By Uzumakifanfics

2.3K 33 25

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born Great. Some achieve greatness. And others have greatness thrust upo... More

"Welcome Suckers"
Shit gets serious

Revenge Bish

472 8 13
By Uzumakifanfics

"Hello people!" Jayji called into the microphone, "Welcome to the second scene! Shoutout to Cat09forever you made the author cry in happieness from your comment!"

Jayji grins, "Anyhoo, just before we start the scene...."

Jayji turned and smiled sweetly at the camera, "In revenge for Ryder making Office references I didn't understand in chapter 1, I will be making Harry Potter references for the forsee-able future."

Ryder fell onto his knees in horror and stared in anguish at the ceiling, "I'm sorry Prisoner of Azkaban! I tried to finish you without spoilers!

In the spectators room all was silent as they listened to Ryder's sobbing and Jayji's cackling.

Merida turned to Jack, "Is i' going to s'art or-"

Suddenly the scene starts playing.


[The screen fades in on a new day. The sun is shining over a vast forest when we suddenly hear someone talking - it's Hiccup - he's holding a map and trying to figure it out as they fly.]

Tuffnut groaned, "Of course it's useless that's on first!"

"Yeah! Why couldn't it be the hottie Jack?" Ruffnut agreed drooling.

Tuffnut stares at his sister confused and Jack subtly scoots away from the female Viking.


Alright so we go left, no, right. Wait... Is that even on the map?! Okay so.

[Hiccup cries out 'NO!' as the wind tears the map out of his hands sending it flying as Hiccup looking after it in despair....

Merida burst out laughing.

....The scene changes to both Hiccup and Toothless as they land near a river. HICCUP slides off the saddle and Toothless immediately bounds over to the river, scooping fish out of it and eating it.]


(Snorts, Sarcastic) Sure you eat while I go look for the map.

[HICCUP walks into the forest......

Rapunzel squeaked, "Don't go into the forest alone!"

.....ducking under branches and climbing over logs when he suddenly finds the map.]


(Holding the map above him in victory) Ah ha! Found it!

[We hear a sudden snap, a branch breaking. Instantly the forest darkens - not nearly as welcoming as before. Hiccup glances around, pulling a small knife out of his pocket.]

"At least you have some protection." Jack muttered.


(Cautious) Hello?

[We hear a 'BONG!' sound and the screen goes dark. After a couple seconds we see light. The camera is obviously from Hiccups perspective as an upset down, grinning Toothless is shown. Hiccup groans and then suddenly Toothless licks him.]

Emma stared at the screen, "What just happened?"


Ack! Toothless!


Where am- oh

[Hiccup spy's the rope tied around his ankle that was hanging him from a tree. He then looks at Toothless whom is still giving him a gummy smile.]

"OMG!" Jayji squealed, "You two are almost as cute as Harry and Ginny when they get together!"

"Jayji, why!?!?!" Ryder shouted.


Toothless! Get me down.

[Toothless looks up at the rope and gets ready to fire a shot of plasma at it. Hiccups eyes widen and he goes to protest when Toothless fires. Hiccup drops like a stone. He sits up rubbing his head and glaring at Toothless.]

The triplets laugh at his misfortune and start planning pranks so that they can recreate it.



[Toothless laughs and as Hiccup sighs.]


What happened?

[Toothless goes to answer when we hear another 'snap'. Cautiously Hiccup walks towards the sound, Toothless right behind him. We peer through the bushes to see Rapunzel crouched over Hiccups map. Motioning to Toothless to stay hidden Hiccup steps out of the bushes.]


Uh hello?

[Rapunzel shrieks, whirling around and pointing a frying pan at Hiccups face.]

"Oh my god." Jack mutters turning to Hiccup, "You know what this means right?"

There's a couple seconds of silence before it clicks.

"You hit me with a frying pan!" Hiccup shouted.

"At least I wasn't some rando who could've killed you!" Rapunzel shouted back, panicking.

Jayji snorted, "If I had a Galleon for everytime J.K Rowling killed off a good character, I'd have a small fortune."

"Jayji please stop!" Ryder wailed.


Wow! Wow! It's okay. Put down the frying pan.

[Hiccup waits a few moments but when Rapunzel doesn't move he continues on awkwardly.]


Er- I'm Hiccup.




That's some hair.

[Rapunzel glares and shoves the frying pan further into Hiccups face.]


It's mine. Don't touch it.

Sandy made a symble of two people talking then put a cross over it and laughed silently.

Tooth nodded, "Your right Sandy, their communication skills do leave things to be desired."


Okay! Okay!

[There's a couple seconds of awkward silence. Finally Rapunzel lowers her frying pan.]


Where's your Dragon?


(Lying terribly) Oh um dragon what dragon? I haven't seen any Dragons'.

Jack sighed, "Not only do I have to give Punzie a lesson in lying, but now it looks like I'm going to have to give you one two."

"What are you talking about?" Astrid asked, "Hiccup lies all the time for attention, he's really good at it."

Merida raised an eyebrow at her, "Either yee all can' see a lie when yee 'old one or 'e was tellin' the truth."

Astrid frowned, thinking.

[Rapunzel raises an eyebrow at Hiccup and he sighs in defeat.]



[Immediately Toothless bounds out of the bushes. He gives Rapunzel a grin and she starts to pet him, making him purr.]


Are you kidding me! It took me like a week to earn his trust!

[Rapunzel giggles as Hiccup mock glares at the Nightfury.]

"Not fair," Hiccup mutters.


So um. Why did you steal my map?


(Winces) Sorry. I got lost.


(Sarcastic) Well ah maybe next time you could - I don't know - ask for directions instead of knocking someone out with a frying pan.



[They both stand in awkward silence again until Hiccup speaks.]

"The awkwardness and friendship is killing me." Pitch said scowling.

Gothel would have replied, but she was still busy freaking out over Rapunzel.


Where are you heading?


(Hesitates) Dun' Brock


Really? Me too!


You are?


(Bashful) Hey do you maybe want to come with me?

Jayji sighed, "They kind of remind me of when Ron and Hermione finally admitted their feelings for each other."

Ryder could only sob, helpless.


Really?! Uh- I mean sure.


(Grins) We better get going then.

[Hiccup climbs onto Toothless' saddle and offers a hand to Rapunzel. After a moment of considering she takes it. Hiccup hauls her up and Toothless is instantly shooting to the sky - Rapunzels hair being blown behind them. Terrified - Rapunzel clutches desperately to Hiccup - eyes screwed shut. As they level out and glide forward Hiccup turns to Rapunzel.]

"Are you alright love?" The Queen of Corona asks Rapunzel. Both of the rulers of Corona giving her concerned looks.

Rapunzel gives them a shaky nod.


Not fond of heights?


I lived in a tower! I should be used to heights!


A tower?

[They both go silent and Rapunzel turns away.]


(Mutters.) I don't want to talk about it.


Er- Okay.

[Angry at Hiccup for upsetting Rapunzel, Toothless flicks him in the face with his earplate, making Hiccup yelp. There's a couple seconds where Hiccup appears to be debating something.]


(In a rush.) I ran away.


(Surprised) What?


I- I ran away.

"I'm sorry, what is happening?" Hiccup asked, looking around.

Jayji sighed, "it's a classic movie thing, your going to give her your life story."






I live on Berk. Where it rains for nine months and hails the other three. My villiage has been there for generations but every single house is brand new. You know why?

[Rapunzel pauses for a second - thinking.]


The dragon's.


Right. There's a war between us Vikings and Dragons, one we have to win. The greatest honor we Vikings have is killing the enemy.

(Bitter.) And if you like me, then your a disappointment.

"Yee are not a disappointment 'iccup." Said Merida firmly.

"Yeah!" Said Emma nodding, "You almost as cool as big brother Jack!"

Hiccup smiled shyly at her, "Thanks."




(Quiet, Angry) I can't blame him really. He's the cheif, so he's busy. But you know, I thought that if I could just impress him somehow, then he would finally take a moment to look at me and say 'Im proud of you son'. But it never happened. And I realised it never would. It doesn't really matter anymore.

Stoick was trying desperately to stay mad at Hiccup, but as he listened to his son pour his heart out, he couldn't help but feel like he had failed.

Spitlout scoffed, "Pathetic."

Gobber punched him, "That's my apprentice your talking about!"

"He's a traitor!" Fishleg's father - Yakleg - said.

Ryders voice appeared through the microphone, "Please no fighting."

Jayji's voice followed it, "This is just like when Slytherins loyalty was split during the final battle."

Ryders voice cracked, "Jayji... Please..."

[Rapunzel places a hand on Hiccups shoulder, offering silent comfort. Startled - Hiccup hurriedly wipes at his face.]


Hiccup, he was your father, he should of taken time out of his day to help you. You shouldn't feel like a disappointment.

"That's right lass." Said King Fergus grinning at her.


(Shakes head.) It's not just that.




They would have killed him.


Why didn't you?

"Wow Rapunzel!" Jack exclaimed, "You don't just ask people why they didn't kill something!"

[Both Hiccup and Toothless are surprised by the question.]




No really. You just told me you'd been at war and what you two suddenly just became best friends?


(Sighs) I couldn't.


(Crosses arms) I'm not buying it.


Fine! I was stupid! I was weak! I wouldn't kill a dragon!

Rapunzel huffed, "You are not stupid or weak."


You said wouldn't this time.


Yeah well!!! 300 years and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon!


First Viking to ride one though.

The rest of the Vikings blinked. Thinking over what she said.


(Quiet, Realisation) I wouldn't kill him because he reminded me of myself. When I looked at him he was scared and vunurable and- and- I knew I couldn't do it.


(Hugs Hiccup) I'm glad you didn't.

[They continue the rest of the flight in silence.]

The second scene ends and everyone turned to their neighbours, varying over what they had seen. Instantly the third scene began to play, but everyone were too busy talking about what they had seen to watch it, so Jayji paused it.

Jayji hummed and turned to the camera, panic all over her  face, "Guys the author has no idea what to do for pairs. Really, comment what you want because theyve got no ideas!" Suddenly she smiled at the camera, "See you next chapter my ROBTDvians!"

Ryder scowled at Jayji, "Stop breaking the forth wall! Especially when you know they can hear you!"

Tooth squints, "Fourth wall?"

"Just ignore them Sheila."


Jayji watched Ryder as the second scene began to load. Did he really think he could make Office references she didn't understand and get away with it? Oh no. She was going to make him pay.

In a flash of blue glitter she was at Ryders place. She looked around for anything she could use against him. An embarrassing poster, a secret diary, anything!

And then she saw the open book sitting on his bed. She walked over and picked it up and grinned as a plan started to form in her mind.

If he was going to make references she didn't understand then she would too! It was a good thing she had already read all of the Harry Potter books.

She placed the book down and flashed back into the spectators box. Inside she was laughing macanicly, on the outside she simply whispered, "Revenge bish."



"You already there Jack?" Hiccup asked.

"Seems like it." Jack answered.

"That's almost as big of a plot twist as Snape being a good guy."



Ryder looks into the camera like he's on the Office before he blinks and turns to Jayji.

"Hey, where did this camera come from anyway?"

Jayji stares blankly ahead as she replies, "Don't question the author."

Ryder shakes his head, "The who?"


"What do you want from us?! Why are you doing this?!" Astrid shouted.

Rydee smiled, "Believe it or not, under all that psycho craziness is a good person."

Jayji nodded, "Yeah! Wait... What?!"

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