Hope and Darkness

By 2018hope

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"Will you hold me please. I just want to be held,"She asks me. "Of course I will,"I replied to her as I clim... More

Prologue and Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10

Ch 7

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By 2018hope

  Ch 7-School starting-Mavis

That Sunday we go to church again.I let the worship team songs wash over me about God as it sanctifies me. I feel his presence.I ask him silently that he would heal me emotionally,spiritually and physically. I thank God for letting me be alive.

Today Pastor Trevor speaks about putting your trust in god and to put your faith in him.He reads Romans 8 today aloud for us.At the end we do communion and he prays for us all.It's the first time I have felt hope in my heart.I know I can put my hope in God to be healed.

After church we have lunch back at Aunt Megan's house.Her husband barbecues us some hot dogs. Aunt Megan fixes her homemade potato salad.We also have a fresh garden salad and lays chips..

"Lord thank you for this food we are about to receive.Thank you for this beautiful Sunday and letting us be all together.Amen,"Aunt Megan said Grace today.

Everyone says "amen."

After everybody finishes lunch Tara and I help out in Aunt Megan's garden.Toby plays baseball with Kyle. .After an hour or so helping auntie in her garden she has me go lay down.After taking a short nap I finish two books I received when I was in the hospital.I get a text from Natalie asking if she wants to go hang out,but I text her back and say,"No too tired and in too much pain."

"Okay.See you soon at BSU. Hope you feel better,"She texted back to me with a emoji smiley face.

My body is still in a lot of pain and I have been stressed out about starting college. I also don't want Natalie to feel sorry for me.

On Monday I have another physical therapy appointment with Danielle.I only need physical therapy for a few more months.She has me practice swimming in the pool today and teaches me swimming lessons.I had swimming lessons when I was nine at Lowell pool,but I was too scared at the time to get the hang of it.Danielle helps me feel calm and has me lay on my back in the pool while she helps me to learn to float on my back to strengthen the muscle in my back.

"She is making progress,"Danielle tells Aunt Megan after changing out of my swimsuit and drying off and changing back into my dry clean clothes.

"That is great to hear.Yes she is,"Auntie replied.

Aunt Megan has me go rest and lay down after lunch today for the rest of the day.She wants me to get back all the strength and energy back for starting school. I just relax and read for most of the day.I still cry everyday in the afternoon.Aunt Megan always comes to comfort me. Memories of my parents and I rush through my mind when I'm alone with my own thoughts.Frequently flashbacks come to me.The accident and being held against my will.It still seems so real.I can't breathe.Why do these flashbacks have to keep coming back?Why did this all happen to me? I erupt into hiccuping sobs.I cry out my sadness and anguish.Why did my parents have to die?

Aunt Megan hears me crying and comes into the room.She quickly shuts the door and sits next to me enveloping me in her arms rocking me back and forth, as I cry into her shoulders.

"It's okay sweetie.Aunt Megan is here. Shsh shh. Just let it all out.Shh shh."

I listen to her gentle calming voice as tears stream down my face.I sob uncontrollably wishing the emotional pain would go away.It's too much for me. I cry out my heart to God wanting to be filled with his presence.I long for peace and to be healed.

"Shh shh,just relax.You will get through this,"She says to me as I continue to cry into her shoulders uncontrollably all snot and tears.

Finally after crying for an hour I begin to calm down. "You okay Hun?"Aunt Megan asks me as I curl up beside her.She rubs my back in soothing rubbing motions.

"I miss my parents so much and it's going to be hard starting school without them. Memories keep coming back and flashbacks of when the guy hurt me."

"I know it's hard sweetie.It's going to take time to heal and moving on from it.It's okay to miss them.They are right beside you in spirit watching over you with God.Things will get easier.One day and one step at a time.Just give it up to god every time you are struggling.He has plans for you and will help you through this.Jesus loves you very much.Try to focus on the positive that it's a miracle you survived."

She reads to me a verse "The lord delights in those who fear him. Who put their hope in his unfailing love." Psalm 147:11

"Mavis I want you to know you are not alone in this and that there is hope.He wants you to put your hope in him. God loves you very much.I love you Mavis and I will always be there for you.You can get through this,"She tells me holding my left hand in hers.

I nod and smile as I listen to what she is saying as I look into her brown eyes that lets me know she will always be there for me.She pulls me in for a hug and we stay there for a minute.

Later that night for dinner we have homemade mac and cheese with tater tots and a garden salad.

"Lord thank you for this food we are about to receive.I pray that the new school year would go well for these kids.I ask that you would take away any fears or worries they may have. Help to know you got good things in stored for them.I pray that tomorrow would be a day of joy and a day to make new friends.Thank you for letting us be together.I pray that you would give all of these children here the strength and rest they need for school and to bring healing over Mavis. I pray these things in your holy and precious name amen,"Aunt Megan says Grace tonight. Everyone says "Amen.

After a delicious dinner Aunt Megan , Tara and I change into our pajamas while the boys play football out in the backyard while it's still warm and clear in the evening sky. Us girls decide to paint each others nails and watch a movie. We all decide to watch Tangled which is one of my favorite movies to watch. "What color do you want?"Aunt Megan asks me and Tara.

"Pink please,"I say.

Tara says "I want pink also please."

"Of course.A great choice girls,"Auntie replied.

First I let Aunt Megan paint Tara's nails first while I eat popcorn.

"Thank you mom.It looks great," Tara says as she finishes painting her toenails.

"I'm glad you like it sweetie.You look beautiful,"Auntie says to her.

Aunt Megan gently holds my left hand in hers as she gently starts painting my nails. Her hands feel soft and smooth to the touch as she carefully paints each nails careful to not mess up. After she paints my fingernails she also paints my toenails.

"Thank you I love it."

"Your welcome sweetheart.You look beautiful,"She says to me giving my back a reassuring rub.

Tara and I each paint Aunt Megan's nails the same color as ours.

"I love it girls.Thank you.It looks beautiful,"She replied pulling us in for a side hug since her nails are wet.

At this moment I feel at peace and loved with this special memory.I feel hope that maybe things will be okay and get better.

The movie is over now,so Aunt Megan has us go to bed and auntie still has to help me get ready for bed since my right wrist is in a cast still and sling.

"Can you pray for me?" I ask her.

"Of course sweetheart,"She says to me as she holds my left hand in hers.

"God I lift up this sweet beautiful girl Mavis to you. I pray that she would find peace in the midst of what she has been going through.To continue to bring healing over her emotionally,spiritually and physically.I pray that you would give her the strength to overcome all what she is going through and to take everything one day at a time and enjoy one moment at a time. Lord protect her from the lies of the enemy and to take away any flashbacks that have been occurring. I pray that you would fill her with your presence and to know she is your daughter and that you love her very much.That you and her parents are watching over her.I pray for a good night's restful sleep with good dreams.We pray this in your Holy and precious name amen."

"Thank you,"I say to her.

"Your welcome Hun.I just want you to know God has good things in store for you and you can get through this.I love you so much,"She says to me.

"I love you too,"I replied.

" Get some rest.I love you sweetheart.I'm glad you're safe and sound at our house,"She replied to me planting a kiss on my forehead.

After she leaves I lay there awake praying silently to God asking him to give me the strength to get through the school year and thanking him for being safe and sound at Aunt Megan's house and has been taking care of me all summer,with all her love and support.I think about all the great memories of me and my parents.I toss and turn. Eventually I fall into a restless sleep.

The next day in the afternoon I end up resting for half of the day,but since my concussion is getting better I'm allowed to watch more TV and movies. Tara is having a sleepover at a friends house and Kyle is busy playing at a friends house while Toby is at work,so its the two of us. We watch Zootopia which is really funny and cute. After it's over auntie helps me walk to the bathroom and after I'm done helps me walk back to the couch.

I can't do this,"Mavis says with tears in her eyes as they are slowly walking. Pain instantly ignites in her back and broken ribs. The act of walking is so hard now with all the pain she is in. Yet her right side hardly ever wants to move.

"Yes you can. One step at a time. Your doing great. I'm here right by your side. I won't let you fall. I promise",Aunt Megan says to her with their arms locked hand in hand. She leans her weight against auntie for support,so she won't fall.

"You did it good job Hun,"Aunt Megan says to her as they walk towards the living room couch. She props my sprained ankle on a pillow and props a pillow behind my back.

It's August already. "Maybe once my shoulder is healed I can do college online. You can help me read stuff for me. Then hopefully next semester I can go to college and get an apartment,"I say to Auntie.

" Sweetheart I want you to listen to me. I know this is going to be hard to accept,but you are losing your vision. I signed you up for the school for the blind which will help you prepare you for this. It will help you learn to do things blind."

"God wouldn't let me go completely blind. Please let me go to college.I'm an adult. I should be allowed to go by myself. I miss going on walks by myself.

"Mavis have you noticed that your vision is getting blurry. God still has good plans for you. I know it's going to be hard,but you're going to have to accept this. You're going to have to learn to rely on me. I've been trying to prepare you for this. It's not going to be easy losing your independence. We can go on walks together once you're body is healed up and I'll read to you anytime,"Aunt Megan tells me supportively holding my left hand in hers.

"It's not fair. Why did this happen. I miss my parents much. What did I deserve to have him hurt me like that. To now lose my vision,my parents and independence,"I say to her bursting into sobs.

"I know it's not fair. You didn't deserve this. I don't want you to ever blame yourself. The guy had no right to hurt you like that. If I could I would do anything to give you all your vision back. To take away all of your pain. It breaks my heart seeing you go through this pain emotionally and physically. Come here,"Aunt Megan says to me as I collapse into her shoulders letting out all my sadness and grief as she rocks me back and forth.

Finally after an hour I calm down enough. "Mavis I want you to know yes it's going to be hard without your sight,but I am here for you every step of the way. You're going to have to learn to trust me. Even though you won't be able to see me I'll still be right there beside. I'll describe things for you. Going to the school for the blind will help you learn to do things blind. I know it's been hard without your parents and healing through what the monster did to you,but things will get easier,"Aunt Megan tells me reassuringly holding my left hand in hers.

"It has been hard. It's been so scary losing my sight,but I'm glad you're taking care of me. I'm glad you are here for me. I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for you,I say to her.

"I feel so very blessed to have you in my life and to be able to take care of you even though we aren't blood related. It's a miracle you survived. I love you so much."

"I love you too Aunt Megan."

"I still want to go on a walk by myself,"I say to her.

"Sweetheart you can't. You could have a seizure and there is a chance you could go blind,"Aunt Megan says to me.

"No I'm an adult. I'll be fine. Please let me go on a walk. I promise I'll text you,"I plead to her hoping she will let me.

"I'm sorry Hun I can't let you go outside by yourself even though you are an adult. The doctor doesn't want you be by yourself yet. I would be so sad if you were by yourself and had a seizure and I wasn't there to help you if something happened to you. You are still learning to walk and I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself especially since you are losing your vision. Just trust me okay Hun,"Aunt Megan says to me holding my hands in hers.

"No. That's not fair. My walking is getting better and I still have most of my vision still. It's only a little blurry. You are not my mom,so you can't tell me what to do,"I say to her releasing my hand from her and I stand up and walk towards the door.

I quickly open the door and run out down the driveway and run as fast as I can away from her. I can't do this anymore. I miss my parents so much. Tears run down my face as I run out the door. I hear her bolt out the door after me. At first I want to run away to my old house but then I realize I miss my parents more than anything and want to be with them. I don't want to go on living the rest of my life and lose my sight and independence. I close my eyes and keep running ignoring the pain in my ribs and back. I run into a middle of the road that is middle of maple Grove and wait for the light of heaven to appear as I wait for a car to hit me. Suddenly I feel someone wrap their arms around me and hold me against them.

"No," I say as I realize it's Aunt Megan .

"Don't you ever do that again. I'm going to kick your little but. I'm so glad I was able to stop you. Your lucky I'm a fast runner,"She says to me giving me a few spankings.

"I'm sorry Aunt Megan. I just miss my parents so much and I don't want to lose my independence and go blind,"I say to her in between heaving sobs. I try to let go from her grasp,but she won't let go of her arms wrapped tight around me.

"Please let me go," I say to her as I try to pry her arms that are wrapped around me protectively.

"No. I'm sorry I can't let you do that. I know you miss them. I love you so much and your family loves you so much ,"She says to me with tears in her eyes.

"Let's go home and talk about this,"She says to me as she lifts me up and carries me back to the house.

Everybody is gone right now,so it's just me and her in the house. "I'm sorry,"I say as I continue to sob as we are sitting on the couch.

"I know you are,"She replies to me as she pulls me me close to her and we both cry into each others shoulders as she rocks me back and forth.

"It's okay. Shh shh,I'm here,"Aunt Megan says to me in between gulps of her own sobs as we both cry and cry.

Finally after we calm down we talk.

"I don't want you to ever try that again. Yes it's going to be hard without your sight and losing your independence. I'm going to be there by your side. You are going to have to learn to trust me. It's a miracle you survived and God was watching over you and your parents are watching over you now too. I was scared I was going to lose you and I'm so glad you survived and that I get to take care of you. Your family members love you very much and I love you so much. My family loves you too. You are a niece to me and even though I'm not your mom. Legally I'm your guardian now and you will have to listen to me since I'm taking care of you even if you may not like it you will have to eventually accept things and get use to me as your aunt taking care of you. God still has good things in store for you. Even though you may go blind you still have your other senses.Even if you can't see me I'll be there right next to you. Promise me you won't ever try to do that again and I want you to look into my eyes when you say it,"She says to me holding both of my hands in hers as I look into her beautiful brown eyes with tears in her eyes.

"I won't I promise Aunt Megan I'm too scared to die anyway,"I say to her with tears filling my eyes.

"We'll good. I'm glad to hear that. I'm going to keep a close eye on you for now on like a hawk and I'm always here for you. I love you Mavis,"She replies to me.

"Love you too Aunt Megan,"I replied as she embraces me in a hug.

I lay my head in her lap while she strokes me hair and we watch another movie together feeling safe and sound with her.

The next morning I have to wake up early. Aunt Megan has to take Tara,Kyle and me to orientation today. Kyle will be in first grade and Tara is going into seventh grade. Aunt Megan comes in to wake me up early for orientation.

"Morning Hun.You ready to get cleaned up for the day?"

"Yes and no,"I say stifling a yawn.

"How did you sleep?"She asks me after I finish getting dressed.


"That's great."

For breakfast I eat a bowl of honey nut cheerios,a slice of whole wheat bread with butter and a glass of orange juice.Afterwards I take a quick shower.I dry off as fast as possible and get dressed and brush my my teeth. I don't need to use a sling anymore,so it's easier to do these things by myself now without as much help. Though I still need help with my back brace and changing in and out of my bra and shirts,since my shoulder is in a lot of pain still.Aunt Megan puts on my back brace for me.She then brushes my hair and braids it into a french braid.Today she picked out a pink blouse,white pants and a white sweater for me to wear today.I try to remember what I look like in these clothes when I had more of my vision.

"You look beautiful today."Aunt Megan comments to me as I lean on her for support as we walk down the hall from my room.

"Thanks,"I replied trying to focus on my breathing and ignore the pain that creeps in my back.

"Your walking is getting better. I've noticed how much it has improved since you have been in physical therapy."

"Really I haven't noticed.My back hurts a lot constantly like right now,"I tell her as I grimace in pain.

"I know sweetie.I wish you weren't in pain.It's going to take time to heal though.You have been making great progress and I'm so proud of you.I haven't let you give up and I'm not going to let you give up."

"I know you haven't let me give up.I couldn't do it without you,"I say as we finally make it down the hall.

"You did it.Good job Hun,"Auntie tells me as she locks the front door and leads me to her car.

"You okay?"Auntie asks me on the way over.

"Yes I'm just thinking about what my new school will be like,"I replied.

"I've heard it's a great school.You'll love it and the teachers are going to be there to help you.It will be nice to finally meet them today."

"We're here,"Auntie tells me a few minutes later.

Aunt Megan helps me stand up as I get out of the car.I lock arms with her.This year I will be taking math seminar,English,us history,braille 1 and 2,life skills and safety.

"That sounds great,"Auntie say to Miss Annie and Miss Taylor my main counselor.

"These classes will definitely help prepare the skills she needs and get around more,"Miss Annie replied in a sweet voice of hers..

"Yes they will help you a lot and you will make new friends,"Miss Taylor tells me in a confident and gentle voice .

"I hope so,"I say.

"I'm sure you will,"Auntie tells me.

"'Would you like to take a tour around the school to get a sense of your new surroundings here?"Miss Annie asks me.

"Um sure why not,"I replied not sure of what to say to that.

"Take care.We'll see you soon.Welcome to our school,"I hear Miss Taylor tell me as I feel her reach over to shake my hand.

"Thanks you too,"I replied as I shook her hand.

Miss Annie leads us around the school showing me where my new classes will be.I get to meet each of my new teachers who all seem really nice.I try to ignore the radiating pain in my damaged back muscle.I lean onto auntie as we lock arms and hold her right hand.Finally we are done and we can leave.

"Thank you so much for your help and the tour here,"Auntie tells my new guidance counselor.

"Of course I hope the tour will have helped you get a sense where everything is,"I hear Miss Annie tell me.

"Yes of course that helped me a lot.Thank you,"I replied grateful for her help,but wishing we could go now.

"Have a great day,"Miss Annie tells us as I reach out to shake her hand goodbye and she gives me a hug instead.

"You too,"Auntie tells her as we leave.

Afterwards we go to Tara's and Kyle's orientations and then we go home.On the way back the Aunt Megan's house I think about my new school and what it will be like without my old friends.Yet survive a year of learning braille to read and write.

The next morning I get to sleep in later.Aunt Megan cooks us all some french toast for breakfast with maple syrup,scrambled eggs and sausage. Kyle is hanging out at a friends house. Toby is at work,so it's just us girls.Aunt Megan says grace this morning. "Lord thank you for this beautiful day.I pray that we would all enjoy the time we have together.A day of joy and to have some fun.Thank you for this food we are about to receive.I thank you for my daughter Tara and for Mavis here with us safe and sound.We pray this in your holy and precious name amen." After a delicious breakfast I go take a shower and go to take my pain meds. I change into a clean pair of undies,bra and a cute pink spring dress that covers all of my bruises.Aunt Megan braids my hair into a french braid.She also braids Tara's hair also into a french braid.

"It's beautiful Aunt Megan.Thank you."

"I'm glad you love it.You look beautiful,"She replies and gives me a hug.

In the car I get to sit in the front passenger seat up front with Aunt Megan. Tara gets to sit behind her in the back.On the way over to the Boise mall we listen to the Christian radio station air one.I love listening to Christian music.It helps me feel at peace and gives me hope.It makes me feel closer to God by listening to these uplifting songs about God.Aunt Megan buys me and Tara new clothes for school and for when it gets cooler in the fall.I even get a new pair of tennis shoes,sandals and flats.She gets us each three new pairs of cute dresses,five new blouses and shirts,pajamas ,some new jeans,sweats, leggings and even some new earrings.We even got to pick out a new purse. I also get my hair trimmed. Aunt Megan also buys herself a new pair of sandals,dresses,jeans and other outfits to wear.We stop at the food court for lunch.Aunt Megan buys us all Blimpies for lunch.Both me and Tara get a kids meal.A ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce,tomatoes,olives,ranch and mayonnaise.With sun chips,bottled water.We also each pick out a huge sugar cookie with pink frosting.Aunt Megan gets a garden salad with ranch dressing,sun chips also,bottled water and a chocolate chip cookie.

"Are you girls having fun?"She asks us as we all begin eating.

After I'm done chewing a bite of my sandwich I say,"Yes thank you for everything. It's the most fun I've had in awhile".

"I'm glad you are having fun Mavis.You are so welcome.You are like a niece to me.I love you very much,"She said to me smiling happily back at me.

"Love you too."

"Tara says,"I have had lots of fun.Thank you for everything mom.I'm glad Mavis is here with us,"She says to her.

"I'm glad sweetheart that you are having lots of fun.I love you too,"She replied.

"I'm glad I'm here,I say."

"Me too Hun,"Auntie replied to me.

After lunch we shop around for another hour and then we all decide it's time to leave.I lock arms with Aunt Megan since my back is starting to hurt.We stop at Fred Meyer on the way home to pick up our school supplies and then we have to go pick up my stuff from my old house."Oh ya,"I replied forgetting we needed to pick up more stuff at my old house.The house was finally sold to this family.After the funeral my family members have been helping me going through all of our belongings.Stuff of my parents and I that I wanted to keep and didn't need.It kind of blurred my mind.I must've completely blocked it out of my mind.So much has happened this summer

I hold onto auntie's hand as she unlocks the door with the spare key Grandma Lucy loaned to her.Instantly as we all step in I'm hit with the scent chamomile tea and lavender.Memories come washing over me.The times we watched movies together on the living room couch.I remember we had a screen TV and sometimes we also watched our favorite shows.I can see my mom's smile and her sweet voice tell me she loved me.Dad's humorous laugh as we watched football games together and cheered for the Broncos.

"You okay?"Auntie asks me as I remind myself of the steps up to my old bedroom.

"This is so hard,"I tell Auntie trying not to cry.I manage to find my bedroom door and open it without bumping into it. I feel around until I find the four boxes on the floor.

"I know sweetheart.It will be okay.This will help you move on.It's going to take time though,"She replied soothingly as she gave me a hug.

"Yes it will be alright, Tara tells me also giving a hug.

"I just wish they were all still here.This is where I have a lot of good memories of my childhood.This is where I grew up most of my life,"I say to them as I let the tears fall.

"I know you grew up here and have a lot of wonderful memories of you and your parents,but they will always be in your heart.You can always remember those memories,"I hear auntie say to me as I let her comfort me in that hard moment.

In one of those boxes I feel around until I feel my fingers wrap around dad's sports jacket.I lift it up to my nose and it still smells like his cologne and aftershave.I also find mom's light purple scarf and it smells like her lavender body wash and baby soft perfume.Most of the picture frames and albums we kept in this box also.The last time we were here Aunt Michelle ,Aunt Meagan and Aunt Sarah and Grandma Lucy helped pack all of my books,journals,school awards,yearbooks,clothes,trinkets,stuffed animals,etc.

Before we leave I close my eyes and remember all of the amazing memories my parents and I had together.

"I'm here for you ,"Auntie tells me as she rubs my back in soothing motions.

"Yes.I was just remembering everything before we leave,"I replied as tears stained my cheeks.

Aunt Megan comforts me by giving me a hug and plants a kiss on my forehead.Holding me there in her arms for a minute.

"You will get through this.I'm here."

I take a small deep breath feeling glad she is there for me.I'm able to calm down a little.We leave finally.Right now is the last moment I will ever be standing here in the home my parents and I lived in.All that is left is the memories we had together.Through the good times and the bad.I can hear mom and dad's voice tell me that It's okay now.That I can go now and their spirit will be there with me. Finally we head home.It's been a fun day and hard day,but I'm so exhausted now.I rest for the remainder of the day.Aunt Megan brings me dinner up to my room.A bowl of soup,,a small plate of salad and a glass of water to rinse it down with.I manage to eat some of it even though my throat is really sore tonight.Probably from all the smoke from the fires in the foothills and mountains.I get ready for bed early like I do every night.

"Tonight was really fun spending time with you girls,"Aunt Megan says to me before bed.

I nod and say,"I agree.Today was the most fun I've had in a long time since like my birthday.Thank you for today.I enjoy spending time with Tara and you."

"I'm glad sweetheart.I wanted you to have some fun and to take your mind of everything you have been going through.If you ever need anything just let me know okay Hun."

"I will.Thanks."

"Get some rest sweetheart.It's been a long day.Sweet dreams.I love you Mavis." She pulls the blankets over me and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Love you too."

"Night Mavis,"She says and then turns off the nightstand lamp and closes the curtains over the window.She slowly walks out of the room gently closing the door part of the way.

The next day Aunt Sara comes to visit me in the afternoon.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you feeling?"She asks me as she goes to give me a hug. I have been resting for most of the day so I'm sitting up in my bed.

"Sore. Tired still. I'm nervous for my new school. How are you?"

"I'm sorry Hun. I'm proud of the progress with your walking and not giving up. I've been doing okay,"She says to me as she brushes some hair out of my eyes. Aunt Sarah has green eyes like mom did and long blond hair,but taller than both mom and me. She is sitting down in a chair near the dresser.

"I want to talk to you about something. I'm mad at you for what happened. If you hadn't survived your mom would of been alive. I think it's your fault,"She tells me in a angry voice with tears in her eyes.

"No it's not my fault. I never wanted her or dad to die. I wish they were here,"I say as tears begin falling down my face.

"Well they would of been if you tried harder to stop the kidnapper,"She tells me.

"No it's not,"I say as I begin sobbing.

"Excuse me!Get out of her room. Get out of my house now! I don't want you treating her that way and its in no way her fault. She had no control over it,"Aunt Megan tells her in a loud voice.

"Fine. I think your trying to get Mavis to hate me or something. I'm going to get a court order to adopt her,"Aunt Sarah says.

"Well you can try your hardest,but I'm already her guardian and I'm planning to adopt her. I've been the one who has been there for her from day one and we both go to the same church. Since you're treating her this way it's better if she lives with me. I want you to leave now."

"Fine,"Aunt Sarah says as she leaves quickly out of my room and leaves the house and drives away quickly.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. Come here,"Aunt Megan says to me as she goes to hold me close against her and rock me back and forth.

"I can't believe she did that,"I say as I continue to sob into her shoulders.

"Shh shh. Its okay. Aunt Megan is here.I'm sorry she did that,"She says to me in a comforting voice.

Finally after a hour I begin to calm down,

"Why did she do that?"I ask her as she rubs my back soothingly.

"Because she is angry at that fact her sister died and taking it out on you. She doesn't know how to deal with it. You know it's not your fault what happened to your parents right?"

"Yes I know."

"Good. I don't want you to ever blame yourself for what happened."

"Aunt Megan I'm scared that I'm going to lose you. I want to live with you,not her."

"I'm scared too Hun. We have to trust God and I promise you that I will fight to the end to adopt you.Your better off with me,"She says to me holding both of my hand in hers.

"You promise."

"I promise with all my heart Hun."

"Okay,"I whisper as I lay my head in her lap and she strokes my hair until I fall asleep with her beside me.

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"The fuck you are leaving me." He snapped and growled at his mate. She was calm as she was ever be regardless of his snapping. She sighed and turned...
23.9K 516 27
My life was a whirlwind of privilege and innocence until everything changed. As the only child of wealthy parents, I'd always had everything I needed...
629 66 30
"BET! Now leave me alone and don't ever talk to me again!" I say with hot tears running down my face as I slam the car door shut. Kameron walks out t...