the sun and the moon || h.s

By EmilyBlakeBooks

3.4K 200 23

Almost midway through the 16th century, France and England are crosshairs away from warfare. Malevolence is t... More



156 9 1
By EmilyBlakeBooks

I've changed Prince Leopold's face claim, due to a new route that I'll be taking this story in!

"Are you sure, m'lady—isn't it just a bit..." Marie turns to one of her ladies in waiting, who is bravely questioning her bold choice in fashion. "I mean nothing by it, your grace...I really don't mean any offense—"

"Oh, hush." She waves the girl away. "Yes, it's a brazen choice and yes I'm sure I will turn heads, but I am still able to choose my own gown for the evening, am I not? Has that choice been stripped from me as well as all the others?"

"I'm deeply sorry, your grace."

"I think you are dazzling, m'lady. Truly magnificent." Through the mirror, the princess smiles at her other maiden.

"Thank you, Elizabeth." The gown was very bold. Bold and a bit risqué and slightly scandalous. But Marie felt happy, for some reason. She felt confident and for once in a very long time, she felt beautiful. It was certainly lightyears beyond the times, but she was going to wear it. "Pull my hair back and twist it into a...oh, I don't know what to call it. A knot, I suppose?" Elizabeth did as her Princess commanded and much to Marie's liking, it was exactly what she'd envisioned. As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she was taken aback by the girl looking back. 

Who was she? Had Harry really peeled away the scared little girl that she'd come here as, in a matter of mere days? Granted, she was still afraid. Afraid to be a ruler...afraid to marry Leopold. Very much afraid to, somehow, live without Harry constantly by her side. Though she knew he'd be there, quietly. She was ready to embrace a secret life with him. Stolen moments in quiet corridors and fleeting touches...glances. Marie would take what she could get. Even if it was just a little bit of him. A fraction of his wonder.

"M'lady, the party has already begun." She takes one last look at herself.

"Let's move along then, shall we?" She picks up her dress and moves out of her chambers, her ladies following suit. As they glide down the hall, the joyful music grows louder and louder. The Great Hall is filled with color and she hears the girls behind her gasp. Though they're only there to aide the Princess, they still get to partake in the event itself. Marie had attended a number of these back in France. Of course, their's were always...over the top. This truly felt like a party. Marie's eyes scanned the room and she found Harry, just in time for him to notice her. In fact, it felt as though all eyes were on her. His were the only eyes that mattered. He seemed to have stopped mid-conversation, and his mouth dropped. His green irises were radiant and captivating as he took her in, and she was so utterly lost in him. So lost, she hadn't noticed her betrothed approaching on her left.

"Marie..." Hesitantly, she turned to him, not wanting to lose sight of the man who had already claimed her entire soul.

"Leopold, you look..handsome." His expression was nothing like his brother's. He was completely stunned, and not in a good way.

"Marie, are you mad?" He hisses. "You cannot...where is the rest of your dress? Where is all the fabric?"

"Oh Leopold, please. This is the style in France—"

"In case you've forgotten, we're not in France."

"In case I've forgotten?" Her tone is seething, "I haven't forgotten, believe me. Every minute that I spend in this castle, I'm reminded that I am not home. I have given up my life for England, so the least you could do is allow me to keep one little part of me...of France." He's unsure of what to say in response to this, so he bites his tongue and accepts her demand.

"Very well." The dance floor is filled with the party-goers, and before Leopold can take his soon-to-be bride to join them, Filipe is striding up to them. He takes Marie's hand and kisses it, his wet lips lingering longer than they should.

"My, my, are positively striking." He muses, "So far ahead of your time."

"Thank you, your highness."

"I'd be remiss if I did not ask for this dance." He then looks to Leopold. "May I take your princess out for spin, my lord?"

"By all means." He smiles at his foe and Marie is being led towards the center of the room.

"You know, that cutting remark that you threw at me this caught me off guard. You've really come into yourself, my lady. That kittenish little girl that you once've changed. You're fierce now. Confident."

"It's been many years, Filipe."

"They've done you well."

"That is kind of you to say."

"Forgive my boldness, but your betrothed is certainly not worthy of a woman like yourself." Marie rolls her eyes. "You were handcrafted by God..." His fingers traced the bare skin of her back and she felt goosebumps rise in the wake. "Every inch of your skin was molded to perfection...every curve designed to lull us mere mortal men into a daze." She knew his reputation, his suave way with words and his ability to make women swoon and fall all over him, she just can't help but feel slightly stimulated. Electrified, if you will. He certainly knew what he was doing.

"Is that what I've done to you then, my lord?" He chuckles and his hand moves down her backside.

"You have captivated me since the moment my eyes fell upon you, princess."

"And you seem to have caught the eye of every maiden in the kingdom."

"But what of your eye?"

" It is with my betrothed."

"You are a work of art, among many other things, princess...but truly a terrible liar."

"And you do not know me."

"I've been given the gift of being able to read women like they are a book—"

"I assure you, Filipe. I am not one of your books." As if he could sense her discomfort, Harry was suddenly at her side.

"May I cut in?" She's surprised at his calm demeanor, she was expecting a more fiery greeting.

"Of course." Filipe reluctantly lets his hands drop. "We can pick up where we left off later, princess." Marie ignores him, instead letting Harry take the lead by whisking them away.

"How did I do?"

"You were the ultimate gentleman, your highness."

"I couldn't stand being apart from you for another moment."

"Be careful what you say." She warns, with a smile on her face. "We've got eyes all over us."

"You must know, that you have entirely consumed me. And you're so beautiful, it hurts."

"Harry..." She warns him once more, though his words are the most wonderful sound she knows.

"Alright, alright." As she looks away from him, she feels his gaze burning a whole in her. "What did he say to you?"



"Just...nonsense, I suppose. He did say, however, that I was ahead of my time."

"Talking about your gown, I assume?"

"Mhm." They sway around the room and she quickly notices that Leopold seems to be completely in another world. "It was kind of him, especially after your brother shamed me for it."

"What did he have to say about it?"

"In case I've forgotten, we're not in France. He asked where all the fabric was."

"He's...he's blind, Marie. I don't think I've seen you more alive." He's shaking his head. "My God, to hell with my brother. He'll never know how lucky he is." Leopold finally ceases his conversation and begins towards them

"Brother, I think it's time I cut in." His tone is teasing and truly unknowing, but it still makes Marie uneasy. Harry simply smiles a smile that's far from his real one.

"Thank you for the dance, your highness."

"The pleasure was mine, my lady." Gingerly, Leopold takes her hands and they begin to sway slowly.

"You know, despite the lack of fabric..." He begins, sighing as if he's giving into something, "you do look absolutely beautiful, Marie."

"Thank you, my lord."

"I'm sorry for my initial reaction. It wasn't fair, to dishonor you in that way."

"It's alright."

"No, I was foolish to shame you...and I was wrong. You magnificent, I think I'm taken aback sometimes."

"You speak of me as though I am not real."

"Sometimes, I look at you and I don't think that you are—real, that is."

"I am but a mere mortal, Leo." He rolls his eyes, smirking.

"If you say so, Princess." He looks down before looking back at her. "I feel as though...I don't know. We haven't really spoken since you've arrived here. I've been busy and I'm sorry that I haven't been able to spend more time with you."

"It isn't your fault."

"We are to be married...I suppose I just want to know whether you are happy here."

"Some days are certainly easier than others."

"I'd like for you to talk to me."

"I am talking to you." She finds herself smiling as he chuckles.

"You know what I mean, I want you to feel comfortable coming to me. I want us to be upfront with one another, and I want to know whether you're happy or angry or sad. I want you to communicate with me, and yes...we haven't exactly had much time together, but in the future, promise me that we will be open and honest. I am here for you, Marie." His eyes take her in, observing her porcelain cheeks, then her eyes and finally her lips. "What can I do? To make you happy—"


"No, I am very serious. What can I do to make you make you feel more at home?" She watches him, his eyes alight with hope and sincerity.

"There's nothing, I assure you..."

"Absolutely nothing? Nothing at all...?" His smirk is playful and she finds herself feeling more...relaxed in his arms.

"My balcony back home..." She begins, her mind drifting back to her winsome France. "I had these beautiful hydrangeas...they were periwinkle and lavender and...oh, I loved them so. My balcony here, and I don't mean any offense by this,'s..."

"Come on then, spit it out!" She's surprised by how playful he's suddenly become.

"It's terribly drab..."

"How...dare you! I take great offense at that!" He keeps her secure in his arms but she covers her face with her hands, laughing at his teasing. "Marie, this place is drab! So, I will get you your hydrangeas, and they will be lovely and periwinkle and lavender..." Her smile falters slightly as she gazes up at him. His smile has faded as well, though in a good way. The tone has grown a bit more serious and his thumb gently caresses her bare back, unknowingly. "I just want you to be happy." She thinks the music may have stopped but she's busy staring at him. "This is your home now...and I'd like to be your home, if you'll allow me to be." For a moment, she felt guilty that she was lost in him...surely, Harry was watching from somewhere. But just as the moment came, it was gone again as Leo admired her. " yours, Marie. And I promise myself to you, truly. I will support you, and stand beside you...and I will love you." Marie feels completely stunned as the words leave his mouth. "You have my word." Before she can respond, the music has definitely stopped and the King calls to them to join the group of laughing royals. Her face is flushed and she feels...shamefully conflicted, even more so whilst she watches Harry's backside as he storms out of the ballroom.

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