The Great Change

By Dinofanx

4.2K 51 125

What could've happened if instead of D-Stroy some other T-Trux came rolling into the crater? A female maybe? More

How this huge mess started
Time for the truth
Words and silence
Bonding on our way
Problems running deep

Rough beginning

661 8 13
By Dinofanx

If you notice something off with the text it's because this was written six months ago. And my style and everything changed / improved a lot since.

I hope you enjoy!

*Morning, in the Lair*

D-Structs and Julie were sleeping next to each other so their heads were touching. She was the first to wake up. She gently petted D-Structs's head once she realized he was about to wake up. D-Structs felt his head was mildly hurting, and his whole body was itchy, he tried to rewind the last night and remember what exactly happened, but most of it was a blur. He slowly opened his eyes as he felt Julie cuddling him, he carefully lifted his head, ignoring her. The moment he saw her everything came back to him, but for some reason, his head still hurt. Julie felt something was bothering him, she cuddled up to him again, D-Structs skeptically placed his head on her back. Then Julie moved away, look on her face was pretty serious now, she must've somehow discovered what was wrong. She was about to say something when she noticed D-Structs looked away, he closed his eyes and shook his head a little. He was trying not to draw her attention. Julie knew exactly what was going on, she drove around the lava pool and appeared in front of D-Structs. She looked directly into his eyes, D-Structs tried but couldn't avoid her look. Julie realized he's too stubborn to simply listen to her, so she thought of another way. D-Structs noticed Julie came closer to him, but, in a different way than the last time, as he turned his head, Julie suddenly kissed him.

He stood for a second before he got his jaws out of hers, "Quit it!" he said a bit angrily.

Julie was looking at him: "You didn't complain last night, did you?" she reminded him, she was angry and annoyed by the way he acted. On her statement D-Structs just looked away, he didn't wish to talk about the last night.

Julie once again understood him, she continued much softer: "I know what you're thinking; you think what happened was a mistake-"

"-It was!" D-Structs interrupted her. Julie was shocked, his voice was, cold, rude, and his words, heartbreaking.

"Well, the feeling isn't mutual," she hissed and went towards the exit. But when she was at the opening something inside of her told her to stop so, she turned, discovering D-Structs was looking at her. She wanted to say something, but she didn't want to make the mistake of trusting him too much again.

She mirthlessly said, "If it means something; you were pretty good for the first time".

D-Structs was surprised and shocked, he nervously asked, "How did you know this was my..." he didn't feel comfortable talking about it.

Julie was glad she managed to make him open up a little, she found the way he acted quite entertaining, "You've just told me," she softly smiled at him. Her answer made D-Structs feel even more uncomfortable, he also felt his head was hurting more now, it seemed pain was getting a bit stronger each minute. He turned his back on Julie again but she instinctively came to him.

"What is wrong?" she asked, even though she knew the answer, she seemed concerned.

D-Structs was surprised she knew something was wrong with him, "Nothing's wrong," he simply answered as he was about to drive past her.

Suddenly, Julie released her tail's chain and stuck the top of it into the cave's wall, not allowing him to move from her. D-Structs turned, ready to yell at her, but Julie was faster, "Listen! I can understand your wish none of this ever happened, that you've never met me. But I know what is wrong with you!" Julie froze on her own words, then she quietly added, "... but I do not know why do I care if you wish you've never even had anything to do with me?" Julie turned and quickly rolled towards the Lair's exit.

"I don't..." D-Structs's words made her stop and turn back.

"What?" Julie unsurely asked.

"I don't wish I've never met you," D-Structs admitted, Julie dashed back to him. She started petting him again, this time D-Structs reacted more quickly.

"Stop that!" he glared at her.

Julie smiled, "Why? Because you like it?" she joked.

Although D-Structs seriously replied, "Yes". His answer made her stop, so, she looked at him. Julie noticed D-Structs's head rapidly twitched in pain, she's almost forgotten what mattered the most.

"You have to rest, now!" she seriously said.

"What? Why?" D-Structs was confused.

"Don't worry, this is normal... can be deadly, but normal," Julie added.

"Define 'this'," D-Structs told her suspiciously, the pain was already becoming unbearable.

Julie gasped, "Your system has faced a great um... 'change' and it's gonna need some time to get used to it. If you don't give it some time, systems won't adjust properly. You just have to be still, a couple of hours of idling and you'll be as good as new. Everything clear? Great... now REST!"

"I'm fine, and I don't need your help..." D-Structs growled.

"The fact that you barely said that is making a different impression," Julie simply replied.

"I am telling you..." D-Structs made a short pause before he yelled, "I'M FINE... Aaah!" he exclaimed in pain.

Julie put her head under his to help him stand, "Certainly doesn't look like it," she sounded very concerned. She slowly lowered her head so she could place his head on one rock, D-Structs was barely keeping his eyes opened, he couldn't argue with her and he didn't really want to anymore.

After a couple of minutes, D-Structs spoke weakly, "What was it that you called it, 'a great change'...?"

"I also recall saying 'rest' and 'be still' but yes, that is what I said," Julie replied.

"So, this is happening because we..." D-Structs gave her a look.

"Depends where are you going with that question?" Julie suspiciously said.

"Oh, I am sure you know already," D-Structs said kind of angrily. He was referring to her skill of reading his thoughts.

Look on Julie's face drastically changed, she was deeply irritated and angered by the obvious arrogance in his voice, "Actually, I do know, that is why I'm giving you a chance to think about what you're saying twice, D-Structs," she angrily growled at him. D-Structs also angrily looked at Julie, indicating he's not changing his mind...

"You suggest last night was all my fault, do you not!" Julie finally spoke, almost yelling at him.

"You seduced me!" D-Structs rudely continued.

"YES, I did, but, for the record, I wouldn't do it if I didn't feel you wanted me to," Julie replied.

D-Structs was surprised by her answer: "You... you thought I wanted you to do that?"

"Did you not?" Julie smiled. D-Structs just looked away which was the same as replying 'yes'.

Julie decided to end this discussion, "You can't say things like that, D-Structs. But I'll forget you said anything since all the pain you are currently feeling is enough to make you remember that".

D-Structs quietly groaned in pain, "Thank you for that lovely reminder," he weakly said.

Julie's eyes widened when she realized how bad he was feeling, he was hiding it really well, until now. She was worried again, "Alright, that's enough chattering. I'll bring you some ore, from what I've seen this crater is loaded, shouldn't be hard to find some," she said as she left.

He was surprised when Julie returned just a second later with a whole lot of ore.

She put it in front of him, "Someone left this outside your cave," she notified, "Any idea who, or why?"

D-Structs's eyes widened as he remembered, "Skrap-It!" he said, "Where is he?" he looked in Julie who just stood, without the slightest idea what's happening.

"What are you asking me for, I don't even know who is this, Skrap-It..." she replied.

D-Structs said, "Then I'll go find him," he lifted his head a little, but before he could get up Julie stuck pincers of her claw in the ground around him, not letting him to move his head.

"You're not going anywhere! But you are going to tell me who am I looking for?" Julie smiled on what D-Structs gave her a thankful look.

Julie then slowly turned as D-Structs explained, "He's a Scraptool".

"Hm, exotic pet choice. I should better get going. And, don't forget, STAY STILL!" she said as she exited. D-Structs watched as she left before he let all the pain he was currently feeling in his whole body to force him to fall asleep. He was glad he met Julie, the price may be hurting but he could somehow feel it's worth it. There was something so irresistible about her, D-Structs felt something special in her from the first moment he saw her. Maybe his instincts gone crazy cause of this period of the year but now when he thought about it, he didn't wish things went anywise different. It was a terrible idea to blame only Julie for what happened, but he did it just because he didn't wish to accept his... opinions for her. But she was right about one thing, he wanted her to do what she did, and it wasn't just the mating period...

*Meanwhile, Flatirons*

Ty yawned as he woke on what Revvit happily replied, "Morning, Ty".

"Good morning, Rev. How long have you been up?" Ty asked, still sleepy.

"Long enough to grow an appetite of a T-Trux," he jumped off of Ty's head, "Race you!" the Tool started running.

"Hahaha, hey!" Ty laughed as he went after Revvit. When they got to the ore station other Trux were already there. But no one was eating.

"Hey, what's going on?" Ty asked as he and Revvit approached.

"Is there a problem with the ore station?" Revvit added.

"Yes! It's not doing what it's supposed to!" Dozer yelled on what Ty and Rev just gave him a confused look.

"It's not giving us ore," Skya explained.

"Aaah," T-Trux and a Reptool exclaimed at the same time.

"That is what I said," Dozer didn't understand their reaction.

"You did, but not everyone speaks 'Dozer', you know?" Skya replied.

"What's that supposed to mean," Dozer angrily shouted.

"It means you speak... differently when you're hungry, or angry," Craneosaur continued.

"No, I don't!" Dozer argued.

"You do and you know it, you just don't want to admit it," Skya continued.

"How about you argue later? Some of us would want to eat now," Waldo interrupted them grumpily.

"Is it empty, Rev?" Ty asked.

"It should not be," Revvit said as he jumped on one of the pedals a couple of times and made sure ore station truly wasn't working since no ore came out. Then Revvit stopped and started analyzing the build, hoping to discover what's wrong.

After a few moments, Ty smiled: "I feel a solution coming in three, two, one-"

"-It would seem the system is jammed. Something must have got stuck inside, blocking the ore," Revvit stated.

"Then how do we unjam it?" Dozer impatiently asked.

"Activating all the pedals at the same time combined with the right amount of force toward the ore station should give a solution of its malfunction as a result," Revvit explained, it took Trux some time to process what did Tool's words mean.

Skya whispered so only Dozer could hear her, "You see, he speaks 'Revvit' when he has an idea, you're not the only one," Dozer angrily growled on her statement.

"Everyone, pick a pedal, except for you Dozer, you're gonna hit the ore station once we activate it. Give it everything you've got just try not to break it," Ty finished a little unsure.

"Can't hold that promise since that thing is currently standing between me and the ore," Dozer said as he lowered his blade.

"Yeah, I think we're gonna have to build a new ore station," Skya stated when she noticed Ty's worried look.

"Now!" Ty gave a signal. As the ore station unjammed they could hear someone screaming in pain as he was falling through the ore station's tubes. At last, they saw Skrap-It falling on the ground, along with plenty of ore.

"Skrap-It!" Revvit exclaimed in shock.

"What were you doing in there, dude?" Ton-Ton angrily added.

"Wh... What's happening twitch?" Scraptool finally managed to speak.

"That's what we'd like to know," Skya said suspiciously.

"Gotta be D-Structs messing with our ore again, he must be around here somewhere," Dozer said as he looked around.

"What's D-Structs up to? Tell us, Skrap-It!" Ty angrily growled.

"No... no... nothing twitch!" Skrap-It was still in a great shock, he's been trying to rewind the last night and remember what happened, it was slowly coming back to him but Ty's friends yelling at him wasn't really helping. He remembered he went to get ore, then he saw D-Structs with another T-Trux, that really upset him, he just walked as far as he could and then somehow ended up in builders' ore station.

"I say we get him to the garage and 'convince' him to tell us what's going on," Skya suggested.

"Hah, now you're talking," Dozer agreed.

"Wait, wait, twitch please don't! I swear, D-Structs doesn't have anything to do with this," Skrap-It begged.

"And why should we trust you..?" Revvit suspiciously asked.

"I... um... that is twitch a really good question," Skrap-It nervously said.

Trux didn't find this funny at all so, took him to the garage and started questioning:

"Why are you here if this isn't some kind of D-Structs' plan," - Ty.

"And what were you doing inside our ore station?" - Dozer.

"I was walking last night and twitch I guess I tried to take some ore and fell in that thing," Skrap-It explained, but even he wasn't completely sure what exactly happened.

"And what exactly were you doing here last night?" Revvit was still suspicious.

"I-I just decided to take a walk twitch?" Scraptool nervously lied but no one seemed to believe him.

*Outside the garage*

"One territory, two T-Trux. That is something you do not see every day... or ever," Julie stated.

"I'm gonna need a way to drive those Trux outside," Julie was thinking aloud.

Trux were about to threaten Skrap-It again when they heard a loud roar from the outside. (Julie's roar sounds like D-Structs's only 'deeper', with ruffer base)

"What was that?" Ace asked.

"It kind of sounded like a roar?" Skya notified.

"Let's check it out, gang!" Ty said.

"Ty, wait, what about Skrap-It?" Revvit reminded the T-Trux on what Dozer gave Ty a look, he had an idea.

When Trux left the garage Julie quickly sneaked inside, it took her a couple of seconds to spot Skrap-It, he's been trapped inside the glass cage for Superchargers.

Julie couldn't help it but smile at Tool's predicament, "I certainly hope you're Skrap-It since I hate roaring this early in the morning". Julie could see his mouth moving but she couldn't hear his voice, she stared at him, confused.

"What?" Julie asked on what Skrap-It gave her an irritated look as he tapped the glass a couple of times.

Julie understood she has to get him out, "Ooohh..." she gasped, knocking the cage off the shelf with her tail.

"Ouch!" Skrap-It yelled as glass broke around him, "Could you do that any louder twitch, I don't think everyone in the crater heard it," Scraptool criticized her reckless move.

"Who are they? Also, I believe you're forgetting a 'thank you for saving me, Julie' part..." she admonished him.

"No, you're forgetting a 'we should run before Ty gets back' twitch part," Skrap-It haughty answered back.

"All right, fine, let's go," she indicated him to climb on, "But you owe me an explanation later," Julie added as they exited.

"Didn't D-Structs tell you already?" Skrap-It rudely said, jealousy could be sensed in his voice.

"I guess he forgot to mention it," Julie calmly replied but Skrap-It seemed really confused by her words.

"Wait twitch, no no no wait!" Tool yelled.

Julie hit the breaks, "What is it?" she asked a bit annoyed.

"They can follow us twitch, you have to cover up the tracks!" Skrap-It explained.

"And what if they are coming this way right now?" Julie said as she looked behind.

"Well, then we'd have to run," Skrap-It explained.

"Good to know," Julie said before she started moving as fast as she could. Skrap-It was about to question her when he noticed Ty's crew was not far behind them.


"Anyone found anything?" Ty asked the Trux as they gathered in front of the garage. Reptools have already gone back to the garage to check on Skrap-It.

"No", "Nope", "Nothing" were the answers he received from them.

"Ty, Rev!" Ace shouted as she was running towards them.

"What is it Ace?" Revvit asked.

"Skrap-It is gone!" Waldo answered from the garage's opening.

"Ow, I wanted to tell them, Waldo," Ace complained, on what Waldo gave her an angry look, indicating her this is not the time.

"Something tells me that roar and Skrap-It's escape are connected," Ty stated.

"You are right, over here... tracks," Xee pointed at the ground next to her.

Revvit jumped off Ty and ran to Xee so he can see it for himself, "These are T-Trux' tracks!" he notified.

"Huh, don't have to guess any further," Dozer assumed confidently.

"And they are not D-Structs's," Xee explained on everyone's surprise, "They are similar but not the same".

"So there's a third T-Trux in the crater?!" Skya was surprised.

"We better track him down, perhaps we will find Skrap-It as well," Revvit said as he climbed back on Ty, on his words everyone started following the tracks.


"Are they still after us?" Julie asked

"Yes, twitch just as they were a second ago when you asked me the same thing," Skrap-It replied, annoyed, "We have to get back to the Lair twitch, can't you go any faster?!" he criticized her.

"How about I ride on you instead, I am sure that would work way better..." she sarcastically replied, "However, we can't run, they're just gonna follow us. I've got an idea, but I'll have to drop you here," Julie said as she stopped to let him get off her. When Tool stepped on the ground T-Trux continued rolling.

Julie was thinking aloud, "Now I'm going to need something..." when she spotted a canyon nearby, she added, "... like that!" she finished her thought as she drove in there. Just as she hoped, not long after, she faced the dead end, Julie turned when she heard Trux behind her. Julie rapidly smiled, glad everything worked as she'd foreseen it.

"It's alright, you don't have to run. We're not going to hurt you," Ty calmly said.

"Ha! To say something like that, first, you have to be sure you can hurt me," Julie confidently smiled.

"Says the Trux who ran from us," Dozer told her.

Julie angrily looked at him, "Would you be so kind as to repeat that. I believe I am missing your point," she growled.

"Just, forget I said anything. Jeesh, you'd think female T-Trux would be a little nicer," Dozer whispered the last part.

"Huh, and let the boys have all the fun? I don't think you got it right," Julie chuckled.

"Who are you?" Revvit curiously asked.

"My name is Julie," she replied.

"It is nice to meet you, Julie. I am Revvit, this is Ty, that is Skya, Dozer, Ton-Ton, Ace, Waldo, Click-Clack and Xee," he introduced the gang.

"Whoa! That's way too many names to memorize," Julie stated.

"What are you doing here?" Ty asked politely.

"Just passing through, but I might stick around for some time, this crater is beautiful. And Trux seem pretty nice..." Julie said as she smiled, she looked at the gang, but her mind was currently somewhere else.

"Most of them are," Skya corrected her

"What do you mean? There are... exceptions?" Julie asked.

"Huh, that's one way to say it, an 'exception' is another T-Trux who unfortunately lives here... D-Structs," Dozer explained.

"Really? Can you tell me something more about him?" Julie was doing her best to keep an emotionless expression on.

Ace decided to tell her: "He's terrorizing other Dinotrux, stealing their ore-" "-So basically, he's acting like a T-Trux?" Julie cut in, "And that is such a big deal to you because?"

Waldo answered back: "Because he's taking way more than he needs and attacks other Trux!"

"At least he did until we stood up to him and stopped him," Dozer proudly explained.

"That is... Understandable," Julie admitted as she lowered her head, feeling defeated and overall horrible.

"But wait a second, what were you doing inside our garage?" Skya remembered why they came here in the first place.

"Oh well... I couldn't help but perceive an excellent design of your garage, I thought it was worth checking out," Julie lied but no one noticed since she was pretty great at it.

"Your compliment is welcome and highly appreciated," Revvit proudly said.

"Have you maybe seen a Scraptool while you were in there?" Ty asked.

"No, the place was abandoned, but there was a lot of broken glass everywhere," Julie excellently lied again.

"Lil' dude must've escaped on his own. What a bummer!" Ton-Ton complained.

"If you want to, you can stay with us, Julie. There's plenty of room at the Flatirons," Ty suggested.

"Thank you, but, I already have a place. Which reminds me, I should really be going now. But see you... around?" Julie said as she quickly left the canyon. She felt someone jumped on her tread as she passed, it was Skrap-It.

"I don't recall telling you to follow me here," Julie told him a bit rudely.

"You never said I couldn't twitch," Tool answered back on what Julie gasped, it didn't seem like she cared about Skrap-It at the moment. Scraptool could feel something bothered her, but he didn't really care that much.


"That was kind of weird," Skya notified.

"Perhaps it would be best to follow Julie" Revvit suggested.

"Already on it!" Ty exclaimed as he rolled after Julie, with Revvit still on his head.


"Skrap-It... was that true? What they said about D-Structs?" Julie feared Tool would confirm.

"Well... I suppose twitch, more or less," Skrap-It replied although kind of unsure, when he spotted a disappointed and joyless look on Julie's face he added, "Don't twitch worry, I am sure you'll meet some other, nicer T-Trux... like Ty perhaps".

Julie suddenly hit the breaks, "And what is that supposed to mean, Skrap-It!? I am most certainly not taking those Trux' words over my own opinion," she growled.

Skrap-It quickly jumped off her, "YOUR OPINION twitch!?! You don't know anything about him!" Skrap-It exclaimed.

Julie's eyes widened on his words, "I've got a feeling... that is what I meant," she was shaken by his statement.

"Come on, we should get back to D-Structs' cave," Skrap-It climbed on her tread again, "What was that you called it? Lair?" she added as she started rolling again.


"There she is! And with Skrap-It?" Revvit whispered to Ty in a great shock as the red T-Trux started following them from a safe distance.

It took them a couple of minutes to reach the Lair. When Julie and Skrap-It entered the cave Ty and Revvit were stunned.

Revvit started, "That is really odd-"

"-Why would D-Structs allow Julie to stay in his cave? And why did she come to save Skrap-It?" Ty interrupted him.

"I do not know. But we cannot get any more information here. We should go back," Revvit pensively suggested.

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