the secret of sith

By storm123

81 2 2

The up rising has come for the new Galactic Empire. You can choose ur path to be a sith or to be in the grand... More

the secret of sith

81 2 2
By storm123

chapter one, troopers became

once there was a war that started,the secret sith, it was a stormy night in the planet of kamino, all troopers were in there barecks, the republic has forgoten about storm troopers the fearless warriors that were non stop in the clone wars, they used to be called clone troopers ,they were sleeping sweet and good 'till, "bammmm", a loud noise came from outside then they heard a loud scream that had woke them up. It was a guard,"blammm", the door opened. It was the fearless darth storm he said "i have a bidding for you troopers,how would you like to fight on my side? Every trooper was confused with the suspense but then a trooper named,332018spoke up and said ' what happens if we don't , then blam the emperor threw him to the floor,the old rusty metel floor crushed and broke his nose then darth storm answerd back saying, you won't live to say you don't want to. then they said we will join you master!!!!!

chapter two, crators understanding

one day darth storm went to tatooine insearch of bountyhunters ,he went to tatooine with kane the emperor of boutnyhunters he brought his light saber cause he has all the powers of darthstorm. then they saw crator a boutny hunter with the force,he was one those special people, his mileclorions were of the chrat like darth storm , aron , and kane.we told hime to join us to destroy the republic , well then crator says "hailaca"means:come out in hut languange" then all the boutny hunters there came from no were kane trys to step up and kill crator but darth storm stops hime . darth storm wispers"not wet' he says " what if we say that im youre freind that got seperated during a battle . crator was shocked and said "what youre hime of ,all these years "then crator sayed "cabucha" means: back down,in hut languange,then crator says"yes i will join you darth storm, boutnyhunters come we have a long way to go if we wanna get to conker planets lets go then.

chapter three, death star rebuilt

we were creating the death star again but this time with no weakneses it started at the bottom to the top but it was in galaxy 45.62 it was hiden behind the daigaba sistem, that was abandon till the secret sith settled there then we had to destroy all life there cause hiden spys were there and we took there base.

chapter four, the discoverd sith

we have been descoverd said a storm trooper in a ship falling to his doom, there was an rebelion spy he discoverd are base and sent a messege to the rest of them there was no way we could delete it so we had to abandone the base in kamino we had to fight, we were descoverd!!!!

chapter five descovered and stolen crystle

The republic had figured we exist so we had to hide, but then trooper 33615 found the gratest thing that has ever happened to us, the crystle of life it can save alout of are men. Darth storm said in a deap voice 'we have to get that crystle or we will die out we have to get it. Then darth storm sent squad 2.30 to retreive the cryistal, but what they dont know is that there is a creature gaurding the cave. Know they will figure out they have a monster on there hands.

chapter six the retreive

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