Temporary Fix (L.S)

By _Harry_is_louis_baby

154K 4.2K 2.5K

Harry's been hurt too many times before and doesn't want to fall in love. Louis doesn't believe in love and d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Thank you! :)

Chapter 21

4.5K 101 82
By _Harry_is_louis_baby

Finals week is hell on Harry. Alongside his other ailments, he's started to feel nauseous all day, everyday again which is actually normal according to his doctor. But, normal doesn't make it any more bearable.

He's nearly had to leave during most of his exams because he feels so queasy. He literally gagged thru his entire Ethics final. The boy beside him kept giving him nervous stares but he didn't care. He was just happy he got out of there without throwing up all over his test. He could barely focus on any of his tests because alongside the nausea, the twins kick constantly and baby Zayn stays in his rib cage which makes him feel even worse. He can barely keep any of his meals down, sometimes skipping dinner all together just from the mere smell of it.

Which has all lead to today. He wakes up fairly late, happy he was finally able to get some rest. He had actually been up most of the night tossing and turning. The babies kept fidgeting and pushing, putting pressure on his bladder. They also kept stretching or something, Harry wasn't sure but it made him severely uncomfortable.

Anyway, he wakes up and immediately has to be sick. Throwing up is actually the hardest task he's had thus far pregnant and that's saying a lot. He can't get close to the toilet, belly getting in the way, so he actually gets sick in his tub, frowning because he has to bathe in there later.

He moans when he thinks of later. For some reason, he agreed to have the end of term/graduation party at his and Zayn's flat. Niall actually begged Zayn, because Zayn and Harry do admittedly have the nicest flat of everyone, and Zayn asked him hesitantly. And yeah, Harry did feel guilty because Zayn had been taking care of him lately. He's basically stepped up and become Harry's support system, the pseudo-dad so he wanted to do something to make up for it.

Zayn gave him plenty of outs and now he wishes he would've taken them. Despite this, he still wants to have the party here for Zayn. It's important to him so it's important to Harry. He's heard him planning in his room for weeks so no, he can't take that from him. He's hoping he'll maybe feel marginally better by then, anyway.

So, despite just getting up, he decides to take another nap.


He wakes up two hours later to the door slamming, signaling Zayn leaving for his last final before term ends. Harry's so thankful he's done with his because when he wakes up, he's still feeling pretty sick to his stomach. He rubs soothing circles into it and let's out a moan. He just really doesn't feel well.

One of the babies makes a big movement inside of his belly and he groans again as the movement sends a small pain thru his belly. It makes him queasy again and he heads over to the sink, waiting. He gags a few times but he's not able to be sick again. He's at least thankful for that.

He drags himself out of his room and quickly sits on the couch in their den as he begins to feel uncomfortable again. The more he sits though, the more his discomfort rises. He moans and pulls his body off the couch and puts a fist to his back. He paces the room, taking deep breaths.

He's not sure what's wrong with him but he just feels off. He hopes he's not getting sick or something because wouldn't that just be wonderful?!

He rubs wide circles on his belly, trying desperately to calm the fidgeting babies inside. They feel much lower today and Harry finds himself having to walk with his legs further apart. They've become lower and lower each day it seems and Harry's belly keeps lowering along with them. It makes everything much more uncomfortable but at least he can breath a bit better.

Midway thru the living room, pain lances thru his belly making him stop and groan a bit. He continues rubbing wide circles on it, waiting for it to pass. He's had a few pains this morning and it's just made everything worse. He's going into Dr. Malik's office on Monday and BEGGING her to induce him. The pain eventually fades and he feels marginally better.

He decides maybe getting something in his stomach will help settle it so he fixes himself toast with a bit of butter on it and sits down at the kitchen table. As he eats, the babies continue to go crazy inside him. He throws his head back with another groan.

His belly's really hurting.

He's really not looking forward to this party but he made a promise to Zayn and he intends to keep it. Just as he finishes his toast, his belly rolls with nausea. He buries his head in one arm, throwing the other over his head.

Zayn comes thru the door shortly after, art finals obviously not taking long, and frowns at him.

"Alright, Haz?"

"My belly's hurting."

"Yeah? Feeling sick again?"

"Yeah. Got sick this morning."

"Oh Harry...I'm really sorry. Do you want to cancel tonight? I really do understand, if you do."

But Harry can hear the disappointment in his voice and no, he refuses to do that to him.

"No Zayn. T's alright. I'm sure I'll feel better by tonight. If I don't I'll let you know, I promise." He's lying but Zayn buys it, anyway.

"Need anything?"

"I think m'just gonna go lie down for a while."

"Ok, yell if you need me. There's gonna be people in and out of the living room setting up, ok? So just like yell and if I don't answer, call me."

"Will do." He won't.


He lies in bed for thirty minutes just tossing and turning. He feels awful. He just can't get comfortable and just as he's turning to his other side, his belly rolls in pain and tenses beneath his hands and really?

He really doesn't need Braxton hicks to add to his misery right now.

He moans, rubbing up and down his belly, breathing in thru his nose and out his mouth to try and quell the pain. It eventually fades and he tries again to fall asleep. He feels like he's been sleeping all day but he really doesn't feel like doing anything else. He feels like if he tries to even get up and get going, he'll throw up.

He hears Niall's voice come thru the door a bit later when sleep fails him again. He internally groans because he really doesn't feel good and hearing Niall scream and laugh is the opposite of what he wants right now. The thought makes him nauseous again.

"Hey Prego! What are you still doing in bed?"

"My belly hurts."


"My stomach's hurting. Leave me alone."

"Ouch. Easy with the hormones, H."

"Sorry, I just really don't feel good today."

"No problem. This party'll be so amazing, those babies will dance out!" Niall says, walking out.

Harry gets up slowly to get in the shower, he figures maybe the hot water will make him feel better and un-tense his tight muscles. He makes it to the counter before his belly tightens again. Pain grips him and he grabs the edge of the counter and presses his other hand to the wall, groaning out. His belly is really, really starting to hurt now. Fuck Braxton Hicks. He's so done with being pregnant.

The pain sticks around and he presses both palms to his belly and groans again. The pain begins to fade and he becomes overwhelmingly queasy again. He leans over his sink and throws up. He lies his head down on the counter and whimpers.

This is SO not how he pictured today going. He figured he'd be tired, of course, maybe a back ache or some heartburn with a bit of nausea but not this. He's completely miserable.

His mind suddenly wanders to Louis. Probably getting his gown and all ready for tomorrow. He'll be off playing footie in a few weeks and Harry will never see or hear from him again. Despite pretending to hate him, it actually breaks Harry's heart a bit. He can't imagine not seeing Louis. Even though they broke up weeks ago, he still dreams of the boy every night. Has to stop himself from texting him or even driving to his flat. It's hard. It really is and he can't help but wish Louis were here taking care of him. He'd know just what to do to make Harry feel even the least bit better.

His mind is brought back to reality when one of the twins kicks him harshly. They're being so rough and he doesn't know what he did to deserve all of this today.

"Please settle down, Little Loves. Really not feeling too good today." He says standing upright again and rubbing tight circles into his belly.

It's quite firm but Harry figures it's just from his Braxton hicks. He lies up against the wall and let's out a whine. He then tries his best to bend down to get a towel. It's no use as his belly is in the way and every time he moves, one of the babies protest viciously.

Someone turns on loud music suddenly and it scares Harry nearly to death. He groans because this is REALLY not helping him feel any better. He figures it's Niall because Zayn is a bit more thoughtful about things. He slowly lowers himself to the floor and sits on his bum to grab a towel and a cloth.

Just as he's about to attempt to get up again, his belly becomes rock hard and rolls in pain.

"Ohhhh..." He moans and hugs at his heaving belly, leaning forward a bit.

He pushes his head into one of his hands and keeps the other pressed firmly against his belly. These Braxton hicks are getting intense. He knows they must be Braxton hicks because at his last appointment, he still wasn't dilated which made him cry for a little over 24 hours.

And that was just Wednesday.

It's Saturday now. It couldn't have changed that quickly. Surely. He's so overcome with pain that he just forgets the shower, instead wanting to go lie back down in bed in hopes of feeling better. He's actually surprised Zayn hasn't come to check on him yet but he's glad because he knows he'd cancel knowing Harry really, really isn't feeling well.

And he just wants Zayn to have a good night. Harry's pregnancy is not his responsibility and he's taken it on as if it was. He hasn't even brought any girls home so he needs this, he knows that. Still, he can't help but wish it were on a different night.

He gets in bed but as he lies down he realizes he can't possibly get comfortable. He first tries lying on his right side and one of the twins gets furious with him, kicking out like crazy. He turns to his left side and it makes him extremely nauseous. He lies on his back but that just makes his belly ache more and extremely dizzy. He decides to stand when he feels how extremely tight his back muscles feel and he HAS to stretch them out.

He miserably gets up and walks out of his room with a hand plastered to his back, pushing his belly out far in front of him to try and alleviate the tightness. It does little but he does run into Zayn and Niall.

"H, you better start getting ready! Party's gonna start soon, what have you been doing??" Zayn asks.

"I know, yeah. Sorry, sorry. My stomach's just been hurting all day. I don't know what the deal is but I just haven't felt good. But I'll pull it together, I promise."

"You aren't in labor, are you? How classic would that be?" Niall cackles and Harry winces.

He can't stand loud noise all of sudden and he severely wishes someone would turn the music down. It's vibrating in his belly and he already feels bad enough without that.

"HAH. He wishes mate. My mum said he'll be a late termer for sure. No signs of labor whatsoever."

Harry frowns, it's true. That is what Dr. Malik said was probably going to happen. Zayn sees the pout and immediately goes to his side.

"M'sorry, 'Arry. M'quite drunk already."

"That's alright, Zayn. I want you to have fun tonight. Can you hold that away from me? It's making me sick to my stomach."

He pushes whatever is in Zayn's cup away from his immediate smell range.

"M' gonna go shower." He grumbles, making his way back to his bedroom.

"Would you mind turning the music down just a little? Until the party starts?"

"Sure thing, Pregz! See you soon!" Niall yells back and literally only turns the nob down one notch, Harry's sure of it because the music is still so loud he can't hear himself think.

He feels so rough.

He decides on a shower instead of a bath, hoping the water cascading on his belly and back will help un-tighten it a bit. He gets in quickly turning it on and presses his belly forward. The water feels amazing on his tight belly and he stays under the water unmoving, occasionally rubbing his palms in circles onto his tummy.

He's just reaching for the soap when his belly becomes rock hard once again. He grips onto the shower bar as his belly rolls in pain. He groans out low and deep and presses his fingers into his aching stomach, massaging it in hopes of helping with the pain. He breathes in and out slowly just riding out the pain it's so intense and grips his whole belly and back until it finally disappears.

He's left feeling quite sick to his stomach again. He puts his hands to his knees and tries to will the sick feeling churning in his belly away. It's futile though as he gags. He doesn't get sick due to the fact that he hasn't been able to eat anything past the toast today. These stomach cramps are so intense that he can't bring himself to eat anything.

He slowly bathes himself, taking time to rub soothing circles on his firm belly. He's so uncomfortable and the babies are going absolutely nuts inside of him, kicking and creating pressure and it does nothing for his aching belly.

He puts his head to the shower bar and groans out. He keeps feeling worse and worse and all he really wants is to just lie in bed and have someone rub his belly until these contractions pass but he has no one.

Well, he has Zayn but he's drunk and getting ready for the party.

He groans again thinking of the huge party that's only mere hours from unfolding. He really hopes these cramps pass before it starts because with the pain radiating in his belly, any type of noise is immediately irritating to him and he just wishes he could go somewhere in complete silence.

He doesn't feel like GOING anywhere though. The thought of moving makes his stomach churn. He knows he has to eventually get out of the shower though, so with a low whine, he slowly steps out and wraps himself in a towel.

He goes to the sink to brush his teeth and when he does, his belly collides with the counter. It's so low today and that wouldn't bother Harry so much usually but with everything else going on, it's just another thing to put him in a bad mood. The coolness of the counter does feel good on his aching tummy though so he keeps it pressed lightly against it. He brushes his teeth and sluggishly walks to his closet.

He slowly puts on his skinny jeans, it's pretty difficult by himself; belly getting in the way, but he finally pulls them up, huffing afterwards as his belly cramps a bit when he buttons them. He rubs a palm in small circles breathing in and exhaling deeply as he looks for a shirt that actually fits him. He eventually settles for a simple black V-neck. It fits him tight like a glove and he whines seeing his belly button pop out of it.

He sits back against his headboard and furrows his eyebrows, pressing his fingers deeply into the sides of his belly. He's not sure why his stomach hasn't settled but he wishes it would. He's getting up when it tenses once again beneath his fingers. He throws his head back with a groan and presses his fingers deeper into his belly. It's hard as stone and it's so painful, he's at a loss of what to do. He paces his bedroom kneading his fingers rhythmically into his contracting belly.

"Mmmmmmmm...." He breathes deeply as another groan escapes his lips.


It eventually fades and he's left breathless. He's never had Braxton Hicks this intense before but he assumes it's because he's so far along. He's severely dreading this party but he knows he can't stay in his room forever.

He makes his way to the living room, hand plastered to his back while the other lightly mimics rain on his tummy. The music's extremely loud and it irritates him to no end. He wants to turn it off so badly but knows he can't. Zayn sees him and gives him a sympathetic smile.

"People are about to start showing up, H. Are you sure you want to do this? You don't look so good.."

"Thanks, Zayn."

"You know what I mean. You look like you aren't feeling well."

"M'not. But that's alright. I'm excited for this party. It'll be nice to see everyone before I go away for a year." Zayn smiles buying it.

Harry's so glad because he's sure that if Zayn kept pushing, he would've caved and canceled the party. He sits down on the couch miserably and one of the babies kick low down at him, signaling they're uncomfortable and Harry better rearrange or he'll regret it. He groans and gets into a lying down position, facing the couch. He rubs up and down his belly, breathing slowly.

The door opens and shuts and he knows people have officially started to arrive. His belly tenses under his hand and sits back up, throwing his head back. He puts a hand on either side of his belly, leaning over and trying to groan quietly.

He furrows his eye brows when the pain peaks and continues groaning.


The pain slowly fades and he looks up. It's Liam and Harry's heart rate quickens looking around for Louis.

"He isn't here, it's ok. You alright?"

"Y-yeah. Sorry. Ugh. My stomach won't stop hurting." He rubs it once again, so sick of the pain.

"Are you like in labor or something?"

Harry let's out a small laugh because no, he almost wants to call Dr. Malik now and tell her to induce him immediately, not able to wait until Monday.

"No..I just haven't drank enough water today or something. I'm sick to my stomach so if you don't mind moving your drink."

"Oh yeah, no problem mate! Sorry. Is that normal?"

"Yeah, Doc said it was to be expected."

"That sucks mate. I'd like to talk to you about Lo-"

"No offense Liam; but I'm really not feeling well and Louis is the last thing I want to talk about. I hope you understand I just-ugh. Sorry."

"No Harry! I totally understand. I'M sorry. I just wanted to let you know he still loves you. I hope you feel better."

"Thanks mate."

Harry internally rolls his eyes at him with the part about Louis loving him. It's complete bullshit. Louis hasn't even called him since the hospital. It hurt his heart to even hear Louis' name.

He'll be having the babies in a matter of days and hell never even see them. It hurts because Harry didn't get the chance to tell him they were his. He feels a bit nauseous and he's not sure if it's due to pregnancy or the thought of Louis but it sends him to the bathroom anyway.

He throws up the water he's been guzzling all day to stop his Braxton hicks. He wipes his mouth miserably and lifts himself up slowly. He's grabbing for his toothbrush when another cramp takes hold of his belly. It's even worse than before and he groans loudly, unable to hold it in. He stuffs his head in his arms because the light and noise is too much for him and slowly rocks his hips to un-tense his belly even a fraction. It doesn't work at all but he feels at least a bit better with the coolness of the counter touching his burning forehead. He puts a hand to his belly and he can't believe how hard it is. The contraction lessens and he feels his belly become a bit less firm.

He groans and gets a cloth balancing it on his forehead by keeping his head tossed back and paces the bathroom. The babies kick and he rubs soothing lines across his bump.

"What's going on today babies? Why are you hurting daddy so much?"


Harry's unsure how much time as passed but he's sat at the island in a uncomfortable bar chair, his head stuffed in one arm while the other is thrown lazily over it. He's trying his best to block out the noise but it's not working obviously.

He'd much rather be lying down but the couch is now occupied and Niall and Zayn kept coming into his room begging him to come out so here he is. The party has grown to a huge number and it's so loud.

Harry's head aches. His back aches. His belly aches the worst and he's just miserable. He's had a few more stomach cramps and he's drank so much water, he feels even more bloated if that's possible. He can't possibly drink anymore. He's already gotten sick from it again.

Another cramp builds inside his belly and he sits up a moment to prepare for it. He puts his head into one hand while the other kneads knuckles into his contracting belly. The pain is so intense and Harry's trying to block out everything and focus on calming the pain but he can't and it's too much. He's desperate to groan out but he doesn't want any unnecessary attention drawn to himself.

He's already the only pregnant one, he doesn't want to be the pregnant one AND the one in pain that everyone's concerned about.

The pain begins to lessen as someone sits down beside him.

"Are you Harry?" A deep voice calls and he looks up with furrowed eyebrows.

"Y-yeah. Why?" The pain spikes his side and he groans quietly.

"I'm Ollie. One of Louis' football mates."

Harry internally rolls his eyes again because really? As if battling the most intense of Braxton hicks, an upset stomach, and a loud party wasn't enough, something involving Louis has to be added.

"Oh hi."

"So how do you like the house?!"

"The what..?" He groans as one of the babies kicks out hard after the pain ends.

"The house...the one Louis bought for you guys."

"Louis didn't buy me a house..?"

"Oh did the sale fall through?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Louis was talking about buying you a house, said how much he adores you and how he loves the babies and he's never felt anything like this before."


"Couple of weeks ago now. When we all met up for wings, I think."

Reality hits Harry like a truck. Louis was telling the truth, he just hadn't let him explain himself. He really did love Harry and even thought about buying the two a house.

"But isn't he leaving?"

"Mate, do you guys like never talk? You know he's playing for London's team. He's not going anywhere."

"I-I gotta go."

Harry waddles off in search of his phone. Zayn stops him on the way and Harry can tell by his lack of balance that's he's pretty drunk.

"Hey Hazzy. Are you alright?" He tries to look serious but laughs.

Harry rolls his eyes.

"I don't know, Zayn. I really don't feel good. My stomach won't-"

"Hey! Hey! NIALL! Stop jumping on that table you-" he giggles, "Sorry, H. Hold that thought"

Harry doesn't wait. He's got more important things to do. Where is that bloody phone?! He looks absolutely everywhere but can't find it. He goes to his room, praying no one is in there, and immediately sees his phone on the bed. He goes to Louis contact and just as he's typing out a text to the boy to apologize, his belly tenses intensely and a contraction grips his belly like a vice. It's so much more intense than the other pains and Harry drops his phone, leaning down onto the dresser and rocking his hips.

"Mmmmmm..." He breathes deeply and tries to work thru it but a groan cuts him off again.

"Hooooooo...hookay babies..."

The cramp slowly fades and he goes to his bed collapsing on it, breathing deeply.

"Getting pretty intense pains babies...give me a break for a little, yeah? I've drank all the water I can." The babies kick out, obviously uncomfortable.

"Probably doesn't feel too good for you either, huh? Belly tightening all up and squishing you."

He rubs his belly up and down. The music pulses through the house vibrating his belly again and he's so uncomfortable. He knows he needs to get his phone and text Louis but he can't bring himself to get up. His tummy is killing him and his back doesn't feel too good either. It's so tight and-then it hits him.

He IS in labor.

Braxton Hicks don't make your back hurt and his back feels tight and whenever pain rolls thru his belly, his back hurts too. Shit.

"Okay babies. I get it, I get it now. You're ready to come now, maybe? The problem is...everyone here is too drunk to drive....can you hold off for another like..I don't know....two days?"

One of the babies kick harshly, signaling that no, that is most certainly NOT ok.

He realizes he's in a house full of drunk people who absolutely can't take him to the hospital. He knows it'll be awhile until he has to go, contractions still around twenty minutes apart. He was told to go to the hospital when his contractions were five minutes apart so he has time but there's no way anyone will sober up by then. He can't call his mum, she's too far plus she'd be so mad at him for having a party when he's so close to delivering. Harry's a bit mad at himself for that. He realizes he only has one option.


He's the only one NOT there meaning he's probably somewhere sober because nearly everyone is here. He just hopes desperately that Louis doesn't hate him because he needs someone there with him. These contractions are way too intense for him to deal with alone and he needs someone there with him to hold his hand and rub his belly and massage his back.

He needs Louis.

He gets up slowly from his side, grimacing at how achy his body feels. He's exhausted already. It's going to be such a long night. He pats around the bed for his phone and whines loudly realizing its on the floor where he dropped it during his last contraction.

He waddles over and tries to bend down to get it. It's impossible to grab, his solid belly getting in the way. He stands up, pressing his hands into his back, pushing his belly out with a groan.

How is he going to do this???

He lowers himself getting on his hands and knees and reaches out grabbing his phone. He pants, being exhausted from the exertion put on him just by getting his phone.

"I guess this is pay back for me not telling your daddy about you, huh? Not giving me a choice now, are you?"

He quickly dials Louis' number just praying he answers. He wiggles in discomfort as his knees get tired from his body weight resting on them and his belly hangs freely below him, feeling heavy. The phone rings three times and just as Harry is about to give up and collapse in tears, Louis answers.

"Harry? H-hi. Look if you're calling because you're mad because I'm coming to the party I'm SORRY. Niall invited me & I tried to tell him it'd be awkward for you and-"


"So I wasn't going to show up but I don't know the next time I'll see Niall if he goes back to Ireland after graduation and he's my mate, H. So if you want me to just stay for-"


"A bit, I will. And I just-"

The line cuts off signaling Louis has hung up and Harry groans.

His middle ripples with pain as another contraction takes hold and he buries his head in his arms, groaning deeply. He pushes his belly toward the ground just trying to make the tightness let up just a bit but it doesn't help. His forehead begins to sweat and he really wishes he could just rip his top off and just hug his belly until the pain quit but he's far too afraid someone will walk in. His stomach flips and he feels extremely nauseous. And no. He absolutely can't throw up on his carpet. He gets on his elbows and presses his face in his arms.

"Ughhh...my tummy...please babies. Give me a break..ohhh please.."

It eventually fades and he tries to get up but his body just hurts. He finally gets up after much effort and walks to the door.

Louis' coming. Someone can help him thru this. He smiles a bit and walks thru the door of his room back into the party. He winces at the music and covers the sides of his belly as if to cover the babies' ears.


Louis curses when the line goes dead on his phone. He looks at it assuming Harry hung up but curses again when he sees his phone died. He's not sure why Harry called him but he's pretty sure it's because he caught wind he was coming to the party.

But it's not his fault!

He never in a million years thought Harry would even be there tonight with how far along he is! But obviously he was. Louis is secretly happy at the prospect of getting to see Harry. He knows his tummy is probably so big now and he just can't wait to see him and the babies. Even if it's from afar. Even if he can't touch his belly, he doesn't care. He's going to try to speak to him even though he knows he'll probably tell him to fuck off. He's obviously thinking of him because he called.

He has to try.

He's not going to give up on Harry. He can't.

He gets to the party and he feels nervousness bubble in his stomach. He's actually really anxious. He walks shakily up to the party's door. He winces when he hears how loud the music is outside. He knows it's probably hurting Harry's ears and scaring the babies.

He walks in and smiles when he hears the song "Moses" by French Montana. Liam. This is so Liam's pick for music. Despite being super book smart and into school, Liam loves rap, which Louis finds odd. He knows nearly every word to every rap song that comes on.

He laughs when he spots Liam, drunk and screaming the lyrics out with some of their mates, sloppily dancing on a girl.

"Tommo!!! You finally showed!"

"Yeah, Li. Course. What you feel like?" Louis says with a smile, rapping the song.

Liam's eyes light up at him remembering the song he's played countless times in the flat.


Louis laughs and Liam's drunk face, eyes all unfocused and a giant smile on his face. He's so glad Liam's finally letting loose and having some fun.

"What you feel likeeee?" He asks again and Liam cackles.

"I feel like Moseeeeeees, Tommo."

Louis laughs again at the boy stumbling all over.

"Need a beer Tommo???"

"In just a bit mate. Have you seen H?"

"Yeah, way earlier. Said his he was feeling sick and had a stomachache or something like that. Probably around here somewhere. Maybe in his room or something?"

Louis frowns, that doesn't sound good.

The girl Liam was dancing with pouts and pulls him towards her again. He begins making out with her sloppily before Louis can ask any more questions. He smirks walking further in, keeping his eyes peeled for Harry.

He sees Niall being held by multiple people doing a keg stand and Zayn smoking a joint outside but still no sign of Harry. He walks deeper into the party and then finally sees him.

He's got his head thrown back and he looks as if he's pacing, eyes furrowed and a hand rubbing big circles into his belly. Louis runs to him, not caring if he hates him, not caring if he's going to yell at him, just wanting to be near him. He reaches him in three quick steps, pushing past drunk people and couples grinding.

"Harry." He breaths, grabbing him into a hug without a thought.

Harry melts into his arms, feeling the first bit of calm he's felt all day despite pain still ever present in his belly and back.


"Harry, please let me talk first. Look, you have to believe me, I never said anything about just wanting to hook up with you. I think you just walked in at a bad time and I-"

"Louis I know I-"

"Was actually talking GREAT about you. It was actually about how I love you. I've loved you for a long time and I'm just so sorry you had to hear it the wrong way and about the hospital-"

"Louis, please.."

Harry's belly contracts again and he leans down with a groan, going unnoticed by Louis. He's still talking a mile a minute but Harry can't hear him anymore, far too caught up in the pain rippling through his belly. He straightens with another groan, rubbing at the side of his belly with furrowed eyes brows. The pain peaks and he can't take it anymore. He dives for the comfort of Louis neck and presses Louis' hand into his tense belly. The blue eyed boy finally stops talking and looks concerned at him.

"Harry...your belly is hard as a rock.."

"M'...Mmm shit. M'in labor, Lou. I tried to call and tell you but you..ohhhhhhhh....shit. My belly, Lou.."

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Β» π™²πš˜πš–πš™πš•πšŽπšπšŽ Β« Cᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ΚŸα΄€α΄…Κ ᴍΙͺsᴛᴀᴋᴇs. [ ΙͺΙ’ α΄€α΄„α΄„α΄α΄œΙ΄α΄›: @ladymistakes_ ] Louis didn't know how precious life was until he met someone who had...
132K 1.1K 46
A story in which a seemingly forbidden relationship ignites after a tragic event. ***GOING TO BE EDITED*** i wrote this as a freshman in high school...