..yeah! I think so..", I said slowly, startled and embarrassed because he caught me looking at him


"O-of course!"

"Then try this one"

"Ukh", okay..I'm dumbfounded, how can a math problem can be this complicated! It's much more complicated than my own life

He sighed, "I knew you didn't really pay attention to my explanation, is there something in my face that made your attention got distracted?"

"W-what do you mean?", I laughed awkwardly

"You were staring at me, weren't you?"

"What? M-me? Oh, don't be silly", I took a glance on him, he still had his eyes on me

I let out a big sigh, "Yes, I was"

"So, what is it?"

"You're just too attractive just now,  who knows that you're so hot with your glasses on from this short of distance", I confessed

I looked at him from the corner of eyes and could saw his total red face

"Hey, your face is red, are you sick? Oh! I know, you must be embarrassed, right, right?!"

He closed his nose and mouth including cheeks using the back of his right hand and looked away to the other direction, "Am not"

"Wait, don't turn around, I just found you adorable", I leaned in a little, it's fun to tease him

He leaned back, "N-no!"

"Aw..come on!"

"D-don't tease me like that", he stood up and went to Raichi

"Somebody is pissed off~", I sang

Naoto's POV

This girl is dangerous!

"R-Raichi, weren't you come here because you wanted to tell me something?"

Raichi that has been busied by the comic looked up at me and a grin was able to be seen in his face, "Yes! I finally made a new friend"

"That's good! Want to tell me the whole thing?"

"Yes! So, I met this girl...", and he started his story

Well..this is the only way to get away from her for a moment

She's really not good for a boy's heart

A few minutes later

"Hey, Naoto-sensei! You have a student to be taught!", Ichigo suddenly said

"Just wait onee-chan, my story is still on going"

"But it feels like eternity!"

"Just a few more minutes", Raichi said and continued to his story

It turned out to be a half an hour later

"So, that's how we become friend", Raichi ended

"That's really a nice story", I said

"Thank you", he smiled

I didn't hear Ichigo's voice for the rest of the story, is she mad?

I turned my gaze toward her and to my surprise, she's sleeping peacefully by the table, she must be really tired

"It's almost late, we should go home now", Raichi said

"But, your sister is sleeping", I said

"Ah, is it okay to just let her sleep here?", Raichi asked

"Wait! You mean here? M-my room?", I asked

He nodded, "I don't want to wake her up, she's just looked so peaceful"


"'s my fault that she might feel bored when I was telling you my story and ended up sleeping..I will tell my parents, they might let her sleep here as long as I said isn't in a boy's room"

Okay..this kiddo is also dangerous, a dangerous introverter

I sighed, "Okay, but what about mine?"

"I'll tell mom, Nao"

Aneki suddenly got in my room, "Don't you dare to wake an angel up"

"O-okay", with that all of them left

So..what am I supposed to do now?

I looked at her

"This girl really made me got busier"

I slowly lifted her up bridal style and moved her to my bed, covered her up with my blanket to keep her warm

I sat on the sofa opposite to my bed and grabbed my guitar, started to play a song while watching her sleeping

So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love to light the shadows on your face
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone, could you make it on your own

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go

And maybe, I'll find out
A way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you through the darkest of your days
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then I hope there's someone out there who can bring me back to you

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go

Run away with my heart
Run away with my hope
Run away with my love

I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind, I'll stay with you for all of time

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go

If I could turn back time, I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine, I'll go wherever you will go
I'll go wherever you will go

(Wherever You Will Go - The Calling {Boyce Avenue Acoustic cover})

I stopped playing while my eyes still on her

I startled when she moved a bit, "Uh..I need more strawberry", she mumbled in her sleep

I chuckled, "How can you sleep so peacefully in someone's room, someone that you had just met, someone that is a boy"

My eyes still locked on her, "How can you believe in me? What if I'm not a good guy? What if I'm a serial killer? What if...", I stopped and gave her a softer look, "What if you make me crazy by your act? Your personality? Your figure? Will you still believe in me for not doing anything to you if you're in my room? I mean...I'm still a boy"

I laughed at my own thoughts, what am I thinking about now

I laid down on my sofa and started to drive into my dream

"Good night, Ichigo"


This is it! Another shorter chapter after a long hiatus

I'm sorry...


Cookies ~ out

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