When We Met (Student/Teacher...

By countrygirlusa

3M 58.1K 7.1K

USED TO BE TITLED "GRADUATED" "Kiss me! I mean it! Kiss me! I'm not going to make the first move. You are! I... More

Authors Note!
chapter one-edited.
chapter two-edited.
chapter three-edited.
chapter four-edited.
chapter five-edited.
chapter six-edited.
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Authors Note!
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
Author's Note!
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty; part one
chapter twenty; part two
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight; part one
chapter twenty-eight; part two
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one; part one
chapter thirty-one; part two
Author's Note - READ
chapter thirty-two; part one
chaper thirty-two; part two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chater forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
Author's Note- READ
Sequel, So We Meet Again (HAS BEEN POSTED NOW!)

chapter thirty-five

41.7K 798 64
By countrygirlusa

Hey guys! :) So, first off, I am so sorry for the late day upload! There was an awful storm and the power went out for quite a few hours and plus I was super busy with homework, school and sports today. Anyways, here's chapter thirty-five! Please tell me what you think:)  As always, not edited and proofread. Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE and FAN! Enjoy:)

P.S. I dedicated this to PhanteviaWatson for being an awesome fan and  ALWAYS commenting and voting, plus her comments are always super funny and one of her comments put me in a really good mood the day before yesterday and I forgot to dedicate yesterday's chapter to her so I went with this one!


The next two weeks I was able to avoid Oliver at all costs. I was either always with Morgan or hanging out with Darren, Chalice and Ian.

“Hey, babe?” Morgan asked while we were watching tv and eating our Chinese takeout dinner in his living room.

“Yes?” I responded turning towards him.

“Okay, now I don’t want you to freak out,” Uh-oh.

“You should never start a conversation out like that,” I said smiling.

He chuckled and nodded. “No, it’s nothing bad or at least I don’t think it’s bad. But I was just wondering if you’d want to move in?”

I dropped my chopsticks and my mouth gaped open. Move in? Seriously?


“Yeah, I mean, I don’t want you to be pressured to, but you do spend the night here almost every day and I mean our relationship is going great so I think it’s time to take the next step?”

Moving in with Morgan? Hmm, I had never actually thought about it but now that he mentioned it, it sounded great!

He was staring at me waiting for my reply, “Well? I mean you don’t have to answer yet or you can say no, you know, if you want,” he said looking hesitant. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him towards me and kissed his lips. He pulled away and chuckled.

“Is that a yes?”

“That’s a yes,” I said teasing him. He laughed and kissed me on the forehead as I leaned back into his arms finishing my food and watching the movie.

We heard a buzz right then and saw that it was Oliver. Just my fucking luck, of course we couldn’t continue having an amazing time because two weeks away from him was apparently too long, I thought sarcastically.

He come up in the elevator and flashed his bright when it opened. Ugh. He makes me sick.

“Hello son,” he said then turning towards me and cocked his smile again, “Hello, Addie.”

I muttered hello back and went back to watching the television in order to ignore him without being extremely rude because I didn’t want Morgan suspecting anything because I don’t want him to ever find out. But then Morgan clicked the remote to turn the tv off and sat back down next to me on the couch as his father did on the other one right across from us.

“So, dad, what are you doing here?”

“Oh, just in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by. I haven’t seen you in a while,” he said smiling towards me.

“Yeah, sorry about that, I’ve been super busy, but I planned on coming by later this week, anyways,” he did? Why hadn’t he told me? Well, I guess he actually doesn’t have to tell me everything.

“Oh that’s good. So, Addie how are you doing?”

Oh, he was talking to me? Hmm, well I was pretty fucking great until you came back in my life randomly. But who was I kidding? Of course I’d see him again, he’s Morgan’s father.

“Oh, uh, good.”

“That’s great. Did you ever get your car fixed?”

“Yes, Morgan fixed it, turns out I left my lights on and killed the battery nothing major,” why was I making casual conversation with him? Ugh, I should just shoot myself now!

He chuckled and nodded. Morgan got up and went to the restroom. I wanted to strangle him for leaving me alone, but hey, he didn’t know anything.

“What are you doing here, Oliver?” I whispered in a hushed tone.

“Seeing my son,” he said vey matter-of-factly. I supposed that’s true, he and Morgan weren’t terribly close but they didn’t not get along, too.


He smiled again and nodded. “I love when you have your blonde moments.” I rolled my eyes.

“And do that.”

“Oliver, stop, seriously. I’m over you. We’re done. What happened was a mistake. I was sixteen years old! I was naïve and wanted to be loved more, just stop and let the past be in the past, plus you’re back with your wife.”

“So if I left my wife again, I could have you?” How did he get that from what I just said? Ugh! I wanted to scream!

“No! Even if you did leave her again I’d never ever want you again, do you understand? I love Morgan,” I said it rude and hastily, he had to get the point.

“Remember when you used to moan out how much you love me?” he got up from the couch and came to my side nuzzling on my neck. It felt so good, but it was so wrong and I didn’t want him anywhere near me. What if Morgan walked in the living room right now? He’d flip out. I pushed him away and slapped his face.

He chuckled and nodded while rubbing the place I just smacked him. “You always were so feisty. I loved it and still do.” I wanted to get up and slap him again with all the hatred I had in my body for him. I didn’t realize over the year and a half I hadn’t seen him how much I did hate him, but having him in a part of my life, with the things he’s said while I’m dating his son, has made it very clear.

Morgan came in right then and sat back down next to me. “Dad? Are you hot or something? Your face is really red.” Morgan asked looking at his father. I wanted to laugh so hard and say he could blame my palm for that.

“Not really. But hey, I’ve got to go home, your mom’s cooking dinner. But I’ll see you guys soon,” he said getting up from the couch that he switched back over to after I slapped him.

“Okay, I’ll be over later in the week, bye dad,” Morgan said as he walked out into the elevator. Thank, God!

Morgan turned to me and smiled. “My dad must really like you. I mean he avoids talking at all costs, but when you’re around he talks a lot, also, he never would come over my house when I was still with Lauren.” That’s because your father does like me! And I wanted to slap Morgan now for the billionth time. He was always bringing up Lauren, I know it wasn’t on purpose and he probably thought nothing of it, but I just didn’t like him talking about her so casually with me.

I just smiled and shrugged, I mean, really what else could I say? We were standing outside of the elevator and he gripped me close and kissed me. “Addie, what are you doing tomorrow?” Spending my day with you hopefully, I thought to myself.

“Uh, packing?” I said more like a question rather than a statement. I still can’t believe I’m going to move in with Morgan! It was going to be such a big adjustment, but a good one. I just wondered how Mandi and dad would feel about it even though they seem to have no problem with me spending almost night over here anyways.

“Good answer, but other than that, any plans?”

I shook my head. It was Saturday and Ian and Darren had tickets to some football game and Chalice had to play catch-up with homework.

“Good. You do now,” he said smiling as we walked to his room.

“Oh, what are these plans I now have?”

“Not telling. But don’t wear anything nice, really.”

Hmm, what were we going to do?

“Are we going mudding again?” he laughed and shook his head. Damn, that was a lot of fun!


“Don’t look disappointed, what we’re going to do tomorrow is fun, too.”

“I’m not disappointed,” I said scooting closer to him on his bed as we cuddled up together.

“Good,” he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

We sat up the rest of night and just talked, which was my favorite thing to do with Morgan. I feel like we could talk for the rest of our lives and I’d still learn something new about him each time, plus I loved listening to things he had to say.

When he woke me up it was about eleven in the morning according to his bedside alarm. Damn, I sleep long.

“Wake up, sleepy head,” he said with a smile on his face.

“No,” I moaned and covered my head with a pillow.

“We need to get you out of these awful teenage sleeping habits. You’re worse than Nick,” he said tugging on my feet at the end of the bed trying to pull me out. I rolled my eyes as he pulled me all the way towards him.

“I’m up. I’m up!” I complained as he pulled me to my feet.

“Good, now go get ready,” he said smacking my ass. I rolled my eyes and went over to a bag I had that had a bunch of my clothes in it in a corner of his room. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a plain tee shirt and some panties and a bra so I could go shower.

When I got out of the shower Morgan was all ready and to go. I had thrown my hair up in a ponytail and applied some makeup so I was ready, then too.

“You smell great,” Morgan said after he kissed me and I placed my head in his chest.

“Well, I’d hope I wouldn’t stink.”

He chuckled and grabbed my hand. I slipped on my tennis shoes and he opened the elevator. We got into his car and he started driving.

“So, I want you to meet some of my friends today,” he said smiling and looking at me.


“Yes, that’s what we’re going to do, I told them to meet us where we’re going,” he still hadn’t told me where we were going, and I pestered him a lot last night, too.

“And no, I’m not telling you where we’re going. You’ll know when we get there; hopefully you’ve never done this before, because it’s going to be a lot of fun,” he was doing that to drive me crazy because he knew I’d think about it the entire drive. Luckily he talked about things to distract me on the ride over about his baseball team and just other things.

We pulled up into a field that was caged in and had a bunch of inflatables. What the heck? I must’ve looked confused because Morgan pointed to a sign that said paintball. We were going to paintball! Oh, my gosh! I’ve always wanted to do that. I grinned big and turned to him.

“I knew you’d like it,” he said leaning over in the car and kissing my cheek. “Come, they’re already here.”

I nodded and got out of the car and followed him.

Morgan actually talked about his friends a lot but I knew most of them didn’t live in this town since they were all married or had careers or what not that made them move a little bit away.

We walked over to a bunch of guys and they all turned and smiled.

“Damn, man! We thought you were shitting us!” some guy with blonde hair said as he came over and introduced his self.

“I’m Todd,” Oh, Todd, the only one who isn’t married and the one who was a major party boy in his frat years.

“Hi, I’m Addie,” I said smiling.

“Oh, honey, we all know who you are,” he said joking and all the guys nodded and smiled. They all introduced themselves and talked quite a bit.

“Come on! Give me girl a breather and lets play!” Morgan shouted and they all hollered. Oh, men. I giggled and Morgan kissed my head.

“Come on, I’ve got out outfits in my trunk,” I followed him and he handed me a black body armor, pants, helmet and gloves. I slipped them over our clothes and then he handed me a paintball gun that was loaded.

“They’re pink, since you’re the only girl,” he said chuckling through his helmet.

“That’s so sexist!”

“Yes, it is.” I rolled my eyes, though I don’t think he could tell and followed him out to the field.

Todd was the one who explained everything since I hadn’t a clue of what to do. Apparently there were boundaries and a dead zone and you had to capture the flag.

“You’re on my team Miss Johnson,” Morgan said in his teacher voice that he knew turned me on. The game finally started, the guys were everywhere and they all were going after me since I had the flag! I kept running between the inflatables and going to the safe zones.

“Stop being a chicken, Addie! I’ll protect you!” Morgan called as I ran over to him and got shot in the back and the flag stolen from me.

“Great your dead and you lost the flag! I’m so disappointed in you!” Morgan said once I reached him behind one of the inflatables.

I pulled off my helmet and cocked my head. “Seriously?”

He laughed and smiled. “I’m kidding.”

“You better be.”

“Or what?”

“I’d punish you,” I said very confidentely.

“You can’t punish the teacher, Miss Johnson,” damn it.

I rolled my eyes and he finally took his entire helmet off instead of just opening the mouth part. He grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss that was soon interrupted.

“Shit,” Morgan said when got shot in the ass. I laughed and gave the guy who did it a high five, Sam, yeah, that’s his name. They started beating on each other and I just watched amused. I loved this side of Morgan, well I loved all sides, but him being carefree just reminded me how much I loved him.

We all went out to eat afterwards to some burger joint in the little town we had travelled to. Apparently Morgan hadn’t seen a bunch of them in quite a few months so he had a lot of catching up to do. I was the only girl there, but I didn’t feel out place, I loved just being around Morgan and his friends whom I was finally meeting. We left to go back home around three.

“Did you have fun babe?”

“Oh, yeah,” nodding and smiling up at him as he was driving down the road.

“I knew you would.”

“You know me so well.”

“that I do,” he was so confident.

“I love you, Morgan.”

“And I love you Addie,” and he gripped my hand and pulled it up to his lips to kiss.

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