The Snakes Princess (Draco Ma...

By Jiminie_mochi1013

183K 4.3K 1.4K

(Y/n) Riddle, thought going to Hogwarts would be great, but it'll prove to be drama filling and dangerous. Wi... More

Welcome! Introductions!
First year | Malfoy Manor
First year | Classes and Chaos
First year | Saint Potter
First year | Valentines day
First year | Holy hades
End of first year
Summer | Coming Home
Second year | Diagon Alley fight
Second year | Drama
Second year | Terrible day, really
Second year | Slytherin
Second year | Rogue bludger
Second year | Christmas plan
Second year | Bloody Walls and Nightmares
End of Second Year
Summer | Training & Surprises
Third year | Train Ride of Unhapiness
Third year | Tea Leaves Of Doom
Third year | Real feelings
Third year | Invisible Snowball fight
Third year | Sirius Black
End of third year
Summer | Quidditch World Cup
Fourth year | Cold Welcome Back
Fourth Year | Visitors
Fourth year | Ferret
Fourth year | Yule ball
Fourth year | Death & Divination
End of Fourth Year
Summer | Old Friends
Fifth year | Frog lady
Fifth year | Trouble
Fifth year | Dumbledore's Army
Fifth year | Storm brewing
Fifth year | Department of Mysteries
End of Fifth Year
Summer | Different Perspectives
Sixth year | Secrets & Love
Sixth year | Potions
Sixth year | Almost
Sixth year | The Slug Club
Sixth year | Curse
End of Sixth Year
Summer | As The World Caves In
Seventh year | Escape & Apollo
Seventh Year | Radios & Gods
Seventh year | Cyclopes & Time
Seventh Year | Quest Takes a Turn
Battle of Hogwarts
Battle of Hogwarts II
Battle of Hogwarts | The Aftermath
Five years later | Return
Weddings & Reality
A Year later | Babies & Names
Authors note| IMPORTANT
Another Authors Note
Bonus Chapter | Arabella & Regulus
Bonus Chapter | Aaron & Harley
Bonus Chapter | Castor & Leo
Bonus Chapter | Scorpius & Arabella & Adrien
Sequel News

First year | Hogwarts

6.4K 134 39
By Jiminie_mochi1013

We sat at breakfast, I had to wake up early to get ready for this. Mum told us to get ready early so we didn't end up late, it was agony.

"(Y/n), do you have everything ready?" Mum asked.

I nodded as I grabbed my owl, Astraeus' cage.

"My trunks are packed, my supplies are ready, and I have my wand."

Mum smiled, "Alright kids, grab something and let's get going."

Dad grabbed our stuff and loaded it in the car, our house elves said their goodbyes. It was quite sad, they said they'd write to us as well. I was happy, this was all I've ever looked forward to...well, second to becoming an Auror with father. Harley and Leo made fun of me for it, but they did the same.

I felt like myself, not a pureblood witch of an ancient and powerful bloodline. I was wearing a striped shirt, black spaghetti strap dress over it, and white sneakers.

I had a black headband in my hair, it was simple yet easy to change into my robes. The day we got my Hogwarts supplies was when I knew this was all real.

"Let's go all of you." Mum smiled.

We got to Kings Cross, unloading was easy. We got there quickly and we looked around at the muggles, completely normal, it's like they didn't even see the owls.

We got to the pillar, "I'll take Leo." Mum said.

She took hold of their trolley as well and they ran through the pillar, disappearing to the other side.  Harley went, this was my favorite part. I've done it before, but not to go on the train. When Harley went to Hogwarts, I cried the entire time because I missed him and I wanted to go with him.

"Let's go now," father took hold of mine too. We ran through and got to the platform on the other side.

We spotted them and went over as my trolley was taken and my stuff loaded.

"Write to us what house you get." Mum hugged me.

She tried to smooth down my hair, "Please don't make me have to send a howler yet, and watch after your brothers." She hugged me tightly, stroking my head. I nodded and she kissed the top of my head, she moved on to Leo.

Father hugged me next, "It doesn't hurt to cause a little mischief." he winked.

"As long as mum doesn't find out." I winked back.

He grinned widely and hugged me tighter, "My daughter has learned so much from me!"

"Okay Adrien, she'll be late if you keep restraining her." Mum chided.

We all hugged, and Father let me go and I went with them onto the train.

"I'm going to my friends, will you be okay?" Leo asked.

I nodded, "Will you be okay?"

Leo gave me a small smile in response. I made my way to find an empty compartment. I found one where I could see my parents and I waved, they waved back and Mum was smiling. Father on the other hand, he kept messing with his wedding ring and he was looking straight up. 

He was holding back tears, Mum rolled her eyes and signaled that dad was absolutely mental. I chuckled as Father pushed mum a little, she laughed and put her arm around his waist. Harley found me later on, saying the kids in his compartment were driving him crazy.

"Why do you still wear that thing?" He said in disgust.

I looked at the ring, "Aunt Kass gave it to me."

He rolled his eyes, pointing to my neck.

I felt the cold of the chain, "What the—?!"

I hadn't even noticed I put on the necklace Malfoy gave me.

"Hide it, I don't want to see his smug face." Harley sighed.

I tucked it into my shirt, hoping it wouldn't pop out.

Our compartment door slid open, "Mind if we sit with you?"

A boy with a darker complexion, slightly slanted eyes, and a sharp face asked. He was wearing first year robes. There was a girl behind him, she had long, dark hair with a headband like me.

"Go ahead." I said.

They sat across from us and noticed we were looking out the window.

"Are those your parents?" She asked.

I nodded, "My father is a bit weird at times."

"Your parents look  young." the boy said.

"Don't be fooled, they're both fifty." Harley whispered.

I smacked Harley on the arm, "They're both thirty-six."

"They're quite young."

"Well, they did have my brother when they were nineteen and me at twenty-two." I shrugged.

"Right, we should introduce ourselves." the long haired girl sighed.

"I'm Millicent Bulstrode." she smiled.

"Blaise Zabini." he winked.

Ah, barely five minutes and I've found the flirty boy. Well, it could've been worse, could've been Malfoy.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/n) Riddle."

Harley elbowed me.

I rolled my eyes, "Right, my cousin, Harley Angelos."

Their eyes widened when they heard our names.

"I'll take it that you know our last names?" Harley sighed.

"Who wouldn't! Your mother is famous for her beauty and smarts, she's the best in the Wizengamot! Your father is also the best Auror around, he catches every dark wizard assigned to him!" Blaise beamed.

He turned to Harley, "Your mother was the best in the Irish Quidditch team! So many teams fought to get her to join them!"

"All of that in one breath?" I asked, astonished.

"Your brother is Leo Riddle, right?" Millicent asked.

I nodded, and so did Harley.

"That's so cool! I heard he's the best chaser at Hogwarts!" She said excitedly.

That was true, he wanted to go into quidditch professionally, Harley would've too, but he changed his mind. Harley is now going after becoming a curse-breaker.

I cracked my knuckles, "Not for long."

We heard the compartment door open and I saw Malfoy walk in. Great, after the time at his manor, I had hoped to never run into him again. I messed with the hem of my clothing.

"This is the best you guys could do?" He asked, irritated.

I noticed one of his goons had a red marking on his finger, "Did a rat bite you?" I asked aloud.

He noticed me, "Riddle, it's been awhile."

I rolled my eyes, "I was hoping to keep it that way a bit longer."

Millicent and Blaise snickered, causing Malfoy to glare at me with more anger than a chihuahua. Harley disassociated quickly, which I'm fine with since he hates hearing people fight. Verbally he hates fights, physically he'll start them.

Malfoy crossed his arms, "Maybe you at Hogwarts won't be so bad. I'll make it hell for you."

Ah, there it is.

I leaned back with my arms folded, "You sir, are a real ray of sunshine."

He glared at me as I sat there unbothered.

"Blaise and I are staying, you three can leave if you want but...I like her." Millicent smiled at me.

Malfoy sat reluctantly, though he and his goons weren't too happy about it and neither was I.
We sat quietly most of the ride, only speaking to ask what was on the trolley. All I could hear was the clinking of  Harley's nails on his silver buttons.

Harley hasn't taken too much of a liking towards Malfoy after what happened, but I was more worried about him than Malfoy. Millicent was talking to me about getting supplies. I had my elbows on my knees, so I could reach some of the candy we were trading.

"Still have the necklace?" I turned to see Malfoy smirking.

I looked down and saw the necklace hanging, capturing the light.

"Uh, yeah." I said, awkwardly.

Millicent and Blaise's eyes looked between us, "You—you gave her that?" Blaise asked.

"Only so he could look good in front of Mummy and Daddy." I gagged.

Harley put his hand on my shoulder, signaling me to stop while I was there.

"In-interesting." Millicent trailed.

Harley threw her a curious look, her replying with a look of talking about it later.



Time skip ~

We got to the castle and we were led to where the Great hall was. Professor McGonogall had left us out so they could check final preparations. The Hogwarts ghosts had started a conversation.

"About to be sorted, I suppose?" The fat friar asked.

Some nodded, "Ah, well I hope to see you in my old house, HufflePuff!" He smiled.

Malfoy was being annoying as usual, but I did my best to ignore him. I overheard two boys talking about how they rejected Malfoy's handshake. I tried to keep myself from laughing, and they noticed.

"Sorry, that's just funny." I sighed.

One of them was familiar, I had seen him walk out of Ollivanders. More like we bumped into each other and I welcomed him briefly to the wizarding world. It was Harry Potter, I was shocked when I figured that out.

"Know him?" Potter asked.

I frowned, "Sadly."

His red-haired friend gaped when he saw me. I was gonna say something else when Professor McGonogall came back. We followed her into the Great Hall for sorting. It was absolutely beautiful, it could've fit our manor and the Malfoy's.

Professor McGonogall placed a four legged stool down and a ragged hat, "The sorting hat." I muttered.

I looked around nervously, I saw Harley out of the corner of my eye. I turned to him, he gave me a reassuring smile. I spotted Leo and he gave me a thumbs up, I replied back with my fingers crossed.

"Oh you may think I'm pretty, but don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, your top hats sleek and tall. For I'm the sorting hat, and I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head, the sorting hat can't see, so try me on and I will tell you where you ought to be."

The hat continued its song,

"You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in HufflePuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient HufflePuffs are True
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've read my mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means,
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none),
For I'm a thinking cap!"

The song ended and everyone at the tables clapped. The sorting then began, and when my name was called, I was as nervous as ever.

"Riddle, (Y/n)!" Professor McGonogall called out.

I sat on the stool and the sorting hat went over my eyes, "Ah, a tough one indeed. A heart of gold and the ability to bring things out in others they thought they lacked. Ravenclaws blood courses through your veins, magic as ancient as any of us, has determined your fate. The Fates have determined you're more important than you thought. Choices, choices, oh the possibilities. Slytherin could make you great, powerful like your family line. It'll have to be...SLYTHERIN!!!" The hat shouted.

The table cheered, but the shout of my idiot cousin was heard more.

"Told you Leo, that's fifty galleons!"

Millicent elbowed him while others laughed.

I went to the table, sitting by my cousins and the friends I made on the train.  Malfoy on the other hand, he was not happy. When the feast started, I caught Malfoy glaring at me from across the platters of food.



Continued w/short time skip ~

After we sang the Hogwarts song, our prefects took us to our dormitories. We followed our prefect to the dungeons, the HufflePuffs and Slytherins weren't far from each other. This would be bad news for Anna, she couldn't stand it when Harley and I pranked her.

Now she has to deal with us until Harley leaves and so does she. We'd have to convince Anna not to rat us out, obviously.  We got to the wall and our prefect whispered the password.

"Pureblood," he whispered.

I tried not to show my disgust, but it was hard knowing that it had to be uncomfortable for the Slytherins that were more muggle and muggle born tolerant.

He grinned at the first years, "The password changes every fortnight. We will send a notice when the password changes."

We all walked in and the girls went to their dorms, I went with Millicent and I found our dorm. It was a dark stoned room, two beds were in the big room with green silk sheets and curtains.

I called for Harley, "Why are there only two beds?"

He came to the room we stood outside of and he peered in, "Huh, never seen this happen before. I'd just enjoy it while I can."

Millicent and I looked at each other starry eyed and ran in.

"See you in the morning." He winked.

He was about to leave when I stopped him, "Wait, how are you not sliding down?"

Harley simply smiled and went down, running to the door frame I looked out to see he had climbed up the slide. He's so weird.

"Is he for real?" Millicent asked.

I chuckled, "Yes, but he's not usually this goofy."

She started laughing, "Family is crazy."

We calmed down and settled in for the night. Millicent was changing in her pajamas while I wrote to Mum, father would be thrilled I'm in Slytherin.

"Malfoy was looking at you the entire time at dinner." Millicent said, getting in her covers.

Oh boy, where is she going with this. Would she ask about the necklace? She seemed shocked by it, even her and Harley talked afterwards alone. Maybe it was cursed or misfortune?

"I don't think it was the way you were thinking." I chuckled.

"Do you fancy him?" She was very direct.

I nearly choked on air, "No! I just met him on my birthday, our parents are friends! So far he's nothing but a pompous, annoying, prat!"

How could she think I fancied him?

She held her hands up in surrender, "Just wanted to know if you were betrothed."

I raised an eyebrow, "That's still around?"

She nodded, "Usually in Pureblood families. The jewelry and banter between you two just seemed like it."

"No, not engaged to him. My family would never, they don't have the same ideals." My feelings towards him were pure annoyance.

"Okay, but next time, don't cause so much tension." she teased.

I threw a pillow at her, resulting in a pillow to the face for me.

A/n: sorry guys I might have to edit some chapters soon because I realized I completely screwed up the math of your family members. Basically, if I had kept them at the years they were originally said to be born in, that would've resulted in a teenage pregnancy for Juniper and she would've been 15. Yeah, no. I'm sorry, math isn't my strong suit😭

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