Power and The Queen

By _ToniaFrancis

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"The prophecy never spoke of a King only a Queen when the real problem was with the men. None of them are wil... More

Decrees from the palace.
Chapter One.🟒
Chapter Two.🟒
Chapter Three.🟒
Chapter Four.🟒
Chapter Five.🟒
Chapter Six.🟒
Chapter Seven.🟒
Chapter Eight.🟒
Chapter Nine. 🟒
Chapter Ten.🟒
Chapter Eleven. 🟒
Chapter Twelve. 🟒
Chapter Thirteen. 🟒
Chapter Fourteen(part one). 🟒
Chapter Fourteen(part two)🟒
Chapter Fifteen. 🟒
Chapter Sixteen. 🟒
Chapter Seventeen. 🟒
Chapter Eighteen. 🟒
Chapter Nineteen. 🟒
Chapter Twenty. 🟒
Chapter Twenty-One. 🟒
Chapter Twenty-two.🟒
Chapter Twenty- three. 🟒
Chapter Twenty-four.🟒
Chapter Twenty -six. 🟒
Chapter Twenty-seven. 🟒
Chapter Twenty-eight. 🟒
Chapter Twenty - Nine. 🟒
Chapter Thirty.🟒
Chapter Thirty - One.🟒
Chapter Thirty - Two.🟒
Chapter Thirty - Three.🟒
Chapter Thirty - Four. 🟒
Chapter Thirty - Five.🟒
Chapter Thirty - Six.🟒
Chapter Thirty - Seven.🟒
Chapter Thirty - Eight.🟒
Chapter Thirty - Nine.🟒
Chapter Forty. 🟒
Chapter Forty - One.🟒
Chapter Forty - Two 🟒
Chapter Forty - Three 🟒
Chapter Forty - four 🟒
Chapter Forty - Five 🟒
Chapter Forty- Six 🟒
Chapter Forty - Seven
Chapter Forty - Eight 🟒

Chapter Twenty-five.🟒

27 2 0
By _ToniaFrancis

"Who is the girl?" Queen Artemis asked straight to the point.

She stared down at him seemingly bored and uninterested.

Prince Zachary was a bit surprised at her forwardness but he did not let it show, his mother would detect that. His parents sent for him at dawn the next day as he expected. He knew his mother would be curious as to who Cora really is.

"Have you lost your tongue, Prince?" she asked, the edges of her tone sharper than usual.

The Prince stood up from where he knelt at the foot of the stairs leading to his parent's throne.

"She is a girl from Ovalon I met on my way here." the Prince said, making sure his exterior was bold and convincing enough.

"Why did you not take a direct route to the Palace?" the king growled.

It was obvious he had more important things to do. The Prince resisted the urge to sigh and spoke.

"My King, Turk, my companion, needed a new sword, and I had promised him a trip to Ovalon back in Teslianna." The Prince knew it was not true, but his parents must never find out what he had done the last few months.

"Back to the girl." Queen Artemis spoke, glaring sideways at the King. "She is odd, too odd for my liking. I cannot read her."

The Queen expressed her discomfort shifting in her seat and from her distant stares the Prince could see it really bothered her.

Prince Zachary didn't know what made his mother's declaration seem funny to him. He almost laughed at the statement but ended up choking in an attempt to stop himself from laughing. She could not read Cora? How was that possible? The Queen could read anyone.

"Since she is a commoner like you put it, I have lost interest. She is free to go back home." Queen Artemis concluded.

"My King," the Prince called. "It is my plea that you grant my wish to allow Cora to live here in your castle as a guest. She is recently bereft and has no knowledge of it. I do not want her to break down from the news."

"Why should you care about the feelings of a commoner?!" the Queen snapped, voicing her displeasure immediately. "It is not your job to care. You will send her home before the sun goes down."

"What has come over you Zachary, has that young maiden blinded your thoughts?!" the King yelled.

"She saved my life!" the Prince found himself shouting. "It is the least I can do to say thank you. Father, you taught me to be generous to those that aid me and I am doing just that."

Silence followed after the ripples of the voices through the halls.

The Prince knew he was reaching his limit behaving this way on the second day of his return but he had to, for Cora, he would do anything. He had to keep her safe. His parents were silent and just when he thought they would finally give their verdict, the door opened with a loud creak, stealing their attention.

Prince Zachary stared in confusion at the figure coming closer to them. The figure was obviously a girl,  judging from the colour she wore and the way she walked. Only when the girl was a few feet away did he take in a sharp breath as he figured out who she was.

His breath quickened, and for the second time since he returned, he felt fear. Fear because he was losing his composure, and that attracted consequences. All this year he thought of her; of how much she would grow to hate him for leaving her, of how beautiful she would become, of how much he loved her.

She was indeed beautiful. He felt his eyes water as she continued her gracious walk each step more perfect than the other. She was dressed in a red flowing dress and her dark hair was styled in a way he was not used to, but it made her look more mature.

She was his Sophia, Princess Sophia.

The King and Queen took note of her presence as she graciously curtsied in their presence. The Queen was not fazed by the visit, which meant she called for her. When they were younger, Queen Artemis warned them they could only appear in the throne room when called upon. Princess Sophia stood up and the approval on the Prince's face mirrored the King's.

"Your brother has returned," the Queen told the princess.

"Welcome home Prince." Princess Sophia said shyly, taking a glance at him and turning back to the throne.

Zachary creased his brows. That was odd. Sophia was never shy and why could she not look him in the eye? He noticed during her procession that she avoided eye contact. So much has changed since he left.

"I see you have grown well, Princess Sophia. You are indeed beautiful, just like I predicted." the Prince said and smiled.

"Of course she is, you both took after me but Sophia has a little of the Queen's rare beauty." the King said proudly.

Princess Sophia blushed slightly but regained her expressionless demeanour soon enough.

"Zachary, your mother is right," the King said. "The girl has to go back home to her family, but since you say she saved your life, she can stay as long as she wishes to,"

The prince bowed his head low, hiding his present emotion, which was something huge considering that his heart was pushing to jump out of his chest. He wished he could expect Cora to be happy with the news, but he knew better. Cora loved her father so much that he could feel it in the way she talked about him. If anything, he dreaded the moment he would have to tell her.

"You say she is bereft," Queen Artemis started. "When she has finished mourning, invited her to a meal with us, I have to study her more. Though she appears a commoner, her features tell otherwise."

"As you wish, my Queen." the prince replied with a bow.

"You are both dismissed."

They both turned in silence and processed out of the hall. When they were halfway out, the King's voice stopped them.

"Zachary, do find time for that duel you promised," he said.

"As you wish, Father."

As they walked out of the throne room, he tried as much as possible to close the distance between him and Princess Sophia, but for some odd reason, she was bent on getting out of the halls as fast as she could. Prince Zachary eventually gave up trying to catch up with her, he would talk to her either way.

The guards closed the huge doors after he stepped out, though far out he could feel his mother's eyes on him. She would focus on him more now. He needed to be careful. He scanned the hallway to see that Princess Sophia was nowhere in sight.

He sighed deeply and kept walking, ignoring the soldiers standing at attention in one straight line on both sides of the hallway. Turk walked up to him, his sword clutching tightly in his hand to escort him. He would visit Cora, and then find Princess Sophia later.

The Prince walked down the balls south, Turk behind him in silence. Turk knew he was in no good mood and did not try to start up a conversation. The look on Prince Zachary's face told him exactly how the sermon went. Turk understood the Prince he cared for him and he also pitied him.

A red figure ahead of them made Turk raise his head. She passed him on his way to escort Zachary. She walked surprisingly fast for a little lady. Turk noticed the change in the prince's walking pace.

He knew her.

Turk loosened his hold on his sword and took to studying the beautiful girl a few feet away from them, but she did not wait for them to reach her. She ran, lifting her dress up with her hands. This shocked both him and the prince, forcing them to the spot they stood.

She ran and hugged the prince, putting both her arms around him. It was then that Turk put the pieces together: long brown hair, fair-skinned and tall. She was his little sister he rarely talked about.

The Prince hugged Sophia deeply. He caught a glimpse of Turk checking the hallways and sure enough, it was clear. He hugged her so tight there was barely any space between them. He missed her.

Zachary loved Sophia so much. She was the only person he regretted leaving behind, aside from Lord Septimus. Her body shook against his, telling him she was sobbing. He held her possibly tighter. He did not want her to cry for him. He did not feel worthy of her tears.

"Please do not cry, Sophia. I am here now," he murmured against her ears.

He smiled when he heard her sniffing, and then she let go of him. He reluctantly let go.

"I thought I would never see you again. You have no idea what she did to me while you were gone." Princess Sophia said, wiping her face with a small white cloth.

"I apologize. I am back now, Sophia. I would make sure no one hurts you, not even her. You deserve better." he told her while holding her hand.

He wanted to stay with her and listen to all she had to say, but he really had to be somewhere else.

"Sophia, I must go now. I will come to you soon. Surely she would give permission,"

"So it is true then, you returned with a girl," her voice shook.

Prince Zachary was sad to see the sullen expression on his sister's face, but he really had to leave. Cora would be awake by now.

"I will explain in time Sophia I really must go." with that both he and Turk walked towards the stairs leaving Sophia behind.

                         *  *  *

Zachary slowed in his pace. He became more nervous as he got closer to the room he arranged for Cora to stay in. All the emotions he held within him while he faced his parents came forth. He knew she hated him at the moment and their last conversation did not help matters at all.

She was really livid that he would betray her that way, and he felt like a fool for not telling her sooner. He wanted to tell her, but the time was never right.

"Why... Why did you come?" her scratchy voice asked. He did not dare to move closer and from the looks of it, she appreciated it.

She turned her head sharply when he was silent. The Prince could swear he heard a bone crack.

"ANSWER ME!" she screamed.

He took a step back just for precaution and cleared his throat. If he was nervous before, he was terrified now. Everything in his head told him he would lose her, and he did not want that.

"I wanted to see you," he said. Trying to hide all traces of discomfort, he clasped his hands behind him.

"And that was supposed to do what? Make me happy?!" she scoffed.

He never heard her scoff at anyone before, even Linda. He has also never seen this side of her before. It made him fear what she would do after she finds out about her father.

"Cora calm down. You don't have the energy for this," he moved two steps closer and made a move to place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" she shrieked. "Do you think this is funny? I trusted you, I introduced you to my family, my one and only treasure and all this time you were a lair."

"I apologize." He said gently and for a moment, there was silence.

"Is that what your mother taught you? Apologize and it is alright!" she was not making it any easier for him.

"Don't make such a joke. My mother taught me nothing about girls!!" he yells and she calms. "Nothing useful anyway." he sighs.

"You lied! All this time you were the prince, and you lied!" her rage was back as soon as it left. "Did it feel good watching your people suffer while you pretend to suffer with them? Or did you do it so you can figure out better ways to starve us to death?!"

"I did what I had to! They couldn't know I was here. They're not supposed to know even now, but when the stable boy came running, I had to do something. I had to save you."

Cora turned to him, her face softened and her eyes rid of all anger. Could it be she felt something for the stable boy?

"Sid? Where is Sid? What have you done with him?" she asked, a lot quieter.

"He is safe, trust me. No one knows about him. I sent him to somewhere safe." the look she gave made him know she did not believe him. "I understand why you cannot trust me, but please Cora, please let me help you. It is not safe out there for you, which is why I must keep you here."

She did not reply to that, so he took it as his cue to leave.

"I will visit again," he said and with that, he was gone. She needed to be alone.

He was finally here, just a foot away from the door, but his hand could not dare knock. How was he so afraid of what this little girl thought of him? The way she looked at him that day like he was some monster, it did things to his insides and not pleasant things. He probably was a monster after everything he had done and what he will be forced to do.

Turk noticed the distress of his Prince but said nothing. The two men Zach appointed to care for her raced off, probably emptying their bowels after standing too long. He watched as the Prince stood there with his hand balled to a fist hanging in the air.

"If you would permit me, my Prince, I could go in before you," he said before it was too late.

Too weak to speak, he nodded and stepped aside.

Turk took the place of his Prince. Sometimes he pitied him. When he was his age all he had to worry about was riding the biggest horses and learning to fight but Zach, had a kingdom of people to care for and now he has to be the bearer of news that would likely crush the girl he is falling for, if his suspicions are right.

His fist hit the door, but his knuckles barely felt pain. The sound echoed through the hallways, but there was no response from the other end of the room. No one else stayed in this part of the King's castle and he knew that the prince plans to send her to a different place in the palace. It was perfect for Cora, just a short distance to the library where she works, but she would have to use a carriage if she wants to train again.

Turk knocked on the door again. He tried to clear his thoughts, finding it awkward that he and the Prince had planned everything for her when she has no idea why she needs to stay here. There was still no response and the guardian in him kicked in almost immediately, pushing aside all thought.

He frowned and moved to twist the handle of the door. It moved with ease and the sound of the lock clicking told him the door was not locked. Could someone have broken in?

The Prince left instructions for the door to be locked at all times. Those idiots Jos and Bos!

Can they ever do something right?!

"Milady?" he called as he pushed the door open a bit.

Bright light streamed from the small hole. The Prince sensed that something was wrong. Turk already began his plan about what to do to those useless guards should anything happen to Cora.

"Milady?" he called again and pushed the door open another inch.

The response was still silence.

The Prince's breathing was not heard meaning he was tensed, but it seemed he lost his patience because he pushed Turk aside in one breath and matched head-on inside the room pushing the skirt in such a way that Turk was surprised to see the door still intact.

The Prince scanned through the room and saw no sign of Cora. He panicked, almost running out of the room to raise an alarm and search for her, but his eyes sighted something that made him calm. She was there, sitting by the window, staring into the morning sunlight.

Did she know it would blind her for some time when she turns back to the room?

She was fully dressed. The chambermaids may have arrived earlier and the dress she wore was simply beautiful. It was a simple dress, one that most ladies would consider cheap and not classy enough, but Cora made the dress look like an expensive gem.

He was sure the dress was just sitting somewhere, probably rejected by a Noble. Now, the dress has found its owner.

Zachary cleared his throat to announce his presence as he heard Turk close the door behind him. Now that he found her, all his fear was back again, and he did not know how to fight it. He took a deep breath to release the tension.

"Cora? Are you alright?" he asked, concerned.

She did not answer; she did not even move from the spot she sat. Thick clouds covered the sunlight she was staring at. Now he could see her better. As moved closer, he noticed something new, something he never saw before, though he wished it.

Her hair was not braided and just like he imagined it was long and smooth, he wished he could touch it and bury his fingers in it. They were blonde, almost silver, with darkened roots, and it was beautiful. He stop at the back of the chair she sat on and to avoid the temptation of stroking her hair, he forcefully placed his hand on the chair.

"I want to go home." he heard her say, which shocked him and drew him from his thoughts.

He was going to ask her to keep braiding her hair, as it was now called too much attention, which is what she did not need.

"Cora..." he started, but she did not let him finish.

"I. Want. To. Go. Home." she repeated, counting the words.

Prince Zachary sighed deeply and stood behind her. He might as well get it over with.

"Cora, you have to stay here. This is your home now," he told her and began stroking her hair in a comforting manner.

He could not resist and, just like he imagined, they were soft and smooth like silk.

"What do you mean? My family needs me." she was not yelling that was a good thing.

Perhaps she was just too tired.

"It is not safe for you out there. I did not know how to tell you. Cora, if I had my way, you would never know, but I know you will hate me if you found out I hid this from you. It is your right to know, which is why I am going to tell, so you can underst..."

"What is it?" she snapped.

Zach swallowed hard and fixed his posture. Then he turned her chair around to face him. She was not that heavy. He waited until her eyes adjusted to his, and then he bent low to her level.

"Cora, your father," he looked at her eyes to see her reaction and so she could see how sincere he was. "Your father was killed." He said in one breath and then he waited for her reaction.

There was none. She just sat there, frozen to a spot. He expected her to cry and scream because he knew how much she loved him.

"Cora?" he called, but she just sat there, not blinking.

Then he noticed how glassy her eyes were and he could see the battle within them. She did not want to break down in front of him.

"Get out." was all she said for him to leave the room.

He closed the door closed halfway when he heard her scream.


The sound of things crashing followed the scream. She would destroy the entire room, he knew, but he prayed to the gods she would not hurt herself.

"Turk?" he questioned.

"My Prince, they are far gone on a small hunting ranch in Koyores. From the look of things, they await orders about what to do with the body."

"When the order arrives, intercept it. I want to know who did this to Cora."

                     -  #  #  #  -

Hello dear friends,

I know it has been a long time I updated, I apologize. Fitting writing into university stress is a bit hard. It becomes hard for me to predict when next I'll update. I have hope though that things will be better. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More exciting thrills on "The Queen" will be arriving soon.

Much love,

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share the story.

Her Majesty sends her love 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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