Jensen Ackles and Dean Winche...

By Hannahbanana_xx03

85.7K 1.3K 370

A bunch of Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester imagines! I take requests! More

Christmas ~Jensen Ackles
You Deserve It~Dean Winchester
Beautiful Loser~Dean Winchester
Sky High~Jensen Ackles
You Deserve It - Part 2
Imagine: Dean Never Went Into The Construction Sight
Affairs With Benefits - Part 2
Christmas List ~ Dean Winchester
Lady and the Tramp ~ Dean Winchester
Affairs With Benefits
Affairs With Benefits-Part 3
We'll Meet Again~Dean Winchester
You Deserve It-Part 3
Important A/N
Thank You
Christmas Part 2 ~ Jensen

Affairs With Benefits~Jensen Ackles

6.1K 102 68
By Hannahbanana_xx03

Waking up by Jensen was amazing. Perfect. You loved him, of course he didn't know that. Because he loved his wife. Aka, not you.

Danneel Ackles. That was his wife, is his wife. They had been married officially for 3 years, with three kids. You loved the kids, Justice, Zeppelin, and Arrow. They were exact replicas of the two eldest Ackles.

You started out as their babysitter. Of course you found Jensen attractive, how could you not? But you knew it wouldn't go past your childish crush. He was married to the mother of his children. Their children.

You remembered your first day babysitting the kids. Zep and Arrow were easy. They were baby's. But Justice was a different story. You had to work to win her over. You started by buying her princess Barbie dolls or princess movies, but she'd reject them, saying she already had it. So, you took singing lessons. You found out from Jensen that her favorite Disney princess was Rapunzel from Tangled. So you learned to sing "At Last I See The Light".

The first time you sung it to her, you didn't notice but Jensen saw the whole thing while he was waiting for Danneel. That's when he knew his feelings for you were going past just a small crush. But of course he'd never tell you that. You loved your boyfriend. Aka, not him.

You rolled away from his sleeping form and sat up doing a quick search for your clothes. You managed to find your panties, bra, and pants. But not your shirt. Creaking open his closet, double checking to see he was asleep, you grabbed one of his shirts and slipped it on.

Not remembering his closet door would shut on its own, and it did. With a loud bang. You jumped a little and quickly turned towards the bedroom door, speed walking towards it. "Hey... Where ya goin?" A raspy voice stopped you in your tracks.

You turned around on the balls of your feet, "oh... Hey... Sorry for waking you. I was just heading out." You said softly sitting on the end of the bed. Even when he first woke up, he still looked like the man of your dreams. Sleepy green eyes, hair sticking out in every direction, from where your hands ran through it the previous night as he pounded into your needy cu-

"heeeellooo... Earth to (y/n)?" A hand shook in front of your face cutting off your thoughts leaving you blushing. He pulled you back against him and kissed the side of your face.

Your eyes wandered to the clock and saw that it was almost 1:30, "crap." You sighed standing up, "listen J, I gotta go." You said quickly grabbing your purse and phone.

"W-what? It's barely even 2..." He said a little sadly moving forward, reaching for you.

"I um... I have a date with Josh..." You said softly. You two had made one rule at the start, when you two where together, it was just you two. No Josh. No Danneel.

"(Y/n)... Come on. Ditch him, hes the worst.." he grumbled moving the hair away from your shoulder, leaving a few soft kisses there.

"You know I can't do that..." She said quietly stepping away from him and out of the bedroom where she made a beeline for the kitchen, hearing thudding foot steps chasing after her. "I really do have to go Jensen." She said slipping on her shoes.

He grabbed her wrist and stopped her, turning her towards him, "is this really about you having to go? Or something else?" He asked seriously looking her in the eyes.

She sighed and stood up straight staring him down, "this is so fucked up J..." She said running her hands through her hair. "You're married. With kids! An-and I'm with Josh."

He shook his head and bit his lip before turning back to her, "we're getting a divorce." He said bluntly making her stutter back a little. "W-what?" She asked wanting to make sure she was hearing him right.

"We're getting a divorce (y/n)... She found out..." He said the last part a little bit more to himself then her.

Her eyes grew wide as she dropped her bag, "she... She what!?" She yelled slightly, before lowering her voice "she found out?" She whispered screamed knowing the kids were probably upstairs.

He rubbed the back of his neck, which she found out was a nervous habit of his, "well... More so I told her... We got in a fight, she was accusing me of stuff and I-I couldn't take the pressure anymore (y/n)! I-I told her... Everything. "

Her face paled and she looked down covering her eyes with her hands "don't you think you should've told me that sooner?" She whispered not looking at him.

"Please look at me..." He said pulling her hands away from her face to which she whipped her head up with tears running down her cheeks.

"What the hell Jensen!" She shouted tearing her hands away from him, "omg... Josh..." She mumbled biting her lip, knowing that Danneel had his number. "I-I gotta go." She said grabbing her bag and opening the door.

"Wait. (Y/n), please. " She ignored him and ran out of the door, "Dammit (y/n)! Please!" He shouted from the doorway.

"Leave me alone!" She shouted over her shoulder running to her car and quickly starting it while Jensen ran towards it.

"(Y/n)!" He shouted as she backed up, him being two feet away from her car, "wait!" He said chasing her car partly down the driveway before stopping.

He ran his hands through his hair, "Fuck!" He shouted turning around and walking back towards the house.

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