By preciouspeace1

101 19 3

Audrey Peterson got dumped by her boyfriend a day before her interview at SPAK. An architecture firm. sunk in... More



47 7 3
By preciouspeace1

  One of the hardest things I do is waking up very early every morning. I finally opened my eyes gazing at the roofing as I used to do but this isn't what I see every morning.

  I looked by my side seeing a naked man turning sideways. Oh my goodness! I looked into the blanket covering me seeing myself naked...

  Shit! I quickly got up from the double bed trying to search for my clothes at the same time figuring out how It happened. I remembered how drunk I was at the club the night before while sitting at the counter how an handsome guy was asking if we could make out
  I put on my clothes regretting why I had chosen to go to a club right after I was dumped. "Hey" I looked back at the guy who just spoke grinning. "Hey" I answered embarrassedly. I continued "I was drunk last night and all that happened between us was a big mistake. You don't know me and neither do I know you so let's just keep it that way and never meet again"

   He smiled like have just ultered a word with no sense in it. I don't care, as long as I never get to meet him again. I scurried away thinking of my first job interview in the next few hours at SPAK firms.

   I just got out of college with a degree in architecture. Am a first class graduate and don't think am going to have a problem getting the job. As soon as I got to my apartment I quickly took a shower getting dressed in a smart office dress.

   I put on my black stiletto and a natural makeup with my hair brushed neatly. I sprayed my self with  deodorant my ex boyfriend got me before breaking up with me. I looked at the full length mirror beside my wardrobe and I loved my self.

   As soon as the taxi driver pulled over in front of the Firm I got down and paid him. I could see other people who also came for the interview entering. I entered and as soon as it was my turn to be interviewed I entered the office closing the door behind me.

   I was startled as I looked up to see the guy we just had sex together a few hours ago which left my mouth opened. I thought we were never going to meet ever again. Even if we were--- not in a place like this.

   How was I supposed to be interviewed by a guy who just made out with me. This is so fucked up. I put on a fake smile and a facade look like nothing ever happened.

    "Good morning sir". He gestured at the seat in front of him as I sat.   " What's your name?" He asked with an unexplainable expression on his face. "Audrey Perterson" "Audrey.." he repeated now with a smirk.
    "Are you going to pretend like you don't know me? " He asked with a grimace showing how interested he was to start a conversation. "Are you going to ask me some architecture questions?" I asked rhetorically.

   "Let me see your documents" I handed it over to him. He started to glanced through "what makes you think am going to give you a job Audrey?" He asked. I felt distressed by his question. "You can actually tell me to leave right now and I will understand and also it will save you all of the stress"

   "you know I didn't have the intention of making out with you yesterday. I have been passing through some stuffs that got me drunk and when I saw you all I could think of was sex" He said as he fixed his eyes on the documents in his hands. He continued "so no worries, nothing happened between us. Like you said, it was a mistake."

    I felt sedated and I was wondering what might have made him drunk too. That was when I realized how cute he was and why would a young successful guy like this be single. who knows he might have a girlfriend even if we had sex.
   But I wished to know more about him. He's just going to be my boss and nothing more. I don't trust guys anymore. They all turn out to be Dutch bags in the end. "You're hired" He said
Simplistically. "No questions to defend my papers?"

   "You're probably a smart one. So am just going to save all the stress". 
    "Thank you"
"Oh you look pretty by the way" I smiled at him as I walked out. Wondering how this was all going to end.

    I need you guys to comment on this and tell me my mistakes. Find out what's going to happen between Audrey and her boss In the next chapter.

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