By unJINtelligent

232K 4.7K 1.2K

Tired of scrolling through the endless #KPOP tag and #BTS tag and only finding incomplete AU's, bad grammar... More

skinship is hard
nickname series: hyung line
nickname series: maknae line
~fun in the sun~
전정국 | scars
김남준 | dimples
박지민 | mochi
사생팬 (1)
사생팬 (2)
moon lovers
<scarlet heart>
nana's mv
plan (1)
execution (2)
<police station>
to-do lists
김태형 | sock monkey
박지민| daredevil
king taehyung
modern times
ice skating


3.4K 101 21
By unJINtelligent

~In which Nana has the time of her life~

Loud peals of laughter erupted from Nana's room. She was lying upside down on her bed, hair hanging over the edge, touching the floor. Her phone was in a dangerous position directly above her face. She was laughing so hard her face was turning red, and tears of joy were streaming from her eyes. 

Wearing a comfortable gray sweatshirt and sweatpants, Jungkook walked in casually and flung himself next to her.

"What's so funny?" He asked amusedly.

"Here, just read this," she managed to get in between her laughter. Her abs were hurting badly, but she was unable to stop.

His eyes scanned over the words on her screen quickly, taking in the information. Then, he broke into loud cackles that matched hers. 

"I-I can't. I seriously cannot handle this. Where did you even find it?"

Having calmed down a little and gotten up to sit in a criss-cross position, she replied, "Some fans were commenting that we should read this, and those comments blew up. I figured I didn't have anything to lose, so I clicked the link. I both regret it and don't regret it at the same time."

"I can see why. Can you imagine that happening in real life? I swear, these people are so unrealistic."

"If you scroll down a little, you'll see a great imaginary situation between you and Tae. And Jimin. At the same time." He did as told and his eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. 

"Great, Na. Now I'm scarred for life. Also, don't these writers think I have standards? Those two aren't worthy of me," he scoffed.

"I'm telling them you said that."

"And? What can they do to me?"

"I guess we'll find out." She shot up from her bed and ran out the door, narrowly escaping the clutches of the following member. 

She ran at full speed down the hallway, looking back at him occasionally, both wearing huge smiles on their faces. Of course, at a time when she was busy making faces at him rather than paying attention to where she was going, she crashed.

Quickly discovering it was a very confused Taehyung, she hid behind him for cover from the maniacally laughing man chasing her. 

"Hey, Tae, guess what?" She stuck her tongue out at Jungkook.

"What?" He responded, less confused than before. This type of thing usually happened in their home. 

"Read this and tell me what you think," she deviously handed her phone to Taehyung, who scrolled through the words. Jungkook, lunging for the phone, was foiled by Tae's reflexes that allowed him to yank the phone away from where the younger had been aiming. He had been avoiding Jungkook for a long time. 

"That'" Tae was at a loss for words. "I'm showing Jimin." He walked down the hall with brows furrowed. Entering Jimin's room with the two youngest following after him, he wordlessly handed Jimin the phone and waited for a response.

A dramatic gasp was released from Jimin, who became wide-eyed as he looked at the three around him.

"First, I can't believe this author would put together me, Kook, and Tae. I have standards, you know."

"Funny, that's exactly what Kook said," Nana interjected, earning her a death glare from Jungkook. 

"Also," continued Jimin, "where are the others? I feel like they should be included in this, too. Where are you, Na? We can't be the only ones suffering here."

"Yeah, Nana, where are you?" Jungkook questioned, feeling an idea forming. An idea that Nana wouldn't like was bound to be a good one. 

"Oh, uh, I don't think we should be asking those questions. The more important thing is that you three are apparently very energetic. Also, you're animals. That like to change into humans and freak people out. Then wear ridiculously expensive brand name suits. Like, I'm not criticizing or anything, but I think this work needs a little revision."

"Oh, no, Nana, I really think we should continue," taking the phone from Jimin's hand, Jungkook grinned. "I mean, what's a BTS fanfiction without the rest of the members?" His fingers scrolled as he scanned the pages. 

"Ah, look what I found. Story time, everybody. This one is about an animal hybrid who is also a little but doubles as a super secret spy who kills people ruthlessly. Huh, you wouldn't think those would go together, but I guess to each their own." He shrugged and Nana glared at him.

"You wouldn't. You have no idea what you're getting into. You'll only hurt yourself in the process."

"I have nothing left to lose, dear child."

"You're one day older than me, genius. If I'm a child what does that make you?"

"The perpetually older child."

She rolled her eyes and elected to ignore his smug face. "Fine, go ahead and read it, you sicko. Just warning you, it won't be pretty."

He began to recite aloud, "Lee Na-Geum was on the run. Again. Who was she running from? Her abusive ex-boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook, who had brought her to the brink of death. She had moved on with Park Jimin, but she still felt lingering feelings that she knew were wrong for the man who had given her those scars that still marked her skin..." He trailed off in confusion, wondering if he was reading this right. "Luckily, her skills as a secret assassin for the government and her animal hybrid blood saved her from his punches, and she made it out alive. But her heart still yearned for him."

"Question: why is Nana in love with her abuser?" Taehyung asked.

"Really? That's the only thing you got out of that? How about: why am I the abuser? Why did she move on with Jimin? Why is she a secret agent and animal hybrid? It's only been, like, three sentences, and there's more questions than there are answers."

"I should've beat your ass. Now continue. It probably gets worse."

"Nana growled at Jimin, then covered her mouth quickly, hoping he hadn't heard her. She had yet to tell him that she was actually an experiment created by the government. He merely looked at her and asked, 'was that your stomach?' She nodded frantically, thankful that he thought she was just hungry. What she didn't know, however, was that Jimin was actually sent by the government to keep tabs on her."

"Wow, I'm hooked," Taehyung commented.

"I'm skipping ahead a little bit...ah! Here we go; you'll really enjoy this. Nana ran through the forest, paws hitting the dirt hard. She narrowly missed colliding with another animal, whose fur was black as night. Hers was white as snow. Together, they formed a contrast among the green and brown that was striking. Immediately, they took a liking towards each other. To their surprise, they found they could communicate telepathically. She told him her name, and he replied with his; Taehyung. Then, Taehyung and Nana engaged in some rough, wild, animal se–" 

The door burst open, and in piled the hyung line, who had only caught the last sentence Jungkook said and grew very concerned. 

"Taehyung and Nana did what?" Jin demanded shrilly.

"Woah, chill, hyung, don't worry–" Taehyung was cut off.

"Don't worry? How can I not worry? This is unacceptable!" Jin turned red.

Namjoon spoke, "look, if you two are having...relations...with each other, I'm ok with it, I just want you to be safe. And you should've told us." He frowned in disappointment.

"Um, I don't know what Joon is on, but I am telling you I am one hundred percent not okay with this," Yoongi interjected. 

"Wait, hyung, it's not what it looks like!" Jungkook shouted. This made the older group erupt in noise, questions and yelling mixing together into one big ball of chaos.

"Hey! Listen up! Me," she pointed at herself, "and Tae," she pointed at him, "are not having an affair!" She froze, recognizing that she had used the wrong word in her explanation and was about to get absolutely destroyed for it.

"Affair? You're in a relationship and cheating on them with Taehyung?" Jin was about to pass out.


"I did not raise you to be like this! Who did you learn this from? Jimin?" A hurt "hey!" came from Jimin, but he was ignored.

"Listen! I am not having an affair, or in a relationship, or doing things with Taehyung! Stop assuming things!"

"Oh, ok. Then what were you all doing?" Questioned Hoseok.

"We were just reading some very interesting stories. Wanna join?" Jungkook gestured to the phone.

"What kind of stories?" Asked Namjoon suspiciously.

"Really fun ones. For example, this one is about a cold mafia boss who leads a group of six others who have questionable backgrounds. They rope a beautiful girl into their terrible lifestyle and eventually all of them fall in love with her, but they treat her badly the entire time. Romantic, isn't it?"

Yoongi left. Jungkook shouted at his retreating figure, "Wait! You don't even know who she chose yet!"

Namjoon and Jin looked at each other and shrugged, "so who does she pick?"

"I don't know, ask Nana. She's the girl, after all."

"Shut up. That is a poor mockery of who I am. And don't think you're all that because you were the super cool hacker guy." Jungkook grinned at his description. 

"Who was I?" Asked Jin.

"The lovable, cuddly but dangerous, conman."

"And me?" Hoseok wondered.

"The cheerful assassin."

Hobi gasped, "I would never kill anyone! Unless they were really annoying me, of course." He pointedly looked at all of the younger ones who gave him innocent smiles in return.

"Me?" Namjoon pointed at himself.

"Who else but the cruel and sadistic but caring leader of them all? Spoiler: you're really mean to Nana, and you definitely don't deserve her."

"That's ok, because in real life, I'm her favorite." Nana blew him a kiss.

"I'll let you live with that delusion for a little while longer just because you're our fearless leader," Jimin retorted. 

"So who did you pick, though? I'm dying of curiosity," Jin groaned.

"Oh, I picked none of you. None of you deserved me, and I got sick of living with you slobs, so I ran away with my boyfriend from another gang: Jackson. That actually prompted the sequel where you two hash it out and I go from gang-to-gang, just trying to find where I really belong," she dramatically recounted.

"I should've known Jackson would steal my girl. I'm going to call him right now." Namjoon left, presumably to make good on that threat, though everyone knew they were good friends.

"Well, I'm hooked. Send me the link," Hoseok left on that note.

"I'm disappointed in you children in reading such inappropriate materials, but now I'm invested, so you better keep me updated." Jin left.

The four remaining members looked at each other and burst out laughing. They read more and more increasingly strange stories about themselves into the night and dreamt of gangs and wolves and romance.

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