
By obsession_tc

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To a human, werewolves don't exist, and you're crazy if you believed in the myth. That is what Alana thought... More

Before you begin...
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Alana Smith
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Its been a while...
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part One)
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three (Final Chapter!)

Chapter Twenty Six

4.6K 200 13
By obsession_tc

Guys, I've been majorly sick for the past week and a bit so i've had no motivation to write at all. This chapter hasn't turned out as well as it could but the next one is going to be awesome and really really long.

It hasn't been edited propally, but please bare with it.

Michaels POV:

Torture. Plain torture is what I’m going through now and it’s all something I can prevent myself, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. If I stopped being stubborn and made an effort to put my mate behind me this would be all over, but the only thing I can do is be angry. I know that driving Alana away was partly my fault, but fucking Richard Coleman was the last straw for her.

I was sitting in the cell, feeling half at ease for the first time since Alana rejected me and my wolf down at the beach. The event constantly plays over in my mind like it happened mere seconds ago and as angry as it made me that the one person was supposed to love me and stay with me forever left me, I couldn’t help but feel like most of It was my fault with my possessive, jealous, non-happy moods. The look of complete sorrow and guilt on her features and the moment she spoke the words I broke.

I felt something inside me snap in two and it was painful. I’ve had broken bones, near death experiences, fights with Reece who I am, well was, so close to, migraines, cuts, bruises, kicked in the balls by both bare feet and heels; yet nothing compared to the pain of Alana rejecting me. 

It felt like shooting pains all throughout my body as I felt the bond break and the breaking feeling is almost always still there, even if it’s just a dull ache in the background. I just can’t seem to forget about. It’s like a curse in a way, a constant reminder that I fucked up and lost the most important thing to my wolf. 

The only time it went away was when Alana came and we were sitting in silence with each other. My wolf felt relief when she was around which is just proof that some of the bon was left unbroken.  

When the bond broke, I broke along with it. The worse part of feeling it break is the emptiness, like half of me went missing and was replaced by a large blank hole that nobody can ever fill again. Mates are meant to be for life and losing your mate is like losing your other half and I finally get where the saying comes from.

I turned my head to the side and stared out the bars and saw Alana’s figure snuggled up under a sleeping bag, fast asleep on the pathetic piece of foam they call a mattress. Even from the hot summer weather it managed to stay ice cold down here at night time and by how tightly she was wrapped up with the sleeping bag I could tell the coldness was getting to her. She kept making small shivers every few minutes. I sighed slightly and ran my hand through my hair feeling completely confused.

I felt bad for making Alana stay in these horrible arrangements, but my wolf needed her still. When she was here I eventually calmed down and my wolf gave me back slight control. The constant growling from the anger had made my throat red raw on the inside and it was painful but my wolf kept it up the whole time. But the actual person in me disliked her yet still held feelings for her. My wolf was too naive to see that Alana was here to make sure I didn’t kill anyone and to make herself fell less guilty about rejecting me, not because she still had feeling for us. But even then I still couldn’t bring myself to hate her, and I hated that.

The whole time I had been trapped down here like the true rogue I am, I hadn’t slept for more than 8 hours. I was past the point of exhaustion and my body was running on pure adrenaline. My thoughts were jumbled and I stood up abruptly. All I had been doing down here is thinking, and my thoughts were honestly about to drive me insane.

When I had made it clear that Alana was to stay down here for the night with me, it was my wolf doing all the talking. I’d doesn’t take a genius to figure out the bond didn’t break properly and my wolf still called out to her, no matter how much physical and mental pain she put us through

‘Fuck this!’ I yelled and threw some of the metal bed frame across the cell, the loud sound on metal on metal echoing throughout the empty space. Instantly a small startled scream came from in front of me, and my wolf was howling at me, telling me off for scaring his mate. 

We’re not mates you idiot! She fucking rejected us! Its plain obvious that she hates us so shut the fuck up and stop being a prick and deal with it. I growled at my wolf in my mind. 

His constant nagging was driving me insane as well as my thoughts and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could stand being in here.

‘Michael? Can you hear me? Are you okay?’ Her soft yet frantic voice quietly asked me. I think that during my mental argument with my wolf she had been trying to get my attention. I looked over at her with blank expression and gave a stiff nod.

Talk to her, my wolf demanded but I brushed him off.

I was breathing heavily trying to control my anger and I was pissed at myself for putting me in this position. I heard growling but slowly came to realisation that it was me. Letting out a frustrated groan I threw whatever was in reaching distance of me and there it at the bars.

A small cry of pain sounded and my eye snapped to Alana. Her beautiful eyes were staring at me in fright and she was clutching her right shoulder. I could feel my face instantly pale as I realised that the object I had thrown was a glass plate, the shards that broke were only inches from her. As soon as the scent of blood flooded in my nostrils I almost fell over from shock.

When her gaze left mine, she hesitantly peered at her bare shoulder. She was only in a pair of leggings and a singlet top. A small gasp left her lips as she saw a moderate shard of glass wedged into her skin. Tears gathered in her eyes but she shook it off like it was nothing. She was putting on a brave face so she could try and calm me, but my wolf was frantic, yelling and swearing at me for hurting her and threatening to take control to make sure she got the right treatment.

‘Alana, I-I didn’t mean,’ I stuttered while staring at her. I walked over to the bars and flinched when she took a small step back. ‘I-Please. Just let me look.’ I whispered, completely disgusted with myself. I wasn’t sure if that feeling were from myself or my wolf.

I winced as she revealed the injury. The glass was only slightly wedged in but blood was still seeping from the wound. Closing my eyes tight, I reopened them with clear mind. ‘I’m going to remove it. It will get infected if you leave it like that.’ I told her firmly.

The plan was in my head. Remove the glass, stop the bleeding, and put a wrap on it from the first aid kit Reece left in here then take the pain away. The only problem was the bars in between us would make it hard to do easily.

‘No, its fine. You-You don’t need to.’ She whispered looking anywhere but at me. Guilt flooded me and if it was anyone else I wouldn’t give a shit but it was Alana. I didn’t hate her and just because she rejected me, doesn’t mean I want to hurt her. I made the promise I will never intentionally hurt her, and I intent to stick it.

‘No. I’m helping. We just have to work out way throughout the bars.’ I told her and bit my lip in concentration. I felt Alana’s gaze on me, and they looked lustful. I became quite aware that I was bighting my lip and had no shirt, revealing my torso that I had put many years of hard work into to achieve. My wolf swam in the unspoken complements.

‘I don’t know how to do this,’ I eventually and reluctantly said as I gestured to the bars. I looked down at Alana, loving the feeling I had when I towered down on her. It made me feel dominate and that I could protect her from the world. I felt in control, something my wolf loved. But I knew he would never get true satisfaction of power because with no mate, I would never be a full wolf. The alpha blood in me wolf make me stronger once I mated fully, but now that won’t happen I stubbornly accepted the fact I will never be as powerful as I could be.

‘I-I have a,’ she stuttered softly in the sweet voice of hers but stopped herself, turning and looking down.

‘You have what?’ I raised my eyebrow in question and folded my arms over my chest.

‘I-It’s nothing. I shouldn’t have said anything.’ She shrugged brushing it off.

I frowned at her but didn’t let it go. ‘Just tell me.’ I demanded.

‘After what I did to you, would you hurt me?’ she asked hesitantly and I couldn’t help the growl that crept its way back.

‘When I promised you I would never hurt you intentionally all that time ago, I meant it. I’ll never stoop so low to hurt a girl, no matter what you’ve done it me.’ I said firmly making her know that I keep my promises.

She hesitated slightly but then spoke. ‘Maddie gave me key to your cell.’ I had no response, the piece of information shocking me to the core. Why would she help me if I tried to kill her? I couldn’t make any sense of it.

‘She said you can’t come out, but I can go in if it’s safe. You can help me that way.’ The wariness was playing in her voice and it made it obvious that she had never had to take care of her injuries much.

I nodded my head finally making some sense of the words. ‘Come on in.’


I could hear her deep, shaky breaths as she tried to calm herself as she opened the bag duffle Maddie left for her. I could hear her heartbeat racing wildly from her nerves. I knew my eyes were bright red meaning my wolf is in control and she knew it to, but she didn’t know if my wolf was angry at her or not and I’m assuming that’s what worried her. She stood outside the cell door for a moment, then hesitantly placed the key in the lock. Turning it slightly, the door swung open and she stood nervously in the space.

Making an escape would be so easy right now. Alana couldn’t stop me, not as many guards patrolled at night and I could make a clean getaway but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. My wolf was nagging for me to stay with Alana and since he was mostly in control I couldn’t help but make my body comply with his wishes.

She made her way in, steps hesitant and small but eventually were facing each other with nothing in between us. I lifted my hand and lightly rubbed a small circle into her skin. I felt her lean into my touch and my wolf yip in excitement. The fucking butterflies in my stomach was still there when we touched but less noticeable than when we were mates.

‘It’s gonna hurt sorry,’ I mumbled to her regretfully. ‘On the count of three.’ I said and looked at her. Her eyes were wide with caution.

‘One, two,’ I ripped the glass out and cringed when I heard her moan in protest, pain flooding her tone.

‘What the fuck happened to three?’ she hissed, not knowing that she had latched herself into my arm tightly. 

I shrugged my shoulders and prayed that she didn’t move. ‘Reece’s dad always did that to me when he had to put my collarbone back in place when Reece’s and mine play fighting got to rough. It’s better because you’re not expecting it.’ I lightly shrugged.

She looked at me and stayed silent, still clinging onto my arm but removed a hand to wipe the start tear that leaked from her eyelids. I fought the urge to wipe the tears away and to kiss it better by finding a wrap to put onto her arm.

‘It’s a pressure bandage. The blood will stop and it will keep it covered lessening the chance if infection. There’s no cream to put on it.’ I said then silently went to work wrapping the white bandage around her tanned arm. I couldn’t help but notice how talkative I’ve became since she agreed to stay in here with me. The amount of calmness she gave me was puzzling.

I tightly secured the white wrap around her arm, and I couldn’t deny that I took my time doing so. My wolf was purring in joy and soaking up every moment he had with her while there was no bars separating the two of us. As I finished up, my hands seamed to stay on her arm but my spare arm dropped to my side.

We both just stared at one another, not saying a word. Her grey eyes peered into my bright red ones and she nervously averted her gaze down to look at her feet, a habit I always found adorable. I surprised myself when the very tips of my mouth curved upwards.

I placed my thumb under her chin and lifted her gaze so she was looking up at me. Once again the feeling of dominance clouded me and I felt like a protector for her, still ready to jump in front of her and to defend her if a possible threat even after the bond breaking.

‘Ummm,’ she muttered awkwardly and I snapped out of it, taking a step away from her but not breaking out eye contact. ‘So I guess I have to lock the door again.’ 

My heart instantly tightened at those words. If I wanted to get out of here now was my chance to do it. Alana was on her way to recovery so I had done my part. But I couldn’t do it. I knew she would be upset if I just bolted away from here and away from my problems.

I sighed and looked over to the side, slightly pissed off she was ready to lock me up just like that. I felt torn and it was a shit feeling.

It was silent for a moment, none of us saying anything.

‘Or I could leave it unlocked.’ She said really quietly. ‘But you can’t, you’re not allowed to escape and attack anyone. I can’t have another person threatened because of me.’ Something tugged in my chest and I recognised the emotion as guilt. 

‘It’s not your fault.’ I said firmly, ending the conversation there.

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