Loving and Losing- A One Dire...

By archivedNeonZombie7

26.9K 508 246

Go on tour with the most famous boyband in the world? Check. Fall completely and madly in love with the membe... More

Pt1 Chapter One
Pt1 Chapter Two
Pt1 Chapter Three
Pt1 Chapter Four
Pt1 Chapter Five
Pt1 Chapter Six
Pt1 Chapter Seven
Pt1 Chapter Eight
Pt1 Chapter Nine
Pt1 Chapter Ten
Pt1 Chapter Eleven
Pt1 Chapter Twelve
Pt1 Chapter Thirteen
Pt1 Chapter Fifteen
Pt1 Chapter Sixteen
Pt1 Chapter Seventeen
Pt2 Chapter One
Pt2 Chapter Two
Pt2 Chapter Three
Pt2 Chapter Four
Pt2 Chapter Five
Pt2 Chapter Six
Pt2 Chapter Seven
Pt2 Chapter Eight
Pt2 Chapter Nine
Pt2 Chapter Ten
Pt2 Chapter Eleven
Pt2 Chapter Twelve
Pt2 Chapter Thirteen
Pt2 Chapter Fourteen
Pt2 Chapter Fifteen
Pt2 Chapter Sixteen
Pt2 Chapter Seventeen
Pt2 Chapter Eighteen
Pt2 Chapter Nineteen
Pt2 Chapter Twenty

Pt1 Chapter Fourteen

712 11 5
By archivedNeonZombie7



"Good morning, sweetheart." I sat up in my bed and yawned loudly as my mom came in. It felt so odd being back home after being on tour with the boys for so long.

"G'morning, mama." I said and crossed my legs under my covers as my mom sat beside me.

"How'd the tour go?" She asked as I grabbed her cup of coffee out of her hand and took a sip.

"Oh gosh, it was amazing. The shows were epic, and the fans were freaking crazy!" I exclaimed.

"And when do I get to meet Harry?" My mom smiled.

"I was thinking about going out to The Tea House for lunch. Drei and Flannery can come, too." I said, referring to my fourteen year old brother and six year old sister.

"Don;t you think The Tea House is a little girly for the boys?" My mom asked with a smile.

"Harry is a little girly." I replied with a chuckle and got up to get in the shower. After my shower, I sat on the edge of my bed in a towel and called Harry.

"Hello?" His voice was gravel-y, like I had woken him up. Harry's sleepy voice was probably the sexiest thing about him.

"Hey, love. Wanna go to lunch?" I asked cheerfully.

"Sure, how long have I got?" He asked, a little more awake.

"About an hour." I said and I immediately heard him jump out of bed and fumble with the shower.

"I'll see you there, love." He said after I told him the place to meet. I hung up the phone and went to my closet.  I pulled on a pair of bright turquoise shorts and a plain white V-neck. I slipped my grey Toms on, brushed my hair so my curls would air dry, and walked to the living room.

My family was already waiting for me, so I ushered us all out the door. My mother was as gorgeous as ever with her favorite strapless maxi dress on and her wild blonde hair pulled into a messy ponytail. My brother, Drei, looked very similar to me in facial features. He kept his golden brown hair straight and shagging into his eyes, and he had more freckles than me, which I was jealous of. My baby sister, Flannery, was a free spirit. He wild, perfect curls and bright blue eyes matched her personality, and the jean shorts and converse she was wearing made her look even more free and wild.

We only had to drive five minutes up to rode, since Madison was so small and we lived right in town. We parked at the pale pink Tea House and hopped out of the car. I saw Harry sitting on the bench by the door and he stood up when he saw me walking towards him.

"Hey, love." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pecked my lips lightly. "Did you sleep okay without me?"

"I sleep okay without you every night." I teased and pulled him towards my family. I introduced them quickly and we were soon seated around a white table under a window.

"Here, Harry, you can wear this." Flannery gave Harry a purple feather boa and he immediately wrapped it around his neck. The Tea House always gave crowns and boas to the younger girls who came in, making them all feel like princesses.

"And you have this one." Flannery gave me a plastic crown that I placed on my head.

"Photo opp." Harry snapped a picture of us and tweeted it a few minutes later.

@Harry_Styles: Me and my beautiful @Kir_Wake at The Tea House:) instagr.am/pMrW910p

'So, give us all the details. How was the tour?" My mom asked for the second time that day but soon her and Harry were involved in a deep conversation. I gazed around The Tea House and smiled as I saw a familiar tall brunette at the counter in basketball shorts.

"Be right back." I told my table, although I dount anyone listened, and quickly walked towards the counter. "Lucy!" I wrapped her in a hug.

"Hey, hon. Nice tiara." She winked and grabbed a to-go cup of tea from the girl at the counter.

"Thanks. What're you up to?"

"I've been at the square all morning doodling, and then I realized I needed food. I was gonna stop by your house, but obviously you're busy." Her tone was completely playful. She got her bag of food and we walked slowly towards my table.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked curiously.

"Doing this." She motioned to my mom and Harry. "It's obviously meet the parents day."

"Then go do something with Liam, since you're the two odd balls of the group." I laughed.

"I might." She said thoughtfully. To me, I thought Liam had a little crush on Lucy. However, she swore up and down he was her best friend only. I detected Liam felt a tiny bit differently. Lucy, however, was oblivious.

"Lucy! Hey, how are you? You're still planning on going to the beach with us, right?" My mom said.

"Hey, Mrs. Shana. Of course, I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"Not even for One Direction." I winked, remembering what she'd said to me when we first left with the guys.

"Hey, Lucy." Harry waved.

"Hi, Harry. That's a nice look on you." Lucy motioned to the boa and laughed.

"I did it!" Flannery laughed as Lucy hugged her and pecked her on the top of her blonde curls.

"You're awesome." Lucy smiled. "Well, I'm going to go."

"To see Liam?" I asked curiously and caught my mom and Harry's questioning glances.

"No, I'm going to take a nap. I got absolutely zero sleep last night."

"What? Why?"

"My brothers were doing fireworks." Lucy sighed and I hugged her. For the longest time, Lucy had had an extreme fear of fireworks and thunderstorms. During the show at my aunt and uncle's, she sat in the garage while Liam comforted her.

"I'm sorry, love." I said as she hugged me bye. "I'll text you."

"Okay. Bye, Mrs. Shana, Harry." Lucy smiled and waved.

We finished our lunch quickly and payed before walking outside.

"I've got to run to Wal-Mart and get some things for the beach trip. You two want to stay or go?" My mom asked when we got back to my house. We agreed to stay, and my mom got Flannery and Drei into her jeep and left.

"We're finally alone." Harry wiggled his eyebrows and kissed my jawline.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked and Harry chuckled.

"Yeah, I wanna watch a movie." He laughed in a posh American accent and I narrowed my eyes.

"Are you making fun of the way I talk?" I asked and he nodded and sat on the couch.

"Sorry, I'm not all proper with my cup 'o tea and rubbish bins." My fake accent only made him laugh even more.

I put in The Notebook, my all time favorite movie, and snuggled up against Harry. Once it was over, I turned the TV off, and tried to hold back tears.

"You alright, love?" Harry asked and kissed my cheek.

"Harry, what's gonna happen when you go back to...London?" My voice cracked a little.

He turned to face me on the couch. "What do you mean?"

"What... what's going to happen to us?"

"Kira, nothing is going to happen. It'll only be for a little while, until you graduate, right?"

"Yeah, and me and the girls had talked about getting a place in England way before we met you." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I just... don't want to lose-"

"Kira." Harry cut me off.


"Just shut up and kiss me." He said and I tangled my fingers in his curls. He kissed me more passionately as I moved over and straddled him.

"Kira..." He groaned as I kissed down his neck. He pulled me away slightly and kissed around my neck and along my collar bone. I pecked his lips one more time and got up quickly to go to the kitchen.

"Why do you always do that?" Harry wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and laid his chin on my shoulder.

"Don't want things getting out of hand." I winked. "Especially on my mom's couch."

"Harry started to add his own sarcastic, teasing comment but the ringing of my phone interrupted him.

"Hey, babe." I answered Lizzy's call.

"Hey, can you spend the night tonight and help me pack?" Her voice sounded a little frantic.

"Of course. I'm grabbing my bag, and getting in my car now." My tone was loving and reassuring. I hung up with Lizzy, and Harry and I hopped in my silver Cube.

"This is yours?" Harry asked as we pulled out of the driveway.

"Yes." I nodded giddily, excited at driving for the first time in almost two months. "What kind of car do you have?"

"Oh, a...um...Ferrari." Harry said sheepishly as I pulled into the Inn's parking lot and he walked around to my window.

"Call me later?" I asked.

"Will do." He showed his dimples and kissed me quickly and walked into the Inn as I drove the fifteen minutes to Lizzy's house.

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