Bechloe - Into The Light

By Doctor_Mobius

59.8K 1.5K 686

Sequel to Bechloe - Still In The Dark. Five years after her graduation, Beca Mitchell is now a successful mus... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XL

Chapter XXXIX

1.3K 36 3
By Doctor_Mobius

"You're not allowed to cry," Beca reminded Chloe as they were getting ready to walk down the aisle as Maids of Honour.

"I told you - I'm not promising anything," Chloe told her wife.

Beca just rolled her eyes with a small smile. Today was the day where Aubrey and Stacie were finally going to get married. Both women had been waiting for this day for months and now it was finally here. The couple planned their wedding quickly and got the invitations out as soon as they could. Thankfully, people RSVP'd pretty much straight away, making it easier for Stacie and Aubrey to do the finishing touches on their wedding.

The couple decided to have their wedding in a nice chapel but not a traditional one. The majority of the chapel was made of glass with beautiful trees and flowers surrounding it. It was a beautiful sunny day and the temperature was perfect. It was everything Aubrey and Stacie had wanted and more. All of the guests were in the chapel talking to each other as they waited for the ceremony to begin.

"How do I look?" Chloe turned to her wife who looked at her from top to bottom.

Chloe looked gorgeous. She was wearing a navy blue dress and black heels with her hair down and wavy. Her makeup was amazing since it enhanced Chloe's beauty more than Beca thought possible.

"Perfect, babe," Beca beamed. "What about me?"

Beca was wearing a burgundy dress with her hair and makeup like Chloe's. She was also wearing black heels.

"Amazing, baby. You always look so good in dresses. I keep telling you that you need to wear them more."

"Pfft, yeah right," Beca scoffed.

"I mean it! You look really good in dresses!"

"Look who's talking."

"I'll show you who's talking," Chloe purred.

"Oh, really?" Beca played.


"Alright, now is NOT the time to sex it up, you two," Fat Amy interjected, looking beautiful in a matching burgundy dress.

"Sorry, Amy," Chloe giggled.

"You can rip each other's dresses off once you get home but today is about Legs and Miss Posen."

Beca and Chloe laughed at the Australian.

"You CAN call her Aubrey you know?" Beca told her.

"I know but I still see her as my teacher so she'll always be Miss Posen to me."

"It'll be Mrs Conrad soon," Chloe stated.

"So, Stacie, Aubrey, and Anna Conrad?" Fat Amy checked.


"I can't believe Legs has got a family already."

"She's great with baby Anna," Chloe said.

"Yeah, she really is," Beca agreed. "I never thought that Stacie would be a mom so young but Stacie is full of surprises."

"What's the bet those two are going to have a bunch of kids?" The blonde suggested.

"Knowing Stacie, she'll probably go crazy with them," Beca said.

"You think so?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah," Beca nodded confidently. "She loves that woman like crazy and I know she'd do anything for Aubrey even if that means having a bunch of kids."

"Aww, that's so sweet!"

"When are you two gonna have a bunch of little ones?" Fat Amy questioned.

"At least let me get used to having one little one first, dude," Beca chuckled.

"Fair enough... How many do you plan on having?"

"I want four," Chloe answered.

"Four!" Beca choked.

"Ah huh."

"And who is going to give you them?"

"Don't be silly, Becs! You!"

"Me! Do you think I can pull off four kids?"

"Of course you can. You'll be the best mama ever."

"Gee... I might need to prep myself for that."

"What, do you have to get the boys ready?" Chloe teased.

"Oh, yeah," Beca played. "Gotta make sure my boys are in working order for that. I've gotta produce four healthy kids. Gotta get my best fighters prepped and ready to go."

Chloe laughed at her wife and gave her a chaste kiss before they heard the announcer begin the ceremony.

"Oh! That's us!" Chloe beamed as she got into position in front of her fellow bridesmaids while Beca stood in front of hers.

"Ready, Aims?" Beca checked.

"Ready. Are you?"


The announcer called out Aubrey's bridesmaids first to which Chloe walked out with the bridesmaids following behind her. Beca was then called out as she led Stacie's bridesmaids onto the platform. The women stood in their positions as they waited for the bridal music to begin and the first down the aisle was Stacie and she looked immaculate. She looked more beautiful than any modelling agency could have made her. She was wearing a pale pink dress which matched her rosy cheeks perfectly. Her hair was down and in perfect waves and her makeup had no flaw. She looked stunning and everyone was shocked by just how beautiful Stacie was.

Stacie reached the altar and parted from her mother who walked her down the aisle. The mother held back her tears as she took her seat next to Stacie's father.

"Is that you, Legs?" Fat Amy uttered to the model.

"Yes," Stacie giggled.

"You look amazing!"

"You're on fire, girl!" Cynthia-Rose stated.

"Really beautiful, Stacie," Beca said.

"Thank you, ladies. You all look amazing." Stacie turned her gaze down the aisle where she waited for Aubrey to appear.

The model was all kinds of nervous and excited. This was the biggest day of her life and she had waited so long for it. Stacie thought about marrying Aubrey years ago and now that it was actually happening, Stacie couldn't believe it. It was her dream come true. Not her modelling career, not her fame, her fortune, her home - none of that mattered. None of it was important. Aubrey was the only one that Stacie valued the most and now she was going to make the blonde her wife.

Stacie took a deep breath then heard the bridal music begin to play for the second time. Everyone stood once more and all eyes were on Aubrey who was led down the aisle by her mother. Stacie's breath caught in her throat and tears immediately filled her eyes. Aubrey was in a very pale blue dress with her hair up in a bun with perfectly curled tendrils shaping her face. She looked beautiful and Stacie had to bite on her tongue to stop herself from crying. Everyone was taken aback by Aubrey's beauty. Even Beca was shocked. She never knew that her old Math teacher could look so good.

Aubrey reached the altar and took Stacie's hand, allowing the women to stand in front of each other and take in the other's beauty. They squeezed each other's hands before the priest began to talk. The women didn't really pay attention to what was being said since they were too busy looking at each other and smiling, still having trouble believing that their special day had finally arrived.

"Stacie, you may say your vows now," the priest told the brunette.

"Okay," Stacie nodded then cleared her throat. "Aubrey... I don't know what to say. You're the most beautiful woman on the inside and out. I love you more than anything else in this world and you have no idea how much you mean to me. I know that we've been through a lot of stuff and a lot of it wasn't great but we got through it and now we're here. We've got a beautiful baby girl together and I can't wait to have even more beautiful baby girls with you in the future. You're the woman of my dreams and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. You're amazing and I'm so proud of you. You're a strong, independent, determined, and smart woman. I wish I could be half the woman you are. I have a lot to learn from you and it fills me with excitement knowing that we're going to spend the rest of our lives together so I can learn how to be a better person and be the woman you want and need me to be. I love you with all of my heart and I can't wait to put a ring on your finger and make you mine."

Aubrey beamed at the brunette.

"Aubrey, you may now say your vows," the priest turned to the blonde.

"Stacie," Aubrey began. "I love you. I love you with all of my heart. You're an amazing woman and I can't believe that I'm going to marry you today. You're so smart, courageous, witty, funny, beautiful, and just straight out amazing. I've never met anyone like you before in my life and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so lucky to have someone like you in my life, especially after everything we've been through. I know that baby Anna is going to grow up with the best mama and is going to have the best childhood and that's everything I want for her. When I first met you, there was something about you that I couldn't put my finger on for a while but now I've figured it out - you're perfect. You're everything I want in someone and you've stuck by me through thick and thin and I'm amazed but also grateful that you've stayed by my side. You're an amazing person, Stacie Conrad, and nothing will make me happier than becoming your wife today. I know that we have a bright and fruitful future together and I can't wait to have more beautiful baby girls with you, too. This is the best day of my life. I love you so much."

Stacie smiled lovingly at the blonde as Aubrey smiled back just the same. Beca smiled at her friend then looked past Stacie and Aubrey to see that Chloe was on the verge of tears. Beca had to stop herself from rolling her eyes but it didn't surprise her. Chloe was bound to get emotional so Beca couldn't get angry at her for that. Chloe was the emotional type and there was nothing Beca or anyone else could have done about it.

The priest spoke a bit more before it was time for the couple to exchange rings. Stacie grabbed the first ring, which was a plain gold wedding band and slipped it on Aubrey's finger. Aubrey then did the same for Stacie, placing a matching ring on her finger before they heard the words they had been waiting for.

"Stacie and Aubrey, you have both come here today to commit yourselves to one another and live out the rest of your days as wives, and now, you have done just that. May your marriage be filled with happiness and joy. I now pronounce you Mrs Stacie and Aubrey Conrad. You may now kiss the bride."

The couple beamed at each other and leaned in for their first kiss as wives, making the crowd go wild. Stacie and Aubrey laughed in their kiss before they broke apart and looked over at the audience who were all standing to their feet and cheering for the happy couple. Stacie laced her fingers with Aubrey's then walked with her down the aisle as everyone showered them with red and white rose petals.


"Please welcome to the dance floor, Mrs Stacie and Aubrey Conrad!" The DJ announced.

Everybody cheered for the married couple as they walked onto the dance floor and began their first dance as wives. The lights dimmed and the couple started to dance slowly to If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys herself. Aubrey took Stacie's hands and rested her head against the brunette's as they swayed to the beat.

"Oh..." Chloe sniffed, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Dude!" Beca whined. "Come on! This is, like, the fiftieth time you've cried today!"

"You know I can't help it! Weddings are beautiful and I'm so happy for Bree."

Beca knew that Chloe was a helpless romantic so she didn't bother to protest further.

"That'll be us soon," Seth whispered to Katherine.

"It sure will be," Katherine smiled and gave the man a brief peck before looking back at Stacie and Aubrey.

The couple's dance ended, allowing everyone else to go onto the dance floor and dance. Stacie and Aubrey went around to their family and friends and spoke to them and thanked them for coming. Jesse made his way outside to get some fresh air and look out at the lake that was right next to the chapel. The railing was laced with fairy lights and white bows. The man leaned against the railing and enjoyed the cool breeze then heard someone approach him and saw that Beca was standing next to him.

"How's it going?" She checked.


"Are you doing okay?"

"I'm fine," Jesse reassured her. "I'm happy for them both. You can see just how in love they are with each other. I thought that I'd be bothered by watching Aubrey marry Stacie but I'm not. I'm actually happy for her - genuinely happy for her. Aubrey deserves happiness and so does Stacie."

"That's really big of you, Jess."

"Thanks. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. I'm getting better each day."

"I'm so proud of you, Becs. I knew you'd pull through. You're a tough cookie."

Beca chuckled. "Thanks, dude. I got given a second chance and I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to be able to watch Britt grow up and I'm going to be able to grow old with Chloe. It's everything I ever wanted."

"I'm happy for you, Becs. You and Chloe are perfect for each other."

"You'll find someone, too, Jess. You're a great guy and the perfect person is out there for you."

"I know they are," Jesse nodded. "Aubrey clearly wasn't meant for me and now that I realise that, I'm okay with it."

"Good for you, man," Beca smiled.


"Hey... I, ah... I never did thank you by the way."

"For what?"

"For... you know... helping me get better."

"Hey, it's no problem, Becs. We all did our bit."

"No, I mean... praying for me... I did what you said and opened my mind my heart and... look at what happened. I don't know if that was the reason for me getting better but I seemed to get better after we did that. I mean, even the doctor said that it was extraordinary."

Jesse smiled proudly. "I know you don't believe, Becs, but never forget what happened."

"Oh, trust me - I won't," she chuckled.

"It's amazing what God can do, you just have to let Him do it. A lot of people don't understand God, which is why a lot of them don't believe in Him and mock Him. But that's usually how things go - when we don't understand something we become frightened or we make fun of it. It's interesting how we humans work but once you understand something, things aren't so bad and you know that there IS indeed a light in the darkness."

Beca nodded softly. "I guess I'll have to thank Him."

"He'd love that."

"Yeah... Ah... How do I do that?"

Jesse laughed softly. "Just thank Him like you'd thank me or Chloe or someone who's done something big for you. People often think that you have to talk to God as if He's some big, scary judge, but you don't. Just talk to him like normal. As long as you say what's in your heart, He'll know what you say and what you mean, even if you aren't good at speaking it."

"Okay. I'll give that a go then."


Beca looked out onto the lake and enjoyed the cool breeze and scenery with Jesse.

"Hey, Jess?"


"I'm glad you're still with me. You're the best friend that everyone needs and I don't know where I'd be without you."

Jesse turned to Beca and smiled at her before putting his arm around her and kissing her head.

"I don't know where I'd be without you, too, Becs. You're my sister."

Beca smiled. "And you're my brother."

Jesse rested his head against Beca's as they enjoyed their moment until Chloe came outside.

"There you are!" The redhead spoke, making the two break apart and look at the woman. "Becs, your daughter is in need of your company."

"Crying for me is she?" She smirked.

"She won't let anyone hold her. She needs her mama."

"Mama B on to the rescue!"

"I better get to my little girl, too. That's if her grandparents will give her up," Jesse stated, walking back inside with Beca and Chloe.

"There he is!" Aubrey announced to baby Anna whose eyes lit up when she saw her father.

"There's my little girl!" Jesse beamed before grabbing his daughter from Aubrey's arms.

The man peppered the baby's face with kisses, making her giggle.

"You're a good father, Jess," Stacie told him. "Anna's lucky to have a dad like you."

Jesse smiled sweetly at the model. "And she's even luckier to have you as a mother. Congratulations, Stace."

"Thanks, Jesse."

"Group photo everyone!" The photographer called out, making everybody gather together with Aubrey and Stacie at the front with their respective bridesmaids by their sides. "Alright... Looking good... Looking good..." The photographer adjusted her camera to get the perfect picture. "Okay, on the count of three, everyone smile big. Ready?"


"Okay! One, two, three! Smile!"

Everybody smiled at the camera just as the photographer pushed the button, taking a photo that would remain in the Conrad family for generations to come.

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