Living Life

By jwgjwg

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Can Jessica survive her new school? Make friends? Find the right guy? More

Life Before
Best Friends
Packing Up
Getting Ready
New School
Texting and Calling
The Day of the Date
Second Date
"Normal Day"
First Kiss
The Football Accident
Sunday, Monday Not So Funday
1 Month Anniversary
Kissing Isn't Always Good
Kaitlyn's Party
Normal Saturday
Babysitting Day
House on Fire
First Day Back
Strange Day
Break Up
Author's Note!
Prom Night
Last Day of School!
Author's Note
Check Out My New Book!

What did he say?

62 0 0
By jwgjwg

I woke pretty fast and put on some ripped skinny jeans and a blue sweatshirt and of course, my boots!

My Mom drove me to school because it was raining really hard.

"Have a good day!"

"Thanks, Mom!"

I wave goodbye. I spot Annie and she isn't with Anna, she is with someone else. I was so confused.

"Hi, Annie,"

"Hi, Jessica this is Gracie she is Anna's older sister,"

"Hi! But where is Anna?"

"She is really sick and she needed to stay home," When Gracie said that she sounded annoyed so I just said goodbye and went to my locker.

I got all my morning books: History, Math, Biology. It was really heavy! I could see Karen walking by in the corner of my eye. All of a sudden she pushes me down and I drop everything!

"REALLY?!" I shouted angrily.

"Oops, sorry" I knew she was being sarcastic.

"Here, let me help," said a strange but soothing voice.

"No, it's okay," I started to tear up.

I look up only to see Tyler! OH MY GOSH! I was so embarrassed.

"Seriously, I hate her too,"

He helps pick up my books.

"I thought you were dating her," I had a really puzzled look. He giggled.

"No Way! Well, I was dating her until she became psycho and wanted to rule the school,"

That time I giggled. The bell rang and I went to Biology and he went to Math. Goodness! What a morning! When I closed my locker, Karen came around the corner and she looked mad!

"What the heck? Do you not listen?" I SAID STAY AWAY FROM TYLER!"

"Well, first of all he said he wasn't dating you and second of all why were you spying on us? Shouldn't you be worrying about your hair?"

When I said that it made me feel so good.

"He may not be dating me but he will never date you."

"I see why he broke up with you," I mumbled.

She stomped her foot and then punched me right in the eye!

"WHAT THE HELL?" I try not to cuss but in this case, I'm about to get a black eye and I'm gonna start crying.

"You better watch yourself!"

She finally left and I went into the bathroom to check my black eye. Yikes! I went to Biology and I was about 10 minutes late. My teacher asked why and then she saw my black eye. I told her I needed to go to the office to get an ice pack.

After two classes, it was History and Tyler was in my class. I sat down in a back row desk. He walked in and sat right by me. I tried hiding my eye but that wasn't going to be possible.

"Duuuuuuude... what happened?"

I told him the whole story. His mouth dropped. I started crying and I ran out to the bathroom. I don't know why I started crying. It was either: My eye really hurts (which it did) or The fact that none of my "friends" were here to help. I decided to go back to class. I sat down and just kept my head in the book.

I went to Lunch and my afternoon classes nothing much happened. At the last bell I went to my locker. I saw Karen and Tyler by his locker (which isn't far). I could hear him yelling at her and she was trying to hug him or something and then he pointed at me and said something. He walked outside and Karen looked at me and stomped off.


Annie was standing alone so I went up and said goodbye and went to my Mom's car. The ride home and when I got home seemed so short probably because I was thinking: What did he say about me?

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