{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuk...

By xikikai

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⛔ DO NOT REPOST ⛔ Based on Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia). (Y/N) is a quirkless child with one drea... More

Warning and Messages
Spoiler Warning
Quirks Explanation
Prologue: Home
Chapter 1: Quirks
Chapter 2: With or Without
Chapter 3: Thanks
Chapter 4: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 5: Yourself
Chapter 6: Frying Pan
Chapter 7: Conversation
Chapter 8: Into the Night
Chapter 9: Cute
Chapter 10: Face First
Chapter 11: Kill
Chapter 12: We're Here For You
Chapter 13: Extras
Chapter 14: Darkness
Chapter 15: My Hero
Chapter 16: He's Right
Chapter 17: Midoriya's Success
Chapter 18: Lack of Patience
Chapter 19: Yūki
Chapter 20: Chosen For You
Chapter 21: Real Smooth (Y/N)
Chapter 22: Practical Exam
Chapter 23: A Lot To Discuss
Chapter 24: Quirkless Hero
Chapter 25: Transported
Chapter 26: If Only
Chapter 28: We Messed Up
Chapter 29: Crush
Chapter 30: Getting the Hang of This
Chapter 31: Awkward
Chapter 32: Ow
Chapter 33: Top Spot
Chapter 34: Right Here
Chapter 35: Someone Else
Chapter 36: Unresponsive
Chapter 37: The World of Dreams
Chapter 38: Feelings Are Weird
Chapter 39: The Love That Feels Right
Chapter 40: These Feelings
Chapter 41: I Know
Chapter 42: Never
Chapter 43: Regret
Chapter 44: Each Other
Chapter 45: I Told You We'd Come
Chapter 46: The Kiss
Chapter 47: I Hate My Life
Chapter 48: (Y/N) (L/N)
Chapter 49: I Love You Too Izuku
Chapter 50: Candle Light
Canon Oneshot: Shōto and (Y/N) Adopt a Cat
Chapter 51: Self Doubt
Chapter 52: Aizawa
Chapter 53: You and Me
Chapter 54: Cling Onto Me
Chapter 55: Their Friendship
Chapter 56: Listening To Every Word
Chapter 57: For Now
Chapter 58: How This Story Will End
Canon Oneshot: Izuku Midoriya and Elizabeth the Third

Chapter 27: Everything I've Got

690 29 6
By xikikai

3rd Person POV:
"No way..." (Y/N) whispered as she stared at the hero in front of her.

I've been living with All Might for all these years...

Tears pricked the edge of her eyes as All For One told All Might that Tomura was in fact the grandson of his mentor. Refusing to believe such a thing, All For One continued to taunt the Symbol of Peace until he began to break down and lose confidence in himself.

"Don't give up... All Might! Please! Save me!" the civilian lying underneath the rubble cheered.

"She's right! You have to win this! You're the strongest man alive!" (Y/N) cried out to her guardian. "You can do anything, right?! So... You can beat this guy regardless of you looking like a washed up skeleton! Win the day All Might!"

Little did she know that her two of her three closest friends had said that final line the same time she did.

Now filled with confidence, All Might transferred his quirk to one arm and powered it up.

"You were right All For One. Heroes have so many things, so many people to protect! That's the very reason they can't lose!"

All For One began to levitate above the Symbol of Peace.

"Use all your might. After all this will be your last swing All Might. Wounded heroes are always the most fearsome ones."

"How the hell did your back get so pitiful?!"

"Oh boy..." (L/N) sweatdropped as soon as she heard Endeavor yell at All Might.

"If you only came here to cheer him on, then make like proper spectators and be quiet."

Edgeshot jumped into the scene and stated that he and the others are there to aid All Might.

Kamui Woods joined the small group to rescue the injured pros and commended Mount Lady's efforts.

A now recovered Tora proceeded to save the trapped civilians.

"For us... This is about all we can do, but if it alleviates your burden even by a small fraction..."


"Go stop that wicked lot All Might! Everyone's hoping you win! No matter how you may look, you are the Number One Hero! Everyone is hoping, praying that you win!"

As All For One spoke to All Might about Izuku, Tora tried to convince (L/N) to come with him to a safer location.

The girl in question shook her head and stated that she had to stay there and be by All Might's side just as he was for her during the time they had spent together.

Tora then requested for her to at least make her way over to Gran Torino as quickly and as safely as possible to which the girl agreed.

All Might and All For One began to converse in battle once more a little while after the girl had started to stumble around the edge of the field and focused on making her way to Gran Torino.

She then tripped over her own feet and face planted to the ground.

She rapidly tried to scramble to her feet, her legs nearly giving way after the first few steps.

The tired girl then collapsed after running a few more metres.

"No... I need to get a move on..."

Once again she jumped to her feet and ran to Gran Torino.

Her legs gave way when she finally reached the retired pro who only just caught her drained being.

"You really should have stayed and escaped with that Bakugō kid," he scolded.

The girl let out a half hearted chuckle.

"And miss witnessing the action first hand, no thanks," she mused miserably.

A sudden gust of wind cut their conversation short forcing Gran Torino to tighten his grip around (Y/N) whilst he tried to keep the two of them from blasting off.

Once the smoke cleared, they looked back to see All Might standing with his fist raised up high in triumph.

"He did it..." (L/N) whispered as her tired eyes took in the scene in front of her.

All Might transformed back into his muscular form.

"He shouldn't be forcing himself like that," Edgeshot commented.

"Let him... Just let him... He's doing his job," Gran Torino stated as he stole a glance down at the girl in his arms who had went limp due to passing out.

Whilst the heroes conducted rescue operations, All For One was arrested and All Might glanced his way for a moment.

He then proceeded to point at a camera only saying the words, "You're next."

Time skip brought to you by this wonderful arc

(Y/N)'s POV:
It had been several days since All Might imprisoned All For One, the man who stole and returned my quirk.

I've been told I had passed out during that time period, only to wake up alone in Yuuei's infirmary during the evening last night.

Yagi's friend, Naomasa, came to see me about an hour after I had woken up. He asked me about what happened but I didn't answer any questions, just as I had eaten nothing since I had been kidnapped from the training camp. Naomasa eventually left after hoping for my quick recovery.

Now I was in Nezu's office with Yagi, Aizawa and Vlad King.

I tuned out their conversation as well as the visit to Jirō's place.

It was once we reached Bakugō's household, that I started to pay attention.

"Right, yep, take him," Missus Bakugō said as she slapped her son around his head.

I watched them argue with a blank face, the two paying Katsuki's father no regard.

I feel sorry for the dude. I mean he has a son with a shitty attitude to deal with and the coolest fucking wife around who's personality happens to clash with her son's.

Unsure of how to approach the situation, Aizawa apologised to the family of three.

"Hah?! Oh, you mean the dorm? I should be thanking you! Katsuki here ended up to be able to do anything without even trying and even got blessed with talent too. He got showered with attention by everyone and that got him to where he is now. Ass constantly kissed...even over the most shallowest of things. That's why I really appreciate what you said back at the press conference. Thought 'Ahh. Really glad Yuuei can really look after him.' I won't lie, I was worried there for a sec'. I didn't know how things would turn out. But hey, he made it back in one piece so there might be some strong blowback but in the end, I think I can trust 'em."

Katsuki's mother turned her head to her husband who nodded his head in agreement.

The three of them bowed their heads, well Katsuki was forced to, and his mother said, "He's a helpless little hellion but please work him hard and make him a good hero."

Aizawa and I said nothing until that silence was broken by Yagi's growling belly.

I elbowed his ribs when he agreed to let the Bakugō's get us all a drink.

"Ya-I mean All Might please! I don't wanna miss dinner because of you and your stomach!"

Aizawa gave me a sideways glance.

"That's the first thing you've said since you've woken up. Are you ready to talk about what happened now?"

I looked to my hand and shook my head.

"No. At least not here. We can discuss everything when we return to campus."

"Here you all go," Missus Bakugō said as she handed each of us a drink. "Now I've been meaning to ask," she said as she took her seat, "who is the girl with the two of you? I recognise her from the broadcast."

"This is (Y/N) (L/N). She's a student of our school and is in the same class as your son. Like Bakugō, she was abducted by the League of Villains for reasons we cannot disclose to you," Aizawa explained briefly.

"(Y/N) (L/N)... Hey. Aren't you and Katsuki friends?"

"Shut it hold hag! We're just in the same class!"

Critical hit on my heart...

Midoriya's Residence
"Before we enter, why did you lie to Katsuki, Yagi?" I asked as we watched Aizawa drive away.

We had arrived the the Midoriya residence and before leaving Bakugō's place, Katsuki had asked All Might about what Izuku was to him.

"I'm afraid I cannot yet give you a clear answer (L/N) and how many times must I tell you? I'm grateful that you have at long last dropped the formalities between us, but you mustn't call me by my name in public."

I let out a sigh as I knocked on the front door.

"P-P-P... C-C-Come in, please!" Izuku's mother said rather anxiously.

Next to her was the green haired boy himself, his posture stiff. He appeared to be just as nervous, if not more so, than his mother.

We followed the two into their house and passed Izuku's room. All Might looked at the name tag before going inside, requesting for the duo in front of us to stop for a minute.

He opened the door and stood a little past the doorway as his eyes wandered about the room. He smiled softly before closing the door and signalling for the Midoriya's to show us where we could sit.

"A-All M-M-Might i-i-is i-i-i-i-in m-m-my h-h-home," Mrs Midoriya stuttered.

"Calmdown,mum!" Izuku squeaked.


We finally took a seat around a table with four chairs, the Midoriya's on one side and All Might and I on the other. Izuku's mum made Yagi some tea and handed me a small glass of punch.

Unsure of how to start, All Might said, "Erm... I believe you have been informed in advance, but regarding Yuuei's boarding policy-"

"Yes...about that...um..." Missus Midoriya started, cutting Yagi off. "I can't allow it," she concluded firmly.

I looked at Midoriya who appeared to be shocked at his mother's decision.

Looks like she thought it over some more after giving him an answer. This will tricky...

"Mum?! You said yes yesterday-"

"And then I thought about it some more, okay?! And I can't let you! Izuku never manifested a quirk but he still grew up idolising you." I looked at All Might who's expression held no visual reaction. "And now, ever since he miraculously manifested a quirk and entered Yuuei, Izuku, he...keeps on getting more and more battered and broken!"

She has a point...

"Did you hear about his arm? They say if he gets injured further, he could become paralyzed."


"I saw your battle on TV and as an everyday resident, I'm grateful...but as a mother I was so scared."

I looked over to Izuku to see the distraught look on his face.

"Izuku looks up to you... But if he's going to wind up with the same blood-drenched fate...then... Then..." Izuku's mother took a deep breath in before continuing. "I thought to myself, 'Wasn't he happier when he was quirkless looking at heroes from afar with that happy little glint in his eyes?'"

"Mum!" Izuku said, raising his voice slightly as he stood up.

I was about to as well until Yagi placed a hand on my signalling not to.

How could she say that so easily without even considering how Midoriya might feel about training to become a hero now?!

"Izuku. I told you I would be cheering you on but never without worrying myself sick over you. I know you still want to go to Yuuei Izuku. I'm so sorry... I'm just going to come out right and say it. As Izuku's mother and as things stand at Yuuei right now, I just can't muster the nerve to hand him back over to Yuuei."


"It doesn't matter how amazing a hero you may be. You can't continue conducting lessons when you're attacked by villains and you can't stop the students from getting badly wounded... I have no intention of letting my son go to a school like that. I really don't."

"Ms. Midoriya-"

"But mum! My injuries are my own fault, not theirs! All the teachers have warned me tons of times...but I just-"

"And yet you still ended up like that. Isn't it still the school's responsibility?"

"My boy, let's sit back down."

"You may call me a problem parent, but if that's what it takes then so be it. It's not like I want to take Izuku's dream away from him. If he wants to be a hero no matter what then...there is no reason why it has to be Yuuei. There are so many other schools with heroic departments out there."

I didn't dare breath nor move a muscle.

Anyone could tell that Izuku's mother was looking out for her son...but to say that he was happier being a quirkless boy looking at heroes from afar, must have stung right?

Both All Might and I know how hard he's worked to get into Yuuei. Midoriya always works so hard and trains whenever he can do he can get better at using his quirk. The fact that he can even control it a little should be an accomplishment worthy to be noted.

And he's right, those injuries do fall upon him, but as his mother said, Yuuei has to take responsibility and they have tried to. They can't do much if Midoriya doesn't listen to them and goes off and breaks the rules.

I understand her concern but...she needs to understand that Izuku is also to blame for his injuries.

If All Might doesn't convince his mum to let him move into the new dorm rooms, Izuku will act fine for the sake of his mother when deep inside...he didn't want to attend any school that has heroics up for a course, he wanted, no he chose Yuuei because he felt it offered him the best facilities, course and all that good stuff.

Who's to say that those others school won't be attacked?

No one.

Izuku suddenly ran out of the room and slammed the door shut. "Izuku!" his mother called out after him. "I'm sorry, I'll go get him back," she said as she hurried out of her seat only for him to open the door to catch everyone's attention.

I looked at his hands to see him holding a piece of paper.

"It's alright," he said as he walked back into the room. "It's alright if it's not Yuuei."


"Look at this, All Might, mum. I got a letter," he held it up for us to see, "from the kid I saved at camp. Nevermind heroes, he even hated quirks themselves. So for him to thank me... I know it's wrong, I know it's terrible to make you worry, but...even so... If only for a moment, this letter, this kid made me his hero and that made me so happy. So I don't care if it's Yuuei, it can be anywhere! Because... I'm gonna be a hero!"

I have no idea what All Might was thinking after Izuku made his little speech, but he transformed into his original hero form and started to bend down.

He got onto his knees and bowed down to the duo.

I ran by his side and stood by him.

"I believe that young Izuku is worthy to succeed me..." my guardian began, "or, in other words, he can become the next Symbol of Peace."

A now flustered Ms Midoriya began to panic. Whether it was because of his actions or what All Might was saying, I could never figure out, but if I was to guess I would say it was a mixture of both.

"H-Huh?! Wh-What the h-huh?! Please! There's no need! What's-"

"As the former Symbol of Peace, I must apologise. I apologise for profusely taking advantage of his admiration and allowing myself to neglect his education!"

There was a puff of smoke and next to me was once again the skeleton form I had grew up with when he wasn't being a hero.

"And as a teacher of Yuuei, I'm begging you... You're absolutely correct: my path was drenched in blood, but that's the very reason why I won't allow him to walk that same path. Instead we would be standing side by side, walking that path together..."

"All Might!"

I clapped my hands together and raised them in front of my face, the palms and fingers positioned as if I was praying, squeezing my eyes shut as I titled my head down a little.

"Please, hear us out. I understand that you can't help but feel anxious about the school as it stands now, but please, take the word of a child who has been placed under their protection since the passing of her parents and believe me when I say that the heroes of Yuuei understand that things cannot continue this way...and are trying to change!"

I felt my quirk activate as a small circle of fire surrounded my feet accompanied by shadows radiating from my body.

"(Y/N)..." I heard Izuku whisper.

"Ms. Midoriya, could you please find it in yourself to look at Yuuei, not as it stands right now, but the Yuuei of the future? Could you please let me pour my all into Izuku?! I will protect and raise him even if it costs me my life."

Whether it was from pure shock or not, I will never know, but in that moment, my friend's mother, Inko Midoriya, fell to her knees before us.

"I'm sorry... I can't allow that..." she whispered, loud enough for us to hear.

I opened my eyes and looked at her, lowering my hands slightly, my quirk deactivating.

Izuku had bent down slightly and was ready to support her back up if need be.

"After all, you are the light of Izuku's life. I don't hate Yuuei, I just want Izuku to be happy... that's all. So please don't give up your life. Please keep on living so that you can protect and raise him. If you can promise me that, then I will back down..."


"I promise." I snapped my gaze from the Midoriya's to Yagi who was still on the floor next to me.

"Yag-I mean All Might..."

"And Izuku, if you're going to be living at Yuuei then... You understand, don't you?"

"I promise, I won't make you worry again!" Izuku swore as he wiped his eyes with his thumb.

"And (Y/N)..."

"Huh? Yes Missus Midoriya?"

"I don't know what your relationship with All Might is, same with the heroes at Yuuei, but I must ask that you see to it that they both do not break their promises."

I lowered my left hand to my side and created the three leaf clover salute from Black Clover with my right hand over my heart, something I did when I truly meant or believed in something.

"You can count on me! I'll watch over them both with everything I've got!"

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