Falling For The Enemy

By noodlepans

63.9K 681 96

I can't believe I lost that bet. 6 months as my sworn enemy's slave, how'll I survive? Especially, when my sw... More

Chapter 1- The Bet
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- It's On
Chapter 4- Carried Home By Liam Payne
Chapter 5- There Is Weird In The Air
Chapter 6-Leaving Home To Be A Slave. Fun.
Chapter 7-Inside The Life Of One Direction
Chapter 8-Kara's back
Chapter 9
Chapter 10-Management's Plan
Chapter 11
Chapter 12-I Really Want To Kiss You
Chapter 13-Telling Liam
Chapter 15-The Leprechaun Lives On!
Chapter 16-The Master Plan! Mwahahaha!
Chapter 17-Life Sucks
Chapter 18-Pancakes and Carrots
Chapter 19-Lover, Enemy, Savior
Chapter 20-Who You Calling a Hoe?
Chapter 21-We Make Up And We Break Up All The Time
Chapter 22
Chapter 23-Let Me Manage You
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26-Why Is Life So Complicated?
Chapter 27
Chapter 28-Last Chapter

Chapter 14-Maybe I Need Anger Management...

1.7K 19 1
By noodlepans

Still Niall's POV

We were walking to the hospital.

"I really do love you," kept ringing my ears. I kept walking, faster, and faster, until I was at a sprint. Not even looking at where I was going.

"Niall! Look out!" I heard Zayn scream. I turned my head to see a car coming towards me.

"Don'ttellKyna!" I managed to yell, I heard a screech, then my world faded black.

Zayn's POV

"NIALL!" I screamed, running for the middle of the street. That idiot! Why didn't he run instead of telling me to not tell Kyna!? Why can't I tell her?! I took him out of the street, and onto the sidewalk and called 911.

Everyone started coming out of their cars to stare. "Omigosh, it's One Direction," I heard someone whisper.

"Niall, buddy please wake up," the tears were streaming down my face. "You're a leprechaun remember? You can't die like this," I let out a small choked up laugh. "Please," I whispered.


Louis and Harry burst through the door, "What happened?" Louis whispered. That's a first, if we weren't in this situation, I would laugh.

"He broke his hand, we were headed to the accident and emergency, when he got hit by a car, he fell into a coma" I said, my voice hoarse from all my crying.

"He really wasn't having a good day, was he? Aren't leprechauns supposed to be lucky?" he gave a small smile.

"Why aren't Kyna and Liam here?" Louis asked.

I sighed, "Niall told me not to tell Kyna, Liam would obviously tell Kyna," I explained. Louis sighed, too.

"Seriously, we've never had something so confusing and complicated in the band," he shook his head.

"Doe she love Liam or does she love Niall?" I asked, "Rhetorical question," I added.

"Well, I'm going to answer anyways," Louis stated. Of course. "Maybe she loves them both," he shrugged.

"Can you even love two people at once?" Harry asked.

"I guess you can love two people, but in the end, you can only have one soul mate. Whether she chooses the one the world meant for her to be with is the problem. Hopefully, fate will do it's magic in the end, and she'll be happy," I said.

"Since when are you a wise old owl?" Harry raised an eyebrow. I smiled a bit.

"I've always been wise, we've just never needed it," I sighed.

Niall's POV

I could hear everything, who knew Zayn was so wise? I could hear them crying. Well not the crying itself, just their even breathing. But, I couldn't laugh. I wanted to cry now. But, I couldn't, I couldn't even get up to tell my friends I'd be fine. I was trapped in my own body.

Might as well sleep, I thought.

A vision came up. Suddenly, I was in a kitchen. "Good morning, love!" a girl said, cheerfully. I couldn't see her face.

"Who are you?" I asked, taking a sip of the milk she gave me. It could be poison, but YOLO, it was a dream anyways.

"I'm your wife. How could you forget?" she asked.

"PFFFFT!" I spit the milk all over the place. She started cleaning it up.

"Wha-What?," I stuttered, "is your name?" I added trying not to be rude.Trying to comprehend what she just said.

"That's for you to find out," she said, still not facing me.

"Turn around," I told her.

"Sorry no can do," she sing-songed," I gotta go to work. Bye!" She reminds me oddly of Louis... EW! Why would I marry someone who's like Louis?! EW!

But, are they like letting me live my life before I die? WAIT, AM I GOING TO DIE?! Or, maybe this was just to piss me off, and not let me know who my future wife was. Her hair looked like, wait! She was wearing a hoodie! Stupid world! Her voice, I know that voice.

I'm in a coma! I don't remember perfectly how everyone sounds! But, she definitely sounded like Kyna. But, there are billions of other girls in the world, at least a few hundred has to sound like her! And she's Liam's girlfriend! They're obviously gonna get married, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera

If I wasn't in a coma right now, I would so punch a wall again. But, then again, that's how I ended up in a coma... Maybe I need anger management. Note to self, talk to Zayn if I don't die. But, right now, I HATE EVERYTHING! ARGH!!


I know. I suck. I haven't updated in what a week? I can't even keep track of days anymore! Stupid Boys Over Flowers (It's a Korean drama.) GAH! I was so shipping Jihoo and Jandi. Stupid JoonPyo. I promise I will always update on weekends unless something comes up because I'm very antisocial. I spend my days on Tumblr, Youtube, Wattpad, and yelling at Korean Dramas. I'm not a people person.

Song on Side-Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance. Not sure if I did it yet, but if I did, then you can enjoy it again! I love that song.

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