Back to the Cul-De-Sac (KevEd...

By KuraiSan

188 0 1

(Before you read please check all the tags, also be sure to read through my author's note for more insight! T... More

Author's Note
Ch.1 Back To The Cul-De-Sac (The Scam)
Ch.3 Roommates

Ch.2 Bus Ride to Our Paradise

38 0 0
By KuraiSan

Everyone on the bus was chatting it up, Double D, trying not to move too much so Kevin wouldn't wake up and beat him, began to examine his surroundings.

The big grey bus had wide aisles, for being a bus. The seats were comfy but he wished they felt a bit more separated, the TV screens were every two rows in front of them, so if there was sixteen rows of seats per side, there was eight TV's. The TV's were playing an animated movie, you couldn't change it or turn it off, of course the driver could. 

What Double D quite enjoyed was that the bus smelled very clean and looked clean, though he was sure that was going to change. He prayed no one would go into the restrooms. 

While still deep in thought, Double D could hear a yawn, coming right beside him.

He slowly turned his head, feeling sweat already forming on his forehead, his mind racing of what to say to the red head, who seemed to be waking up. 

You fell asleep on me, so don't be angry at me.

At least show some mercy.

I helped repair your bike before, your beloved bike!

Okay, so you don't ride it anymore, now that you got that fancy new motorcycle, but still!

When Double D finally turned to face Kevin he was still luckily asleep.

Double D thanked every God, Goddess, Deity, and scientist he could think of for Kevin not waking up. 

He then started to pay attention to the movie playing, some 3D animation movie. Double D started to enjoy many more genres as he got older. Sure, documentaries are always fun, but Double D started to find interest in other genres, for instance his humor started to change a bit. He never found Ed or Eddy to be too funny, but over time he started to understand their form of comedy and something just clicked. He especially enjoyed horror films, the way it made him feel, those films, was exhilarating. He used to think of how none of it makes sense, but the idea of "anything is possible" was a very attractive concept to someone who thirsts for knowledge of all kinds. However, this movie, the 3D animation, wasn't completely his cup of tea. Double D missed the traditional 2D films, feeling they have been forgotten almost, at least the cartoons on TV still lived on.

Taking his attention away from the TV, Double D eyed his two best friends. Eddy looked like he was about to fall asleep while Ed was already dozed off, from the seems of it. Double D wondered if he should fall asleep as well, he wasn't very tired but only about thirty minutes had passed and he wasn't a fan of long car rides as he was a bit prone to car sickness. If Double D was with his friends, he was sure his attention would be taken off from the ride but because he was, practically, alone he felt the need to rest until the bus stopped somewhere for the students to take a break. 

Slowly, Double D began to nod off, his mind virtually blank except with thinking of a couple movies he'd like to watch. Maybe he could visit Eddy and Ed's room later on and they could all watch some of Ed's DVDs. He was also not very keen on staying long with Kevin in the same room but, he decided that being in the same room only to sleep in wouldn't be too long. Yeah, he could avoid him mostly if he tried.


A voice loudly speaking woke up the young boy. 

"Alright, quick break guys, get something to eat and meet back here in an hour!" 

Double D gave out a weak yawn, a bit disoriented from being awoken by Mr.Evans voice. In his mind he was processing how long he was sleeping, maybe he could just sleep more on the bus? 

Then he realized, he was in the aisle seat and a certain football player and somewhat bully was blocked in by him. He looked over at Kevin, who was awake now and playing on his phone.

Double D thought of apologizing for blocking him in, then again Mr.Evans announced this just a second ago, everyone in front of them was still getting off the bus. However, what if Kevin needed to use the restroom? Then Double D completely blocked him. Double D panicked internally for a moment.

"You gonna move, Double Dork?" Kevin questioned him, barely looking away from his phone.

"Ah... oh why, yes, Kevin, I'm so sorry!" With that Double D stood up and walked off the bus with the rest of his school mates. 

The fresh air felt so nice and being able to finally move his legs around was the icing on the cake for him. Double D checked his own phone to see what time it was, 10 A.M. They officially left at 7:30 A.M, thought the bus didn't really take off until about 8 A.M. and he had fallen asleep around 8:30 A.M, so that meant he had slept for a decent amount of time, but there was still some ways to go.

"Hey Sockhead, over here!" Eddy was waving and Ed was stretching, probably just woke up too.

"Salutations, friends, how was the ride so far for you two?" 

"Boring, no monster movies." Ed said, his eyes seemed filled with sleep still.

"Could of been better, I tried to sleep but that bus driver just doesn't know how to drive!" 

Double D laughed, enjoying his friends company. It almost felt like forever since they last hung out. Even in high school they stayed mostly attached to one another. Double D didn't have many special clubs he went to as more school funding was being shut down, however the robotics club remained. He only went there time to time and there was some trips here and there but nothing to extreme. Eddy and Ed both didn't do clubs, perhaps time to time for a short few months for credit but they never followed through.

"So, where should we go eat?" Eddy asked.

The three boys began to look around, they were in a small plaza. Main grocery store in the center, random food and frozen yogurt shops and hair salons, nail salons, and tech shops throughout.

Before anyone could decide, Nazz called over.

"Double D, could you come here for a moment?"

Eddy looked at Double D with narrow eyes, which indicated his jealousy and curiosity.

"Perhaps she wants to change seats is all." Double D said, also hoping that was the case. He hurried over to her.

Nazz, one of the most popular girls of the cul-de-sac, yes just the cul-de-sac. Her laid back attitude and look stuck with her, but because of this she seemed more like a chill tomboy than being seen as someone who would be prom queen. Many of the boys from the cul-de-sac grew out of their huge crush on Nazz, except Eddy, also rumored Kevin. She kept the look of baggy pants mostly and wearing graphic tees here and there. Though on occasion Nazz did dress more "girly" but mostly for events. She kept her blonde hair short, but did like to sport some lipstick time to time. She was always a very pretty girl, and popular in terms of being friendly and relaxed.

"Is something the matter, Nazz?" Double D asked.

"Oh well..." Nazz said with a smile, her friend (also roommate) snickering a bit.

"Shh shh, it's nothing wrong, but I wanted to show you this picture I took."

Nazz then took out her phone, a newer one she probably got from her part-time job from working at the state county fair. 

Double D watched Nazz press on her phone then turn it to her.

"Cute scene, just had to take a pic, but if it makes you uncomfortable I'd totally get rid of it, dude." 

Double D was shocked and frozen in fear. It was a pic of him and Kevin, not the best picture but you could make out what was on it. Kevin was asleep on Double D's shoulder still, while Double D was laying on Kevin's head. 

Double D screamed in his head "Get rid of it!" but he also didn't want to seem rude, but he mostly didn't want Kevin to get mad at him.

"O-oh, ahaha.. well, I don't mind but... Kevin..." Double D trailed off, looking around to see if he saw the red head.

"Don't worry Double D." Nazz smiled.

"Oh, thank god, so he hasn't seen it."

"Oh no, he has."

It's all over Edward, all gone, all done. What was all this work in life even for, what was it even for! Why did I agree to be partners with Kevin? Ed maybe not the best candidate but he wouldn't have had this happen. Why didn't one of Kevin's friends even partner up with him!?

"Uh, Earth to Double D?" 

"Oh, terribly sorry Nazz, I must be going now to my friends!"

Double D scurried off to his friends, who were making their way into a Japanese styled restaurant. Double D was a bit surprised that his friends didn't choose a burger joint instead, but perhaps that one time that Double D ordered take out for their giant study session made their hearts (more like stomach) change.

Double D looked at the building, it was very welcoming. It seemed to be very casual, with it's signs displaying the menu and deals for different days of the week. He opened the door to see his friends at the counter ordering. He made his way over and also ordered, getting a bento (lunch) set with rice, gyoza (a Japanese styled potsticker), onion sprout salad, and sesame chicken.  He waited for his order at a table by the window with his two friends. 

"So how's it sitting by Shovel Chin?" Eddy questioned.

"Well, he was asleep the whole time, so I would say pleasant."

"Pleasant, huh?" 

Double D turned, hearing the voice of none other than, Kevin. 

"Oh, ah, uhm, I," Double D was for a lost of words, Eddy was trying to badly hide his laughing and Ed was too busy focusing on when his order would be called.

"Don't sweat it, Double Dweeb." Kevin said, a cold look in his eyes, yet his tone didn't sound all that bad.

Double D felt a bit sad for Kevin, he walked into the restaurant by himself, he wondered if perhaps there was a falling out with his friends? He felt so bad that part of him wanted to invite him over to their table, only part of him though he would never actually dare to.

After their order was called and the boys ate it was about time to head back onto the bus.

Some people were excited, ready to get to their hotel and then go to the theme park the next day and those following, some were just happy to get to sit on such comfy seats with a movie playing, others were groaning because of sitting down for hours.

Double D felt uncomfortable, he was now going to ride with a fully rested and irritated Kevin.

"Not good, not good, not good." Double D said to himself.

Part of him wondered why he was still afraid of Kevin. Sure, Kevin was part of the football team, even captain if he remembers correctly, but did that really mean he could over power Double D? Double D was taller than Kevin, if he tried to be he could definitely look more menacing as he towered over the red head. Then again, he wasn't excruciatingly taller, but still, his height for sure counted for something. He might be weaker, but he knew some jiu jitsu, bit of karate, and taekwondo, using them in the right timing and he could maybe defeat Kevin. 

Double D giggled to himself

Defeat him? Like it's some video game?

He knew why Kevin would always win. He had the strength, confidence, and well.. Double D didn't even like confrontation and he also dressed like a total nerd, with a gap to sport. He still wore ties and sweater vests to school. He also never got on the skinny jeans band wagon. Was it because they aren't practical? Uncomfortable? Simply couldn't adjust? Who knows, he just stuck to what he knew best perhaps. And no one could forget the beanie. The black with white stripe beanie, the mystery underneath it? Well, it had to do with a certain dodge ball accident, the scene under the hat wasn't pretty. Emphasis on "wasn't". Double D had the incident happen before moving to the cul-de-sac in Peach Creek, however the "problem" under the hat had been taken care of already. Yes, you heard it right, the mystery does exist but even if you manage to take off his hat you'll see a normal head of hair. Black locks of hair with the slightest curl to them. However, no one still knows of this, except Eddy and Ed who don't understand why Double D just doesn't take his hat off. Double D just felt the hat made him feel safer, he also had it for so long that he felt almost naked without it. He thought that one day, for sure, one day, he will stop wearing it, but for now it just felt right.

Finally, out of his thought bubble, Double D walked onto the bus. He waved to his friends and went to his aisle seat by Kevin.

He thought that he could easily just not talk to Kevin, in return Kevin would probably not talk to him, until he remembered.

The picture. 

Double D decided, just don't mention it. It's forgotten.

He hurried to pull out his phone from his pocket and looked through it. 

When Double D started high school his parents had purchased and mailed a smartphone to their son. The tall Edd thought he would most likely never use it much, only for emergencies, however that is not the case. He found useful apps for studying, but not only that, also for meditating, then came the games. The mobile games that he knew used the desires of the human mind to make sure people kept playing and even empty their pockets for. Double D wasn't too into these type of games, he knew how they work, how they hook you, but every puzzle was too easy for him either way. However he found himself always going back to any "manager" type game. His favorite was where he ran a whole town, moving people in and creating new stores and jobs for his towns people. In a way it calmed him, but he would also get addicted and stay up late at night turning his town into a metropolis. 

With his phone in his hand, Double D began to open the app up and start running his town. He was so focused in trying to earn money in game to make more stores that he didn't notice Kevin talking.

"Nerdo, do you even listen?" 

Double D looked up from his phone, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Kevin, I seemed to have become too entangled to my phone."

"Whatever, like I was saying..." Kevin continued, his voice annoyed with repeating the information back to Double D, "I don't want your dorky friends all over our room."

Double D understood the problems Kevin had with this friends... and himself. They always did scams to the teens and kids of the cul-de-sac. Once they started high school, Eddy was still fine with scamming little kids. Of course they weren't doing it for just jaw breakers anymore. It was actually quite weird growing up and having a colored tongue from all the candy they ate return to a normal pink-ish red hue again. Double D remembered when Ed had gotten a cavity and couldn't have sweets for a long time. When Ed's tongue finally became a normal color, Ed completely freaked out because he hadn't seen it in so long. Double D wasn't even sure why him and his friends still did scams. Though, personally, he did love trying different inventions out, perhaps he was more devious than he thought? 

Back to Kevin's comment, Double D knew his friends wouldn't want to hang with Kevin anyway, at least Eddy for sure. 

"Of course, Kevin." Double D said, with a smile that was forced.

Kevin turned towards the window, putting in his headphones. Double D could hear some loud dubstep music, or perhaps it was pop, maybe even rap? Who knew, he felt that the music of today had all turned into one weird giant sub genre.

Double D sighed, going back to his game. He was happy that Kevin didn't mention the picture, but he definitely saw it, was he going to do something about it?

Why didn't he say anything?

What if he didn't want Ed and Eddy to come over to our room so he could personally beat me up?

The thoughts that were echoing in Double D's mind made him very uneasy, he could feel his body start to tremble but he fought it off hard as he could. 

Just need a distraction

Double D tried to put all his focus into his town. 

"What ya play'in?" 

Double D turned, Kevin had one headphone still in and the other out.

Why must he make conversation with me?

"It's a brand new game!" Double D said, not noticing his excitement in his voice, just before he was nervous but he was more enthusiastic in showing what he does in his past time than he thought. 

He went on about the game and the mechanics of it, diving into his geeky side rather than nerdy. Surprisingly, Kevin wasn't very annoyed or lost at what Double D was talking about, it helped the ride pass and he started talking about some different game apps he likes to play, usually word games but it frustrates him. 

Kevin thought about how good Double D would probably be at those word games, seeing how his own vocabulary was huge.

The rest of the ride went by like that, their conversation was just about some games on their phone but it lasted a while. Sometimes they stopped talking and just messed with their phones, then someone spoke up and another conversation happened, before they knew it-

"Alright guys, get off one by one, no pushing, no shoving!"

Double D stood up from his aisle seat,

Well, here we go.

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