O11ce Imagines/Preferences

By AnnaBllack14

4.1K 48 3

(Y/N)- Your name (L/N)- Last name (e/c)- Eye colour (h/c)- Hair colour This book will include: -Lorenzo -Cami... More

Lorenzo Imagine - "I love you"
Camilo Imagine- "You're wrong"
Valentino Imagine - "Leave her alone"
Ciro Imagine- "Just shut up"

Gabo Imagine - "I want you to be happy"

590 9 0
By AnnaBllack14

Imagine having a crush on Gabo but when you finally get the courage to tell him you find out him and Anna are already dating

Today was the day. You couldn't wait any longer. Today was the day you wanted to confess your feelings to Gabo, the guy you've been crushing on since your first days at I.A.D.

You had this opportunity  many times before, but you were either too shy, or scared he'd turn you down.

And you were very afraid of the second option, because him and Zoe were seen hanging out more than usual.

You tried to make yourself forget all about your fantasies about an actual relationship with him. You tried to make yourself think that he doesn't even like you that way.

But you weren't sure what to think most of the time. Yes, there were moments when he would make moves not so friendly. But most of the time he acted like he acts with the other girls. He was polite, charismatic and funny around almost everyone.
But he was sometimes different with you because you were the only person he ever asked for emotional help, and for a shoulder to cry on.
Sometimes he'd even talk to you about him mother. A very touchy and delicate subject for him. That showed you how much he trusts you.

You liked to think that you were the only person Gabo shares his emotions with, at least the only girl the he shares his emotions with. Because there were also his best friends, Ricky and Dede.

You found Gabo as an hilarious person, an amazing friend, and the best advicer.

To you he was that kind of person you could talk to for hours and never get tired.

You also liked to listen him fess up to you, about his every day struggles and worries. You loved it when you could make him smile and laugh. Or make him feel better.

At the moment, Gabo wasn't in the best place emotionally. He needed every kind of support he could get. And this time it was a big deal. Which couldn't just go away after a few jokes and some basic advice.

Gabo found out a few weeks ago that him and Lorenzo were related. Brothers. He didn't take the news really good at first, but then he accepted it and he finally seemed happy.
But not so long after that, he found out that Lorenzo knew about the fact that Gabo is his brother, for more than a few weeks, and he kept it a secret since now.

And Gabo was completely destroyed. Every piece of trust and honesty faded and he felt like he wasn't wanted. He hated it.
No matter how hard Lorenzo, or even Diego would try to convince him everything is alright, and that they love him, as family, Gabo still didn't believe him.

He had pushed everyone away. Even you, one of his best friends. The one that always managed to comfort him. He wouldn't talk to you, he wouldn't answer your calls and texts, he wouldn't even look at you.

So you decided to give him the space you thought he needed, and you thought he'd come around himself when he's truly ready.

You waited a long amount of time until you saw Gabo smile again. You felt reviled and happy for him, that he finally was happy again and most probably over his little accident in the family.

But with all that, he was still ignoring you. Pretend you didn't even exist. You still didn't blame him, and you thought he probably still wants to be alone.

But one day you couldn't take it anymore. This silent treatment of his. You were tired of it. Sick of it.

So you decided to break the invisible barrier between you two yourself.

After his practice with the team, he was heading home, but you managed to get to him before he could get to Diego's car.

"Gabo! Hey!" You shouted waving you hands at him.

"Huh?" He turned around to see you running towards him.

"Well hello to you too. Gabo, where have you been? What's up with you? Why are you avoiding me?" You said confused.

"What? Wait. No. I'm not avoiding you. I've been really.... busy; these days." He said trying to avoid the eye contact.

"Busy doing what? Gabo,  you next match is two or three weeks from now."

"Well, you know me. Always being prepared..." He laughed awkwardly.

"Seriously, Gabo, what's going on? If you don't want to tell me, I'll ask the guys. Or Lorenzo. I'm sure they'll tell me. But if it's something bad, I'd like to hear it from you."

"Nothing bad happened. It's just- I've been really distracted." He said.

"Distracted? By what?" You ask still confused.

Suddenly, before Gabo could even open his mouth to speak, some girl you didn't even know came by Gabo's side, hugged him and then kissed his cheek.

"Gabo, why didn't you tell me you were already out? I've been looking for you. I'm really looking forward to that date we planned. "

"Anna... Hey." Gabo said. "Listen, I-

"Anna? Wait. Excuse me, who are you?" You asked the girl whose name seemed to be Anna.

"I'm Anna, I'm kinda new here and.. I am Gabo's girlfriend."

Gabo's girlfriend. You mind got stuck on those words.

"Gabo? Um.. a word, please?" You said still trying to figure out what you just heard.

Gabo nodded and then Anna left you two alone.

"Girlfriend? Seriously?" You asked raising an eyebrow and sitting with your arms crossed.

"Yeah... Look, Anna is a really nice person. She's special. And I really want things to go right with her." Gabo said sincerely.

"So.. she's the reason why you've been avoiding me?"

"What? No! I told you. I was busy. Personal stuff."

"You used to be more open with me, remember?" You said looking at the ground.


"No! It's fine! Really. If you're happy with her... then... I'm happy for you." You said still looking down.

"Seriously?" He asked.

"Yeah. Seriously. You deserve to be happy and I want this for you. Happiness. I want you to be happy."

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