Ride or die

By brujitaa17

103K 1.1K 80

Taking a turn on favorite ship Stella Kidd and Kelly Severide. From the moment they first meet...or so. More

Part 1 : Where it all started
Part 2: Firehouse 51
Part 3: Knowing her
Part 4 : Severide
Part 5:
Part 6
Part 7 : the kiss
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10: The Date
Part 11
Part 12 : love
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22 : A Change
Part 23 : The party
Part 24 : the baby
Part 26 :
Part 27
Part 28 : Back to work
Part 29 : Just a scare
Part 30
Part 31 : Disagreement
Part 32 : An accident
Part 33 : Clearer
Part 34 : Stab
Last part : Mr and Mrs Severide

Part 25 : Olivia Leslie Severide

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By brujitaa17

Maggie took care of Stella instantly. And had Natalie called.

They put her in a room to check how dilated she was, and how was her blood pressure and her baby girl.

"How you feeling Stella?" Natalie walked in and asked as she checked the baby's heartbeat on the dopper transducer.

Stella took a deep breath in and said "i'm good actually" and she smiled.

"Well your blood pressure is good, we need to watch that closely! Baby's heartbeat is good too, now I'm going to check your cervix"

And so she did, but yet Stella wasn't dilated enough.

"You are approximately six centimeters dilated, we have to wait until you are fully dilated!"

"And that could take?" Stella asked.

"It really depends, for now all you can do is rest if you can. We'll watch you closely and if you need i'll be right there!" She smiled.

"Thank you! Oh Natalie?" Stella said her name which had her stop and turn back around to face her.


"I just need to know about Kelly, I need him by my side! Can you take me to see him?" She wasn't sure wether to ask or not but she did it anyways.

"Well I can go check on Kelly but as for you leaving this room, it's no!"

Stella was sad, and in pain of course. And she was a strong woman but Kelly, she needed Kelly. She didn't want him to miss his daughter's birth.

Yet another contraction was happening, she put her hand on her belly's side and started rubbing.

"Ugh just take your time baby girl, we have to wait for your dad!"

So then she tried resting, she decided not to get the epidural so she was in real pain. But she didn't care.

Her husband well being was invading her thoughts.

Meanwhile Natalie went to look for Will to know how Kelly was doing. And when she finally found him after two hours or so she asked right away.

"So how's Kelly?"

"He is awake now, and fine really. We did all the tests, there's no water remaining in his lungs. He is breathing well" Will informed her.

Natalie quickly went to check on Severide after that. And tell him that Stella was in labor, when she entered his room she found him walking around.

"Hey Kelly!"

"Hey, do you know where's my wife is?"

"She is still here, she came with you in the ambulance"

"Great, can I have my clothes please! I just want to leave this hospital" he said to Natalie in hurry.

"Well we dried your clothes so I will have a nurse bring them to you" she quickly looked out the room and asked for Kelly's clothes. "And another important thing!"

"Yes what is it?"

"Stella isn't actually waiting here, she's actually hospitalized. She's in labor, when she brought you in her water actually! Now we are monitoring her closely"

Her nurse then came and gave Kelly his clothes. He dressed up so quickly and the followed Natalie.

They went in Stella's room, she was laying on her side since that's how she felt comfortable.

"Hi baby!" He said coming near her and grabbing her hand.

"Oh my god you are here" she sat up and hugged him "I was worried about you, here sit next to me"

And he did, and she snuggled against him.
Now that Kelly was more aware, he gave a call to some people. And his mom first of course so she could come to the hospital, he also asked her to bring the car seat and make a bag with what they might need. Gabby, Sylvie and Matt got called too.

Severide was a supportive husband, and as Stella cervix was taking a little longer to dilate fully. He made sure to make her feel as comfortable as he could.

It had been almost 5 hours, Jennifer had stopped by Stella's room to see everyone. Check on Kelly who told her what happened to him, then she left and went to wait in the waiting room alongside the three others.

Of course the whole firehouse was aware of what was happening.
After a good 8 hours, Stella was finally able to push. Their baby girl was soon going to be apart of this world.

"Give me another push" Natalie said.

"You can do it baby" Kelly said while having his hand crushed by Stella.

She pushed, in sweat and tears. And pushed.


Then pushed again until they heard a big cry. It was their baby girl, and at this particular moment Kelly's eyes filled with tears he couldn't control.

The nurses cleaned her, checked her and wrapped her in a blanket then put the baby on Stella chest.

Stella was just feeling pure happiness and when she felt her baby on her, she couldn't believe it. She was here, Kelly and her made such a beautiful baby.

"She has a head full of hair, just like her momma!" Kelly said happy, smiling from ear to ear but yet crying.
After an hour or so, they took the baby in to do a full check up. Severide went to see Gabby, Matt, Sylvie and his mom in the waiting room.

"But when can we see the baby or maybe just see Stella?" Sylvie asked.

"Well I don't know, they took her for some tests and I'm sure by now Stella certainly fell asleep! She handled the whole thing like a champ, I'm just amazed"

"Well you look so happy! It looks good on you" Gabby smiled and gave him a pat on his shoulder.

"I can see fatherhood already on you" Casey said jokingly.

They kept talking for a little while and then both of the girls went to Stella's room.

"Gabby! Sylvie! You guys were there this whole time?" She asked them.

"Of course we weren't about to miss the birth of our niece" she smiled.

"Kelly told us she has a lot of hair!" Sylvie said excited about the whole thing.

"She does, and she's just beautiful! I feel like my life is so complete"

"I bet you do"

They talked for a little while and then Stella decided to sleep a little bit. Kelly told everybody to go home, but before they left they went to the nursery to look through to see the baby.

After some time, they brought her back to the room to Stella and Kelly. Stella was still asleep yet. So Severide took his baby girl and sat in the chair with her.

And he thought to himself "she is beautiful and look just like her mother".

He kept contemplating her, happy and smiling. He couldn't believe he was a dad.

"I will protect you no matter what"

He was so thankful to have her in his arm then Stella slowly started waking up. She saw him smiling at their baby girl while holding her little hand.

"Hey you two!" She smiled "Come here".

She left a space for Kelly to sit next to her, she herself sat too and he gave her their baby.

"She's beautiful!" He said caressing her little head full of hair "and I think I have a name that will fit her perfectly"

"Yes, what is it?" She asked while she had all her attention on the baby.

"Olivia Leslie Severide" he smiled.

Stella turned and looked at him, smiled then looked at the baby.

"Hey Olivia!" And as she heard her mother's voice and the sound of that name she moved.

So they both decided Olivia was fitting.
After 3 days in the hospital, Olivia and Stella were getting out. Stella couldn't wait to be in the comfort of her own house.

"Ahhhh finally!" She said as she entered the house.

Severide was behind holding Olivia in her car seat. They went in the living room, Stella sat and got Olivia out of her car seat.

"See Olivia now your daddy has to go put the crib together in your room! Why? Well because he thought we had time" she talked to her making fun of Kelly. "Now mommy could do it but i have to stay with my favorite little person!"

She laughed, her daughter was beautiful and she didn't want to let her go.

"Can i at least have a kiss before I go do all putting stuff together?" Severide asked like a kid.

"Yes!" Yet her attention was still all on Olivia.

So Kelly bent over and gave her a kiss, then left to arrange and build everything.

After a solid two hours Severide was done, so Stella went to carefully put Olivia to sleep. She was just done eating.

"Now come here you" Stella said while grabbing Kelly by his shirt, she then pit her arms around his neck and then said "i love you".

He loved when she was looking at him that way, and her touch.

"I love you too, thank you". He said with  teary eyes "thank you for staying with me through all this, for holding me down and giving me the most beautiful daughter".

He gave a sweet and passionate kiss. Then they both took a break, they wanted to watch some tv but ended up falling asleep in each other's arms.
Later that day, the girls came by to visit Olivia.

"You guys came at the right time, she's awake" Stella said.

"Yes oh my god, i've been dying to hold her" Gabby said excited.

"Well if Kelly let's you" and she laughed.

Kelly then gave Olivia to Gabby. Both Kelly and Stella was so happy, and just the simple fact to see everyone enjoying and welcoming their baby girl.

"Wow!" Gabby said while she was looking at Olivia.

"What?" Severide asked confused.

"No it's crazy how she has the same blue eyes as you Kelly"

Then Brett added "and her hair is just like her moms".

"And she looks like her too!" Kelly told them.

Gabby and Brett stayed a good amount of time, and then left. Jennifer then was the one back from her walk.

But she decided to leave shortly after to let her son and his wife live at peace. She promised to be back to just help if they ever needed.

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