{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuk...

By xikikai

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⛔ DO NOT REPOST ⛔ Based on Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia). (Y/N) is a quirkless child with one drea... More

Warning and Messages
Spoiler Warning
Quirks Explanation
Prologue: Home
Chapter 1: Quirks
Chapter 2: With or Without
Chapter 3: Thanks
Chapter 4: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 5: Yourself
Chapter 6: Frying Pan
Chapter 7: Conversation
Chapter 8: Into the Night
Chapter 9: Cute
Chapter 10: Face First
Chapter 11: Kill
Chapter 12: We're Here For You
Chapter 13: Extras
Chapter 14: Darkness
Chapter 15: My Hero
Chapter 16: He's Right
Chapter 17: Midoriya's Success
Chapter 18: Lack of Patience
Chapter 19: Yūki
Chapter 20: Chosen For You
Chapter 21: Real Smooth (Y/N)
Chapter 22: Practical Exam
Chapter 23: A Lot To Discuss
Chapter 24: Quirkless Hero
Chapter 26: If Only
Chapter 27: Everything I've Got
Chapter 28: We Messed Up
Chapter 29: Crush
Chapter 30: Getting the Hang of This
Chapter 31: Awkward
Chapter 32: Ow
Chapter 33: Top Spot
Chapter 34: Right Here
Chapter 35: Someone Else
Chapter 36: Unresponsive
Chapter 37: The World of Dreams
Chapter 38: Feelings Are Weird
Chapter 39: The Love That Feels Right
Chapter 40: These Feelings
Chapter 41: I Know
Chapter 42: Never
Chapter 43: Regret
Chapter 44: Each Other
Chapter 45: I Told You We'd Come
Chapter 46: The Kiss
Chapter 47: I Hate My Life
Chapter 48: (Y/N) (L/N)
Chapter 49: I Love You Too Izuku
Chapter 50: Candle Light
Canon Oneshot: Shōto and (Y/N) Adopt a Cat
Chapter 51: Self Doubt
Chapter 52: Aizawa
Chapter 53: You and Me
Chapter 54: Cling Onto Me
Chapter 55: Their Friendship
Chapter 56: Listening To Every Word
Chapter 57: For Now
Chapter 58: How This Story Will End
Canon Oneshot: Izuku Midoriya and Elizabeth the Third

Chapter 25: Transported

656 31 11
By xikikai

Training Camp
(Y/N)'s POV:
It was around nine in the morning when the bus stopped at a mountain top.

I quickly looked out the window to see nothing that resembled a camp in any way, shape or form.

Something isn't right...

Despite my suspicions, I followed the rest of my class off the bus where we are greeted by the Wild, Wild Pussycats.

After zoning everyone out, I started to pay attention when Mandalay told us where the camp was actually located.

Whilst my dense peers began to question why we had stopped here, I slowly started to walk backwards.

Of course...

When the class realised that we had been tricked once again by our teacher, they all tried to hurry back to the bus.

Key word: tried.

Pixie-Bob used her quirk to spill us over the mountain side and into the forest below. She then used her quirk to create monsters from the earth.

One such creature attempted to attack Mineta who was saved by Midoriya.

Damnit! I can't fight these things with everyone else! Guess I'll just go on ahead and scout out a route. Stick to the trees and don't engage unless necessary.

Time skip brought to you by Kota's admiration for Izuku (c'mon boy we all know you admire the cinnamon roll)

"(L/N)!" I turned to see Kota's aunt running over to me. "How come you scouted out for the group? I thought for sure you would've wanted to take down those monsters."

"I learnt that there are situations where I can't be of help since I don't have a quirk. Besides, everyone here is capable of defeating those things without me."

We were all severely exhausted from the unexpected training exercise.

I had taken it on myself to scout ahead and protect my peers when they were too busy to notice another incoming attack, only switching to offensive when absolutely necessary.

After being praised, Midoriya asked our training instructors who looked after the boy he had noticed earlier.

I looked to where he was pointing and my face immediately drained.


"That's Kota, my nephew. (L/N) babysits him for me every now and then."

Izuku turned to me. "So that's why you left so suddenly that day?"

I rapidly nodded my head.

Midoriya walked over to Kota and bent down a little before introducing himself to the miniature Bakugō.

"KOTA! WHY DID YOU THAT?!" I yelled as I ran over to Midoriya who got punched...somewhere...

Iida then did his hand thing as he told Kota he shouldn't do that.

"Like I'm gonna fuck around with some wannabe heroes," Kota said sourly.

He tried to walk off but I grabbed his shoulder. "Please Kota, you and I are in the same boat. Why can't you see we can be friends regardless of my dream?"

"Because your dream is fucking stupid! Like someone who's quirkless can become a hero without getting themselves killed! You're an idiot (Y/N)! A fucking idiot!"

I let out a sigh before letting him go do who knows what.

"(L/N), are you alright?" Shōto asked me with a hint of concern in voice.

I hummed in response as I picked at the food our training instructors had made for us.

I had opted on sitting with Todoroki for today as he already knew what I was currently going through.

"Are you sure you're okay? You were pretty upset a few days ago. Perhaps we should talk to Ai-"

"I'm fine Todoroki. Please don't mention it when everyone here can hear us," I requested as I gestured to our classmates.

"I apologise (L/N). I'm just worried about you. I never saw you at the swimming pool the other day and I overheard-"

"And I appreciate it but surely you understand that this is a sensitive matter and one I do not wish to dwell on while we are here."

I played with my food for a little while longer before declaring I was finished and wasn't that hungry to begin with.

Before anyone could object to me leaving, I stood up and walked away from the rest of the group. I wandered out of the building and stumbled across-

"Why are you here?" Kota demanded.

"Kota..." I started. "Please just let me stay for now. You won't even know I'm here."

I proceeded to ignore his protests and sat down at the ledge of the cliff.

I swung my feet back and forth as I dwelled on what to do.

Kota soon realised that I wasn't going to leave anytime soon.


He proceeded to sit down next to me. We sat together in silence and looked up at the stars above us.

"Kota...?" I whispered.

"What?!" he asked rather rudely.

I chuckled bitterly at his cold demeanor.

"I wasn't always quirkless."

I shouldn't be telling you this...

"Bullshit! You can't have a quirk then lose it!"

"That's what I thought until a little while ago."

"Stop fucking lying!"

"I'm not the one lying. I betcha underneath all that spunk there's a scared little boy who couldn't defend himself no matter how big he talks."

"What the hell's your point?!"

"My point is that your not as tough as you act."

"Get lost."

I let out a hollow sigh before standing up.

"Kota please listen to me... I know how it feels to lose your parents when your a kid, but unlike me you still have your aunt. Please don't push her or the Wild Wild Pussycats away," I pleaded.

"I told you to get lost! Ugh! Doesn't matter! I need to go to the springs now anyway!"

Kota stormed off and left me alone under the night sky.

"But then again... When am I not alone?"

Day Three, following Izuku's fight with Muscular
"Why the hell did Midoriya run off so suddenly?!" I yelled to no one in particular.

"Like seriously dude, at least tell me where you're going so I can at least find you!"

I continued to rant and rave about how Midoriya shot off to who knows where?!

"I don't even know where to go... This bad. Super bad. What do I do?"

I looked around only to see that I was hopelessly lost.

"Lost during a villain attack... That's just lovely!"

"Everyone! One of the villains' targets have been identified! It's the student known as 'Kacchan'! Kacchan needs to avoid battle! Everyone got that?! Kacchan!"


"Why don't you let me help you with that?"

2nd Person POV:
"Kacchan!" Izuku screamed as he reached for his childhood friend.

"Stay back," the boy in question said as he was dragged through the portal.

Once he had passed through completely, Katsuki noticed that he was in a bar-like setting surrounded by the League of Villains.

"(L/N)?!" Bakugō yelled in shock when he saw your unconscious body.

He tried to escape Dabi's grip, but stopped when he realised he had the lower hand for the moment.

"Why do we need that girl anyway?" Dabi asked as he restrained Katsuki.

"Sensei wants her," was all Tomura said as Kurogiri transported your body to All For One.

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