{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuk...

By xikikai

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⛔ DO NOT REPOST ⛔ Based on Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia). (Y/N) is a quirkless child with one drea... More

Warning and Messages
Spoiler Warning
Quirks Explanation
Prologue: Home
Chapter 1: Quirks
Chapter 2: With or Without
Chapter 3: Thanks
Chapter 4: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 5: Yourself
Chapter 6: Frying Pan
Chapter 7: Conversation
Chapter 8: Into the Night
Chapter 9: Cute
Chapter 10: Face First
Chapter 11: Kill
Chapter 12: We're Here For You
Chapter 13: Extras
Chapter 14: Darkness
Chapter 15: My Hero
Chapter 16: He's Right
Chapter 17: Midoriya's Success
Chapter 18: Lack of Patience
Chapter 19: Yūki
Chapter 20: Chosen For You
Chapter 21: Real Smooth (Y/N)
Chapter 22: Practical Exam
Chapter 23: A Lot To Discuss
Chapter 24: Quirkless Hero
Chapter 25: Transported
Chapter 26: If Only
Chapter 27: Everything I've Got
Chapter 28: We Messed Up
Chapter 29: Crush
Chapter 30: Getting the Hang of This
Chapter 31: Awkward
Chapter 32: Ow
Chapter 33: Top Spot
Chapter 34: Right Here
Chapter 35: Someone Else
Chapter 36: Unresponsive
Chapter 37: The World of Dreams
Chapter 38: Feelings Are Weird
Chapter 39: The Love That Feels Right
Chapter 40: These Feelings
Chapter 41: I Know
Chapter 43: Regret
Chapter 44: Each Other
Chapter 45: I Told You We'd Come
Chapter 46: The Kiss
Chapter 47: I Hate My Life
Chapter 48: (Y/N) (L/N)
Chapter 49: I Love You Too Izuku
Chapter 50: Candle Light
Canon Oneshot: Shōto and (Y/N) Adopt a Cat
Chapter 51: Self Doubt
Chapter 52: Aizawa
Chapter 53: You and Me
Chapter 54: Cling Onto Me
Chapter 55: Their Friendship
Chapter 56: Listening To Every Word
Chapter 57: For Now
Chapter 58: How This Story Will End
Canon Oneshot: Izuku Midoriya and Elizabeth the Third

Chapter 42: Never

560 25 20
By xikikai

All Might's POV:
We sat there, together in silence. Her, the girl I need to protect even if it costs me my life, and myself, her guardian and soon to be father once the 11th of January finally rolls around.

(Y/N) loving another boy after her last relationship was something I never expected to happen so soon. When I found out how he had abused her trust and toyed with her, I had taken it upon myself to expose him for the cheat he was.

I also knew about the constant bullying she received in school. I truly wanted to step in but then I heard her speak.

"Yeah. This sucks. But it doesn't matter. Nothing they say or do can stop me. No matter what anyone says, my parents were great heroes so in their memory and spirit, I will live my life to the fullest. Never for a second shall I think about throwing my life away just because it's harder than most others. I am the daughter of Kimiko (L/N) and Sora (L/N). I am not and never will be a quitter."

I knew from that moment on that the girl sat in front of me, this lost teenage girl, could handle anything life throws at her. It was also why I never passed One For All down to her. Because she didn't need a quirk because she had one, an amazing one.


When (Y/N) is truly determined, she can accomplish anything and she has shown that time and time again.

I am proud of the person sat in front of me.

I can say with overwhelming pride, that this girl right here, is the most precious being to me in the entire universe.

"I suppose you want answers then. Along with some advice," I started.

She let out a sigh.

"Something like that yes," she replied, her gaze fixated on the carpet. "I just don't understand why you never said anything before. And why do I feel this way about Izuku, a boy I've known for a few months now, when my last boyfriend was so two faced?"

"I never said anything because of the danger you were in back then up until hopefully the day All For One was finally imprisoned. He took your quirk, your life, your parents, everything from you. To give you knowledge on my true identity and my quirk back then would have only endangered you further. Until I took you in, I knew nothing about how to care for a child. I did what I thought was right with a little guidance from Gran Torino."

"Can you tell me now?" she asked with some uncertainty.

"My quirk is One For All. To explain briefly as we don't have much time until your first lesson and have much more to discuss, it is a stockpiling quirk that has been passed on from generation to generation, the most recent holder and successor being the formerly quirkless boy, Izuku Midoriya."

"Izuku was quirkless?"

"Yes. As for your feelings towards him, I cannot explain. Regardless, you should tell him even though it is a big risk. Midoriya is far different from your ex and is a good, honest boy. The two of you have spent a lot of time together since you first met and therefore have formed a deep connection with each other. Finally, I cannot help you with your intern. Providing you the answer to that question wouldn't be very effective. You're going to have to think of something yourself. I can't give you all the answers-"

(Y/N)'s POV:
The school bell rang, cutting Yagi off.

I sighed and rose up from my seat.

"Thank you Yagi. I guess I should go now," I say glumly.

"Everything will be fine, my girl. Now hurry to class."

I sighed and nodded.

I stalked over to the door and paused at the unlocking and opening it.


I can't leave here like this. There's something I've got to do first.

I quickly ran over to All Might who was now standing.

I wrapped my arms around his frame, pulling him into a sudden and unexpected hug. It took a moment but he soon return the gesture.

"I... I love you Yagi..."

"I love you too (Y/N)."

He planted a kiss on my forehead after I pulled away.

"Now hurry to class."

And with that I left room.

A couple hours later
3rd Person POV:
(L/N) knocked on All Might's door to his room having been told to meet him there again later that day.

His voice rung out with a 'come in' and so she entered to see Mirio and Midoriya sat on the couch opposite to her guardian.

Fricking shit. Now I gotta act cool.

"Oh. Izuku. Mirio. I never knew you two were here too. I-I can come back later All Might," (L/N) said secretly hoping he'd say yes so she could not be in a situation where she's have to talk to her crush.

Why is (Y/N) here?! I mean... I'm happy to see her but I know she likes me! I'm gonna have to play it cool!

"Actually, I called all three of you here so you needn't leave my girl."


The young girl hesitantly walked to the sofa and sat next to Togata on his right so that he was between Izuku and herself.

"I'd also like to introduce (L/N) to sir as well of that's alright."


(L/N)'s quirk activated out of sheer shock setting her body ablaze with grey flames causing the sprinklers to go off.

"S-S-Sorry... that's been happening a lot now..." the girl nervously apologised.

Toshinori knitted his brows.

"I'd prefer if (Y/N) didn't intern with Nighteye yet. Her quirk is way too out of contro-"

"I just have to keep my emotions in check!"

"There's more to it than that! What if you get hurt? What if one of the other quirks All For One gave you emerge while you're interning with Nighteye? It's too dangerous! I won't allow it!"

The three students stared at All Might in surprise.

"O-Other quirks?"

All Might's eyes widened when he realised what he had just said.

With a sigh, he explained what he had meant, "Sorry. I meant that the quirk that All For One forced upon you is far to unstable and dangerous to be used out in the field yet."

"Don't lie to me. Tell me the truth."

Her voice was stern with a threateningly tone hidden underneath. Shadows flew out of her body while her hair blew in the gist of wind that went past thanks to her quirk.

Izuku hesitantly leaned over and placed his hand on top of her left one. Todoroki told him how to calm her down in different situations.

He took a deep breath in and told her in a soothing voice, "Stay calm (Y/N). I'm sure All Might will tell us."

Her quirk immediately settled down at the sound of his voice and her expression softened slightly upon feeling his touch.

She breathed in and said, "O-Okay."

All Might sighed.

Kids these days... Looks like I have no choice.

"Aside from the quirk you currently have, you have three or four others. All For One did not go into detail about what they are or what they do. Th-There's a good chance that he either wants to turn you into a Normu or has given you those quirks in hopes that you will join and aid the League of Villains and use them to defeat and/or kill my successor..."

Kill...Izuku? That bastard wants me to murder my friend?! The quirks I now have, were given to me - by a villain - TO SLAUGHTER THE BOY I LIKE?!

"That can't be true!" Izuku exclaimed, standing up from his seat, his eyes wide, the green in his eyes white much like how the colour had drained from the girl's own eyes and face. "(Y/N) would never hurt us! She just wouldn't! She's a great hero in training! There's no way that can happen to her! There's no way she'd ever join the villains! She'd never become one either! That has to be a lie! Please tell us it's a lie All Might! (Y/N) loves it here! She loves our class and this school and the teachers! If... If that happened, we'd all be devastated! Please tell me it's a lie!"

"I'm sorry young Midoriya, but All For One himself said it and Nighteye forewarned it too. Gran Torino told me."

I can't kill Izuku... I can't... I won't...

"It's not going to happen. I don't care what those two say. I swore in my parents name I'd become a hero and that's what I'm going to do. I'm not gonna let some half beat villain and some future predicting hero stop me from achieving my goal! Izuku's right! That will never ever come to be!"

All Might was taken back by her words and her certainty.

In contrast, Mirio was impressed by her sudden show of passion and determination. Without even asking her the question and without a proper answer, he already knew what type of hero she wanted to be just by hearing that and seeing how quickly she recovered from the shocking information they had all received.

"Then it's settled. Both you and Midoriya shall be meeting sir," Mirio declared much to Toshinori's dismay.

That weekend
(Y/N)'s POV:
"Mirio he's hired!" Nighteye said.

"Whoa! Alright! Awesome!"

"What?! But I didn't pass your test!" Izuku exclaimed in confusion.

"I believe I told you to take the seal and stamp it yourself. I never said if you couldn't I wouldn't hire you."

"Great job Izuku!" I cheered.

"You. You're the child All Might looks after," Nighteye said, turning his attention to me.

"Yeah I am. My name's (Y/N) (L/N)! A pleasure to meet you!" I said as I held out my hand to shake his.

"I won't be taking you on."


"But sir-"

"I've already made my decision Mirio."

"With all due respect Nighteye, I think you're making a mistake if you refuse to give me a chance. There is a lot I have to offer you and your agency. I'm not the best student or the greatest role model, that I already know, but I am a hard worker and never leave a stone unturned. I'm not here because of Izuku. I didn't even know he was coming here until a couple of days ago. I came here because I want to learn new things and improve myself and my ethics so I can become the type of hero who spreads hope and inspires others, just like my parents once did."

Night Eye stared at me for a good while.

Ah shoot! What the hell did I just say?!

"If you pass this test, you're hired."

So I have to pass one?!

"Fight Midoriya without damaging or endangering anyone in this room."

"Oh that's it? Easy! Let's go Izuku!"

"I don't think this is a good idea (Y/N)! All Might-"

I cut him off with a punch to his jaw.

Izuku wiped his mouth and got back onto his feet. He activated One For All and ran towards me.

Okay. I'm in a room. There are three people on the sidelines. I need to be aware of where I am and where they are. I also need to make sure I know and understand my surroundings. This won't be easy but I can pass this stupid test.

I used my shadow block Izuku's attack and spun around behind him. He countered my attack with a kick before I could even throw a punch. I used my shadow to take the hit where it returned to where it should be.

I then used the wind to propel into the air.

I then backflipped onto Izuku's back and bounced off him making him lose his balance temporarily. I then launched a fireball at him which successfully hit.

"Midoriya, attack Mirio. The test will be over after that," Nighteye ordered.

Izuku curled up into a ball as he fell forwards and rolled back onto his feet. He turned around and went to attack Mirio.

I sent a gust of wind his way which threw him off course just as I had anticipated.

Izuku rolled onto the floor and slowly rose to his feet.

"I still won't hire you," Nighteye concluded.

"What?! You said that if I pass this test you'll take me on! And now you're saying you won't?!"

"You were reckless! You used your quirk, something you have no knowledge about to-"

"To stop Izuku from attacking Mirio and as an act of self defense! I did not use it to attack him, only to counter. I only used the fireball to attack him because I can control it pretty well now. I'm not the same person anymore. I know how to plan and I trust my instincts."

"You are still a danger to your team. What if you lose control of your quirk? You could injure so many people without even trying."

"For now I have to keep my emotions under contro-"

"That will only get you so far. I will not hire you and that's final."

Something else is going on here.

"I don't think that's true."

"(L/N) maybe you should-"

"There's something more to this. Can the rest of you leave the room please?"

The other three hesitantly cleared out.

"What is the mean-"

"Nighteye, have you seen the same future I've seen for All Might. The one... The one where he dies soon... I have. I saw it when All For One gave me my quirks."

He remained silent.

"I watched it all. Everything. His entire life. I saw his mentor die then I saw him die. I saw him become the hero I admired him as and the father figure I grew up with. I saw all of it. Including your time with him. I... I remind you of him, right? I saw what happened between the two of you. I understand if you don't want me here because of my connection to him, but to not offer me a place when I am a completely different person than he is isn't fair. Please. Give me a chance. Just like when All Might gave you one all those years ago."


"One For All... Mirio was going to receive it, right? But then Yagi bumped into Izuku and was moved by his drive and determination to become a hero and so gave the quirk to him, right? I know... I know it all... Please Night Eye, I am not a villain. I am striving to be a hero. No matter what, I will never kill All Might's successor."

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