Percy Jackson a Second Chance

Від Azura_Noceda-blight

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Percy Jackson is betrayed. The ones he care for leave him. After Annabeth cheats on him he realizes that he h... Більше

Chapter I: My real Parents
Chapter II- I get a Second Chance
Chapter III- I Vaporize My Maths Teacher... Again
Chapter IV- Sally Gets Killed... Again
Chapter VI- Dan gets a quest
Chapter VII- We meet Ares
Chapter VIII- Los Vegas
Chapter IX- Tartarus And A Chat With Hades
Chapter X- Ares And Returning The Fire Cracker
Chapter XI- Danny Gets Stabbed By A Scorpion
Chapter XII- I Make friends with old friends
Chapter XIII- Invasion Of The Giant Bronze Bulls
Chapter XIV- Chariot Races to the sea of monsters
Chapter XV- Retiving the Golden fleece Danny almost dies
Chapter XVI- Reunion of old friends
Chapter XVII- Saving a maiden
Chapter XVIII- Lost in a maze, washing out some stables
Chapter XIV- To Hephaestus and Back
A/n- WTF

Chapter V- Capture The Flag

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Від Azura_Noceda-blight

I walked into the dinning pavilion and looked around for Chiron. He was standing as usual at the head table with Mr. D and Danny sitting on either side of him. Thankfully he explained about him being a centaur, so I didn't need to act like an idiot and he explained Mr. D as well.

I sat at the table. "What's up peeps. So, what do yam want?" I asked. It is good waking me up like this.

"We are not peeping Perry." Said Mr. D. Great here we go again with the name calling.

"It's Percy Dede." I said in a mocking tone. Unfortunately, everyone heard me, and silence spread like wildfire fire. Mr. D's eye flared with purple flames. "Are those eyes supposed to scare me. Heck Danny scares me more. Anyway, why was inspired rudely woken up?" I asked turning to Chiron.

"Everyone I would like to introduce Perseus Grace and Daniel Jackson. They arrived late last night and will be staying in the Hermes cabin for now." Chiron spoke before Dede could tickle me.

Suddenly there was a series of gasps as everyone looked above my head. I looked up the see that I had been claimed. Instead of a trident it showed three wave lines running parallel to each other. "All hail Perseus Grace son of Thalassa, primordial goddess of the sea." Chiron said bowing down with everyone following suit except Dede and Danny who both glared at me.

Everyone one got up and went back to eating, muttering about him. The rest of breakfast went by uneventfully. Chiron told them they would stay in the Hermes cabin. Well he gave me free reign since my mother is a primordial but I'm still on their team for capture the flag, which is happening tonight.

I spend most of them say just walking around embracing the freedom from school and the now happy campers. I walk up towards Thalia's pine and sit at the base. "Well Thals I'll be away one my first quest soon. You might be lonely again for a couple weeks until I return." I said as looked around for the first time feeling abet of peace since I meet Dan.

I'm near small him from the tree as if it's trying to reassure me that everything will work out. I close my eyes and spoke up the sunlight.

"What are you doing here?" A female voice asks. I open my eyes to see Annabeth.

"Just getting about of peace, what are you doing here thought you would be going over a plan or something while drooling over Luke." I say to antagonism her.

"What are you talking about you haven't even meet Luke?" She says getting flustered.

I may not have meet him, but Chiron pointed out who the Hermes cabin leader was. Happened to also spot you staring at him while he had his back turned." I said watching her grow redder by the second.

"Whatever. Why don't you go to the water if you want peace no one can bother you there."? She said.

"I could do that but then the fish won't leave me alone and I like the view from up here." I answer.

"Have you gotten a tour from Chiron yet?" She asked.

"Nah I figure it out and I can always ask someone if I get lost." I told her.

"Ok I guess I'll leave you then." She said turning around and quickly walking away. Well that was a weird encounter. I wonder if Hestia still sits at the hearth, right enough she's probably waiting for me, so she can tell me what's going on with the gods. I'll go talk to her soon, for now I think I'll enjoy the peace.

(Line break)

I walked up to the hearth where an eight-year-old girl sat with her legs crossed poking the fire with a stick. "So, how's it going malady?" I asked sitting down next to her. She looked up to see who spoke before recognizing me and hugging me.

"Oh, Percy it's well. You had me worried you were dead for a while there. Anyway, the council's debating what to do with you, and without me and Hades on it the votes even more against you." She said the last part quietly to prevent other from hearing.

"I expected that. I assume you have all talked about this and what you can do to help me?" I asked.

"Yeah as soon as we got the memories of the other timeline we met up to discuss that. We will do our best to aid you as best we can, but we can't do it too often or Zeus will get suspicious. We also will have to play out the timeline like last time to prevent things changing the future on us, but I'm sure your father explained that. There is only one problem though." She said.

I raise an eyebrow. "Well Artemis isn't exactly happy you stole her Lieutenant. She said that if you save Zoe from her death in this timeline she will not interfere with you and Thalia's relationship." She answered my unasked question.

"Well tell her that I already planned on doing that. Oh, and tell her to give those to the hunt, it will make them remember the other timeline. While some will be angry I stole Thalia, they are still on our side and we would lose Artemis if they weren't anyway." I said taking out the bag of memory sweets.

I took out another small bag from my pocket and poured fifty in for the hunters. I closed the bag and handed them over to Hestia. "Tell that they are only aloud one, anymore and they'll lose their entire memory." I said as I pop one into my mouth and put the bag back in my pocket.

"Ok Perseus I'll do that. And save Zoe that's all Artemis asks for her full support and you'll need it, I won't be a lot of help when I comes time to fight." She said giving me a hug before vanishing in a small burst of flame. Well that was a nice chat, she could've said bye at least.2

The horn sounds for dinner and I get up and walk over. Everyone still is staring at me as if I'm diseased for something, I admit I don't smell great never got to shower this morning but I'm not that bad. Anyway, I walk into the dinning pavilion and sit at the head table.

Chiron had allowed me to sit there until there's enough room at the Hermes table, although I might be able to make a table out of water, but it will need a lot of concentration, so my plate doesn't fall through it. I'll practice that trick when I get back from the quest.

I ate in peace except for a few glances at my blue food, thankfully no one asks about it because it's just a habit I have now. Nothing tastes the same if it isn't blue.13

When everyone finished eating Chiron stood up and banged his hoof off the ground. "Ok campers. We have captured the flag tonight. Same rules as always, no killing and maiming is to be kept to a minimal. All magic items are aloud, and prisoners can be disarmed and lightly bound but no gags. The creek is the boundary line and the whole forest is fair game. Now bring in the flags!" He said as two campers ran in with flags.

One was grey with an owl on it and the other was red with a boar's head on a spear. Everyone cheered as weapons and armor appeared on the tables. I checked for my two swords and that was me ready, no armor cause that will slow me down and with the Ares cabin out to slaughter the new guys I needed to be fast.

Another thing I noticed was that Dan didn't get the toilet treatment from Clarisse, not that his minimal water powers could've stopped her though. I be also noticed this timeline isn't the same, though most things were.

The two teams started walking out with ours headed west and theirs north. I walked up to Annabeth as I wasn't sure we're I was supposed to be. "So, what do I have to do?" I asked.

She looked at me strangely before answering. "Your heading to the creek with your brother. Shouldn't you be wearing armor?" She asked.

"Well firstly Danny boy is not my brother that would be a nightmare come true, and secondly no armor as it feels uncomfortable. It weighs you down and with this many people fighting you I would rather keep my speed, so I don't get killed." I said as she seemed to take another look at me.

Just then Dan arrived. "So, you got any magic items you could loan me beautiful." Nemesis pushing me to the side. I made a gagging motion behind him causing some of the Hermes campers to snigger.

I let them walk on as I let them have their moment (note the sarcasm). We got to the creek where Annabeth dumped us leaving me with the irritating idiot.

A few minutes later the horn sounded and the sounds of people fighting and metal hitting metal could be heard from the trees. I looked over at Danny to see him taking this way too seriously. He was marching up and down the creek as if someone could pop out any minute when the closest trees were a hundred yards away.

I sat down on a rock and closed my eyes. Might as well relax until the Ares cabin get here. I sat there for a few moments until I was about to drift off when a rock smashed into my chest.

"Get up bozo someone could show up any minute." Dan hissed. I grabbed the rock he threw and threw it back smacking him on the rear as he turned away.

"Your taking this game way to seriously man. Just relax and wait for them to come and by the way can your holding that sword wrong it's held with one hand not two idiots." I said, and it was true I dumbass was holding it with two hands when it was clearly meant for one hand.

He glared at me fixing his grip and taking the shield off his back. Why he brought a shield when he thought his sword was double handed I don't know unless Luke gave him it. Probably Luke.

There wasn't a sound for ten minutes until the bushes at the tree line moved. I see Dan tense up as I just sat there like nothing happened. The Ares cabin walked out with cruel smiles on their faces. "This should be interesting." I mumbled to myself as they all charged poor Dan who looked like he was going to set himself.

Clarisse was the first to reach him swinging her spear like a baseball bat. The spear slammed into Dan's chest and with the electricity it blew him back into the creek. He stood back up and a I couldn't help but laugh at him as his hair stood up in all directions.

The Ares kids just seemed to recognize that I was there also as they looked at me laughing my head off. Seeing that I wasn't getting up to help poor Dan they all charged him again.

They started swinging their spears and swords at him leaving several cuts and bruises on his arms legs and chest. Then they all turned on me. "Ok I guess I should get up now." I said as I climbed to my feet.

Ares number one charged me swinging his spear at my legs. I jumped over it stepped into his Bauer and yanking his spear off him. I'm slammed to the into his head making him fall to the ground unconscious. The other started at me in shock as I grabbed riptide keeping number one's spear.

Number two and three charged at me with swords. I blocked one with the spear and sidestepped the second I smashed the hilt of riptide into threes head sending him into the water. Two tried a chop to my head firing me to duck.

Number four came up and slammed the butt of his spear into my chest. I tumbled into the creek and managed to roll away from another sword swing. I jumped up throwing the spear into the head of two making him fall and hit his head off the ground knocking him out.

Four swung his spear like a baseball bat and I used riptide to cut it in half. The kid stared at his spear in shock allowing me to slam the hilt of riptide into his head.

Number five eyed me warily as Clarisse charged me. She thrust forward as I sidestepped while grabbing hurricane. When the sword appeared, I sliced upwards cutting her spear in half. As it released the energy from the electricity I was blown down into the creek and Clarisse was blown backward several feet.

Number five charged me with anger. I sidestepped and stuck out my foot sending him tumbling into the creek. There was cheering from further up the creek as Luke ran over the boundary line with the flag. Clarisse just stared in shock as the flag changed to a light grey with a Caduceus on it.

I then remembered that Annabeth should be appearing by my side, so I swung my arms up like I was cheering. There was a loud smack as Annabeth fell on her butt with her cap falling to my feet.

"Oh sorry. Though you really shouldn't creep up on people while invisible." I said as I picked up the Yankee cap.

Annabeth glared at me getting up and snatching the cap out of my hand. "Whatever. How did you learn to fight like that and where did your two swords go?" She questioned.

"The swords were a gift from my parents before I was adopted as for how I know how to fight. Well the water helped me when I fell into it and when I discovered the chains could transform into sword I would always train. As if something was telling me that it would be extremely important in the future." I said making up a rather convincing lie.

There was a groan behind us as Dan got unsteadily to his feet. "Why didn't you help me?" He asked.

"What and miss the Ares kids kicking your ass no way." I said back. There was then a low howl, and everyone went silent. Then a hellhound appeared on top of a boulder staring straight at Dan.

Annabeth rushed forward but was to slow the hellhound kept into Dan. There were five thumping sounds as five arrows appeared at the neck of the hound. I collapsed bursting into dust.

Danny rolled into the creek and got slowly back up. The water was healing him but not nearly as fast as it did with me, then a glowing green trident appeared above his head marking him as a son of Poseidon.

"All hail Daniel Jackson, son of Poseidon god of the sea, Lord of horses and the earth shaker." Chiron announced dramatically. Everyone kneeled in front of him, well except me, and I swear I could see his head getting bigger to incorporate the growing ego. What is it with this camp kneeling down to this guy when he has done nothing for them.

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