Hope and Darkness

By 2018hope

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"Will you hold me please. I just want to be held,"She asks me. "Of course I will,"I replied to her as I clim... More

Prologue and Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10

Ch 3

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By 2018hope

Ch 3 Home Sweet Home -Mavis

The next morning I wake up excited and relieved that I will be released from the hospital.Finally I get to go home to Aunt Megan's house.This morning Aunt Sarah is here with me while Grandma Lucy is grabbing some more of my stuff from my house and then will come by to say goodbye to me and drop off the stuff.My nurse helped me to take a shower this morning while Aunt Sarah helped me change into some clean clothes and brush out my hair.

"You look beautiful,"Aunt Sarah tells me after she finished brushing it out and pulling it up part of the way in a ponytail.

I smile at her as she squeezes my hand in hers reassuringly.

"You should stay with me. I would love to be able to take care of you," Aunt Sarah says to me.

"No. I love you Aunt Sarah but Aunt Megan and I go to the same church. I already chose her to be my godmother. We have a really close bond. I'm sorry but I want to stay with her. We can hang out sometime though once I get better."

"Well that's too bad. I'm your biological aunt. I will fight to take care of you. Even if I have to get a court order."

"No. I want to stay with Aunt Megan. My mom and me had an inseparable bond and now that she is gone, Aunt Megan is the only other person that I have an inseparable bond with."

Aunt Megan is suppose to be here in a few minutes. Aunt Michelle and Grandma Lucy will be here soon also.Today I finally get to wear my own clothes instead of an hospital gown.I'm wearing a pink blouse and jeans with my cute pink flats.

Aunt Megan finally arrives wearing jeans and a cute light blue flower top with her brown hair pulled up in a bun.

"Hi Mavis. Are you ready to leave?"She asks me as she goes to give me a hug.

I nod yes and smile back at her beaming happily.I feel safe embraced in her arms. "What's going on? I heard you were arguing while I was out in the hallway." Aunt Megan asks her.

" Well I want Mavis to stay at our house. I can quit my job and take care of her but obviously she wants to live with you. Aunt Sarah says bitterly.

" Well you can't blame her for wanting to live with me. You have done things in the past to hurt her emotionally. So she doesn't trust you the way she trusts me. Mavis and I have formed a really close relationship. God chose me to be her adoptive aunt in Christ. To be her godmother. To be the one who takes care of her. We go to the same church and she is going to need her church for healing. She needs stability. You can spend time with her still. I promise you that I will take very good care of her. I love Mavis very much. I've always wanted to have a niece. She needs me a lot right now to help her heal and not lose hope in God. I'm not going to let you talk to her like that. I'm sorry if you don't like the idea of me taking care of her, but Toby and I plan to adopt her. So you are going to have to accept it whether you want to or not." Aunt Megan says protectively.

"Fine. If you want to adopt her. Go ahead. She is your niece now. I have to leave for work but will talk more about this another time," Aunt Sarah says to her in a snotty voice.

She kisses my forehead and grabs her purse. By Mavis. Love you", Aunt Sarah says and leaves the room quickly slamming the door.

"I'm so sorry she had to do that. That was very hurtful. I'm sorry you had to hear that. Don't worry. I promise you that won't let her take you away from me. I'm already getting the paper work ready to start the process to adopt you. No one will ever take away my little neice from me. God chose me to be your adoptive aunt in Christ and godmother. You are every inch of your parents and are every inch of me, "Aunt Megan says to me hugging me close in her arms.

"I'm so glad. Thanks for standing up for me. There is no one else I rather be with right now but you," I replied to her hugging her back."

"Of course my sweet little niece,"She replied hugging me back.

A few minutes later Aunt Michelle comes then followed by Grandma Lucy.

Grandma Lucy and Aunt Megan both have to finish signing my medical forms release forms before I can leave.Aunt Megan is going to be appointed my full guardian since both mom and dad are gone and adopt me. Aunt Megan is going to take care of me for the rest of the summer and work at home. She will go back to work once school starts I should be rested and healed up enough to go back to school. Aunt Megan was the first person I woke up to in the hospital. She is the one who told me what happened.That it was a miracle God was watching over me. I realized that God had put her in my life for a special reason not only to work with her as a celebration leader, but to bring me closer to God and to help me learn to trust him.Someone to pray over me.To have her support in helping me grow as Christian.I know that she will always be there for me every step of the way as she helps me heal emotionally,spiritually and physically taking care of me.I wish my parents could take care of me and that I would be coming home to our house.Though they are with Jesus now and will be watching over me protecting me.It will be the hardest thing I have ever gone through.I trust Aunt Megan and I'm grateful for all her love and support. I have always felt so bonded to her ever since I met her. God chose her to be my one constant adoptive aunt in Christ/ godmother. He knew that we would form an inseparable aunt niece bond ever since my Aunt Sarah hurt our family several years ago for different reasons. I do forgive her and hope to have a relationship with her. By staying at Aunt Megan's house it will be easier than staying at one of my biological family members houses.There is so many memories at my Grandma Lucy's and my Aunt Sarah's and Uncle Leroy's houses of me and my parents that it would be too painful emotionally to think about.By staying at Aunt Megan's house I can start over and have someone who believes in God like me.Aunt Sarah and Uncle Leroy and Grandma Lucy are catholic,but they only go to church on holidays.They don't believe in God in the same way my parents did and the way I still believe in God.I love my biological family members still and always and I hope God will find a way for us to spend time together on holidays and birthdays.

"I'm so glad you can be released today.That you are getting better and will be okay,"Aunt Michelle tells me brushing my bangs out of my eyes. She is staying with me right now while Grandma Lucy and Aunt Megan finish filling out my release forms.

I smile at her and squeeze her hand in agreement.


Finally Grandma Lucy and Aunt Megan are done filling out the release forms

"We can leave here just after the doctor comes in to do one last check,"Aunt Megan tells me.

Dr.Kenneth comes to give me one last check to make sure I'm fully recovered to leave. He shines a bright light across my eyes and checks my vitals and blood pressure.

"She's fully recovered.Everything looks to great.Just remember to take it easy for a few weeks and get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.No heavy lifting or exercise except for physical therapy once a week which will help you get back on your feet. Your wrist and shoulder should heal in six months or so,"He tells me and Aunt Megan.

"I'm glad to see her better and she should be fully recovered in a few months time,"He tells Aunt Megan.

He gives everybody a hug and I let him hug me because he saved my life.

"Thank you so much doctor for all your support and the great care you have given Mavis,"Grandma Lucy replied tearfully.

"Yes thank you again doctor for saving her and I'm glad she will be okay,"Aunt Michelle tells him.

"I'm so thankful for you saving her life and I'm glad she can go home now to our house,"Aunt Megan tells him choking up.

"Of course.My pleasure.I'm glad she is going to be okay.You are so welcome.You all take care,"He replied to all of us and then leaves the room.

All of my stuff is packed and ready to go that Grandma Lucy brought along.I also have several vases and bouquets of flowers,get well cards and gifts from all my family and friends.

Nurse Sarah comes in with a wheelchair and helps me sit down in it. I frown at Aunt Megan.

"You're a big girl.Don't pout,"Aunt Megan says to me. She smiles and I smile a little too.

Aunt Megan's car is a grey Elantra in the patient section of the parking lot. Aunt Michelle and Grandma Lucy help load my stuff into the back of her car.Then they both each say goodbye to me.

"Bye Mavis. Grandma Lucy loves you so much.I'm still here for you.Things will be okay,"She says to me pressing her lips against my forehead and pulls me close to her hugging me goodbye.She is crying happy tears happy because I'm going to be okay and that I get to leave the hospital.

I mouth I love you too.

I then hug Aunt Michelle goodbye.

"Get lots of rest.Don't worry about school yet. Focus on getting better.Take care.I'll try to call.I love you sweetheart,"She replied to me as she planted a kiss on my forehead.

Aunt Megan says goodbye to each of them giving them all a hug goodbye.They all promise to call every so often to check up on me.They then leave to go to their own cars where they will get back to to their normal lives.Grandma Lucy working long hours as a social worker while Aunt Michelle will soon get ready for the new school year.Aunt Sarah with her job and being a mom to my cousins and a wife to Uncle Leroy.Though they will still stay in touch because they love me and I need their support.They are all still my family even, Aunt Michelle even though we aren't blood related.

Hopefully I will be well enough at the end of the summer to start college at Boise state or at least do online school.

Aunt Megan helps me get into the passenger seat.

She says to Nurse Sarah,"Thank you.God bless."

Nurse Sarah replied,"Your welcome.You girls take care.God bless."

She goes back into the hospital where she will take care of many and thousand more patients.Maybe she has a family she goes home to every night to relax with and eat dinner with.Her life is normal and will be the same.My life has changed so much.I will never be able to go back to that life again before it all happened.

Aunt Megan helps me put on my seat belt and then shuts the door and then goes to the other side and gets into the driver's seat.She puts on her seat belt and puts the key into ignition starting the car.She checks to make sure no cars are behind her and then backs out and pulls out of the parking lot and drives away. She pushes a button on her driver's side and our windows roll down since it's summer and it is really hot.It feels good to feel the wind whip my long blond hair.Free at last I think to myself.Free from being in the hospital and being able to stay at Aunt Megan's home.

"Yay you don't have to be in the hospital anymore. I'm so glad that I get to take care of you. I'm so excited to be able to adopt you,"Auntie says cheerfully.

"I'm so glad that I'm not in the hospital anymore and that you're my godmother and get to adopt me,"I replied.

I am so happy that I am free from being in the hospital.I just wish I was leaving home with my parents.How can I be so happy one moment and so sad in the next I think to myself.Images from the accident flash through my mind,but I try to think of other things I will do once I'm better.To be able to read books again or go on a walk.I would love to hang out with my friend Natalie. Unfortunately I will have to rest a lot and take it easy for the rest of the summer.

"You doing okay sweetie? We are almost home,"Aunt Megan says to me as we stop at a red light.

I nod yes and she squeezes my left hand reassuringly.I stare out the window absentmindedly watching things fly by as we pass many more stores and houses. Finally after forty five minutes we make it to her house in overland in Boise.It's in a secluded neighborhood.The house is a nice one story house painted yellow with a white porch.She pulls into the driveway and turns off the car.

"Were home Mavis,"She tells me excitedly.

I have been to her home several times before to have sleepovers and hang out the last few of years I have known her.

"I'll bring you inside first and have you go lay down and rest. The guest bedroom where you usually sleep in when you have sleepovers is now going to be your new room. I'll bring your stuff inside while you rest and then I will make us some lunch.Sounds good,"She says to me smiling happily.

"Sounds good,"I replied.

She gets out of the car shutting her door and goes to the passenger side opening the door for me.I manage to use my left hand to unbuckle my seat belt. Carefully and gently Aunt Megan helps me get out of her car and we lock arms as she shuts the door.Thankfully I don't need to use a wheelchair like I did in the hospital since I'm able to walk a little bit better now than before.Though I still have to rely on Aunt Megan to help me not lose my balance as I lean on her,so I don't fall. When we go places I'll have to use one since I'm learning to walk on my own.We slowly walk up her front porch step by step and then she unlocks the front door.As we step into her house her kids are there to welcome me into my new home with them.

"Welcome home!",Tara and Kyle say to me all excited to have me be there at their home finally.

There is a banner hung up decorated in markers that says "Welcome Home Mavis!"

Tears stream down my face as I start to choke up at the sincerity and kindness they took to welcome me into their home.I gaze around the organized living room,There is pictures hanging on the walls and shelves of them and their family growing up from trips to school pictures.The room smells like cinnamon and lavender a homely smell. They have a shelf of books,a beige blue couch,plasma TV,VCR/DVD player,stereo and a oak wood coffee table.

"They have been planning this ever since they heard you were coming home,"Aunt Megan explains to me.

I instantly go to hug Tara who is so sweet and thoughtful who gives me a hug in return.I also give her son Kyle a hug.

"It was so sweet of you kids to do this for her,"Aunt Megan tells them all giving them a hug.

Her daughter Tara is thirteen and already tall like her mom with long brown hair. Her son Kyle is six years old and has the same hair color as their dad Toby,but still looks a lot like his mom.

"Why don't you kids find something to do while I show Mavis to her room where she will be resting. Tara and Kyle please bring in her stuff from the car carefully and I'll handle the flowers though. Then I'll make us some lunch,"She says to the boys.

"Okay mom,"They replied.

"No problem mom,"Tara said happy to help her.

"I'll would love to help,"Kyle replied also.

I lock arms with Aunt Megan and lean against her.My ribs and back hurt so much with each step as we walk in the hallway to the bedroom.

"You are doing great Hun.Just take your time.You can do this,"She tells me encouragingly. I steady my breathing and grimace with each step,but try to ignore the pain. Finally we make it to my new room.

"Good job sweetheart,"She leads me to my room where I will be staying.There is two rooms each for her kids and one room for her and her husband Toby.There is also a study room and the guest room where it will be my new room.

"This is your new room,"She tells me as she opens the door.The bed is a nice looking bed with a white comforter and lots of blankets with three comfortable looking pillows to lay on.There is a walk in closet and a beautiful antique dresser from my house.There is also a shelf with all of my books.Then a nightstand with some framed pictures of me and my parents.A lamp is displayed on the nightstand with roses decorated on it.I also have my own bathroom.She helps me walk to the bed.I lean on her as I slip off my pink flats.She sets down my travel bag that has most of my clothes from home.

"If you need anything don't hesitate to ask me.Don't be afraid to let me know,"She tells me as I lay down.

"I'm here for you every step of the way.Also no getting out of bed Missy unless you need to use the bathroom which means you need to call for me and I'll come to help. I don't want you walking by yourself. I'll check on you every so often to make sure you're okay.Get some rest,"Aunt Megan tells me as she pulls the covers over me and tucks me like when I was little.

"Yes ma'am."

"I'll work part time at home until your ready for school, so I can be here to take care of you.I know things are going to be hard especially learning to walk,but you will have to learn to trust me okay sweetie."

"Okay Aunt Megan,"I replied.

"I talked to my kids about what happened.That they aren't allowed to bring up anything unless you were to talk about it. I also talked to them about making sure to keep things quiet,so they won't disturb you or wake you up.They are good most of the time,but if they are being too loud I'll make sure to get them to settle down,"She tells me.

"Okay,"I reply.

"I love you Mavis. Get lots of rest,"Aunt Megan tells me as she plants a kiss on my forehead.I hear hear her choke up a little.

"Love you too,"I replied.

I close my eyes and hear her walk out of the room quietly shutting the door,so I will have privacy while I'm resting.I say a silent prayer to God for having a place to live and for Aunt Megan's love,care and support.

A little while late I wake up and she has brought me some lunch.

"Hi Hun.How are you feeling?"


"Are you hungry yet?I made you some lunch.I want you to try eat something.I made you half a Pb&j sandwich and have some fruit for you."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome,"Aunt Megan says as she helps me sit up and bird feeds me a few bites at a time.

She then helps me walk to the bathroom. I wince with each step at the pain that creeps up my bruised body. After I use the bathroom I wash my hand and then dry it off with a yellow hand towel.I shuffle back to the bed and take a deep breath with each step.I almost fall,but auntie catches me.I have to lay on my back since my shoulder is dislocated.It's still taking time to get use to laying on my back instead of curling in a fetal position on my right side.I pull the blankets close to me and letting sleep come and letting go of everything else off my mind.

A little while later Aunt Megan comes back to check on me and takes back the tray to the kitchen.It seems like every hour she comes to check on me just to make sure I'm still breathing.That I am still alive.

Hour after hour memories of me and my parents surround my mind,but I try to push it all away.It's much too painful for me to even think about.Somehow I manage to rest more for the day than I did at the hospital.The only sounds I hear is Aunt Megan's footsteps when she comes up to check on me. For the most part the room is silent.

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