By andrakinsley

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A Mafia Romance Novel Eeva A dutiful daughter. A well-behaved wife. She never had control over her life from... More

1. Eeva
2. Eeva
3. Eeva
4. Sloane
5. Sloane
6. Eeva
7. Sloane
8. Eeva

9. Sloane

84 3 2
By andrakinsley

Sloane didn't return home last night after half-heartedly accompanying Ashton to a party. He went to his place and retired for the night. Whereas Ashton brought the party to his condo, more specifically, into his bedroom and had a rather thrilling night.

Sloane was sleeping when his phone buzzed, he groaned and rolled to the other side of the bed and pressed the button without seeing the caller id.

"I expected your presence at breakfast." His father's irritated voice shook all the sleep from his eyes and he bolted upright in his bed. His father would never waste a minute of his day and give him a call, Sloane couldn't even remember when was the last time his father's name flashed on his screen.

His father continued, "Then again, you never live up to my expectations. In the past months, all you've been pestering about putting you in charge of the west side of the deals. Don't think your brother didn't try to persuade me on numerous events. I have something to discuss with you. Be here in half an hour." His father didn't go into the details, he cut off the call.

For a second, Sloane couldn't believe what had just happened. He had more things to wind back to the beginning. His father called. Did his father somehow throw a hint to grant him more control of the business?

His phone beeped. Sloane was still in shock as he stared at the pop-up message from his brother and clicked open, "Don't be late. Accept what he will offer."

That did the trick to bring Sloane out of his immobilized state and put life into his limbs. He jolted out of the bed and picked his jeans from the floor, he discarded last night. He brought his shirt over his nose, last night whiskey and sex, made him toss his shirt and grabbed a clean one from the dresser and slipped it over his head.

Sloane grabbed his keys and wallet and was already out of his door into the hallway when something crashed onto his chest.

"Ah! I'm sorr...ry" The girl from last night batted her eyelashes at him, wearing only a shirt, with a tub of whipped cream and strawberries, making her way up to Ashton's room.

Sloane chuckled and shook his head, knowing what Ashton was up to. But he didn't linger a second longer and spare the girl another glance even though she called after him.

Sloane reached his home in record time and made his way straight to his father's office. The guard stationed at the outside of his father's office opened the door seeing Sloane and let him in. When he stepped in, his father was leaning over the desk writing something. He lifted his gaze when the door was opened, pulled back his sleeve to check the time and motion for him to sit.

Sloane remained unaffected as if he wasn't shocked to his bone to get a call from his father but inside his mind was exploding, thinking what his father wanted to talk about. Did he finally realise Sloane could handle more responsibilities into the business?

Sloane did what he was told, he sat down on the chair opposite to his father's desk and waited for him to speak up. But his father took his time, arranging the papers he just signed before putting them into the files and faced him.

"Boy, you have disappointed me in the past." All excitement drained from Sloane's face as he regarded his father with a dubious look. Surely, his father didn't ask him to be here to discuss something about what happened in the past though he still regretted to this day and blamed him.

"Before I'm ready to move past your mistakes and allow your involvements into the business, prove me you're worthy." His father directed his gaze at him.

"What do you want me to do? Name it." Sloane leaned forward, determination flashed in his eyes.

"I trusted you before and you failed me, boy. Show me I can trust you again. Then I'll think about your demands. My wife needs a guard and I think, given your position, you are the right fit."

Sloane could have never anticipated his father would demand him for such a thing. He gritted his teeth and tried to suppress his anger. His power was already limited to the strip club and collecting money from the street gangs and now, his authority was no more than a low ranking foot soldier. But what options did he have to get back into the business?

"Go back to your duty."

Sloane didn't argue, he trusted his brother more than anyone and his brother told him to comply with their father's demands and he just did that. He nodded his head, rose to his feet and turned to leave the room. Before he stepped out of the door, his father called him back,

"Make sure she is comfortable here. I don't have the patience to make her feel at ease. Last night, she was dry as fuck. Scared little shit."

Sloane didn't bother to respond, he shut the door louder than he meant to and walked away. He climbed the stairs and made his way to Eeva's room but all along, his composure was nothing similar to what he felt inside. He was vibrating with anger when his father shared their intimate details. He couldn't put off her image from his mind, vulnerable and scared. She might have resisted but did his father listen to her. He doubted it.

Sloane released a breath and sighed, how come he was in this situation. It would be a torture to be around Eeva and with a constant reminder that she wasn't his. She could never be.

Sloane shook his head and knocked, once, twice but nothing. He got no reply. He cursed. It couldn't be possible that he failed at his job on the first day. This would be too much of a coincidence. He didn't bother to wait and stand outside her door just how a guard would, looking dumb.

Sloane twisted the knob and it clicked open. He strode into her room and looked everywhere for Eeva but she wasn't there. Just when he was about to turn and leave her room, a soft humming noise drifted to his ears. He turned and followed the noise, then he realised it was coming from the bathroom, he forgot to check in a hurry.

His hushed footsteps brought him closer to the bathroom. The door was slightly open and light peeked through the gap. And there she was, Eeva stood under the light bathed in the golden glow, brushing her hair.

Sloane held his breath as his eyes dropped lower, Eeva might have just come out of the shower, her skin flushed, water droplets still clung to her soft skin and a towel wrapped around her body.

His mind couldn't process what he was seeing, since the moment he met Eeva, all his thoughts spun around her, torturing him every waking moment and now, she had to stand before him, wearing nothing, only a scrap of fabric, pushing Sloane's imagination far ahead he didn't want to venture.

Sloane was so caught in his thoughts, he didn't notice when Eeva turned towards the door and pulled it wide open. She gasped and her eyes filled with horror. That was enough to pull Sloane from his bubble. He masked his expression with annoyance.

"I knocked twice. You didn't answer." Sloane started to defend his actions as if it was Eeva's faults that he was here, seeing her in such a compromising state.

Eeva was shocked, words stuck in her throat. She hesitated before she muttered, "I...I..was in the bathroom."

Sloane had a knack for turning a situation into a light mood, to make the other person feel at ease if he wanted to. "I thought after spending a day here you ran away."

Eeva widened her eyes as if she was stung by his accusation, "Why would I do that? It's against my duty and loyalty."

"If you did, no one would blame you. At least, I wouldn't." Eeva had a suspicious look on her face as if she finally understood where this was all coming from but she was also aware that she wasn't fully dressed and stood half-naked before someone who was not her husband.

Eeva spoke out her next words in a calm manner, "Why are you here if I may ask?"

She could instantly notice how his carefree expression had suddenly changed and a dark look overtook his eyes.

"I'll be at your side from today. So, whatever thoughts you have about running away, this isn't happening at my watch."

"I would never..." Eeva instantly protested but Sloane didn't let her complete her words and ordered, "Get dressed."

Eeva had enough of his attitudes, she put her hands on her waists and asked, "Are you going to leave? Or, do you expect me to get dressed in front of you?"

"of course not." Sloane cursed and turned his back, walking towards the door. "Meet me downstairs." He didn't turn, he closed the door behind him and left.

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