{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuk...

By xikikai

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⛔ DO NOT REPOST ⛔ Based on Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia). (Y/N) is a quirkless child with one drea... More

Warning and Messages
Spoiler Warning
Quirks Explanation
Prologue: Home
Chapter 1: Quirks
Chapter 2: With or Without
Chapter 3: Thanks
Chapter 4: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 5: Yourself
Chapter 6: Frying Pan
Chapter 7: Conversation
Chapter 8: Into the Night
Chapter 9: Cute
Chapter 10: Face First
Chapter 11: Kill
Chapter 12: We're Here For You
Chapter 13: Extras
Chapter 14: Darkness
Chapter 15: My Hero
Chapter 16: He's Right
Chapter 17: Midoriya's Success
Chapter 18: Lack of Patience
Chapter 19: Yūki
Chapter 20: Chosen For You
Chapter 21: Real Smooth (Y/N)
Chapter 22: Practical Exam
Chapter 23: A Lot To Discuss
Chapter 24: Quirkless Hero
Chapter 25: Transported
Chapter 27: Everything I've Got
Chapter 28: We Messed Up
Chapter 29: Crush
Chapter 30: Getting the Hang of This
Chapter 31: Awkward
Chapter 32: Ow
Chapter 33: Top Spot
Chapter 34: Right Here
Chapter 35: Someone Else
Chapter 36: Unresponsive
Chapter 37: The World of Dreams
Chapter 38: Feelings Are Weird
Chapter 39: The Love That Feels Right
Chapter 40: These Feelings
Chapter 41: I Know
Chapter 42: Never
Chapter 43: Regret
Chapter 44: Each Other
Chapter 45: I Told You We'd Come
Chapter 46: The Kiss
Chapter 47: I Hate My Life
Chapter 48: (Y/N) (L/N)
Chapter 49: I Love You Too Izuku
Chapter 50: Candle Light
Canon Oneshot: Shōto and (Y/N) Adopt a Cat
Chapter 51: Self Doubt
Chapter 52: Aizawa
Chapter 53: You and Me
Chapter 54: Cling Onto Me
Chapter 55: Their Friendship
Chapter 56: Listening To Every Word
Chapter 57: For Now
Chapter 58: How This Story Will End
Canon Oneshot: Izuku Midoriya and Elizabeth the Third

Chapter 26: If Only

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By xikikai

2nd Person POV:
"I see your awake," a voice said.

"No shit Sherlock," you replied groggily.

"No, no. You should sit down a little longer."

"And why is that unknown voice?" you mused as you waited for your vision to clear.

You attempted to move your hand so you could use it to help you stand, only to find that it wouldn't budge.

"Because I'm about to shatter your hopeless dream," All For One said as he brought up his hand.

Your eye widened.

Your vision was still blurred but you could make out a seemingly faceless man. His very presence sent fear tingling through your body as you stared at him with your mouth slightly agape.

"Y-You're...the one who l-l-left that n-note... You're the killer..." you gasped, tears forming in your eyes, well eye.

The man didn't reply but instead placed his hand on top of your head.

'Soon enough, I'll take away that dream you cherish so much quirkless hero.'

How did he find out about my dream?

How did he take my quirk all those years ago?

Why me?

Questions raced through your head.

You squeezed your eyes shut as All For One shattered your dreams into tiny fragments.

Once he was done, he removed his hand from your head and withdrew it back to his side.

"Tell me quirkless hero, did you miss your quirk?"

You let out a scream and fire came from your being as the shadows around you spiralled out of control. Light radiated from your body as the once still air whipped into a frenzy, the scars in your hand fading away as if nothing had ever happened along with the burn mark.

"I hope you like your new and improved quirk," All For One said, unfazed by your sudden burst of power. "I modified it just for you. I pray that you will enjoy my belated birthday present."

You sobbed and screamed unable to process what had happened. Your childhood dream had been turned to dust in that one instance.

So many emotions ran through you in those moments that it made it extremely difficult for you to control your new found quirk.

You eventually calmed down after successfully convincing yourself that you were just dreaming.

The faceless man smirked in amusement at your desperate state.

A man wearing green goggles untied you and placed a new restraint around your wrists so that you couldn't use your quirk again even if you wanted to.

Kurogiri's portal opened below your feet and you fell through it into the bar, landing on your back.

You let out a small groan and saw Katsuki tied to a chair.

"Hey Bakugō! Where are we?" you asked still hoping for all this to be a dream, maybe a nightmare.

"Are ya daft?! We're at the villains' hideout, where else would we be?!" Katsuki spat at you harshly.

"Please tell me you're joking and that this is some sick prank," you requested, your voice cracking part way through.

Bakugō didn't reply, shocked by how shaky your voice sounded.

"Please... I can't... I can't...have a quirk...I...I can't..."

That's when he snapped. "What kinda-"

"Shut up, both of you!" Dabi demanded as he went back to watching the broadcast on screen.

"We will now air a segment of Yuuei High School's apology press conference which took place earlier tonight."

You forced yourself to sit up on the floor and turned your head to the TV screen and watched the footage playing.

"Even Mister Aizawa..." you whispered recalling how much he hated the media.

You watched further as the staff present answered the questions of the press.

Given that Yuuei went ahead with the Sports Festival this year, everyone should already be aware of our... No, the staffs' stance on this but with the questioning going this far... Our teachers... Are being treated like the bad guys...

You listened to Tomura's little speech about how society expected heroes to be perfect.

You even listened to what Spinner added on.

"And I know you love to win," Shigaraki concluded as he spoke to Bakugō.

You turned around and looked at your friend.

"Dabi, untie him," Tomura ordered.

"Huh?!" Dabi said confused by the villain's request.

You whipped your head back around to look at the light blue haired male who made the odd request.

"He'll go wild for sure," Dabi stated matter of factly.

"It's okay, we've gotta treat him as an equal. We're scouting him after all," Shigaraki started. "Besides, our Yuuei student should be smart enough to know he can't win before throwing a tantrum. We do have his little friend all tied up too."

You grinded your teeth as you sent the red eyed man a hateful look.

"Hey! I'm not that short jerk weed!" you fumed.

Ignoring your outburst, Dabi tossed the keys to untie Bakugō's restraints to Twice and told him to do it, "And let the girl go too. He might cooperate a little more if she's free too."

"Me?! No thanks!"

Despite what he said, Twice proceeded to undo your restraints followed by Bakugō's.

As you rubbed some feeling back into your wrist, Mr. Compress apologised for taking the two of you by force.

Shigaraki made his way over to Katsuki, ignoring your presence entirely.

Once his restraints were off, just as you did Katsuki rubbed his wrists before attacking Shigaraki.

The disembodied hand that rested on his face fell to the ground.

"Thought I was gonna croak of old age while listening to you guys yap? I can't stand morons like you. Get to the damn point!"


"Basically, you're saying, 'We wanna cause trouble, be our pal!' What a joke!"

"Katsuki..." you whispered as the boy rose to his feet.

"I've always admired All Might's triumph! No matter what any of you jerks say, nothing will ever change that!"

"At that moment, the worse case scenario I could imagine, was the deaths of my students."

Aizawa's voice rung out loud and clear as you turned your attention back to the TV.

"Bakugō's behaviour is like that because he has strong morals and convictions on becoming a hero. He pursues the title of the top hero with everything he's got. If the villains have mistaken that for weakness, then their thought process is indeed superficial."

"Tell them Yuuei!" you said to the TV, as you finally stood up.

"Make no mistake, we will receive the students who have been taken from us."

"Ha. Good ol' Yuuei. Thanks for sticking up for me. Seems like the heroes understand me better than I thought."

You couldn't help but to slap your own face at the size of the boy's ego.

Katsuki's POV:
They pulled off a massive attack like that, just to catch me and (L/N)?

They basically tipped their hand into showing me how valuable I am to them.

But why did they take (L/N)?

She muttered something about having a quirk earlier... Did they return hers back to her or something?

Even still, (Y/N) is a strong girl, she won't side with them, I know it.

Let's see... They're trying to break my psychologically so they won't kill me for real.

They probably won't do the same to (Y/N) if they want me to cooperate with them.

There are seven of them, and two of us.

While they think of their own half-assed plan, I could probably beat the crap outta two or three of them and then make my escape with (L/N)!

"Just so you know, we technically still have permission to fight back!" I warned.

"Oh yeah we do..." the (h/c) girl agreed uneasily.

"Can I stab him?" some blonde bitch asked.

"No!" (L/N) stated firmly as she entered a fighting stance.

She's going to fight defensively.

"Then can I stab you?" the same dumb blonde cooed.

"Definitely not school girl!"

"I don't understand. If that's your stance, then why not pretend that we won you over?" the split personality freak asked me.

"If I'm not feeling something, I ain't gonna lie about it! And I'm not in the mood to hang around this boring dump for much longer!"

"Yeah! Heroes and villains are two different sides of a coin and we chose to be heroes!"

"You mustn't Shigaraki! Calm yourself..."

"Just stay back... All of you. This kid is an important pawn. I wish you would've listened. I thought we might have understood each other..."


"What a shame. We all just heard the heroes investigation so I can't waste too much time trying to convince you. Master... Lend me your power."

"Very well... A smart choice Tomura Shigaraki."

"Master? I thought you were the boss around here! Pretty disappointing..."

"Kurogiri, Compress, let's put him to sleep again."

"I'm actually impressed by how unwilling he is to listen to reason."

"You want me to listen? Stuff it and go to hell! Let's go (L/N)!"


3rd Person POV:
Everyone stopped in their place when they heard knocking at the door.

"Hello? Kamino pizza delivery."

(L/N) turned her head to the door and raised her brow.

Who the fuck ordered pizza at a time like this?

Her question was answered when All Might came crashing in.

A smile broke onto (L/N)'s face.

"All Might!" she cheered gleefully whilst Kamui Woods restrained the villains.

Before Dabi could free himself using his quirk, Gran Torino swooped in and kicked his head.

"There's no escape for you now League of Villains! 'Why' you ask?! Because we are here!"

As the villains made their retorts, All Might turned to Bakugō and said, "It must've been scary. Good job holding out. I'm sorry... but you're okay now kid.


"Sca-Scary?! As if! I almost had 'em!"

"Hey! What about me?!" (Y/N) yelled at Katsuki.

"You were pissing yourself!"

"Was not! I was completely ignored once I was warpped back here you damn hedgehog! Don't twist the facts!"

The girl focused her energy on controlling her quirk and began to block out everyone's words for a little while as she felt drained since her newly modified quirk was returned to her.

"I hate you!" Tomura yelled as Nomu's appeared from some black liquid.

(L/N) was snapped back into reality when she saw Katsuki being engulfed by the same black liquid.

"Katsuki!" she screeched as the liquid swallowed him whole, failing to notice that she too was being warped by the same sticky substance.

"(Y/N)!" both All Might and Gran Torino shouted as she disappeared before their eyes.

"Ow!" the girl whined as she fell onto the ground for the second time that day.

"And you as well (L/N)."

(Y/N)'s body froze. She rose her head slowly, hoping it wasn't who she believed it to be.

"You..." she whispered as her body set on fire out of pure fear.

Katsuki stared wide eyed at the girl next to him having noticed the sudden burst of light to his side along with the sudden warmth radiating from her embers.

Bakugō then turned his head around to see the League of Villains warp behind the two of them.

"You failed again Tomura, but that mustn't mean to you should lose heart. There will be more chances to set things right. That's why I've brought along your little band along with the only living (L/N) and the boy because you determined that he's an important pawn. So try again. That's what I'm here to help you to do. It's all for you..."

All For One held out his hand to Tomura who didn't move a muscle.

"I knew you'd come," All For One stated as he blocked a sudden attack from All Might.

(L/N) visually relaxed upon seeing the number one hero causing her embers to die out slowly but surely.

She decided it was best to focus on her breathing and keeping her quirk under control while analysing the situation.

She looked around the area searching for something, anything that seemed either out of place or could be used to help her and Bakugō flee this place so All Might wouldn't have to hold back.

Instead what the girl found was a civilian trapped under some rubble.

(Y/N)'s POV:
Before I could run off to the person I had seen, the villains that had held Katsuki and I captive began to attack the two of us.

Are you fucking serious?!

I focused on evading their attacks which were mostly aimed at Bakugō while making my way over to the woman trapped under some debris.

Upon reaching the woman, I knelt down and began talking to her.

"Hey," I said.

"Wh-What are y-y-you doing here?! Leave me and g-g-go!"

I shook my head. "There's no way I can escape with a fight like that going on, plus I need to make sure you don't lose consciousness."

I stopped talking when I heard the sound of explosions. I looked back to where Katsuki had been fighting the villains to see that he was no longer there.

"Your friend's up there!" the lady explained as she looked to the sky.

I followed her gaze to see Bakugō take Kirishima's hand. With the literal red head was Iida and Midoriya.

"I see. Midoriya knew Bakugō would only allow them to help him escape if Kirishima was the one to reach out to him. But how did they get up there?"

It was then that I saw Momo and Shōto flee from the wall they and the others must have been hiding behind. I also noticed an icy hill that the trio who saved Katsuki must have used to get so high.

"Nice work everyone..."

I smiled to myself thankful that my friends were now out of harm's way.

Now if only it could be the same for the two of us...


Quirk Information
Quirk: Bearer of Elements
Information: The user can create the elements light, fire, air and shadows at will. Water, ice, lightning, earth and spirit are also possible provided the user's body can handle the strain.

Drawbacks: If the user uses the elements for advanced techniques such as shadow travel or transforming into a ghost, they will become drained almost instantly as the quirk takes energy from the user's body which varies from the power of the move/element. The power of the light and shadows aspect depend on the surroundings as well.

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