{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuk...

By xikikai

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⛔ DO NOT REPOST ⛔ Based on Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia). (Y/N) is a quirkless child with one drea... More

Warning and Messages
Spoiler Warning
Quirks Explanation
Prologue: Home
Chapter 1: Quirks
Chapter 2: With or Without
Chapter 3: Thanks
Chapter 4: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 5: Yourself
Chapter 6: Frying Pan
Chapter 7: Conversation
Chapter 8: Into the Night
Chapter 9: Cute
Chapter 10: Face First
Chapter 11: Kill
Chapter 12: We're Here For You
Chapter 13: Extras
Chapter 14: Darkness
Chapter 15: My Hero
Chapter 16: He's Right
Chapter 17: Midoriya's Success
Chapter 18: Lack of Patience
Chapter 19: Yūki
Chapter 20: Chosen For You
Chapter 21: Real Smooth (Y/N)
Chapter 22: Practical Exam
Chapter 23: A Lot To Discuss
Chapter 24: Quirkless Hero
Chapter 25: Transported
Chapter 26: If Only
Chapter 27: Everything I've Got
Chapter 28: We Messed Up
Chapter 29: Crush
Chapter 30: Getting the Hang of This
Chapter 31: Awkward
Chapter 32: Ow
Chapter 33: Top Spot
Chapter 34: Right Here
Chapter 35: Someone Else
Chapter 36: Unresponsive
Chapter 37: The World of Dreams
Chapter 38: Feelings Are Weird
Chapter 39: The Love That Feels Right
Chapter 41: I Know
Chapter 42: Never
Chapter 43: Regret
Chapter 44: Each Other
Chapter 45: I Told You We'd Come
Chapter 46: The Kiss
Chapter 47: I Hate My Life
Chapter 48: (Y/N) (L/N)
Chapter 49: I Love You Too Izuku
Chapter 50: Candle Light
Canon Oneshot: Shōto and (Y/N) Adopt a Cat
Chapter 51: Self Doubt
Chapter 52: Aizawa
Chapter 53: You and Me
Chapter 54: Cling Onto Me
Chapter 55: Their Friendship
Chapter 56: Listening To Every Word
Chapter 57: For Now
Chapter 58: How This Story Will End
Canon Oneshot: Izuku Midoriya and Elizabeth the Third

Chapter 40: These Feelings

555 22 2
By xikikai

Katsuki's POV:
"Oi! (Y/N)! Open up dammit!"

I pounded on the girl's door at three in the morning.

I heard a somewhat loud thud - probably her dumbass falling outta bed - followed by the sound of light footsteps. The door clicked, signalling that it was now unlocked, and was swung open by (Y/N) who looked rather pissed, but far more exhausted than angry.

"Da hell Katsuki?! Wha-"

I swiftly covered her mouth and pushed her into her room, closing the door behind me with my foot. I signalled for her to remain quiet then slowly removed my hand from her mouth. Much to my surprise, she did in fact stay silent.

I grabbed her hand and led her to the balcony. Next I grabbed her waist then pulled her as close to my side as possible. I stole a glance to see the large blush that covered her cheeks. I smirked at her slightly before using my quirk to elevate the two of to the roof of the dorms.

Once we landed safely, she looked up at me confused.

"What...is this about?" she asked curiously.

I turned my head away and tsked in an attempt to hide my blush.

"Just wait a second dammit!" I replied, my heart pounding for some bizarre reason.

I let out a quiet sigh and let her go. She took a step back then proceeded to say, "Is everything alright?"

"Just... Be more careful," I said quietly.

She tilted her head in confusion. "What? Why? Kats-"

"For fucksake! Be more fucking careful from now on! For whatever reason I get worried about you!"


The wind blew past us.

I turned my gaze to the ground, turning my back to her.

"You're always so Goddamn reckless! You're so secretive sometimes! It's fucking annoying! You're always there for other people but you never let anyone be there for you! You act without thinking sometimes! You... You worry me so fucking much and I don't understand why I give a shit about whether or not you get hurt!"

I quickly wiped the tears streaming down my face.

What the hell is this feeling?!

"I know you were there!"


"When we and Deku fought! I know you were there! You followed us, listened to us, watched us-"

"I was worried about you two! Especially you Katsuki! You were acting so weird to Izuku and just in general too! I wanted to make sure you-"

"I don't need you looking out for me! I can take care of myse-"

"Even you need help sometimes!"

"So do you!"

"But at least I take and accept the help given to me when it's been offered! You tend to refuse any help thrown your way!"

"Because I can handl-"

"Like hell you can! Please Katsuki, let's not fight! There's something else going on and this isn't it! This is too out of nowhere!" I felt her place a hand on my shoulder. "Talk to me please," she pleaded.

I turned my head slightly so I could see her looking at me, concern lingering in her eyes.

"...you scare me sometimes. At the villains' hideout, when you saved that kid and during the exam... You always seem to get hurt...and if you don't, you get into a fight for someone else. I...worry about you and when I heard about the internship from the other extras I thought... 'What if you get injured again? Wh-What if I never see you again?' I was terrified for you... I was worried about you and the interns have yet to start... I... I care about you..."

It was quiet.

The stars illuminated the night sky as the two of us remained still, silent, neither of us speaking.

After some time had passed, I turned around and pulled her into a hug. She hesitated for a second but soon she wrapped her arms around my neck then peered up at me with teary eyes. I gently moved my hands and cupped her cheeks, using my hands to wipe away the tears that rolled down her face.

"I'm sorry... I'll be more careful for you Katsuki..." she whispered ever so quietly.

Her quirk activated on its own accord as she spoke surrounding us in pale grey-blue embers.

I smiled slightly at her response, whispering back a 'thank you'.

(Y/N)'s POV:
I carefully lowered myself and Katsuki down using my quirk ensuring that we landed on my balcony safely.

The second we landed, Katsuki was once again a self-involved jackass.

"That never fucking happened," he oh-so-bluntly said.

"Then I can be reckless as heck again!" I proudly declared.

"Like hell you can!"

He dragged me back into my room then walked to the door.

"Night night (Y/N)," he said quietly as he left my room.

I smiled to myself. "Night night Katsuki."

A few minutes passed when I heard a gentle knock on the door.

Damn I'm popular this morning!

I quickly opened it to find Izuku standing in front of me.


I quickly jumped down after the boy I had just thrown, catching him in midair, then used my quirk to slow our fall down to his room.

After landing on the barrier, that was meant prevent our dumbasses from falling to the living area on the ground floor, I hopped down to the floor with Izuku on my back. Once I was safely on the floor, Midoriya got off my back and opened the door to his dorm. We entered and stood outside on the balcony.

"So what's up?" I gleefully asked.

Izuku's POV:
"I-I n-n-need to t-t-tell y-y-y-you something!" I stammered out.

"Go on."

(Y/N) smiled at me gently in the moonlight.

I-I can't... but maybe I can-

"Cl-Close your eyes first."

She shot me a confused look but shut her eyes nonetheless.

I quickly took the chance to kiss her cheek.

I wanted to kiss her on the lips but that'd be too straightforward.

She opened her eyes out of shock, the heat rising to her cheeks.

I flashed her a nervous smile.

"Th-Thank you...f-for being my friend..."

She stared at me for a moment longer before shrugging and smiling back at me.

"Thank you for inspiring me and always supporting me. I'm so happy we met and I'm glad we're really good friends."

I felt my heart ache.

But I want something more...

"Y-YEAH! I'm happy we're so close too."

(Y/N)'s POV:
I wish I could tell you how I really feel...

"Well! Better get some rest!" I blurted out, a little disappointed.

"Y-Yep! Bye!"

"Yeah, bye!"

I hurried out of Midoriya's room and used my quirk to blast myself to my own dorm.

I let out a half-hearted sigh, my conversation with Izuku replaying in my mind over and over.

"Th-Thank you...f-for being my friend..."

It pained me to hear those words.


It pained me to hear the word 'friends'.

"Do I even have a chance with him...? I mean... Ochaco likes him... Maybe I should let these feelings run their course and just move on..."

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