What If.. (Kyungsoo x Nam Jih...

By dodokyungsooo

36K 1K 252

Both Do Kyungsoo and Nam Jihyun never thought they would see each other again after working on their drama, b... More

1: Hello again.
2: Lobster it is
3: "Classic Wonshim"
4: We're okay, you're okay.
6: Lucky
7: Coffee?
8: A Guest
9: Yours
10: Black
11: Lazy Love
12: Beauty
13: Honey
14: Fun Bunch
16: That's Okay
17: Snacks and Soju for a Heartbroken Friend
18: Midnightsky
19: Today, Not Tomorrow
20: But Tonight
21: Hello Heartache, My Old Friend
22: Love, Again

5: Like This.

2K 46 7
By dodokyungsooo

When they got off the bus and headed for the market, Kyungsoo walked alongside Jihyun matching her pace as she fast walked from store to store to find gifts for her friends back at home.

Finally, they stopped at a small but colorful keychain store.

"I bet the earthquake was a 3.2" Jihyun commented as she looked over different keychains in a kiosk.

Kyungsoo turned the spinning display stack of keychains to pick one for his members, "Yeah. It was quick, but scary."

Then, Jihyun gasped and picked up a keychain that had a small Japanese doll wearing a kimono and showed it to the man in front of her,

"Oppa, is this one cute?"

He nodded and she took his advice and grabbed four dolls for her friends, each doll keychain wearing different colors of kimonos.

"I'll just pay for this." she turned to him before heading to the cashier.

As she was busy, Kyungsoo cautiously walked across to enter a jewelry store leaving Jihyun on her own.

The jewelry store was filled with necklaces and bracelets and Kyungsoo thought that this was a perfect opportunity for him to buy her a small gift of gratitude. He wanted to give her a gift since he hasn't given her one after the success of their drama.

Kyungsoo bent down to take a closer look at a necklace that had a clover leaf. The clover leaf reminded him of her personality. Bright, colorful, and a happy-go lucky kind of gal. This would definitely suit her.

Without hesitation, he quickly called over the salesperson to get the necklace as he scanned the keychain store across to make sure she won't witness him buying it for her because he wanted to surprise her later when they go out for dinner.

"Excuse me, I'd like to get this necklace" He pointed, still cautiously eyeing the store across for Jihyun.

He didn't even ask how much it was, because a) he had the money for it either way and b) he just knew that he had to get it for her because he already knew it's meant to be for her.

The salesman carefully placed the necklace inside a small black box and into a red gift bag.

"88,344 Yen, sir." The salesman smiled at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo nodded, "Here you go" he said giving his black card quickly, still looking over at Jihyun at the other side to make sure she wasn't coming over.

When the salesman gave the bag to the eager young man, he immediately placed it inside his backpack and walked out the store until she saw him at the middle of the aisle with a bag that came from the keychain store.

"Where were you, oppa? I was looking for you..." She raised her eyebrows. "Also I got you this" she scuffled through the bag and held out a matsumoto castle keychain

"Oh this is pretty, thank you Jihyun-ah, you shouldn't have." He smiled at her

"Well...I know how much you love Japan but hopefully you don't have a keychain like that"

"no no i don't...thank you...i needed it"

they grinned at each other and he suddenly held his arm open gesturing for her arms to wrap it around his.

she gave him a smile just before she decided to humbly accept his offer, and when she finally placed her arm where it belonged, a smile crept up on his face.


As they continued walking just exploring the whole of the marketplace, jihyun began eyeing the whole place to make sure there were no fans and when she figured there was none, she comfortably placed her head just at the edge of his shoulder.

She made her move this time, and she wasn't ashamed of it.

When Kyungsoo felt her head casually placed onto his shoulder as they walked, he looked at her and thought that she must be tired.

He stopped walking and turned to face her but her head refused to get off his shoulder
"Jihyun-ah." he said softly, his deep voice echoing onto her ears.

She felt the vibration of his voice through his body since her head stood still on his shoulder which gave her chills at the back of her neck.

She looked up at him whilst raising her eyebrows, and then he continued, "you're not tired are you? our date hasn't even started yet"

she smiled, placing her chin on his shoulders and held him closer to her side, as her eyes glistened "anniya~ i just...i like this"

Like This. Together. Walking with arms wrapped around each other as they held hands and her head sitting comfortably on top of his shoulder, claiming that he is hers, atleast for now, in a country that fortunately doesn't give them any disturbance from the fans or from the media.

She looks at him longingly wishing for their time together to never end.

And as for him, his heart fluttered whenever she responded with that smile of hers and he swore at himself several times on his head for even thinking of wanting to place a kiss on her forehead that was so close to his lips because he wanted to mark her as his, right there and right now. But he knew, in order to truly have her...in order to have her heart completely....he'd have to do it properly, without long pauses and hesitations or events or concerts or months or any other schedules that would come in between their undisputed mutual attraction for each other.

He gathered his thoughts and embraced her instead, not caring about the rest of the world...orrr the fact that they were standing in the middle of the walkway. His strong cologne leaves traces of his scent on her own clothing and aside from that, now that her head was on the crook of his neck, he slowly massaged her head. He wanted to give her the kind of gentle affection that she had shown him and he surely returned it.

Indeed, Do Kyungsoo was not the kind of man to show some kind of affection but exceptions occur specially when it comes to those that matter to him.

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