He Wore a Yellow Cardigan [Ft...

By Fandomz_Fanboy

4.4K 105 61

In a sea of yellow flowers a boy with a yellow cardigan stands in the early morn, just before dawn. He pushes... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven


1.2K 23 7
By Fandomz_Fanboy


Ilima stood in front of the meadow, the sky not yet breaking dawn. Smeargle And Yungoos are sleeping inside of their pokeballs. He should wake them soon, but not yet. Since morning was colder than he was accustomed to with the sunny Alolan days, he wore his favorite yellow cardigan. A yellow cardigan with no shirt, but he wore a pastel pink chest binder underneath. Ilima took a deep inhale before entering the sea of yellow flowers.

Oricoro danced a good morning dance as Cutiflies and Butterfrees buzzed abound. Cottonee and Petlil were resting on the rocks, waiting for the sun to shine through the ceilingless garden of good, and the Metapods curled up with the Caterpie to sleep through the dawn. It was a gorgeous sight, and he was welcomed by the wild Pokémon. He did come here a lot. Almost every single morning he comes here. Ilima smiled at the Pokémon and gave a weak wave, trudging tthrough the flowers to get to the other side of the opened Cavern. A large boulder stood next to the wall. 

Ilima can't move the gargantuan stone alone, so it was time to call out his best friend. Ilima threw the heal ball in the air, summoning Smeargle in an instant. Ilima caught to deployed heal ball and stuck it in the pocket of his white Capri pants. Smeargle was standing up, seemingly already awake. The Pokémon rubbed their eyes and looked up at Ilima. Ilima crouched down to be eye level with his very best friend in the entire world. He held out his hand for a high five, speaking to them with such kindness and compassion it made parents with newborns green with envy.

"Good Morning, Smeargle~! Are you ready to start the day off right? Can You help me move the boulder again?"

Smeargle nodded, excited for the day to begin. Ilima smiled warmly and stood back up to his full height. He approached the rock with Smeargle at his side. On a mental count of three, the duo shoved the rock out of the way, pushing it onto a patch of grass lacking the yellow teacups, tulips, roses, and cosmos adorning the ground of the meadow. With the boulder moved, a small hole in the wall was revealed. Smeargle crawled through, not being too tall for the, to do more than bend their knees and limbo underneath. Ilima got on his hands and knees and crawled through.

Ilima stood back up, back on his own two feet. Zubats were calling around and Digletts were making their rounds around the cavern. This was the crypt of Melemele meadow, leading to the most gorgeous view in the world. Smeargle was already skipping along down the natural path worn into the cafe walls. Water sparkled off the light in the ceiling, streaming through. It's very dark, but manageable incense you're used to it. Ilima could never get used to the adjust in lighting, even when the sky outside is dark to begin with. Ilima took a moment to focus on the brighter fur of Smeargle's fur.

"Don't go too far, Smeargle. I don't want to lose you in the darkness."

Ilima watched as Smeargle began skipping back to him. Ilima beamed with pride as Smeargle reached out their little paw to take their trainer's hand, leading them through the dark. One of these days, Ilima has to remember to bring a flashlight into the hidden cave so he doesn't have to rely on Smeargle every time. Before long, there was a brighter light streaming into the cafe from a large three-quarter circle entrance, illuminating the rocks and reflecting off of the natural water that used to be a part of an aquifer pre-Cavern. Smeargle got excited and began running with their tiny legs towards the entrance. Ilima let the Pokémon let go and rush forward as he walked slowly, savoring the beauty of the cave.

Ilima walked through the entrance to be graced with the beauty of the sky at dawn. Bright pastel yellows and blues swirled around the sun as the dark indigo and stars are still visible. There is a small little bay on the other side of the crypt where Ilima loves to come every morning to remind himself that there is beauty everywhere in the world and you just need to stop and appreciate it to live a fulfilling, happy life. Ilima sat down in the sand as Smeargle started splashing themselves in the water, having a wonderful time. Ilima chuckled and pulled out the premier ball and threw it in the air, summoning Yungoos. Ilima greeted his friend into the day.

"Good Morning Yungoos. Are you ready to start the day with a smile?"

Yungoos uncurled herself and stood up. Yungoos let out a yawn, stretching her lean and limber body to try and wake herself up. Smeargle walked back over, fur from the waist down dripping wet with ocean water. Smeargle sat down in the sand right in front of Yungoos, waiting for the fellow Normal Type Pokemon to wake up and play with them in the water. Ilima laughed as Smeargle picked Yungoos up and skipped over to the ocean. Ilima hugged himself, using the yellow cardigan to wrap himself up like a blanket. He always loved the color yellow. It was so warm and happy, and it made him happy.

Ilima looked over at the sky, feeling warm and happy Inside. Ilima was really blessed, wasn't he? To have a wonderful family who accepts him for who he is. To have a job he genuinely enjoys. To have friends who love him for who he is. To be able to wake up with his beloved Pokémon and come here every morning just as dawn strikes so they can watch the sunrise and wake up in a good mood. Ilima closed his eyes, feeling the morning sunbeams reach his face. With a content smile and sigh, he listened to the waves and cheers of his Pokémon name as they were having fun.

Life really is beautiful.

1004 Words

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