You're Mine |18+

By ADEA1420

3K 54 4

Draco and you meet on the the Hogwarts Express in both of your first year. You both instantly like each other... More

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183 2 0
By ADEA1420

Author's Note- before we start, lemme just let you know that those last chapters were written by like 13 year old me and i'm going to change a few things. ESPECIALLY the *Draco*, *Narrator* and *You* pov's. I'm not very comfortable doing those.  I just edited all the last chapters, but i kept everything. Anyways, moving on i hope you enjoy. <3

For the next couple of days I secretly spoke to Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron. They were actually pretty nice to me, and we became friends. Draco didn't know a think about this. He was still sick in the hospital wing, not really getting any better. 

I walked to the hospital wing and prepared to tell him little white lies about my day. 

"Hey, baby." I said when I reached him.

"Hello, love. How'd your day go?" He asked me with a weak smile.

"It went alright, potions was a pain. We have an essay due by Friday. I barely understood any of the stuff we went over so I have to go to the library later." I complained.

"How fun," he laughed. 

"Really fuuuun. Anyways, are you feeling any better? I brought you some soup." I grinned and showed him a small container. "Don't let Madam Pomfrey see, just in case," I whispered. 

He chuckled and started coughing lightly. I sat down next to him an caressed his arm. I grabbed the water on the table and handed it to him, helping him take a few sips. 

"I don't fully understand why I haven't gotten any better, but Pomfrey doesn't think it's anything horrible. She said it wasn't bad enough for magic, whatever that means." Draco rolled his eyes and lied back down.

"Geez, I'm sure that there's a potion she can use that'll just make you feel better. Maybe its the side effects that are stopping her?" I didn't understand why she wasn't helping.

"It's just a flick of the wand y/n. Just a flick of the wand. Speaking of, don't you have another class to go to?" he waved me off, telling me to go.

"I just want to stay here with you." I complained.

"I know, darling, but then how am I going to find out what we did during class?" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes, nodded, and headed off to Charms class. 

Harry and I learned to sit together in some classes. Especially ones in which Draco's friends weren't in. I didn't want his friends snitching on me. 

"Heyo!" I sat down next to Harry and waved at Hermione and Ron. They were sitting down across from us. 

They waved back at me and got back into whatever conversation they were having. 

"Hey, how's it going?" Harry asked, moving some of his things to the side to give me more room. 

"Well, it's going. Nothing much has happened with Draco, he's not getting any better." I shrugged and sighed. I was starting to get frustrated. 

"Yeah, maybe it's not an everyday cold. Either that, or Pomfrey got lazy." We both laughed until our eyes started tearing up. The idea of Pomfrey getting lazy was preposterous. The woman never leaved anyone alone if they had a sniffle. 

"I gave him some soup. Maybe that'll help. Maybe he just needs something warm? I don't know, hopefully he'll just get better." I slumped on my seat, groaning.

"Honestly, I'm sure Pomfrey is just making sure that he's 100% fine for him to come back. I doubt that he's actually that sick." Harry shrugged and looked away. "Don't worry too much, alright?" He pat my shoulder and turned over to Hermione. 

I looked over at the front of the room, thinking. Yeah, he's right. Pomfrey's really detail oriented, so a small cough probably worries her a lot. I sighed and pulled my papers out to take notes for Draco. 

After class and a hard notes sesh Harry and I decided we'd bring some food to the library to study for potions. 

"That damn essay is going to be the death of me." Harry and I laughed. 

"Yeah, me too. I didn't understand ANY of that. Just grab a plate of food and meet me at the library, yeah?" 

We both agreed and went to our tables. I saw Pansy making the dumbest mocking faces and rolled my eyes. "God, Pansy you know you look fucking stupid, right?" 

She growled at me and rolled her own eyes. "Who put a stick up your ass?"

"No one, just so dumb that you're making fun of people 24/7. Don't you have more of a life or personality?" I grabbed food and rushed out. 

When i was reaching the door, it opened. 


He saw me and grinned, walking over and hugging me. "Hey! I think your soup helped me. I'm all better now" 

I grinned and hugged him back, my hands full of stuff. "I'm so happy that you're better now, love, but I really have to get going." Thank god the room was dark because I was starting to get flushed. 

"Where are you going in such a rush? I just got better! Maybe we should celebrate with a big lunch." He hugged my waist and I slumped against him. 

"Yes, I know, darling, but don't forget what I said about going to the library to work on Potions class. You can stick here with Pansy and the rest while I study. I wouldn't want to bore you." I kissed him and started moving quickly to the door. Half way out he called out to me.

"Hey, but I could go with you. You could never bore me." He smiled and took my plate of food from my hands to give me more space. 

"No, no, you really shouldn't spend your first time out of the hospital wing in the library. That place could make you feel bad again with all the dust and you'd start sneezing and coughing and just get bad all over again.." I rambled on, "well, you get my point. I just want you to be okay and get some good food. I promise we can spend all night tonight together."

I grabbed my plate of food from him and kissed him. He was a little confused, but he let me go. 

I rushed to the library where Harry was waiting for me in the back. 

"Hey, Harry, sorry for the wait. Draco's better, so he went to the dining hall and surprised me." I slumped down on my seat and sighed, "I'm not technically doing anything wrong but I feel horrible."

He looked at me with a hint of pity. "I know y/n, but hey, at least you're doing the right thing studying haha. Now we just have to bust our asses to get this thing just right," he grinned, "shall we get started?"


Authors note: this is definitely better than what it used to be now. It's really weird writing about these characters, though. I havent written fanfics in ages. I mean, it's a fun experience anyways, so i hope you enjoyed <3

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